Saturday, November 2, 2013

Desperate Housewives' Rx For a Beautiful Body!

                       Dance Your Way To a Beautiful Body! 

Actress Eva Longoria, appeared on the T.V. show "Extra" and
was given the opportunity to ask a top plastic surgeon one question.
Her question:
"How can I keep my butt high and tight?"
The surgeon suggested some type of surgery.

Ms. Longoria still looks good for a women of 38, and the answer to
her question may not be in a surgeon's office, but the dance floor. 

That's right, Ms. Longoria as a woman of Spanish heritage.
shouldn't have any problem dancing her way to a tighter and higher

Why dancing?
Dances like the tango and the jive can improve any rear end in record time.
The squatting and hip movement work all areas of the rear end, keeping
it tight and high.
Another benefit of dance:
Dancing also helps change your mind set about what your body
can do rather than how it looks. Women who engage in dance
as in taking a class or dancing with friends or family
boost levels of happiness as well.

So, if you're like Ms. Longoria and concerned about
body parts dropping, then it may be time to hit the dance

Good Luck!

It's here- We've been promising you the E-document
on Pumpkins.
Why Pumpkins?
Eating the seeds, the flesh or wearing pumpkin on
your face can...
turn back the clock on your looks
boost metabolism
get thicker and shinier hair
end bladder problems ( For women)
rev the sex drive (for Men)
build immunity and prevent colds
reduce the No. 1 cancer facing women
you'll also learn recipes for a pumpkin smoothie
a low-cal pumpkin pie, a decadent pumpkin cheesecake
and pumpkin donuts.
And finally, learn how to make the 4 pumpkin facials
that'll help you look 10 to 12 yrs. younger like Uma Thurman.
Head to kindle store and download...
Orange is the New Green, Healing Rxs From The Pumpkin Patch!
Thank You! 

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