Thursday, October 30, 2014

Martha and Gwyneth's Rx For Making More Money!

                                 Get Rich Like Martha and Blake! 

If you're up on your Hollywood gossip, then you may remember the spat
between Martha Stewart and Gwyneth Paltrow.
And then another brouhaha between Martha Stewart and Blake Lively.
What were they about?
Martha felt that Gwyneth and Blake were infringing on her territory.
In simple English, Gwyneth and Blake who love to cook, sew, decorate
and just plain use their other creative gifts, both have websites that
dole out advice on cooking, sewing and creating.
And when Ms. Stewart was told about Blake's and Gwyneth's ambition
to become more like her and start their own empires based on
homemaking, Ms. Stewart was none to pleased.

Well, there's plenty of room out there for all women (and men)
who want to create to help make our lives easier and better.
And if you also have ambitions to do something similar, take
your talents to and get paid for it.

What is Etsy?
It's a site for those who love to paint, sew, cook, knit, take photographs
and just plain make things and then sell those paintings, photographs
and crafts to millions of people around the World.
And with the holidays coming up, it's a perfect time to open up a store
and get started on becoming the next Gwyneth, Blake, Jessica Alba
 (Honest company) or Martha Stewart.

Not sure how to get started?
Well, head to and type how to start an Etsy shop in the search bar.
Hope this helps, and also remember, with the state of our economy, (the U.S.
economy) it's best you take control of your own financial situation and
not rely on an employer.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hollywood's Color Rx For The Fall!

                    Look Hip and Chic This Fall! 

Every year about this time, fashion designers pick a color that'll look
great on the Runway and in New York, Paris and Hollywood. 

This year's favorite color: Burgundy!

If you're a fan of the dark wine color, look for burgundy
purses, slippers, suede booties, cardigans and Lipstick.
(Look for Merlot colored lipstick, one to try--Lip Stain in Forever
Mine Wine, available at Drugstores.
And if you do buy wine-colored clothing, shoes or a blouse,
wear them with black, gray, camel or chocolate brown
for instant Autumn pizzaz.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hollywood's Halloween Rx For Better Health!

                   Enjoy Halloween and Get Healthier! 

You may think that Hollywood stars aren't into Halloween.
And if you've been thinking this, you're wrong.
Stars like Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie and Jennifer Garner
absolutely love it. 

They love the decorating, the carving of pumpkins and
baking dishes that contain Pumpkin.
And if you too, also love Halloween, here are some things that
you and your family can do to boost health and happiness, this
coming Friday.
Things like...
a) Creating A Tradition-
If you have a Halloween tradition like picking out pumpkins
or going for a hayride, continue doing it, why?
It'll bring your family closer. All rituals are important, but you
tend to always remember the ones revolving around the holidays-
because those events make such a big impression on you.
Such an impression, you'll remember them for a lifetime.
b) Carving A Pumpkin-
Carving a pumpkin requires you to use the right side of your brain,
the creative side. And spending time carving and creating
means a mini-vacation from the hustle and bustle of jobs, school
and other adult responsibilities.
c) Meet The Neighbors-
If you only talk or socialize with your neighbors on Halloween, that's not good.
Interacting with neighbors can help boost happiness levels.
Start interacting more with your neighbors.
d) Dress Up-
If you only dress up your kids once a year, you're missing out.
Missing out on letting go of stress. Dressing up helps you get in
touch with your inner-child, and lets you explore fantasies that may get stifled
the rest of the year. Any time you dress up or do something like
face-painting, you're letting go of adult stress.
e) Visiting a Haunted House- 

Do you enjoy visiting a haunted house or watching a movie like
Saw? Well, believe it or not, you're releasing "happy" hormones.
Getting scared, whether it's from a haunted house or a scary movie
helps makes fear more manageable.
Important tip:
If you have a less than healthy heart, you may want to skip the
haunted house or scary movie.
f) The Chocolate Rx-
If you avoid the candy during the holidays, you may want to
rethink that. Read more about the benefits of Chocolate at our
main blog. The blog:

That's it, stay safe and enjoy Halloween, just
like Jessica, Nicole and Jennifer. 

