Saturday, December 14, 2013

The X-Factor's Rx For Healthier Kids!

                 Overcome Hardships Like Demi! 

Did you catch Demi Lovato on the T.V. show- "Hollywood Access" 

this past week?
She's promoting her new book, "Staying Strong, 365 Days A Year!"
In the book, Ms. Lovato reveals everything- her struggles with
drugs and eating disorders.

If you're a mom of a young girl or boy, you may want to listen to the 

new advice that may help keep your child off drugs,  help them
become smarter and may even help them avoid the difficulties and
heartaches of eating disorders.

What type of therapy is this?
It's Hugging!
That's right- Hug Therapy has been around for yrs.
and thanks to new research, it's gaining in popularity here in the U.S.
You may already know about the health benefits of
eating dinner together, playing board games and attending 

religious services to help kids stay out of trouble and do well 
in school, but hugging?

Yes, your hugs, kisses and encouragement shows your child you
really care for them, and  it improves signaling between your child's brain
and body, which in turn, enhances her body image and lowers her risk
of ever developing an eating disorder.
As for more brainpower:
Kids who have nurturing moms (and dads) have a 15% bigger hippocampus,
(an area of the brain involved in learning) and this helps them learn faster,
remember more and perform better in school.

That's it- A simple, painless and inexpensive way to help your kids become
happier, healthier and more successful.
And one more thing, although the research mentioned moms as the
nurturers, let's not forget the importance of kind, loving and nurturing dads.

Good Luck!

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