Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chelsea Handler's Rx To Improve Concentration!

                                Exercise Tip To Concentrate Better! 

Chelsea Handler-host of the popular nighttime show-"Chelsea Lately"
is writing a new book. What's so special about this?
She's written three bestsellers already, but said each book becomes more difficult-
why? Concentration!

You see, Ms. Handler like a lot of adults has a lot going on, and the more you
have going on in your life-the harder it is for you to concentrate and get down to
But wait, there's an easy exercise that only takes 5 to 10 mins. a day,
and it'll help you improve your concentration considerably. 

The exercise: Deep Breathing!

Used by yogis around the World and Alec Baldwin,  the simple technique
of sitting quietly and breathing in through your nose and out through
your mouth for 5 mins. twice a day will help you get back your ability
to concentrate. This exercise also rewires your brain to decrease the activity
that causes you to daydream and become easily distracted in the first place.

So, if you're trying to write a bestseller like Ms. Handler or if
you just want to be able to concentrate while paying bills,
take a seat and breathe in and out.

Good Luck! 


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