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hollywood's Romantic Movie Rx Just For Women!

                  Burning The Candle At Both Ends! 

Are you fans of romantic movies?
How about a scene where a man (or woman) lights one candle or a bunch
of candles?
Well, if you've taken a cue from one of your favorite movies and
lit a candle or two to set up a romantic mood, you may want
to stop that. 

Stop lighting candles, why?

According to new research, scented candles (and even some air freshners)
raise your risk of developing breast cancer. 

That's right, if you remember a post we did right after pop stars' Donna
Summers death, we told you about her obsession with keeping things
clean. Which means-she was constantly using Mr. Clean, Lysol,
oven cleaner, etc. to keep smells and stains away.

And today, you can add scented candles and some air freshners to that list.
Chemically scented products kick out compounds called Phthalates,
and these compounds act exactly like estrogen in your body, speeding
the growth and spread of abnormal cancer cells.
So, if you still want a house that's sweet smelling or if you want
to continue setting a romantic mood with a candle or two,
head online to and type--where to buy or how to make
natural scented candles, and natural cleaning products
that are chemical-free in the search bar. 

Or, go to, (the site run by Jessica Alba)
she might have some home cleaning products, air freshners and candles that won't put your health in danger.

Good Luck!

One last thing, don't forget to look for our latest E-Document, The French Rxs For Health, Longevity and Everlasting Beauty. see title to the right.
It's available at kindle store.
Once you download it, read the chapter on the diet tips
that'll help your keep skin youthful and supple well into
your 50's, 60's and 70's, just like actress Catherine Deneuve. (age 71).
Thank You!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Duck Dynasty's Rx For Raising Successful Kids!

                         Simple Solution To Raising Great Kids! 

Any "Dancing With The Stars" fans out there? 

Well, if you're truly a fan, then you must be impressed with the talent
displayed by the young lady known as Sadie Robertson.

What's even more impressive is that Ms. Robinson attends a school
that doesn't allow any type of dancing.
And her dancing shouldn't be the only thing that impresses you about this 

young lady, her grace, her humbleness and kindness should also make you
stand up and take notice.
And if you want the secret to as to why she may be so kind, humble and
gracious, look no further than the dinner table. 

The Dinner table-say what?

That's right, for yrs. parents have consulted "so-called experts" bought
child-rearing books and paid people big bucks as to the secrets of raising
great kids, and lo and behold- the answer may be your dining room table.
Big family dinners, (the way Duck Dynasty ends each show) where parents,
grandparents, kids and a neighbor or two sit around for an hour
or two may be the real key to raising great kids.

Yes, people in France, Spain, Italy and Greece have known about this
for yrs. and in the U.S. it's starting to catch on.
Food in other parts of the World is considered more than something you
chew for a few mins.  swallow and then leave the table,  no- food to
Europeans is an experience where people talk, share ideas, dreams and hopes, 

learn to listen and bond.
And all of this listening, sharing, caring and bonding means lowers rates
of depression, truancy, disrespecting others, run-ins with the law, eating disorders
 and teen pregnancy.
And for the adults, it means reduced odds of having cholesterol, blood pressure
and heart disease issues.

So, if you're a mom or dad with a preteen or teen or if you plan
on becoming a mom in the not-too-distant future and you want to
see your kids become rock solid and productive adults, take a
hint from the Robinson clan, and start eating meals together.

And if you want additional info as to why the French do better in other areas of life
as well, like...fewer hospital visits, an extra 5 to 7 yrs. of life,
fewer wrinkles, less depression, less stress and better vision,
head to kindle store and download a copy of
see title below...

Once you download it, get started
on a happier and healthier life,
just like the French.

Good Luck!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hollywood's Rx For Safer Traveling!

                              Safer Air Travel! 

It doesn't matter if you're a star earning millions a year, or a regular gal or guy
earning less than 50,000 dollars, if you travel by plane, you
should take some simple steps to keep yourself safe.

