Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ellen Degeneres' Beauty Rxs From Down Under!

                                 Beauty Tips From Down Under! 

Ellen Degeneres just got back from visiting the homeland of her wife. 

Where is it? Australia!
And although Ms. Degeneres is known for giving gifts to her audience
members, this time she was empty-handed.
But hold on, Ellen didn't have stuffed Koala bears or pictures of Hugh
Jackman or jars of vegemite for her audience, what she did bring back 

were memories that'll last a lifetime.

As for gifts, we here at RedCarpetRxs have you covered, how? 

By bringing you info from Australia that'll boost your health.
The health of your looks to be exact.
You may or may not know that Australian women have been named
some of the most beautiful women in the World, and if you want to
look like them, use the products listed below that are associated
with Australia.
a) Clearer Skin-
Are you a teen or a young adult still plagued with Acne?
Clear it up Tea Tree Oil! The oil is a traditional Aboriginal remedy
for wounds and infections, but it can also help with serious skin
conditions like,,,Eczema, dandruff, athlete's foot and acne.
And even better: It tea tree oil works just as effectively as acne
medications, but without the irritation and dryness.
Find it at drug stores, health-food stores or online at
b) Shinier Hair-
With Jojoba. Popular some time back, jojoba has taken a back seat
to other shampoos over the years, but for those concerned about
the condition of  their hair, then you must start using Jojoba shampoo.
Jojoba is similar to the oil in our skin and hair follicles and it's able to hold
on to the moisture inside tissues. It's also easily absorbed, yet not greasy, 

giving you luxurious and shiny locks.
Look for all types of haircare products that contain Jojoba at drugstores.
c) Beautiful Skin-
With the fruits of Australia and its neighbor-New Zealand, what are they? 

Star Fruit and Kiwi. 
Star fruit and Kiwi are both loaded with vitamin C, a nutrient so important
it can keep skin radiant. protect skin from the Sun's harmful rays
and boost the collagen levels. Find star fruit or Kiwi at produce stores
or your Supermarket.
d) Kiwi Pt. 2-
Yes, it (kiwi) can keep skin smooth and youthful, but it can also protect your
health when traveling. Say what? That's right- travel to say-- Australia and
you're looking at a 14 hr. or more plane ride. And one problem with long
plane rides: Blood clots. Your Rx: A week or two before the plane ride,
start eating a kiwi or two each day. Kiwi works like a plumber's snake-
it has the ability to keep the blood flowing easily.
Also helpful- grape juice and cocoa. Real cocoa, not the kind that costs
a $1 or $2 per box. And do some exercises while sitting...

ankle rotations, extending the knees and going to bathroom.
e) A Flatter Stomach-
Ever see the bathing beauties that populate the Australian beaches?
Well, it may be the fat they're eating. What fat is that?
Macadamia nut oil. You may have heard to get slim, you need to eat more 

fat. And although it's considered a fat, macadamia nuts and macadamia
nut oil is great for your waistline.
And if you're waistline is already slim, eat the nuts and oils to help
keep your heart strong and cholesterol levels low.
Important tip: Make sure to keep the amount of nuts and oil low,
the nuts and oil still contain calories.
And lastly, People think macadamia nuts are native to Hawaii,
they're not, they're native to Australia.

That's it- And even when Ellen doesn't have gifts, you still benefit.

And if you want tips on how to enhance your beauty, look for
our new E-doc...The Hollywood Beauty Rxs! Celebrity stylists share
their best secrets. Learn how you can do your own hair and makeup to 

look ten lbs. thinner and 10 yrs. younger. Available at the kindle store.  See title at right.

Good Luck!

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