Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ellen's Fruit Rx To Beat Winter Weight Gain!

                             Eat This Not That To Prevent Winter Weight Gain! 

For some, Winter weight gain is almost as natural as less sunlight
and cold temperatures. Why does it happen? Less sunlight,
shortened days, turning dark earlier, not motivated to exercise and of course
the endless holidays (with great food) don't help your cause.
So, should you give up and give in? 

No, short of moving to Arizona, Calif. Australia or Florida, there's
something you can do. What is it?
Eat more avocados. Avocados?
That's right- T.V. host Ellen Degeneres reportedly lives on an avocado
farm and it may be the secret to avoiding weight gain this Winter.

Why avocados?
Half of an avocado a day can boost the two hormones responsible
for better moods to prevent mindless snacking.
 The hormones: Serotonin and Dopamine.
If you have a shortfall of these 2 hormones, you can expect-
weight gain, sour moods, temper tantrums and sudden outbursts.
And if that's not enough- avocados can also lower (bad) cholesterol,
increase sperm count (guys) and keep your skin as smooth as an 8 yr's old.

So, start looking for  some bargains on avocados at produce or grocery stores
or contact Ellen, via Twitter, Facebook or Youtube,

and tell her about your blue moods and weight gain,
and see if she'll donate some of her fruit to your cause.

Good Luck!

One more tip: If you're over 40 or a recent vegetarian, suffer from brain fog,
constant tiredness or get constant colds, read why you must get vitamin B12.
Read all about it at

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