Check The Symptoms!
If you're into fashion, then you very well know who Tommy Hilfiger is,
and like you and me, Mr. Hilfiger found out that no matter your age,
income bracket or social standing, your bound to have a medical
crisis (or 2 or 3) at some point in your life.
The medical crisis Mr. Hilfiger is dealing with: His daughter Ally,
is suffering from Lyme disease.
And the fact that she's going through it for yrs. may not be the
worst part.
The worst part according to Ms. Hifiger: No one in her family
believed her when she said there's something seriously wrong with me,
not even her famous father.
So, if you or a loved wants to know if you're suffering from
Lyme disease, here are some symptoms to look for...
a) You see a Bull-eye's type rash with a clear center on your body.
b) Flu-like symptoms, in the Fall, Winter and even Summer.
c) All-Over Joint Pain, also known as migrating joint pain
pain that moves from your hands, knees, shoulders to your back.
d) Memory Loss-
If you're 20, 30 or 40 and you're starting to forget, have it checked out, it
may be Lyme disease.
e) Muscle Weakness-
Different than the joint pain, if you feel yourself getting weaker and weaker,
it may be Lyme disease.
Now, that you know the symptoms, what about some things that'll
help you prevent it?
Well, you can use 2 things to prevent them (deer ticks) from ever taking
a hold of flesh and never letting go, those 3 things: Garlic and Home-Made
Eat more garlic, (raw or lightly cooked) once that garlic is seeping through your pores,
the ticks say-no thank you and move on.
The second option:
Make a natural repellent:
Mix 1 part tea tree oil to 2 parts water, mix well and pour into a clean spray bottle
and when you're ready to venture outdoors, spray some on your shoes, socks,
pants, and the cuffs.
You can also make a bigger batch and use it to spray the areas where you and your
family likes to sit, (for a meal or to sip mint juleps.)
Or you can buy a white tee.
A white Tee? Yes, the tee shirt listed to the right- has some more great ways to avoid
ever becoming a victim of Lyme disease.
Find them at
And one last tip: Look for the Ally Hilfiger
documentary on how she was diagnosed and how she's dealing with it (L.D) today.
Good Luck!
If you're into fashion, then you very well know who Tommy Hilfiger is,
and like you and me, Mr. Hilfiger found out that no matter your age,
income bracket or social standing, your bound to have a medical
crisis (or 2 or 3) at some point in your life.
The medical crisis Mr. Hilfiger is dealing with: His daughter Ally,
is suffering from Lyme disease.
And the fact that she's going through it for yrs. may not be the
worst part.
The worst part according to Ms. Hifiger: No one in her family
believed her when she said there's something seriously wrong with me,
not even her famous father.
So, if you or a loved wants to know if you're suffering from
Lyme disease, here are some symptoms to look for...
a) You see a Bull-eye's type rash with a clear center on your body.
b) Flu-like symptoms, in the Fall, Winter and even Summer.
c) All-Over Joint Pain, also known as migrating joint pain
pain that moves from your hands, knees, shoulders to your back.
d) Memory Loss-
If you're 20, 30 or 40 and you're starting to forget, have it checked out, it
may be Lyme disease.
e) Muscle Weakness-
Different than the joint pain, if you feel yourself getting weaker and weaker,
it may be Lyme disease.
Now, that you know the symptoms, what about some things that'll
help you prevent it?
Well, you can use 2 things to prevent them (deer ticks) from ever taking
a hold of flesh and never letting go, those 3 things: Garlic and Home-Made
Eat more garlic, (raw or lightly cooked) once that garlic is seeping through your pores,
the ticks say-no thank you and move on.
The second option:
Make a natural repellent:
Mix 1 part tea tree oil to 2 parts water, mix well and pour into a clean spray bottle
and when you're ready to venture outdoors, spray some on your shoes, socks,
pants, and the cuffs.
You can also make a bigger batch and use it to spray the areas where you and your
family likes to sit, (for a meal or to sip mint juleps.)

A white Tee? Yes, the tee shirt listed to the right- has some more great ways to avoid
ever becoming a victim of Lyme disease.
Find them at
And one last tip: Look for the Ally Hilfiger
documentary on how she was diagnosed and how she's dealing with it (L.D) today.
Good Luck!
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