Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Fruit Rxs For Youthful Good Looks!

                          Eat Your Summer Fruits! 
There's always some new type of cosmetic procedure, expensive 
cream, stringent diet or strenuous  exercise program to help you turn back
the clock.
And the problem with these creams, hard-to-follow diets and cosmetic 

procedures is they're way too expensive for regular folks like you
and me. 

But wait, there's an alternative, what is it?
A Farmer's market or regular supermarket.
That's right, before spending good money on something 

that may not work or may  make you look worse, 
try the Summer fruits that are so plentiful right now. 

The Fruits:
a) Watermelon-
Concerned about the sun bearing down on your skin this Summer?
Eat a few slices of watermelon each week. Watermelon (and other red fruits
contain lycopene) an antioxidant that acts like natural Sunscreen.
b) Blueberries-
If your stomach isn't as flat as you'd like, eat more blueberries.
Blueberries tame your appetite and activate genes that burn fat,
especially belly fat.
c) Dark Berries-
Like blackberries, dark raspberries and blueberries keep your legs in 

tiptop shape. What type of shape? As in varicose vein free shape.
Berries fortify the veins and capillaries, helping you prevent spider and
varicose veins.
d) Tomatoes-
Yes, they're fruit. And if you want to keep skin cancer free, sleep
more deeply, (mainly cherry tomatoes) and live an extra 5 or more yrs.
then you must eat your tomatoes. And cooked tomatoes work
better than uncooked tomatoes.
e) Cucumbers-
Again they're considered a fruit, (because of the seeds) and if you want to 

keep skin dewy and moisturized, beat belly bloat and keep hair from
thinning, eat more cucumbers.
f) Peaches- 

To go along with your youthful skin and hair, make sure to keep your eyes
in top form. And to do that, you'll need to eat more peaches.
Peaches help you prevent Cataracts.
One last tip: Make sure to really wash the skin of the peach, (great source of fiber)
and avoid having too many dishes like Peach cobbler. Sugar is a top enemy of great
That's it- and if you want more great info like this, head to Amazon.com/the kindle store
and type The Farmer's market Rxs in the search bar.

And lastly, we've launched a new store at Zazzle.com
The store: Holistically.
If you're a shopper who uses tote bags and you're concerned with your
health, head to our new shop.
We'll be combining all 3. Say what?
Shopping, healthcare and bags.
Buy one of our tote bags, read the front of it and learn
how that container of cherries, plums or peaches can bolster
your health. Just click on the link below and get a head start
on your path to better health and longevity.
Thank You! 


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