Thursday, May 7, 2015

Singer's Diet Rx For A Bikini Body!

                              Lose Weight Like Mrs. Carter! 

Want to lose weight, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, boost energy 

levels and improve your hair and skin?
Well, do like Mrs. Carter and join the 22 Day Revolution.

What is the 22-Day Revolution and who is Mrs. Carter?
Okay- the 22-Day Revolution was created by Miami native, Marco
Borges and it's a plant-based diet (vegan) and Mrs. Carter- She's
none other than Beyonce.

Yes, Beyonce has been all over the news lately showing off her slim 
and trim body and she gives all of the credit to Mr. Borges.
And even though Ellen DeGeneres and some other Hollywood big wigs
have praised this type of diet for yrs. people are really starting to listen thanks to Beyonce.

Beyonce said she'd gained 60 pounds during her pregnancy and wanted a diet that
would help her shed the weight, but also help her put an end to the yo-yo dieting she
been going through for over a decade.
And if you want to try this diet out for yourself, head online to Google and 

type 22-Day Revolution in the search box.

And lastly, to get you started on your own diet revolution, here's one of Bey's favorite recipes.
The Recipe:
A Meatless Taco.

1 cup walnuts
1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. coriander
gluten-free soy sauce * 1 1/2 tsp.
More spices- onion and garlic powder
paprika, marjoram, cayenne pepper (a pinch of each)
2 large lettuce leaves, Romaine, cleaned and dried
1 avocado
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
1/2 lime
Parsley, dried 1/4 Tbs.
a dash of sea salt and black pepper

In food processor of blender, pulse the first 5 ingredients.
Make sure not to overblend, just pulse it until it looks like meat.
Next, place the 2 lettuce leaves on a plate (yes, they're the taco shells) and remove the ingredients from the food processor,  put half of the taco mixture on 1 lettuce leaf and the remaining mixture on the 
second lettuce leaf. 
And finish up by adding some cut up avocado, salt, cherry tomatoes
and dried parsley to your taco.
* Can't find (or afford) gluten-free soy sauce, opt for low-sodium

There you have it, one of Beyonce's new favorite dishes.
Hope you enjoy it.

Good Luck!

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