Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hollywood's Rx Just For Younger Women!

                Mammograms For Younger Women!

Ladies, remember when Good Morning co-host Amy Robach,
announced she had breast cancer? 

She was 40 and thought she was too young for a mammogram.
Well, Robin Roberts told her "put those fears aside and do it."
Ah, the wisdom of someone older, Robin Roberts was right,
new research says that women should be getting mammograms
in their late 30's and early 40's.

The earlier you have a mammogram, the better the medical 

professionals are able to catch a tumor at its smallest
and you may not need chemotherapy. 

And you may be wondering why women who look as healthy
as Ms. Robach are getting breast cancer.
Believe it or not, it's something you may be avoiding that's causing it.
What is that? No Sun or too little Sun,
Yup, women who live in California, Florida and Arizona have lower
rates of breast cancer than those who live in Mass. Ohio, Michigan
and Minn.

Researchers say that the vitamin D you get from the Sun, helps keep 

you breast cancer-free and if you're like Ms. Robach and working indoors 
most of the week, you're not getting any exposure to Sun.
So, what do you do?
You can move to Hollywood (not a possibility?) or you can get more D from
supplements (check with your Dr. on amounts) or you can eat
more foods like sockeye salmon, mackerel, shiitake and white button
mushrooms and herring.
And if you're able-get some Sun, 15 to 20 mins. with no sunscreen,
and a little more for people of Color. (Lupita Nyong'o).

Need more tips on how to stay breast cancer-free?
Head to the kindle store and check out The Superfoods That'll
Prevent Breast Cancer. Type it into the search bar and then download it.

Good Luck!

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