Saturday, July 2, 2016

Bey's Rx To Help Lower Cancer Rates!

                                  Ladies- Eat More Citrus! 
Ladies, the talk of breast cancer is always in the news, as well it
should be, but's let's not forget about lung, colon, pancreatic
or prostate cancer and thanks to Bey, or Beyonce you and
your loved ones can really lower your odds of ever getting any type
of cancer. 

How, you ask? 

By adding more lemons (and other citrus) to your smoothies, veggie
stir-fries, or tropical drinks, (only 1 a day).
But wait, not just any type of lemon or limes, no--you need to buy organic
citrus, freeze them and then use most of the lemon, (especially the peel)

That's right, thanks to new research,  it's been shown that citrus fruit,
especially the peel will not only help prevent a number of cancers, 

it can also be used to help eliminate the cancer you or a loved one may already 
have, consider it (tart chemotherapy).

Yes, frozen organic lemon peels to get rid of cancer and if you've been
a regular here, (at this blog) then you know, we covered this subject on
a number of occasions.

We mentioned how the peels from lemons, limes, oranges, clementines
and tangerines can do everything from protect your skin from the Sun's
harmful rays (natural sunscreen) to ending dizziness,to lowering your
odds of getting dementia, to keeping your legs free of unsightly varicose veins.

So, if you're the type that's only been using lemons to make "Lemonade"
(like Beyonce) you may want to reconsider that decision ans use the
whole lemon (and lime and clementine and orange).
And if you need more info, go to, and type
frozen lemons to fight (or prevent) cancer.

That's it for today, and remember to drink more lemonade this
holiday season, but not just the juice, add the peels to that citrusy
pitcher of goodness as well.

Good Luck!

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