End That Hangover!
If you had one too many (drinks) last night, then you may need to end the throbbing head
pain, nausea and dizziness that results from all of that drinking, and there's no
better place to go for a simple hangover remedy than Hollywood.
Yes, you'd think with the money some stars are raking in they have someone
take the head and stomach pains for them.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, you drink to excess, then you're going to
end up in pain and hungover, no matter who you are.
And that's why we did some research and found that a number of stars have
some very specific things to do after that night of New Year's eve or Oscars drinking and
those things are...
* Eat-
Some stars prefer a messy and greasy meal of eggs, hash browns,
toast, bacon and coffee.
And some wait till later and have a burger, (preferably from In and Out)
fries and a soda.
* Drink-
Some stars have Gatorade or pickle juice, why?
They say it helps replace the electrolytes lost when over-indulging.
And then some prefer drinking water throughout the day.
And for the real daring types, some swear by a bloody Mary.
Just make sure to drink it slowly.
Or avoid this alcohol tip as it may actually prolong the hangover.
* Workout-
A few stars, (who shall remain nameless) say a nice long walk,
or a yoga session or some weightlifting ends the agony of hangovers.
* A Piece of Fruit-
And that fruit is a banana or two. Another tip: Take part of the peel
and place it on your forehead and secure with a big rubber band.
And then take the other part of the peel and lay it across the back of your neck.
Bananas are loaded with potassium and it's the mineral that helps end head pain.
Sit down or lie on your stomach for 20 minutes and then remove the peel.
* Massage-
Okay, almost everyone loves a massage, but making sure to massage the
scalp, feet and hands will really help end that pain. And if you're not lucky
enough (or rich enough) to have someone massage you, do-it-yourself.
* A Shower-
Preferably long and hot.
Important tip: If you're in California, remember to conserve water.
Make it a short and hot shower.
* A Five Step Program-
One star has ending hangover pain down to a science, a five-step science.
His advice:
Drink water as soon as you get up.
Pop a pill- An Ibuprofen pill.
Eat a small breakfast, an egg and a slice of dry toast.
Go back to bed. For 20 to 30 mins.
And finally- exercise. A good 10 to 20 min. walk can lower blood
alcohol levels and increase blood flow to your liver and kidneys.
That's it, some hangover cures from some of your favorite stars.
And in the future, you can avoid all of this (nausea, headaches and dizziness)
by following some of these tips.
Drink Juice-
Drink some prickly pear juice the night before or a few hours before
your big event to avoid a hangover.
Look for this juice at health-food stores or supermarkets.
Eat asparagus. Eat asparagus before heading out, it too, like prickly pear
juice contains certain vitamins and minerals that block tissue inflammation
caused by alcohol.
Eat a meal- the old saying "never drink on an empty stomach" is true.
Drink milk- Yes, we know, a lot of people hate dairy, but milk helps coats
the stomach, so you won't absorb all of that alcohol. More water also works.
Have a fake drink. Simply put, have the bartender or host of the event fill your 2nd,
3rd or 4th drink with water or plain tea. This will get people off your back (who pressure
you to drink).
And lastly, the best way to avoid hangovers- is Not to drink.
Good Luck and a Happy 2016.
On sale at Amazon.com, in the kindle store,
learn how the Christmas tree,
(or the pine tree) can improve and safeguard your health.
See title to the right.
If you had one too many (drinks) last night, then you may need to end the throbbing head
pain, nausea and dizziness that results from all of that drinking, and there's no
better place to go for a simple hangover remedy than Hollywood.
Yes, you'd think with the money some stars are raking in they have someone
take the head and stomach pains for them.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, you drink to excess, then you're going to
end up in pain and hungover, no matter who you are.
And that's why we did some research and found that a number of stars have
some very specific things to do after that night of New Year's eve or Oscars drinking and
those things are...
* Eat-
Some stars prefer a messy and greasy meal of eggs, hash browns,
toast, bacon and coffee.
And some wait till later and have a burger, (preferably from In and Out)
fries and a soda.
* Drink-
Some stars have Gatorade or pickle juice, why?
They say it helps replace the electrolytes lost when over-indulging.
And then some prefer drinking water throughout the day.
And for the real daring types, some swear by a bloody Mary.
Just make sure to drink it slowly.
Or avoid this alcohol tip as it may actually prolong the hangover.
* Workout-
A few stars, (who shall remain nameless) say a nice long walk,
or a yoga session or some weightlifting ends the agony of hangovers.
* A Piece of Fruit-
And that fruit is a banana or two. Another tip: Take part of the peel
and place it on your forehead and secure with a big rubber band.
And then take the other part of the peel and lay it across the back of your neck.
Bananas are loaded with potassium and it's the mineral that helps end head pain.
Sit down or lie on your stomach for 20 minutes and then remove the peel.
* Massage-
Okay, almost everyone loves a massage, but making sure to massage the
scalp, feet and hands will really help end that pain. And if you're not lucky
enough (or rich enough) to have someone massage you, do-it-yourself.
* A Shower-
Preferably long and hot.
Important tip: If you're in California, remember to conserve water.
Make it a short and hot shower.
* A Five Step Program-
One star has ending hangover pain down to a science, a five-step science.
His advice:
Drink water as soon as you get up.
Pop a pill- An Ibuprofen pill.
Eat a small breakfast, an egg and a slice of dry toast.
Go back to bed. For 20 to 30 mins.
And finally- exercise. A good 10 to 20 min. walk can lower blood
alcohol levels and increase blood flow to your liver and kidneys.
That's it, some hangover cures from some of your favorite stars.
And in the future, you can avoid all of this (nausea, headaches and dizziness)
by following some of these tips.
Drink Juice-
Drink some prickly pear juice the night before or a few hours before
your big event to avoid a hangover.
Look for this juice at health-food stores or supermarkets.
Eat asparagus. Eat asparagus before heading out, it too, like prickly pear
juice contains certain vitamins and minerals that block tissue inflammation
caused by alcohol.
Eat a meal- the old saying "never drink on an empty stomach" is true.
Drink milk- Yes, we know, a lot of people hate dairy, but milk helps coats
the stomach, so you won't absorb all of that alcohol. More water also works.
Have a fake drink. Simply put, have the bartender or host of the event fill your 2nd,
3rd or 4th drink with water or plain tea. This will get people off your back (who pressure
you to drink).

Good Luck and a Happy 2016.
On sale at Amazon.com, in the kindle store,
learn how the Christmas tree,
(or the pine tree) can improve and safeguard your health.
See title to the right.
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