The simple steps:
a) Clean Your Hands- 

Mom was right, keeping your hand clean is very important.
And a recent study says that tap water on 20% of U.S.  planes tested
positive for diarrhea-causing bacteria. To avoid this- make sure to wash your hands
for at least 15 to 20 seconds with warm soapy water. After washing your 

hands, rub an alcohol-based hand gel, such as Purell or Avant on them.
b) The Nose Knows-
There's not much humidity in airplane cabins and that can make
your nose especially dry, increasing the odds you get an infection. 

Avoid any problems by using an over-the-counter saline nasal
spray once every hr. you're on the plane.
Two products to try: Ocean or Ayr.
c) Prepare Before Takeoff-
As in get your immune system prepared. How?
You can take a product called "Airborne" available at
Or you can eat more garlic and certain spices and herbs like 

oregano, garlic, cilantro, ginger and thyme.
And lastly, you can sleep more. getting too little
sleep, is a great way to make it easier to get more infections.

That's it- 3 tips to keep you safe while traveling by air.
And if you want more tips on how to get your immune system
in tiptop shape, head to kindle store and
download a copy of The World's Best Remedies To Boost

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The First Lady's Rx Just For Women!

                 Eat Your Veggies! 

Hey, did you catch First lady Michelle Obama
touting the lowly turnip? She praised the
veggie using rapper "Lil John's" big hit--
"Turn Down For What!"
And if you're one of the millions who avoids
turnips, you may want to take the first lady's
advice and start eating them.

They help women lower their risks of fibroids, 
as well as breast and ovarian cancer.

That's right, the vegetable that resembles a potato
(on the inside) has more health perks and half the calories.
It also contains compounds that binds to the excess estrogen
in your body and carries it out of the body, helping to 

restore hormonal balance.
And that hormonal balance means reduced odds of getting
fibroids and 2  cancers-- (breast and ovarian)

Not sure how to cook them?
You can cook them as you would potatoes.
Bake them in the oven with a little olive oil. 

Or use them to make mashed potatoes (or mashed turnips)
Or grate some along with some cabbage and make a coleslaw.

And if you want info on how other root vegetables like beets, carrots,
red onions, parsnips and red cabbage also improve women's 

health, head to, the kindle store and type
The Nordic Secrets For Perfect Health, and download a copy today--
and get started on a path towards better health.

Good Luck!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hollywood's Favorite Beverage Rx To Lose Weight!

                       Drink Coffee For More Weight Loss! 

You may think a lot of stars drink bottled water and green tea, 

well some do, but a majority of them drink coffee.
That's right, if you want to meet stars, head to the Starbucks 

in L.A. or N.Y. or Boston or San Francisco and you're bound to run
into a star or two.
And thanks to new research, the stars may be on to something.

That something:
A cup (or two) of coffee before breakfast can help you
in 2 ways.
The 2 ways--
Weight Loss and make exercise easier.
Caffeinated coffee helps you melt 15% more fat during your
workout. Coffee's caffeine helps you metabolize body fat faster
use it for fuel. 
As for making exercise easier, again the caffeine increases
blood flow, which makes the workout go easily
and effortlessly.

So, if you thought coffee on an empty stomach may do
harm, think again. It could help your workout go more smoothly 

and help you slim down. 
Important tip:
Make sure it's black coffee with a tiny bit of milk and
a tiny bit of sugar.
Coffee with heavy creams, lots of milk and sweeteners
undo all of the good things.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The NetFlix Rx To Prevent A Serious Disease!

                          Orange Is The New Disease Fighter! 

Hey, now that Fall is here, why not take advantage of the one of the most
popular food associated with Fall.
And what food is that? An orange pumpkin.
Netflix has the popular show "Orange is the New Black" and for
the rest of us-we have pumpkins.

