Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Star's Orange Rx To Slow Down Aging!

                Look Younger Like Gwyneth!

Last week we posted about Gwyneth Paltrow and her attempt
to fit in, you know, be more like you and me. 
What did she do?
She used an EBT card (food stamps) for a week,
okay more like 4 days.

Well, this week,  Ms. Paltrow is back and in her quest to 
remain youthful and wrinkle-free, she's copying
another star's secret go-to recipe for delaying the aging process.
The star she's copying: Uma Thurman and her secret weapon:
Pumpkins. As in oils and creams made with pumpkins.

If you go back a yr. or two and re read our post on pumpkins
and anti-aging, then you'll know how truly powerful they really are. 
And it's not just pumpkins, it's also carrots, butternut squash,  apricots,
acorn squash and sweet potatoes.
These foods are so powerful a woman hoping to age gracefully started to eat
some of these orange-colored foods at each meal and today, 12 yrs. later,  at age 
44, her skin still looks like she's in her early twenties.
Why are these foods so effective against aging?
They contain ample amounts of vitamin A  and  C, 2 vitamins that help soften
the skin and boost collagen production to prevent the signs of aging.

So, if you're like Gwyneth and Uma and you want look 5, 8 or even
10 yrs. younger, start eating or wearing more orange foods. 
And one last tip--if you want more info on how not only the pumpkin,
but the seeds, the pulp and the flowers from a pumpkin can
help you look and feel younger, head to Amazon.com
and type Orange is The new Green in the search box. 
Download it and get started on a younger and more vibrant you.
Plus, for each one we sell, that means we'll be closer to our goal
of attending The Holistic Health Fair this Summer.

Good Luck!

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