All-Natural Medicine!
People getting diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers and bone fractures
will only go up due to an aging population.
But you should also worry about the illness that affects stars and "regular"
folks alike- what is it? Anxiety.
Yes, that's right everyone from Taylor Swift to Amanda Seyfried to Kristen Stewart
have all said they struggled with anxiety at some point in their lives
and if you too, struggle with it and want to forgo the doctor-prescribed route- use
some of the all-natural tips listed below.
a) Eat Yogurt-
Another benefit one can get from top quality plain yogurt: Becoming calm in a crowded situation.
Have to speak before a crowd? Eat some yogurt first. Ninety percent of the calming
serotonin ( chemicals in the brain) in your bloodstream is made by the probiotic bacteria
in your digestive tract, which means you'll be better able to cope with everyday stressors.
b) Eat Pretzels-
Or a few potato chips. Yes, it's true, a little salt can prevent you from experiencing
anxiety symptoms like a pounding heart. A little salt from a few chips or 2 to 4
pretzels put a lid on the anxiety-triggering hormones.
c) Walk Barefoot-
Live in spot that doesn't have broken glass or millions of small rocks?
Walk around barefoot.
Doing this stimulates the pressure points on the bottom of your feet that rev
your production of GABA, a relaxing stress-busting hormone.
d) Stand Up-
You know sitting for long periods isn't good for your waistline or heart,
and new research says it can also raise stress hormones and trigger an
anxiety attack. Standing up lowers the stress hormones called cortisol.
e) Breathe Deeply-
f) Hug Someone or Something
That's it, and if you want more on deep breathing techniques, foods and exercises
to help you get more calm and relaxed, head online to kindle store
and download, see title below...
Remember- natural alternatives always work better than doctor-prescribed meds,
and they're cheaper.
Good Luck!

People getting diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers and bone fractures
will only go up due to an aging population.
But you should also worry about the illness that affects stars and "regular"
folks alike- what is it? Anxiety.
Yes, that's right everyone from Taylor Swift to Amanda Seyfried to Kristen Stewart
have all said they struggled with anxiety at some point in their lives
and if you too, struggle with it and want to forgo the doctor-prescribed route- use
some of the all-natural tips listed below.
a) Eat Yogurt-
Another benefit one can get from top quality plain yogurt: Becoming calm in a crowded situation.
Have to speak before a crowd? Eat some yogurt first. Ninety percent of the calming
serotonin ( chemicals in the brain) in your bloodstream is made by the probiotic bacteria
in your digestive tract, which means you'll be better able to cope with everyday stressors.
b) Eat Pretzels-
Or a few potato chips. Yes, it's true, a little salt can prevent you from experiencing
anxiety symptoms like a pounding heart. A little salt from a few chips or 2 to 4
pretzels put a lid on the anxiety-triggering hormones.
c) Walk Barefoot-
Live in spot that doesn't have broken glass or millions of small rocks?
Walk around barefoot.
Doing this stimulates the pressure points on the bottom of your feet that rev
your production of GABA, a relaxing stress-busting hormone.
d) Stand Up-
You know sitting for long periods isn't good for your waistline or heart,
and new research says it can also raise stress hormones and trigger an
anxiety attack. Standing up lowers the stress hormones called cortisol.
e) Breathe Deeply-
f) Hug Someone or Something
That's it, and if you want more on deep breathing techniques, foods and exercises
to help you get more calm and relaxed, head online to kindle store
and download, see title below...
Remember- natural alternatives always work better than doctor-prescribed meds,
and they're cheaper.
Good Luck!

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