Saturday, June 25, 2016

Natural Hair Care Tips For The Older Actress!

                                        Maintain Your Hair As You Get Older! 

You may have heard- many actresses will do any and everything to hold
onto their youth.
Wait, you're shocked by this?
Don't be, they consider their faces and bodies the machines (or equipment)
that makes them those high salaries, so they have to keep that equipment 

in tip-top shape. 

The latest news out of Hollywood is that one star (popular in the 80's and
early 90's) is tired of fighting this battle and has decided to let nature
take its course and let the grays come through and the lines on her face show.
That's right, no more hair coloring, no more Botox or fillers,
or hrs. doing Pilates.
The star: Demi Moore. 

It's rumored her younger boyfriend and kids conducted an intervention
and let it be known that she'll continue to be beautiful even with
gray hair and wrinkles around her eyes and upper lip, so please
stop it. And if you're like Ms. Moore and are going through
the same thing (you know- frequent trips to the hairdresser) there's
something you can do that's safer, cheaper and less time consuming. 

What is it?
Use Food!
Try using foods from your local supermarket to help keep your hair 

looking like it's in its late 20's or early 30's.
For decades- many women have relied on foods to help keep their manes looking
youthful, and it (food) should be able to do the same for you as well.
Important tip: Before starting any of the natural remedies listed below,
you must eat a diet that's as close to nature as possible,
in other words, frequent trips to Mickey D's, Pizza Hut and
Krispy Kreme will only hurt your odds of having great looking hair.

First up, the onion treatment. 
More specifically- red onions for thick and luxurious hair.
You may have heard about onions for great looking hair,
but some researchers say red onions work best.
To make an onion mask all you have to do is peel a red onion
and then run it through a juicer or blender.
Strain it and then apply the onion juice to your clean hair.
Make sure you don't have nay cuts or bruises as onions will sting
and leave it on for 20 to 30 mins. You may want to place a shower
cap on to hold the onion juices in. 

After the 30 mins. are up- wash out the onion juice using your 
favorite shampoo.
Save any leftover juice (place in clean jar) refrigerate it and
use 2 to 3 times a week. 

Next up, a tip from Russia.
A young woman from Russia moved to the U.S. as a young girl
and at 16 she got a job as a camp counselor.
She loved the job but didn't love what all of that Sun did to her hair...
It made it dry and limp.
Luckily, she remembered a tip her grandmother used to make 

hair thick, shinny and luxurious--the tip...
Get 2 pieces of pumpernickle bread, place them is a shallow dish, 

add some water (enough to cover the bread) wait until
all the water is absorbed and then apply to your scalp. 

Put on a shower curtain and  sit still for 20 mins. after that,
shampoo your hair as you normally would.
Do this 2 to 3 times a week for best results. 

And now to reversing or even preventing gray hair.
Allowing the gray hair to show is what frightened Ms. Moore the
most, (according to insiders) and if you're starting to see some 

grays and are totally opposed to chemically harsh dyes,
head to the supermarket and pick up some black sesame seeds
and blackstrap molasses.
Many women and (men) are seeing their hair return to their normal
colors after eating these 2 foods.
Add them to smoothies or bowls of oatmeal.
Black sesame seeds are very popular in Asian countries and this may explain
why you don't see 
many grey-haired Asians.
You may also want to try wheat grass, one woman
said she had a shot of wheatgrass juice starting in her 50's and 

today at 70, she still doesn't have any gray hair.
Go online to learn more about wheatgrass juice (even how to grow
your own) and keep your hair looking ten or more yrs. younger. 

That's it- for now, and hopefully at a later time, there will be more on food and haircare,
like how giving up carbs may prevent discoloration and thinning.

One last tip: You may want to head to Amazoncom/the kindle store
and type Hollywood Beauty in the search bar.
Download it and learn how some top Hollywood makeup artists
help a number of stars look way younger than their actual ages.
You;ll learn about both hair and makeup tips.

Good Luck!

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