Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Young Star's Rx For Living Longer!

                              One Easy Secret For Living A Long Life! 

Is there anyone out there interested in living till 100?
If you answered yes, how do you plan on doing it?
With a strict vegetarian diet? Hours of exercise each day?
Or do you come from stock (parents or grandparents) that lived
into their 90's or beyond?

Well, if a strict diet and exercise program doesn't appeal
to you, you may want to try the secret that one of Hollywood's top stars
is using.
The secret: Volunteering 

And the star: Jennifer Lawrence.

You may have read, seen or heard that Ms. Lawrence spent Christmas Eve
in her hometown of Louisville Ky. visiting with sick children.
A lot of stars who work constantly much prefer to spend their off time
at a swanky spa or skiing in Telluride or Aspen Co.
But not Ms. Lawrence, and if she keeps it up (volunteering) it may help her
reach 80, 90 or even 100 more easily.
How you ask?
Volunteering just 2 hrs.a wk. at an animal shelter or veteran's hospital
may be more beneficial for you than it is for the people (or animals) you tend to.

How so?
It (volunteering) helps you keep aches and pain at bay.
(you don't focus on your achy knees or bad back)
it lowers blood pressure (meaning less risk of heart attack and stroke)
it boosts mood levels (no depression or blue moods)
and it may even help keep you at a healthy weight, (especially if you
walk and play with animals).

But wait, there's more...
Volunteering also boosts intelligence and your compassion for others.
And new research says that problem children (especially boys)
may be able to turn their lives and moods around with volunteering and
not medications and/or stays in detention centers.

So, if you're one who wants to make it to 90 or more yrs. of age,
and veganism and cross-fit aren't options you want to employ, then
get out there and volunteer.
It's working for J Law.

And one last tip...if you're really serious about living till 100,
head on over to kindle store and type The 101 Best Ways To
Make It To 100 in the search bar. Download it and get started on living forever.
And make sure to read the chapter on how stars like Clint Eastwood, Cameron Diaz,
Tom Selleck and Cloris Leachman are eating and exercising their way to long
and prosperous lives. 

Good Luck!

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