Monday, July 29, 2013

Simple Solution For More Beautiful Nails!

                       The Beautiful Nails Solution! 

Ladies do you want luxurious nails?
Well, it's possible, but you have to do one thing, 

what is it?
Stop cutting them so short.

That's right- according to celebrity manicurist Patricia 

Yankee, "the more you cut them, the more they'll fray."
And believe it or not, allowing your nails to grow a little longer-
helps keep bacteria out.

So, only cut off skin that's totally dead or hanging, then push back
and moisturize the rest of your cuticle.
And if your nails get in the way of your job, then you may have
to keep them short.

Good Luck!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Simpson's Rx For Reducing Stress!

                        Eat Nuts To Reduce Stress! 

Reducing stress is big business in the U.S. How big?
It's just below sleep disorders, high blood pressure,
diabetes and anxiety. 

You can go the medicine route and risk the side effects
and the empty wallet or you can go the route that an animated
father and son uses.

What is it? Eat nuts, more specifically Pistachios nuts. 

The Simpsons- Bart and Homer are pushing pistachio nuts in their
new commercial and that's a good thing- especially to relieve
So, instead of turning to that bag of candy or bag of chips,
have about 6 to 12 pistachio nuts.
Pistachios have unique compounds in them that relax blood vessels,
helping to lower your response to unwanted stress.
And for those who aren't fans of pistachios, do the following...
a) Take a few deep breaths. 

b) Grab a pen and paper. Write down what's bothering you and
then write out some ways to eliminate what's bothering you. 

c) Grab your running shoes. Walk, (no need to run) for 20 mins. 
and watch how quickly the stress ends.
d) Call a friend. Preferably a positive friend or relative and talk
about current events (no negative stuff) or the weather.
e) Listen to music. Music that's uplifting, no negative rap 

or hard charging, angry heavy metal.

That's it- And if you need more info--head to kindle store 

and look for Natural Alternatives To Xanax. You'll find more great tips
like the ones listed above to eliminate stress and anxiety.

Good Luck!

Director's Rx For Applying Lipstick!

                                  Use Your Camera Phone To Apply Makeup! 

A female director was scheduled to do an interview.
The woman directed a low budget movie and was back in her
hometown (where she shot the movie) to talk about it. 

The show that was interviewing her was also independent and low 
budget and that meant very little money.

As she waited to be interviewed, she decided to check her makeup,
only problem- she left her purse in another room.
She wanted to run and get it but decided against that,
so how was she going to check her makeup?
She had her camera phone with her and that's what she used.
That's right- she turned her phone around, took a picture and
check her lipstick, blush and mascara.

So ladies, if you're ever without a mirror or another
person (to give you their opinion) remember your cell phone camera.

Good Luck!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Green-Cleaning Your Clothes!

                                     Go Green On Your Laundry! 

Hollywood does set a lot of trends, and going green is certainly one of those
trends. You know- recycling, using natural cleaners and using electric
cars. And a lot of stars have certainly gone green- stars like...

Jessica Alba, Matt Damon, Jamie Lee Curtis and Leonardo DiCaprio.
If you're one who has gone green or if you're thinking of going green-
make sure you start with your laundry.

Yes, look for the new Eco-friendly laundry detergents made from nontoxic,
all-natural ingredients like coconut and essential oils. These products are
great for washing machines or hand-washing your clothes and suitable for all
types of fabrics.

So, if you're concerned about the foods you eat, the types of candles you burn,
then make sure you do the same for your wardrobe. 

That's it and if you're wondering where to find these types of
new detergents, go online to you'll find them there.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you or a family member (female family member) is planning
on a future pregnancy like Duchess Kate, and you're fearing the weight 

gain, head on over to and take a look 
at the post- The supplement that'll help you lose the baby weight.
Read all about it-today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Simple Solution For Wearing Shorts In The Summer!

                                   Prevent Shorts From Riding Up! 
Some stars like Cameron Diaz, Katie Holmes,

Rhianna and Jennifer Aniston love wearing shorts in the
Summer, you'd love it to, but there's a problem that
makes it hard to enjoy wearing them.
What's the problem?
They (shorts) ride up between your thighs.

