The "Today Show" and Aging Eyes!
If you watched The "Today Show" this morning, then you saw the segment
on aging. More specifically, aging too quickly.
One part of the body that will tell you you're aging too
quickly, are your eyes. That's right, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, says
eyes that are dry and itchy, are one way to tell if you're
aging too quickly.
Dry eyes may not just be a sign of aging, they may also
be a sign you're sitting behind a computer for long stretches.
To fix it, have your eyes checked when you go for your next
physical and if the doctor doesn't see anything serious (glaucoma
or cataracts) then you can try the natural methods, what are they?
Eat more tuna, salmon and walnuts.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids provide your eyes with the necessary
lubrication you need especially as you age.
Important tip: If you prefer tuna over salmon, make sure to prepare
it in a way that benefits your eyes. No white bread or mayo, and make sure
to skip the chips and the sweet treats (soda, energy drinks, Twinkies
and Snicker bars).
All of these things will cause your eyes to breakdown rapidly.
Use plain yogurt or avocado as a bread spread.
And lastly, take time each day and blink.
Turn away from your computer and blink, this is also a great
way to keep eyes lubricated. Blink every 15 mins. 10 to 15 reps.
That's it, and if you want some more great tips on how to
avoid aging and live to 100, head to kindle store,
and type The 101 Best Ways To Make It To 100.
Learn how Frank Sinatra made it to age 85, despite a lifetime
of drinking, smoking, staying up till all hours and womanizing.
See title to the right.
Good Luck!

If you watched The "Today Show" this morning, then you saw the segment
on aging. More specifically, aging too quickly.
One part of the body that will tell you you're aging too
quickly, are your eyes. That's right, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, says
eyes that are dry and itchy, are one way to tell if you're
aging too quickly.
Dry eyes may not just be a sign of aging, they may also
be a sign you're sitting behind a computer for long stretches.
To fix it, have your eyes checked when you go for your next
physical and if the doctor doesn't see anything serious (glaucoma
or cataracts) then you can try the natural methods, what are they?
Eat more tuna, salmon and walnuts.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids provide your eyes with the necessary
lubrication you need especially as you age.
Important tip: If you prefer tuna over salmon, make sure to prepare
it in a way that benefits your eyes. No white bread or mayo, and make sure
to skip the chips and the sweet treats (soda, energy drinks, Twinkies
and Snicker bars).
All of these things will cause your eyes to breakdown rapidly.
Use plain yogurt or avocado as a bread spread.
And lastly, take time each day and blink.
Turn away from your computer and blink, this is also a great
way to keep eyes lubricated. Blink every 15 mins. 10 to 15 reps.
That's it, and if you want some more great tips on how to
avoid aging and live to 100, head to kindle store,
and type The 101 Best Ways To Make It To 100.
Learn how Frank Sinatra made it to age 85, despite a lifetime
of drinking, smoking, staying up till all hours and womanizing.
See title to the right.
Good Luck!

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