Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scientific Breakthrough Rx For Future Moms!

                                     Just Say No To...

If you're about to be a mom, (Mila Kunis) or if you're a mom with a newborn,
a 1 yr. old or a two yr. old, this news might interest you.
What news?
A woman thinks she may have found the Kyrptonite to
a serious disease affecting millions of kids and adults today.
What's the disease?

You may remember actress and talk show host Jenny
McCarthy and her opposition to vaccines, and the ensuing backlash
she received from some moms and some in the medical profession. 

And Ms. McCarthy who has a son (Evan) with autism tried to beat
it with diet.
Well, Ms. McCarthy tried the gluten-free approach, and it helped
some, and we haven't heard anymore from her about the diet or how 

her son is doing.

But that's okay, one of my best researchers sent us some information
that may help Ms. McCarthy and the millions who are going through
the same dilemma.
That's right- a mom and biochemist, also has a child that suffers from
Autism and she too, tried the no gluten diet. That worked a little, and then
she tried no dairy. Again, it helped, but her daughter was still exhibiting
some of the tell-tale signs of Autism.
The mom and biochemist went back to her research lab and finally decided
to test MSG.
Yes, MSG, you remember that stuff that was commonly found in Chinese
food that caused terrible headaches?
Well, greedy food vendors changed the name of it and put it in
food anyways and the most disturbing part--The FDA also knows
they're doing it and won't do anything about it.
So, if you have a child that's suffering from Autism, foul moods,
a bad temper or learning difficulties, you may want to look at
labels more carefully.
Look for MSG under its other aliases, like...
* Soy Protein 

* Hydrolized Protein
* Barley Malt (no beer, especially for kids)
* Pectin
* Corn Starch
* Yeast  Extract
* Torula Yeast
* Calcium Caseinate
* Sodium Caseinate
And one more thing, the mom also said that kids or adults getting headaches
after eating something, might be your brain warning you that something
deeper is going on and it may be telling you to stop before it's too late.
And if kids who are too young to tell you anything, the MSG could affect
them for yrs. or a lifetime.
So, if you're a mom or a dad and you're going through the same thing as
Jenny McCarthy or the biochemist-- Autism, you may want to try this.

And lastly, if you're wondering about the Mom and biochemist,
her daughter has been MSG-free for about 5 yrs. and mom says she's
going to school, interacting with other kids, riding her bike- in other words-
a normal kid.
And if you're also wondering why Mom hasn't shouted this from the mountaintops,
she's a little frightened, to say her daughter is cured, it may bring a backlash,
like the one Jenny McCarthy received.

That's it- hope this info helps someone out there. 

Good Luck!

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