So, if you want to continue wearing your shorts in the Summer,
do the following...
Sew a small weight into the inside area of the bottom hem-
(do each leg). Or use PSST iron-on patches, the patches stabilize
the inside seam to help your shorts stay in their place.
Find the iron-on patches online at

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Selena Gomez's Birthday Gift For Travelers!

                 Enjoy Selena's Favorite Snack! 

Selena Gomez turned 21 on July 22nd. Ms. Gomez makes no secret of her
love of Mexican food. She is Mexican-American and often celebrates birthdays,
red carpet events and other holidays with some type of Mexican treat.
One of her favorite foods not only tastes great, it can also help those of
you out there who travel on planes or in cars for hours at a time,
the favorite food: Salsa!

That's right- Sitting on a plane or sitting in an office at a desk for hours
at a time increases your risk of developing blood clots.
And if you're a World traveler or just someone who has to sit for hrs.
at a time, then add some salsa to your daily menu.

Why salsa?
It's really any kind of tomato-based food that helps keep blood flowing,
but salsa is a favorite for a lot of people. Give credit to the powerful
antioxidant in tomatoes called Lycopene, and it's ability to stop blood
platelets from becoming sticky, the first step in clot formation.

So. if you have to endure long bus, car or airplane rides, remember to
eat more ketchup (organic), tomato sauce, salsa or have Whoopi Goldberg's
favorite drink- a V8 drink.

And here are some more tips to keeping the blood clots at bay,
* If you do eat tomato sauce, don't overdo the meatballs, spaghetti
and Italian bread. High fat foods also cause blood clots and no
amount of tomatoes will undo the damage.
* Not a fan of tomatoes?
Eat kiwi, a piece of dark chocolate, or drink some grape
juice or drink more water.
* Stand up more. If you sit for long hours, stand up every 60 mins.
and walk around. This may be difficult on a plane, but you can
sit there and rotate your ankles and flex your knees.

There you have it, a birthday gift from Selena Gomez,
a gift that can help save your life.

Good Luck!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Makeup Rx To Brighten Your Skin!

                         Using Lipstick To Improve Your Looks! 

If your skin looks like you had a rough weekend or looks dry
and battered or if you have a new pimple or two, you can do something
(makeup wise) to change it.
What makeup trick is that?
Apply pink lipstick.

That's right- Pink, not bright red or a pale nude, but pink.
Why pink?
It gives your face a glow and unlike pale nudes or a shocking
red, pink lipstick distract the eye from imperfections instead of
highlighting them.

Good Luck!

NYX Matte Lipstick - Shocking Pink (Google Affiliate Ad)

Michael Phelp's Rx For Summer Skin!

                            Avoiding Dry Swimmer's Skin! 

Are you a recreational swimmer? Or are you a swimmer who's on the
same level as Michael Phelps or Missy Franklin?

Well, if you're a once a month swimmer or it's something
you do everyday, follow this tip to help keep your skin smooth
following the assault from all of that chlorine.
Grab a clean cloth and some face cream. After getting out of the pool,
apply the face cream and then wipe it off, after that rinse your face a
few times with lukewarm water and finish up by applying some moisturizer.

Why do this?
Chlorine can be very drying, and if you have to drive home the chlorine
stays on your face, so wiping it down with face cream and then applying
moisturizer-will help keep your skin smooth and hydrated for the remainder
of the Summer.

That's it- Enjoy the rest of your Summer and don't forget to moisturize.

Good Luck!

Candie#X27;S Fringe Monokini (Google Affiliate Ad)


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jamie Lee Curtis' Rx For Your Best Summer Ever!

                            Eat Yogurt This Summer! 

Have you seen the Jamie Lee Curtis commercial pushing
Yogurt? You can't miss it, it's on every 10 minutes.
And if you haven't been moved to buy yogurt even after
Jamie Lee touts its benefits, you may be after reading this. 

Yogurt can help with 2 things that affect a lot of women,
especially during the Summer, what are they?
Bloating and red faces from the Summer sun.
And if you're affected by one or both, then you need to continue
reading, first the "poochy" stomachs...

