Monday, April 16, 2012

Jessica Simpson's Rx For A Healthier Baby!

                          A Natural Feeding Tip For Jessica Simpson!

Jessica Simpson has taken a lot of heat for the amount of weight she's
put on. Some say it's important to let her and other future moms know
that gaining a reasonable amount of weight is the ideal situation,
but going overboard can do damage not only to the Mom, but the future 

offspring as well.
Then there are those that say "you should never criticize a pregnant lady."

Well, if you saw Ms. Simpson smoking or having a glass of wine-would you say something?
With that said, eating whatever you want and gaining too much can cause a host of problems, 

one such problem: the baby may develop an addiction to fatty foods in the womb,
an addiction that'll be hard to break, especially as they get older.
And if you want to read about problems caused a by a mom who indulges too much,
go back and reread our post on the subject.

But today, there's good news for future babies and their weight.
The good news: According to the British Medical Journal, when babies are old
enough to feed themselves, let them eat finger foods (like strips of lean chicken,
turkey, toast and cubes of cheese and fruit) Why? Doing so means they're less likely
to be obese in childhood. And if you want to know why this works, the researchers say
that spoon-feeding babies may make the new moms over anxious and she will continue
to feed the kids more and more, usually until all the food is gone and as a result, babies
will develop habits later on that are hard to break.

So, if you're a mom of a 1 yr. old or if your still expecting like Ms. Simpson,
put this info on hold and read it when your baby is old enough.

Good Luck!

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