Saturday, March 9, 2013

Brangelina's Rx For A Longer Life!

                          Drink Wine Like Brad and Angelina! 

If you were busy last week and didn't hear the good news,
here it is: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to
sell their own wine.
Well, there's more good news: the first shipment that was

put online, has sold out.

The good news is twofold, Brad and Angelina will get richer, and
the people who buy their wine or any wine will live a few extra yrs.
That's right- the news about the health benefits of wine, just keeps
getting better and better.

The latest news: A glass of red wine a day means you're 45% less 

likely to develop heart disease and 40% less likely to develop other
serious ailments like diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and Alzheimer's. 

Give credit to the resveratrol and polyphenols, 2 compounds that increase
good cholesterol, reduce blood clots, prevent damage to blood vessels
and keep your weight from going up.

So, if you're still not a believer in the benefits of a glass of wine a day,
perhaps this new info will change your mind.
And one more thing...if you're wondering does it make a difference
about the type of wine you drink.
Yes it does, according to researchers- Pinot Noir has the most
healthful benefits.

Good Luck!

P.S. any married folks out there? Look for our next E-document, 

Kate and Will, the "Love Secrets For Everyone!"
Available Tues. or Wed. at the Kindle store.

Superfruits by Gross, Paul [Paperback] (Google Affiliate Ad)

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