Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Makeup Tip To Help You Earn More Money!

                             Primp, Primp and Primp Some More!!

Ladies, do your loved ones accuse you of spending too much time 

on your appearance like you were a  Hollywood diva?
Are your co-workers starting to mention how much time you
spend putting on makeup or looking in the mirror?
Well, believe it or not, just like getting some Sun
and eating small amounts of red meat, primping 

is actually good for you. 

How so?
Women who are done up and looking their best
command the highest salaries. 

Researchers say that styling your hair, putting on some
makeup, getting your nails done and dressing up helps
you earn more, no matter the profession.
Plus, taking the time and effort to look your best gives you
a confidence boost, helping you to succeed and eventually
earn more.

So, next time someone says "you sure do spend a lot time in the 

bathroom (mirror)" just say- "I'm doing it for my car note,
mortgage payment, health insurance and retirement account (401's)!"

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. عندما تستعين بشركة ليس لديها خبرة كافية في مجال تسليك البلوعات ولا تملك مواد تنظيف عالية الجودة وماكينات متخصصة لتسليك سوف تكون في مشكلة لانها لن تعطيك النظافة المطلوبة ولكن شركتنا لديها الخبرات والعمال واليكم الاختار شركة تسليك مجارى بالرياض
    شركة شفط بيارات بالخرج والرياض
