Making Friends Like Kristen!
Kristen Stewart-the star of Twilight movie series, just revealed in
her latest interview-that she's lonely and friendless.
A lot of people out there aren't going to feel sorry for someone who
is worth millions of dollars.
But, what if you're in the same situation as Ms. Stewart and you
don't have millions in the bank?
Well, look below and learn some tips that'll help you make new friends
The Friendship Rxs:
a) Get A Pet-
A cute dog attracts attention, and if you have a dog take him or her to
the dog park and strike up a conversation with a fellow dog owner.
And for those of you out there that don't own pets, maybe you can adopt
a pet or if you're elderly parent or neighbor has a dog that needs walking,
volunteer to do it.
b) Volunteer-
Go to the animal shelter, woman's shelter or an elderly center.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and make friends.
c) Hit The "Hot Spots"-
For women going to nail and hair salons, book clubs or exercise classes
and men-it's hardware stores, (Home Depot) gyms, or sporting events.
When you do something for yourself like going to a new exercise class
or hair salon, you get to ask questions or engage in conversation that may
lead to friendship.
d) Use the Web-
This may be hard for Ms. Stewart, but for the rest of us, connecting
with people who have similar interests may help develop new friendships.
Look for the new Learn about people who live near
you and enter your address as well.
e) Make A Google Map-
Of your town, then pick a spot or two you've never visited, like a yoga
studio or a new eatery in your town. This is like a scavenger hunt-
a scavenger hunt for friends.
f) Speak Up-
According to some, Ms. Stewart isn't that talkative or outgoing
when she's around others and that in itself is a problem.
So, if being shy or quiet around others, you may need to break out
of it. Ask coworkers about their hobbies, kids or favorite foods or web sites.
Another tip: Give more compliments, praising someone's style of clothing,
hair or work habits is a great way to break the ice and develop friendships.
And if compliments are hard for you, offer something cupcakes or bring
in a magazine or recipe you read about. Giving someone a small token
triggers the "reciprocity effect" making him or her want to do something nice
for you in return.
That's it- some simple tips for a big star like Kristen Stewart or you-"Average
Jane!" And if don't think friends are important- new research says that
just 10 mins. of a good conversation with friends a few times a week,
cuts stress, boost immune levels and gives you more confidence.
Good Luck!
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