Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Entertainment' Tonight's Rx To Looking Younger!

                    Look Younger Like Nancy!
Nancy O'Dell, the "Entertainment Tonight" co-host has spilled
her secrets to looking yrs. younger. 

The tall, blonde Southern belle will be 50 yrs. of age in 2 yrs. 
and when you look at her, you'd never guess it.

So, what's her secret?
A hint- it's the same secret that Christie Brinkley uses.
What is that?
That's right, Ms. Brinkley revealed she noticed men looked
younger than women and wanted to know why. 

Their secret: A guy's skin is thicker, but shaving for years
and years is a form of exfoliation, and Ms. O'Dell remembered
that bit of information and decided, she too would exfoliate
like supermodel Christie Brinkley.

Ms. O'Dell doesn't waste her money on pricey exfoliants,
she just mixes up some brown sugar and  olive or coconut oil.
She exfoliates her face and hands (both sides)  every night before bed and her body- (knees, thighs, elbows, stomach, shoulders and calves) 3 times a week.

So, if you want to look younger like men or Nancy O'Dell,
start exfoliating.
Important tip: Exfoliate in the evening or on the weekends.
Rubbing your skin may cause some redness and you
don't want to go to work or school looking red-faced.
Also Important...
It may not be wise to exfoliate more than 3 times a week,
and it's best to  use something less abravise than br. sugar.
Use baking soda and a little water to make a paste and then
And lastly, if your skin is already thinning, you may want to skip
this exfoliating tip.

Good Luck!

Don't forget to download your copy of The Great Easter Hunt!
Don't throw out those boiled Easter eggs, eat them
and improve your health in a number of ways.
See title at above right. Available at Amazon.com/the kindle store.

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