Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Morning Show Host's Fruit Rx For a Youthful Body!

                                   An Apple A Day For George! 

We've mentioned it in  2, 3 or maybe even more posts, but it needs to
be repeated. 

What is it? "Good Morning America's co-host George Stephanopolous
eats an apple every day. 

And what so special about this bit of news?
Well, the old adage--"an apple a day-keeps the doctor away"
may very well be true, and it (an apple) also keeps
plaque from attaching to arteries in the brain and heart,
(lower chances of developing heart disease or Alzheimer's)
helps prevent gallstones
Parkinson's disease
Keeps you regular (as in more bowel movements)
whiter teeth, (eat an apple if no toothbrush is around)
lowers cholesterol levels
regulates blood sugar (lower odds of getting diabetes)
It's a  natural appetite suppressant (eat one before you
take on that burger and fries or deep dish pizza) 

And according to the latest research-- They (apples) can keep your body supple, 
limber, strong and youthful well into your golden yrs. 

We know that many in Hollywood  are obsessed
with keeping their faces youthful, but what about their bodies?
If you're only concerned with the lines, the sagging and the plain old aging 
of your face, it's time you also gave some consideration to your body, 
and one way to turn back and even stop your body from aging is by eating more apples.
More specifically- the skin of the apples.
Apple skins contain compounds in them called Ursolic acid, and this type of acid lessens muscle loss and weakness by a whopping 35%.

So, are you ready to be more like George Step. and eat more apples (and their skins)? 

If so, look for apples at any produce store, health-food store or supermarket and
get started on a youthful face and body.
And if you can't afford to buy organic, just make sure to really clean the peels
thoroughly, and if you can't chew the peel, clean them and juice them.
Also helpful- if you really want to speed up the process for a stronger and younger body, 

eat some other foods that contain ursolic acid, foods like cranberries,
prunes, thyme, basil, oregano and rosemary. 

And one last tip: Go back in our archives, and look for the apple and 

milk mask recipe. A mask so powerful, one woman said that if you start 
using it in your 20's, it'll help you look 10, 12 or even 15 yrs. younger
well into your 40's, 50's and even 60's. 

Hey, it's working for George, he'll be 60 in less than 5 yrs.
Or you can forgo this tip and eat the food Donald Trump reportedly eats
everyday, what is it?
A Cheeseburger.

Good Luck!

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