Friday, January 20, 2012

Emma Stone's Rx For A Gorgeous Complexion!

                 Emma Stone's Beauty Secret!
Emma Stone-the talented young star of the Summer's biggest hit- "The Help!"

just revealed her secret for gorgeous skin. Her secret: Grapeseed Oil!
Plus, she's under 25 yrs. of age, which also helps.

Ms. Stone loves the grapeseed oil, but admits she smells like grapes all day.
So, is Ms. Stone delusional or is she right in her assesment of grapes as
wrinkle fighters?
If you picked grapes as wrinkle fighters-give yourself a hand.
How do grapes work as wrinkle fighters?
Grapes are packed with antioxidants and other compounds that fight
fine lines and brighten skin tone.

Do this and watch your skin change right before your eyes.
Buy some grapes (red and green) place a few in the freezer
for 5 mins. Remove them from the freezer, split them in half,
remove the seeds (or buy them seedless) and gently rub the
cool grapes over fyour face and neck, do this for a few mins.
Sit back and relax for 10 to 15 mins. and then rinse your face
with lukewarm water. Do this in the evening for a week, and
you should see a reduction in fine lines, and better skin texture
and tone.

And for those who aren't willing to rub a fresh grape on their face,
do like Emma Stone and splurge on some grapeseed oil.

Good Luck!

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