And if you only use the orange gourd during Oct. and Nov.
you're shortchanging yourself. How?
By missing out a host of health benefits.
What type of health benefits-you ask?
* Beautiful and youthful skin!
Look at actress Uma Thurman, 5 yrs. from 50 and she looks
12 to 15 yrs. younger, how? With pumpkin face masks.
To learn more, go back and reread our post on Uma and pumpkins.
* Breast Cancer-
As in lower B.C. rates. All orange foods (carrots, butternut squash,
Sw. potatoes,  and pumpkin) help reduce your odds of ever getting B.C.
* Diabetes-
Heart disease and cancer may get all of the media attention,
but once you get diabetes, you'll have a host of other health issues to deal with.
(losing eyesight and/or limbs) But new research says that pumpkin 

may not only help you prevent diabetes, it may also help reverse it.
The fiber in pumpkin slows down the absorption of glucose (sugar)
helping to repair damaged insulin-producing cells, potentially
bringing insulin levels back down to normal.

So, are you prepared to have this food more than your usual 2 months a yr.?
If so, start stocking up on canned pumpkin and head to
or and look for some great, low-cal, low-fat and low-sugar
ways to prepare the orange gourds.

You can also head online to kindle store and 

type "Orange Is The New Green" in the search bar and
then download a copy. Once you have it on your E-reader or Ipad,
you can learn how to use every bit of the pumpkin to help you 

look yrs. younger and live yrs. longer.

And one last thing...
look for our next E-Document. It's all about the French,
why they live longer, why the women don't wrinkle and
why they suffer less depression than their American brothers
and sisters. Available Tues. or Wed. at the kindle store.

Good Luck!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Neighbor's Rx To Prevent Alzheimer's!

                                   A Crusade From Seth Rogen! 

Any Seth Rogen fans out there?
Well, if you're truly a fan, then you know that he and his wife
are heavily involved in Alzheimer's. 

More specifically- finding a cure and how to prevent it.
In fact, Mr. Rogen is so passionate about it, he traveled all the way to
Washington to speak to a group of congressmen (and women)
about spending more on research to finding a cure.

And if you're like Seth Rogen and his wife and you too, want to
prevent it from happening to you or a loved one, perhaps 

the simple suggestions listed below can help. 

The Suggestions: 

a) Vitamins-
C and E specifically. Both vitamins protect brain cells from troublemaking
molecules called free radicals.
Important tip: don't go overboard on the vitamin E. In this case, too much
of a "good" thing can be bad for you.
b) The Fall Superfruits-
If you're a real fan of Fall and the fruits that are available, then
load up on apples and pomegranates.
Although available yr. round, the 2 fruits are cheaper in the Fall.
Both fruits slow memory loss and protect brain neurons.
c) Spice Things Up-
If you're a salt and pepper kind of gal (or guy) you may want 

to add some Turmeric to soups, salads, eggs, chicken, stir-fries
or stews. The spice is the main spice used in parts of India and
they (the people) only have about 5% of their elderly suffering
from the disease. Turmeric helps keep plaque from sticking to 

vital brain cells.
d) Read A Book-
More specifically- Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter.
The good doctor wants all people (especially) to go off
all grains (or eat them once in a blue mood) why? 

He says doing this one move can result in a much younger
and vibrant brain.
e) Check This-
What is it? Your blood pressure. Think cholesterol is the real problem?
You're wrong, it's your blood pressure and if it's too high, you risk more
than heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, you also risk an increased risk of
So, make sure to keep it (blood pressure) at 120 over 80 or even
115 over 75. Not sure how to lower it?
Spend $2 over at in the kindle store and download The Natural Rxs
To Lower Blood Pressure. 

That's it- and if you really want to help Seth Rogen out,
you can also rent Neighbors. The 2014 movie starring Seth and Zac Efron.

Good Luck!

Project Runway's Rx For A Sweet Treat!

                               Sweet Treat Suggestion From Heidi Klum! 

If you think mom of four, fashion model and designer and television
host Heidi Klum eats broiled fish and salad to maintain her
slender physique, you're wrong.

In fact, Ms. Klum is like the rest of us...she craves sweets.
But Ms. Klum doesn't sit down and pig out with a 1/2 dozen
cookies or a 3 or more doughnuts, instead she eats fig bars.
More specifically, Barbara's Fig Bars, these all-natural fruity bars
contain just 110  calories per serving.

