Saturday, February 11, 2012

Simple Parenting Rx For Beyonce!

                            Simple Tip For Secure and Happy Kids!
Have you seen the pictures of Beyonce's and Jay-Z's kid-Blue Ivy?
Absolutely adorable.
Now, the hard part of raising her to kind, happy and secure.

One psychologist's suggestion: Give your kid plenty of hugs and kisses
while they're young, make eye contact with them and read aloud to them
on a daily basis. The psychologist says you can tell if it's working-when you

or your spouse (partner) walks into the room they're in or when you
talk to him or her-they should light up or
show enjoyment that you're present.

Another sign it's working- they don't always cry when you leave the room.

And one more thing: If you're reluctant to give boys plenty of hugs, don't
be- the more hugs and kindness you show them while they're young,
the less trouble they'll be and the less trouble they'll get into as adults.

That's it- a tip for celebrity parents like Beyonce and Jay-Z or the
regular Joes and Janes out there.

Good Luck!

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