A good quality,  Greek yogurt (plain) has more healthy fats and 

twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt, and the fats and protein 
in yogurt jumpstarts the body tissues to let go of those trapped fluids.
Plus, the probiotics in Greek yogurt can turn down the production of
gas in as little as 3 days.

And now on to the Red faces...

Mix up some plain yogurt, (1/4 cup) with a tbs. or two of aloe vera
gel and a tbs. or two of wheat grass, sit back and apply to the areas
where you see redness. Leave alone for 10 mins. and then rinse off
with water.
And one last thing, this remedy is for a mild case of redness,
don't overdo it and apply this mask. If you sat out in the Sun
for too long, it may require medical attention.

That's it- 2 tips from the former "Scream teen" Jamie Lee Curtis. (Halloween)

Good Luck! 


Euro Cuisine Yogurt Maker (Google Affiliate Ad)

Kim K's Rx To Tame Frizzy Hair!

                   Tame That Hair In The Summertime! 

Kim Kardashian has the same problem a lot of women have in
the Summer, what is it? Out-of-control hair due to humidity.
And if you've been using lotion to tame it, stop it and use the
product Ms. K uses, what is it? Argan Oil!

Popular for decades in the Middle East, this oil can get that frizzy
hair to stay put-even in the most humid conditions.
So, if you're hair is taking a beating this Summer, remember to use 

the oil that Kim K uses.

And if it's too much for your budget- use olive or coconut oil,
they're suitable alternatives.

Good Luck!

Agadir Women Argan Oil Hair Treatment (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Food Rx For New Hollywood Moms!

                                Simple Solution For Smooth Baby Skin! 

Whether you're a Hollywood mom, or a mom from Toledo or Parma Ohio,
this is a tip you can use.
New research says that a number of babies are getting Eczema, (a chronic skin inflammation)
and it may be due to the number of antibiotics mom took over the yrs.
Well, if it's from antibiotics or hereditary, you just want it to be gone.
And one way to do it is not with medicine but with food.

The food?
Yes, at around 6, 7 or 8 months of age, start giving your little one some
fish. What type of fish?
Well, it shouldn't be fish sticks or deep fried fish, but a good quality fish that's 

been baked or broiled with a little olive or coconut oil and some herbs and spices.
The omega-3 fatty acids in fish help build immunity to keep invading viruses from
entering the body.

That's it- and remember, this is just a food tip, if you feel that medicine works 

best, by all means go that route.

Good Luck!

If you or a loved one is suffering through this oppressive heatwave
and you want some relief, head to
Once there, you'll find some great tips on how to stay calm and Cool.

Hollywood's Summer Safety Tips For Kids!

                           A Super Summer For Kids! 

Moms, don't you wish you could have a nanny or two, a personal chef,
a driver, and an assistant for the Summer?
You know, to help look after your kids, cook them nutritious meals 

and drive them to and fro?

Well, it's not a reality for most people, and the Summer time can be especially
difficult. A brush with poison ivy, a serious sunburn or too many mosquito bites
can make the Summer season much more difficult.
But luckily, there's some help, and you don't have to pay for it.

Say what?
That's right- PBS, the government funded station you (the taxpayers) pay for
has created a site, a site that'll help any mom or dad make it through this
Summer. The site will help you if your kid stumbles into poison ivy or oak,
gets a sting that may swell or looks like the "Tanning Mom after a few hrs. outdoors. 

So, if you're a mom (or dad) who needs help this Summer dealing with one or five
kids, then you must visit this site.
The Site: kids.
Or go to Google and type in PBS and Summer safety tips for kids.

That's it- and remember to make it a safe and memorable Summer.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wendy Williams' Rx For Slowing Down Aging!

                    Stop The Aging Process! 

Wendy Williams, the extremely popular T.V. host is gaining in popularity-
thanks to her easy-breezy monlogue in the beginning and her mix of
cooking segments, gossip and interesting guests.
One thing Ms. Williams loves to do, may not only help put
you in a better mood, it may also help slow down the aging process. 

What is it?
Using the DVR.

