Friday, October 25, 2013

Horror Movie's Rx For Women Over Fifty!

                              Fabulous and Over Fifty! 

Are you familiar with the Stephen King book- "Carrie?"
Well, it was first released about 37 yrs. ago and it's set
to be released again. 

This time around, the mom will be played by Julianne Moore.
What's so unusual about that?
Nothing really, but Ms. Moore is over 50 and she looks 15 yrs.
younger and she's playing a mom to a 16 yr.

So, are you curious? Curious as to how Ms. Moore looks a good
decade and a half than her actual age, continue reading to find out.
a) Exercise-
Ms. Moore practices Ashtanga yoga, lifts light weights and runs a
few times a week. (to build bone health). One no- no exercise for Ms. Moore...
Spinning. She didn't like the enclosed area and all of the yelling.
b) Diet-
Ms. Moore doesn't have a real diet plan, but she makes it a
point to eat a number of colorful vegetables each day.
Another thing she does before a big event (Red Carpet event)
she drinks juices (detoxes for a day or two).
c) Have a Treat-
As the mom of 2 kids, Ms. Moore doesn't insist her kids eat
what she eats. In fact, if they want cookies, she'll allow them to eat
a few and she'll join them. Ms. Moore is making the right decision, 

having a few cookies or 2 to 3 brownies on the weekend, is a way to
keep bingeing at bay. Deny yourself day after day only leads to all-day
d) Watch The Sun-
As a pale-skinned woman, Ms. Moore must watch the Sun.
It may make sense for her, but sitting in the Sun for 15 to 20 mins.
without sunscreen is a great way to get vitamin D. 

And that extra vitamin D will help you avoid breast cancer and
build up your immune system.

So, if you go the theater to catch "Carrie" make sure to really watch
Julianne Moore, the star who's saying no thanks to lifts, tucks,
lasers and botox.

Good Luck!

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