Saturday, March 1, 2014

Talk Show Host's Rx To Help Women Succeed!

                                     Ladies, Think Like A Man! 

Ladies, you may remember talk show and radio host Steve Harvey' s
monster best-selling book- "Act like a Lady and Think like a Man."
You may remember that Mr. Harvey was telling his female readers to hold
onto your principles and morals, but think like a man to get what you want out of the
Well, there are now other books out there that say, don't just think like
a man in your relationships, do it while at home or when going for a job you want.
That's right- look below and learn how "thinking like a man" can really help
you in all areas of your life.
a) Accept Compliments-
Ladies, do you accept compliments well? Not just on your looks, but
compliments on your job performance or the things you do at home?
Men seek out and bask in praise, but women who are much more modest, 

usually respond with a denial or qualification. ("My house is well-kept, because
I'm frightened of germs). Stop it ladies, accept it, compliments are mood boosters
and by denying them you dilute the good effects. So, next time, just smile and say thanks.
b) One Thing At A Time-
Ladies, men who clean the out garage, only focus on the garage, whereas women may
also clean the garage, but have other things going on as well, like dinner on the stove.
Women are great at multitasking, and all of that multitasking is causing more stress.

So ladies, don't feel bad about not having three things happening at once.
Relax and watch your stress levels drop.
c) Pursue Those Dreams-
You helped the man in your life achieve his dreams, but what about you? 

Women are given the role of caretakers at young ages, ("make your brother
a snack, when you get home from school") and you play it (caretaker) right 

into adulthood. Try taking a baby step toward something you want to do,
chances are it will lead to another step, until you're on way to making your 

own dreams come true. 
d) Let Go and Relax-
Sort of like tip B, ladies some of you may go well into the evening,
planning menus, washing and drying clothes, etc. Not men, at 6:00 pm,
they're usually done for the night. So ladies, take a page out of the
Men's handbook and ask for some help (from hubby and the kids)
or let the stuff go for a day or two.
e) Ask and You Shall Receive-
Men are usually more direct when asking for something, women
ask but in a negative way. An example: "I hate when you don't
take out the garbage, when I ask."
New approach ladies, " I'm cleaning out the garage this weekend,
I'd love for you to give me a hand."
Asking this way, more often than not gets you a positive response.
f) Get To The Point-
When men talk, it's usually to convey info- the reason their commun-
ications are shorter and more to the point. And that ladies, is often the
best way to hold someone's attention. So ask yourself--"what are my 2 or 3
main points here?" And then bullet them out in your head, and stick to them.

That's it- Ladies, more great tips to help you get what you want, in
this man eats everything World!

Good Luck!

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