That's right- Not really using the DVR, but watching a certain type of
show on the DVR is what's really responsible for slowing down the aging process. 

Ms. Williams always says that her busy schedule prevents her from watching her
favorite shows, so she has someone DVR them and she watches them later.
And if you aren't able to watch your favorites, just make sure to record them
and get back to them later.

Oh wait- there's one more catch- what is it?
Make sure the shows are comedies, why? Laughter prompts the brain to produce
an incredible 85% of the anti-aging hormone. This hormone will boost the production
of skin-firming collagen, make muscles and bones stronger, give your heart a workout
and keep your moods upbeat and positive. 

So, if you're looking to turn back the clock and be more like Wendy Williams-
(she'll be 50 in a yr.). remember to DVR-I Love Lucy, Seinfeld, the
monologues from Jimmy Kimmel , Jimmy Fallon and the hot new sitcom,
Modern Family and 
you'll be on your way to looking and feeling 10 or
more yrs. younger.

Good Luck!

Makeup Tips For The Financially Challenged!

                                 Makeup Lessons For Regular Folks! 

Having trouble applying your eyeliner?
Or your mascara?
Well, believe it or not there's an app for those who need help
applying their mascara or eyeliner.

The App: is an app that has 180 how-to
videos on everything from applying eyeliner to applying makeup
for your upcoming wedding.
The App also customizes each look for your skin type

and your style needs (a glamour look or a dramatic look).
So, next time you're at a fancy dinner party or a red carpet event
and you need some help with your makeup, get out your smartphone
or tablet out and download 

Good Luck!

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Full House Rx For A Slimmer Waistline. !

                         Stay Trim and Slim Like John! 

How many people out there remember the 80's T.V. show,
Full House?
It was about a single dad raising 3 girls with help from his 

brother-in-law and the brother-in-laws' best friend. 
The series also introduced the future twin superstars
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen to America.

But, this post isn't about Danny, D.J. or the twins, it's
all about Uncle Jesse known in real life as John Stamos.
That's right- John Stamos is doing a commercial that not
only celebrates his Greek heritage, but the Greek food that
helps you slim down.
What food is that?
Greek Yogurt. 

It (the yogurt) contains more healthy-fats, less
sugar, half the salt and twice the protein of regular yogurt.
And if you eat a cup of Greek yogurt a day, you can lose up 

to 15 pounds in 6 months.

That's it- a cup of yogurt a day will do it, but there are
some other things you must do as well, like...
* make sure it's plain yogurt. The sugary kind
(made with artificial sweetners) does the opposite- keeps
your waistline bigger.
* make sure the rest of your diet is healthy and not full 

of poor carbs, trans fats and unhealthy fats.
* add your own fruit to make it sweeter, but not too much fruit.
Your tip for a slimmer and trimmer waistline, Courtesy of Uncle Jesse!

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chuck Norris' Rx For A Better Memory!

                          Building Brainpower! 

Although Chuck Norris may not be as popular as he was in the past,
he still enjoys a large following- thanks to reruns of his
show- "Walker, Texas Ranger!"
And if you are or aren't a fan, there's something that Mr. Norris did
during that show that can help you with your memory.
What is it? Make a fist. That's right- the very act of making a fist
may be the only thing you need to do for building up memory.
For too long the money-hungry hustlers out there have tried to convince
you that you need special vitamins or computer games to help build memory.

You don't have to spend money, just do this...
Say- you have to go over some work for school or make a presentation 

at work, go over the info and while doing so- make a fist with your right hand.
Also helpful- say "as I go over this info, I will make a fist with my right hand
and when I need to recall it, I'll make a fist my left hand."
That's it- and why does this work? Clenching your right fist activates the areas
of the brain responsible for storing new info and clenching the left hand activates
the areas responsible for retrieving that info.

So remember, don't pay for books, CDs, or software for a better memory,
just use your hands, like Chuck Norris would.
Also helpful, if you're memory is in tip-top shape, making a fist with your right
or left hand is said to help boost willpower, for those who need to resist a danish,
or that bag of potato chips. 

Good Luck!

'Chuck Norris Cannot Be Stopped' Book   (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Martha Stewart's Rx For Finding Mr. Right!

