Friday, September 25, 2015

A New Show's Rx For Beautiful Hair!

                         Hair Care Tip From Priyanka! 

With the new season of television well underway, critics say there's
one show you may want to pay special attention to, the Show: 


And among the cast is a woman who's regularly featured in People's 

magazine-"Most beautiful issue" and who is she?
She's Priyanka Chopra and she plays an FBI recruit turned possible 

And if you do tune in and watch, make sure to take notice of her hair. 

Well, like a lot of Indian women, Ms. Chopra's is especially dark,
full and glossy and if you've ever wondered how they (the women of 

India) get such beautiful locks, we have the secret. 
And that secret is Curry!

Yes, we're talking about the spice. 
Curcumin, the active ingredient in curry powder, triggers the release of
a healing neuropeptide that inhibits an enzyme linked to hormone-related hair loss.
And there's more-in addition to helping your hair become fuller and thicker,
curcumin can return hair to its original color. (Only if it has just started to go gray).

So, if you want hair like Mindy Kaling (also Indian) or Priyanka Chopra,
start adding more curry to vegetable dishes, stews, soups, egg dishes, meats
or to a plain cup of hot water (1/2 tsp.) and drink it as you would tea.

That's it- and if you want to know more beauty secrets from your sisters
from India, Brazil, Japan, China, Australia, or Greece, head on over to the kindle store and type Beauty Secrets From The World's 

Hottest Women in the search bar, download it and learn how to save money
(on all of those drugstore beauty items) and how to become more  beautiful.

Good Luck!

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