Friday, June 7, 2013

The Tonight's Show Rx To Stopping The Male Cancer!

                           Stopping Prostate Cancer! 

Guys, prostate cancer is to men as breast cancer is to women.
Guys are frightened of it for a lot of reasons: inability to perform
sexually, dependence on medication, the operation. the cost of the
operation, the after effects, and on and on. 

And according to new research, there's a new culprit that may
increase your chances of getting it, what is it? Insomnia.
That's right- the thing Jay Leno so proudly brags about,
may be the thing that derails his good health.
We're not talking about getting up a few nights to go to the
bathroom or tend to a newborn.

No, we're talking about sleeping a few hours a night (like Jay Leno)
or waking up and then staying up for the rest of the night.
So, if you've been bothered by frequent trips to the bathroom,
or waking up at 2:00 am and then staying up for the rest of the night,
it's best to talk to your doctor or maybe a sleep specialist and get
the 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep you need.
Or look for our E-newsletter on the subject: The 99 Best Natural
Remedies To Stop Insomnia. Available at in the kindle store.

Good Luck!

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