Monday, July 30, 2012

Low Cost Alternatives To Botox!

                                  Low-Cost Facelifts! 

Aging, it's happens to everyone sooner or later. The stars in Hollywood can combat
the effects of aging in a number of ways... Strict diets, expensive lotions and
potions from faraway countries, Restalyne and of course Botox.

But, what about the normal folks out there that can't afford any of the above?
Well, you're in luck, There's  a hot new anti-aging program that's been around
for about 2 decades now, and rumor has it-Princess Diana even used it.

The Hot New Program:
Acupressure! Using just your fingertips on certain spots on your face, will help 

give your skin a glow, firm up that jawline and erase the fine lines that are starting to form. 
The book is based on pressure point therapy that's been used by the Asians and Indians
for centuries.

So, if you've been facing someone different and older looking in the mirror each
morning, and you don't want to buy useless creams or undergo expensive and
perhaps dangerous cosmetic surgery, look for this new book.

The book: Your Best Face Now, by Shellie Goldstein. Look for it at Barnes & Noble
or Or really save money and look for a cheaper version of the program-
outlined in the August 6th edition of Woman's World magazine, on newsstands right now.

Good Luck!

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