Thursday, December 13, 2012

George Clooney's Rxs For AntiAging!

                               Slow Down Aging Like George! 

It's been reported that Brad Pitt has contacted his good friend George
Clooney for advice on slowing down the aging process.
Whether this is true or just another story created by a
a very imaginitive tabloid writer, it's hard to believe.

Why? Brad Pitt is only 2 or 3 yrs. younger than Mr. Clooney
and Brad who'll be 50 this yr. or next yr. (in December) should
be giving George Clooney advice.
With that said, here are 3 things that'll help slow down the aging

process, no matter if you're a school teacher or a top earning movie star.
The 3 tips:
a) Head To The Produce Aisle-
And pick up some bananas, sweet potatoes, swiss chard,
onions, pears, apples, kale-etc. Why?
The more fruit and vegetables you eat, means you'll be taking in hundreds 

of the nature's finest disease-fighting compounds. Plus, healthy nutrients that
fight the free radical molecules that cause cell aging and fruit and vegetables
help neutralize up to 70% of the aging toxins that enter your body, adding
about 5 extra yrs. to your life. Not a fan of eating fruits and vegetables?
Buy a juicer and drink your way to better health.
Hey, it's working for Ellen D.-she'll be 54 in a few weeks.
b) Give Up-
Or cut way down on carbs. Not sweet potatoes and brown rice, but
white rice, rolls, bagels, pancakes and soda.
Cutting out these types of foods boost thyroid function and cuts levels of
insulin in hormones that prematurely age your brain, heart, arteries and other
organs by a whopping 45%.
c) Say Not To-
Bacon! We know, it's an American institution, and a favorite that Mr. Clooney
enjoys, but eating it on a regular basis can cut 9 yrs. off your life. Why?
Blame the nitrates- the salt and sugars that are used to cure the meats,
and all of that salt and sugar can do a number on delicate arteries.
This also goes for salami, baloney, pastrami, ham and hot dogs.
If you must, have a hot dog on the 4th of July or some bacon on Sunday
along with a few pancakes-(gluten-free).

That's it- 3 tips for slowing down the aging process, the tips will work for 

you as well as Brad Pitt.
And please continue to support this blog, that way I and my team of
remedy trackers will continue to look for healthy and alternative ways
to live longer, look younger and save money.

Above title: available at kindle store

Good Luck!

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