Sunday, February 12, 2012

William and Kate's Valentine's Day Rxs For A Long-Lasting Marriage!

                                    Love Like William and Kate!
Although these following "Love" tips aren't from William and Kate,
they're actually tips for the average Joes and Janes or royalty that may
need help to rekindle those feelings of love and if you're newly married
(like William and Kate) and just want a few tips on the best ways to
preserve what you already have, just look below and get started.
The Love Tips~
1) Touch More-
Couples who touch often report greater satisfaction than couples who
rarely touch, But, if you're thinking more touching may lead to other
things (okay Guys) you're half right. Couples who hold hands while
discussing something important like say-finances are least likely to get into
huge blow-out arguments. Why? Everytime you touch your partner, your brain
churns out oxytocin, the so-called "bonding" hormone. The hormone that makes
you feel happier and more in sync with your partner. So, if you're discussing
something important and feel it's getting out of hand, give your partner a hug
or hold their hand.
2) Use This Argument Technique-
What is it? Try sitting next to them next time you're having a serious discussion.
That's right, sitting opposite them and looking them in the eye may only escalate
the situation. Sitting on the couch-next to one another-means no one can get in
each other's face and may actually tamp down the situation. Try it!
3) Building Deeper Connections-
How? By kissing with your eyes open. 90% of women and 80% of men say they
close their eyes when they kiss and make love, and that's bad news for your
relationship, according to top love researchers. Why? Closing your eyes tunes
out your partner and they may take it as a sign you're less than interested.
But, opening the eyes, deepens the connection and intensifies the rush of
oxytocin, (see tip 1) you'll both feel more connected and loved.
4) Take A Nap-
This may not be possible for the millions out there that have to work,
but even a 5 to 10 min. catnap for both partners can reduce stress levels
and increase sex drive later on in the evening.
5) Head To Greece-
Again, not possible for the millions who have to work, but you don't
have to actually go to Greece, just eat like them. Greeks known for their
amorous natures may have to give credit to the diet.
Eating lean meats, (see our post on Kelly Clarkson) nuts, seeds, olives and olive oil,

fruits, veggies and Greek yogurt leaves Greek men and women primed for sex
most days and nights. And Americans with their penchants for fried foods, trans-fats,
sweets (fructose) and soda are the opposite. So, google the "Medittarean Diet"
and eat, live and love like the Greeks.
6) More Chocolate Please-
No surprise here, chocolate earns its reputation as an aphrodisiac
for good reason, it works. Those who have dark chocolate on a regualr basis-
report a higher than average libido. Why? Choc. is rich in phenylethylamine,
a natural chemical that causes the brain to release dopamine, a "love"
chemical that peaks during orgasm.
7) Laugh More-
Specifically at his jokes. He may not be Jay Leno or Jimmy Fallon, but
ladies who laugh at their guys' jokes make him feel extra proud.
And that feeling he gets from you appreciating his jokes or storytelling

can result in his being more romantic towards you.
8) Something For The Ladies-
Guys- does your lady have higher than average stress levels?
Well, help them reduce it with a warm bath. That's right- a warm
bath and some deep breathing while in the tub, may mean a reduction
in stress so great-it translates to a more active love life. Researchers
have found that when sit in hot water and do a few deep breathing exercises-
they become more aroused later on. So, guys- next time your lady asks you
"to run a bath" do so willingly and gladly, you'll reap the benefits later on.
9) The Telly-
Taking the name from the Brits for Television, any way you pronounce it,

if it's in the bedroom- just count the days when you're sex life is officially over.
Seeing news (especially violent crimes) leaves some men and a lot of women
too shaken for sex. As for porn, new reserch say men who are viewing it on a

regular basis-are now having problems maintaining erections. Why? Men may want
to live up to on screen counteraprts- but can't and this may result in feelings of
inadequacy. So, leave the T.V. in the living room or den.
That's it- Great tips for a happier Valentine's day and happier marriage
overall, and if you know the e-mail address of Prince William and Kate,
feel free to pass it along.

And one more tip: remember it's still cold season, if you want to protect your family
and avoid or get over the cold and flu- look for a newsletter-written by some of the
best 'alternative" specialists out there. The newsletter is online at-

Good Luck!

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