Saturday, May 28, 2016

Female Singer's Thrrst-Quenching Rx For a Healthier Heart!

                                             Here's To Beyonce! 

Are you still trying to figure out what the meaning of
Lemonade is? 

You know, the name of Beyonce's new album.
Is it about the bitter taste one gets from being in a marriage
that may seem perfect to outsiders, but behind closed doors 

it's a different story. 

Well, enough  trying to decipher the meaning of a cool, refreshing 

Summer drink, we'll just give you our version of lemonade.
It lemonade is a citrus-fruit that's loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and
flavonoids and when you mix this citrus fruit with other fruits
and a smidgen of alcohol, you have the makings of a great-tasting 

and health-boosting Summer drink. 

Not sure if this is true, hold on and continue reading.
To keep your heart in tip-top shape after overdoing it at
the deep dish pizza restaurant or if a man has broken it (Jay Z)
make and drink the following beverage to make sure it  (your heart)
is in optimal shape.

The drink:
A Pink Lemonade Mimosa!
3/4 oz. lemon juice (always use fresh lemon juice) 

1/4 cup of seedless watermelon , cubed
1 tsp. sugar
3 oz. of Prosecco or sparkling wine.

Add the top 3 ingredients to a blender, blend until smooth;
strain into a tall glass and finish up by pouring the alcohol
on top and leaving it for a minute or two. Stir it and then
drink it.
That's it- and if you're wondering how it can help your heart--
Lemon juice keeps cholesterol levels down (so it (cholesterol)
doesn't damage the heart)
and the alcohol- keeps dangerous plaque from attaching to the arteries
in and around the heart and the watermelon--contains lycopene, which
keeps your heart healthy by reducing DNA damage.
Also important-you may want to clean some of the peel (
lemon or orange)  grate it and add it to a drink (or a salad) why?
The peel can help lower cholesterol levels, keep your
legs free of varicose veins, improve circulation, stop constant dizziness and
protect your skin from the Sun's harmful rays.
It's natural sunscreen (as is watermelon)

One last tip- If you plan on using lemons to make  lemonade--
make sure to use fresh lemons and a straw-- why?
All of that citrus can do a number on your teeth.

Good Luck!


And one last tip-
If  Lemonade is one of your favorite Summer-time beverages
and you want to make something better than lemon water,
you're in luck.
How so?
Printed on the recyclable bag at the bottom is a recipe for
"the Best Ever Lemonade" purchase it, and learn why using
this part of the fruit will send your lemonade over the top.
The top of the taste charts. Don't delay go to...
and purchase one, two or three bags (one for you and give the others away
as gifts).

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