But wait, there's more--fig bars also contain fiber and have less
belly-bloating sugar than other standard fig bars, (like Fig Newtons)
So, if you're like most women (and some men) , and can't control your
sweet tooth, take a page from the Heidi Klum book of gorgeousness
and eat fig bars.
Look for them at heath-food stores and big supermarkets.
And one last tip, if you're a new mom or plan on becoming
a mom, head to a site and
download the E-book, The Fertility Secrets Doctor Want You To Know.
The e-book reveals how figs can help new moms in a number of ways,
one being, producing more breast milk.

That's it, and a special thanks to the computer technician who
helped me get my laptop back.
Before charging me a big fee, he made some suggestions
and thankfully, one of those suggestions worked.

And one last thing, we promised you our E-book a few wks. backs,
you know, the French secrets on how to you look younger, stay healthy
and live an extra 5 to 10 yrs. longer, and with my trusty laptop back,
we plan on delivering. Look for it by the middle of next week at 

Good Luck!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Star's Rx For Kissable Lips!

         Get Lips Like Jennifer!

Ever spend time wondering about Jennifer Aniston's
lips? You know, how they look so full and kissable 
at age 45?
We'll, wonder no more, Ms. Aniston's just revealed 
her secrets for keeping her lips soft and kissable,
And her two best kept secrets are lip balm and lip
More specifically-lip balm by Dr. Hauschka
and lip liner--fig lip liner by Estée Lauder.

Look for the lip balm online at
and the lip liner...can be found at Macy's stores. 

That's it!

Good Luck!

A. Star's Rx to Satisfy A Sweet Tooth!

                          Jennifer Aniston's Favorite Snack!

If you spend part of your day thinking about Jennifer Aniston's
 and how she manages to stay so slim and trim at age 45,
stop your worrying, she eats a fruit.
A fruit?
Yes and the fruit she eats are popular in Sonoma Valley
and parts  of Europe.
Can you guess?
No, okay then, it's grapes.

That's right', the former "Friends" star stores some
Red grapes in the freezer and when her sweet tooth strikes,
Ms. Aniston's heads to the freezer.
And if you find yourself reaching for a bag of chips
or chips and salsa, take a cue from Jennifer Aniston's
and buy some grapes.

Good Luck!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hollywood"s Pink Rx Just For Women!

           Prevent Breast Cancer!

Ladies, you are aware that Oct. is breast cancer prevention month, right?
We'll, if you want to lower your odds of ever getting it, you may want to
to take the ad vice just given by Yale. researchers,  what is it?
Give up all carbs, or only eat them on special  occasions , like
birthdays, Christmas, or Thanksgiving.
And if you're a carb addict, how to overcome it?
Do the following...
a) Be more like a Latina, say what?
Simply put, eat more beans like Latin men and women.
Beans block some of the starch you absorb from beans,
about  25 percent worth of carbs.
Cannelini  white kidney beans work best.
b) Drink green tea--
Popular in Asia countries, it (green tea) can help your liver convert
some of the carbs  into easily burned fatty acids.
This simple step can reduce your risk of developing
breast cancer by 30%..
C) Beware of White Foods
Not  a statement  of  predujice,  it's just a fact.
The more white starches you eat,  like white bread,
potatoes and rice, the higher your chances of getting
B.C. SO, cur way down on white carbs or make a switch to
whole grains. Brown rice,  quinoa, popcorn  and ancient grains.
d) Get some exercise--
Oh no, the dreaded  E word again.
But it's not 30 minutes on a treadmill or lifting weights.
No,  all that' a required is 10 to 12 minutes of strenuous
exercise, like power walking or  jogging in place.
Why only 12 mins.?
It helps your brain produce the hormone
Serotonin.  And the more serotonin you have
in your system, the easier it'll be to resist carbs.
Important tip:  make sure your heart is in tiptop
shape before engaging in vigorous exercise.
That's it, for now and we,'ll bring you more info
as it becomes available.
We also want to apologize for the long
Delays in our posts, our main laptop is acting up,
and as soon as we get the problem straightened out,
we'll be posting  on a daily basis.

Good Luck!