                       Looking For Love Like Martha! 

Do you remember Martha Stewart on "The Today Show"
hoping to find "Mr. Right?"
Well, if you're a woman and are also looking like Ms. Stewart, 

here are a few pointers to help you. 
a) Volunteer-
Do volunteer work in your sweats. Sweats? Yes, volunteering
to build homes for wounded veterans or pick up trash at
the local park is a great way to find that special someone.
And researchers also say that getting a little dirty or sweaty
lowers inhibitions between both sexes and it makes communicating
b) Give Him A Quiz-
No it's not that type of quiz, this quiz requires some work on your
part. When choosing a screen name don't go with Hilary123,
create a screen name like...TheBossLivesHere.
Why that screen name? Say you list Bruce Springsteen as your
favorite rock band, ask what's the name of Bruce Springsteen's
hometown in your profile. Researchers say that men love trivia games
and they'll flood your inbox. Not into rock music?
Use a Star Wars reference or video game reference as your screen name.
c) Post This Type Of Photo-
Sure, choosing a photo that shows your face is fine, but you
want an avalanche of responses, so choose a photo of doing something
physical. Something like you water skiing, or hiking the Appalachian trail. 

Why a physical photo?
Showing potential dates your passionate about something, especially something
outdoors is a sure-fire way to get a lot of responses. 

There you have it, 3 tips to help you find Mr. Right.
We won't guarantee the results Martha Stewart got, but you
should come pretty close.
And if you're already married, look for the E-document,
"Will and Kate- The Love Rxs To Make Your Marriage Divorce-Proof!"
Available at in the kindle store.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Summer Makeup Rxs Pt. II!

                          Makeup Rxs For The Summer-Pt. II! 

As promised, here are the next 2 parts of finding your best makeup choices
for the Summer. And as we pointed out in yesterday's post-it's all about
the elements, you know Earth, Water, Fire and Air.
Today's posts are all about the Water and Fire signs and
if you're a water sign, it means...
* your skin tone is...Fair with cool undertones.
* your eyes are blue, gray, green or light brown. 

and * your hair is ash blond or light brown.
And the celebrities who are water signs are Taylor Swift and Kristen Bell.
So, now that you know the signs, it's time to get started.

* For your lips- Apply a soft mauve lip color. Look for the product from
Revlon- it's called Super Lustrous Lipstick in Sassy Mauve. 

* For your eyes- sweep on some lavender eye shadow.
Look for a product called NYX Single Eye Shadow in Frosted Lilac.
Find them online at
* For your cheeks- Apply a pink blush. Look for the kind from L'Oreal,
it's called True Match Super Blendable Blush in Baby Blossom.
Water signs have natural coloring that's very delicate, so just apply
a hint of pastel color- you know- pinks and lavenders. These 2 colors enhance
your coloring, not overwhelm them.
Now on to the Fire signs...
If you're a Fire means
* your skin is golden, olive, honey or warm brown.
* your eyes are black, brown, hazel or green.
* your hair is dark brown, black or auburn.
And the celebrities you most identify with are Jessica Alba
and Eva Mendes.
Now on to your makeup tips.
* For your lips- Apply a brick red lip color. Look for the
lipstick called Lip Smacking Fun Colors in Chaos, online
* For your eyes: Put on a golden shimmer shadow.
Look for the product called Yves Rocher Eyeshadow. 

find it online at
* For your cheeks- Use a deep peach blush.
Find it at drugstores- the brand Maybelline Dream Bouncy
Blush in Peach Satin.
That's it for today, tomorrow is the last sign, and it's
all about Air. Hint- Anne Hathaway is an Air sign.

Good Luck!

Elle Cosmetics Eyeliner (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Finding The Right Summer Makeup!

                           Choose The Right Summer Makeup! 

According to a top Hollywood stylist, the color of your hair, eyes and skin
are the keys to finding the most flattering makeup for your eyes, lips
and cheeks. This same stylist also says that your color signature is related
to the elements. This means that if you're element is Earth, you should be
doing this, and if you're a water sign don't do that.

