Monday, June 11, 2012

So You Think You Can Dance Rx For Weight Control!

                           Weight-Loss Tip From Mary Murphy! 

Mary Murphy, the outlandish and sometimes loud judge on the
T.V. show- "So you think you can dance" has a problem a lot
of women and some men have.
The problem: Since turning 40, Ms. Murphy is having trouble 

maintaining her weight.

Ms. Murphy was trained as a ballroom dancer and she sometimes
danced between 5 to 8 hrs. a day, and doing all of that dancing,
Ms. Murphy had no trouble maintaining her weight. 

But taking a job, that requires a lot of traveling and sitting
and Ms. Murphy is going through what a lot of people go through.
Weight gain! Especially around her midsection.

So, are you curious as to how Ms. Murphy is keeping 

her weight under control?
She uses weight loss DVDs. 

The DVD: Core Rhythms, a weight-loss DVD series featuring
dance-inspired workouts.

Core Rhythms is a total-body workout that shreds the fat from
your hips, abs, bottom, legs and arms. Think of Zumba or Latin
And after trying them the first time, Ms. Murphy was hooked,
now she brings along some DVDs and exercises in the privacy of 

her hotel room.

That's it- A weight-loss tip from the overexuberant Mary Murphy. 

Find your own DVDs at

Good Luck!

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