Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Hollywood Makeup Artist Rxs For Younger Eyes!

                          A Youth-Boost For Your Eyes! 

When most people are asked what part of their body
they want to look younger?
Hands, the neck, hair (as in original color) and the face usually
come out on top.
But what about the eyes?
Yes, they're part of the face and a lot of people want to erase a few years from their eyes,
and if this describes you, use the makeup tricks by top Hollywood
makeup artist--Jemma Kidd.

Her tips:
a) Dark Circles-
Undereye circles can certainly age you and if you want to get rid of them,
Dab a yellowish-green concealer over the dark circles to counteract
the bluish skin tone. Finish up with a light layer of foundation. 

A concealer to try: Physician's Formula Concealer Duo Yellow Light. Price--$7.00.
Another tip: A woman (a school teacher) was hoping to avoid a Winter cold
and was told to eat Kiwi, (not apples) 2 a day, for the vitamin C.
Long story short- she was able to avoid the usual 3 to 4 colds
she usually got and her undereye circles disappeared.
Yes, kiwi to remove dark circles.
b) Bags-
No, not handbags, but the bags that appear and make your eyes look puffy.
To fix them- Sprinkle bronzer into your regular concealer and apply it
over the puffy skin to make the bags go down. Next, lightly dab plain
concealer just beneath the swollen area to visually bring that area forward, blend.
c) Say Goodbye To Crow's Feet- 

No laughing matter if you have them and to get rid of them...
Tap a rich eye cream over the area before applying makeup.
Wait a few minutes for the cream to fully absorb, 

then lightly apply the concealer.
That's it- and if you enjoy these makeup tips, and want more tips
on making your eyes look more youthful, go to Amazon.com/the kindle store
and look for Jemma Kidd's book- Make-Up Secrets.
Or look for another E-book, Hollywood Beauty Rxs also available online at Amazon.com.

Good Luck!

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