To get started, lets start with Earth signs. Your color signature...
Your skin tone is-Fair with warm undertones,
Your eyes are blue, gray, or green.
Your hair is golden or strawberry blond or light brown.
If this is you, you share the same sign as Jennifer Aniston
and Jennifer Lawrence.

Now to the makeup choices you should be making.
*Your Lips- Look for peachy lip gloss. One to try- Rimmel
Lasting Finish Lipstick in Crush.
*Your Eyes- Sweep on a mint-colored shimmer. One to try-
Prestige Dramatic Minerals Eyeshadow in Leaf.
*Your Cheeks- Lightly brush on a shimmery peach blush.
One to try- Cover Girl Cheekers Blush in Pretty Peach.
Find the makeup at drugstores or beauty supply stores.
And lastly, Peach and nude shades accentuate your natural
golden glow, and shimmery blue/green shades really bring out
your eye color.

That's it- Tomorrow, it's all about the Water signs. 
Hint- Taylor Swift is a water sign.

And if you want to reduce bloat, look for our beverage tip
at our regular

Good Luck!

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Hollywood Rx For Making Money!

                                         Write Your Way To A Fortune! 

Are you a screenwriter who's having a hard time making money?
Or are you trying to write for a sitcom or drama series
Well, if you're a writer who's just having a tough go if it,
there's a way to make money and still stay connected to Hollywood,

By going to and setting up an account.
Amazon has secured the rights to a number of T.V. shows, movies,
comics and video games and you (the struggling author) can now
write your own version of say- Pretty Little Liars or True Blood
and then upload it to  

So, if you're struggling to get your writing (any kind of writing) noticed,
head to and check out this new opportunity.

Good Luck!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Choosing Sunscreen!

                               Picking The Right Sunscreen! 

Stars aren't like us (regular folks) in a lot of ways, but one
way they're very similar... they also have to worry about skin cancer
and wear their sunscreen.
And stars don't just want the most expensive stuff, they want the stuff
that works best.

Luckily, some new sunscreens are on the market and they'll not only
protect you from the sun's harmful rays, they'll improve your looks as well.
a) Body Breakouts-
Some sunscreens have a reputation for causing breakouts and other skin
irritations, but not the new and improved sunscreen called...
Philosophy Shelter Sunscreen. It has lavender oil in it.
The lavender oil will kill bacteria and heal blemishes. And it also
comes in a color that helps hide existing pimples and red spots. 

Find the sunscreen at
b) Thinning Skin-
Skin on the neck and cleavage area are much thinner and sunscreens
usually don't address the thinning skin problem, well that was then,
today- there's a sunscreen that has mango and papaya extracts in it
and will help plump up skin and lighten sunspots.
The sunscreen...Hawaiian Tropic Shimmer Effect, SPF 40 available
at Drugstores like Walgreens and CVS.
c) Cellulite-
Oh no, not cellulite again. Oh yes, if you're one of the millions of
women bothered by the unsightly lumps and bumps, look for the
sunscreen called...Australian Gold Spray Gel with Instant Bronzer, 

SPF 30, also available at Walgreens, Rite Aid or CVS stores.
It contains fatty acids that lock in moisture, so skin appears smoother
and the aloe in it repairs collagen for a firmer look. And lastly, 

the bronzer in the product helps legs look toned, tan and leaner.

Good Luck and here's to a Good Summer!

For more great tips...lok at our other site-
Learn which Summer fruits will help improve your eyesight.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Simple Solution For Looking Like a Supermodel!

                           Take Great Photos! 
Ever wish your photos looked like those you see on the newsstands? 
Well, you don't have to wish anymore, there's a simple solution to help you
achieve it. How? With a phone app! 

That's right- download the free Beauty Box Photo- digital retoucher
app on your smartphone or tablet.

Just upload a photo, then use the app to smooth over your wrinkles,
get rid of blemishes, reduce shininess or erase the Sun damage.
And believe it or not, this app is the same type of technology
that top photographers use for celebrity photos.

So, there you have it, another incredible advancement to
help you look like a star without spending lots of
money on trainers, nutritionists, or stylists.

Good Luck!