Wednesday, February 29, 2012

                                        Paula Deen's Rx For Diabetic, Friendly and Gluten-Free Chocolate!
Paula Deen, one of America's favorite T.V. chefs took a beating (image wise)
when she announced she was a diabetic. People asked- "will she change her
style of cooking?" "Will the Food Network drop her?" on and on.

But, Ms. Deen, took it in stride and vows to be back, cooking up her usual storm.
One food that Ms. Deen can continue to cook with and not worry too much
about is chocolate.

Chocolate? We know, you're probably asking- "Are you sure, chocolate for a diabetic?"
Hold on, depending on the type, calorie amount and fat grams, it can be very good
or very bad.
But wait, there's a company that had not only Ms. Deen in mind,
but all the people out there, concerned about the amount of fat
and gluten in chocolate.

The Candy: Xan Confections Saintly Sins Assortment.
They make a delectable chocolate that's not only gluten-free,
it only has 1 gram of fat. And that's not all- they belnd chocolate
with favorites like blueberries, cherries or pineapple.
Where do find this confection of heaven? Go online to
And the price: Between $6 and $25.

So, go ahead and indulge in that choc, (but not too much indulgence) it still has calories.

Good Luck!

Megan Fox's Favorite Lipstick!

                                        Megan Fox's Favorite Lipstick!
  Do you remember Megan Fox? You know, the  sexy costar in the Transformers movies,
well she's in a new movie.  It was just revealed that her favorite lipstick is called-
Chantecalle's creamy Lip Chic in "Damask" the price: $30!

If you want a tube, but don't want to pay those prices,  look for the cheaper
equivalent, it's called Maybelline Moisture Extreme Lipcolor in Raspberry
Rush. The Price: $6.

There you have it, if you were losing sleep over the whereabouts of Megan Fox
and those ruby-red lips, sleep tonight, she's alright.

And for those out there into crystals-  look for our newsletter....
Hollywood Crystals!
Learn how to beat stress,  be lucky in love and more lovable (hint it's Kate Hudson's
favorite coupon) get motivated, break a bad habit, develop "super" energy and
find more optimism.
The newsletter can be found

Good Luck!


Clint Eastwood's Rx For More Energy!

                                                       Get More Energy Like Clint!
Clint Eastwood is past 80 yrs. old, he's still a major player in Hollywood,
still directing and acting in good quality movies (Hoover and Torino),
still married to someone 30 yrs. younger and still working out.
In fact, an actor who recently worked with him, said-
"after working on the film for 12 hrs. Clint would go the gym and
lift weights for an hour" Holy cow, how is he able to do it, you ask?

Well, it could be his diet, lean meats, fruits, nuts, vegetables and fish,
it could be the younger wife and even younger kids-keeping him
motivated and energized, or it is some kind of drink, like Red Bull?
It could all of the above or it could be none of the above.

Or wait- It could be something, popular in Hollywood about a decade ago
and now making a comeback. That something: Crystals!
That's right- Clint, Dirty Harry is rumored to use crystals for his
endless energy. The Crystal: Carelian!

What is it?
It's a reddish-orange colored crystal and it's related to health and vitality.
And researchers who study color-say that when you look at the reddish-orange
gemstone, you feel more alive, confident and joyous. Plus, it'll help you get more
done everyday, something a lot of people need help with.
And Clint isn't the only fan of Carnelian crystal.
Stars like Angela Basset, Kristin Davis, and soon-to-be new mom Uma Thurman
are also big fans.

So, if you're in awe of Mr. Eastwood's energy and vitality- look to the power
of crystals.
And for those who aren't suffering from lack of energy, but need help
with...a) finding love, b) getting motivated, c) a boost in optimism, d) breaking
a bad habit, e) ending stress, f) opening up to others, look for a crystal to help you.
Where to find such inforamtion about the crystal to help you?

Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nate Berkus' Redecorating Tip To Lose Weight!

                                 Weight Loss Tips From Nate !
Nate Berkus- the Oprah protege and now popular host of his own show,
is an interior designing genius.
He give all kinds of tips on ways to use your "inside space"
more effectively.
Although we're (RedCarpetRxs contributors) not regular viewers,
we're not sure Mr. Berkus has ever done a show on "Redecorating
to lose weight!" If he has done such a show, please let us know.
Anyway, if you're struggling with weight and food choices, etc,
perhaps-you should look into making a few changes around the house.
Changes like...
1) Code Blue-
According to color experts and Feng Shui enthusiasts, blue is the color
you need, if weight loss is your goal, why blue? There are so-few sky-colored
foods, looking at anything blue subconsciously makes you think of things other
than eating. Another benefit of blue: It's so calming, some therapists
recommend painting troubled and hyperactive boys (and girls) rooms
blue. So, eat in a blue room, or put some pictures of blue in your room
and eat off blue plates (make them smallerplates as well) or look at a
blue screen saver before eating.
2) No T. V.-
It may be a habit, but looking at and listening to T.V. can keep you

from reaching your weight loss goals, how? Research says that people
who eat in noisy rooms are more distracted, and more distracted means
you'll eat more. A substitute: Listen to relaxing muisc-like Jazz, or Soft Rock.
3) Light a Candle-
A vanilla candle to be exact. The scent of vanilla boosts mood and curbs
your appetite for sweets. No vanilla candles around? Pour a little vanilla
flavoring onto a cotton ball and inhale when you want that choc. chip cookie
or piece of cake.
4) Hard To Reach-
Put your cookie jar way up on the top shelf, keep potato chips
in separate and small baggies and place in the back of the cabinet.
And after eating, allow food to cool for a few mins. and then put away-

so it won't tempt you.
That's It- These tips aren't from Nate, but if he did a show on redecorating
to lose weight, we're sure these would be the tips he'd give.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Paris Hilton's Rxs For Dressing Up Your Dog!

                          Doggie Duds!

Remember Paris Hilton? With the Kardashians getting all of America's
attention, Ms. Hilton seems to have faded into the background, way in the

If you remember one thing about Ms.Hilton- it's she loves her pets.
Not just love them in the sense of paying for expensive foods and the traveling,
but the clothes they wear.

That's right, Ms. Hilton loves to see her pets in designer doggie duds.
If you're the type that loves to see your dog in designer duds, some leading
fashion brands are listening.

The fashion brands: Poetic License and Juicy Couture are selling dog
collars, leashes, harnesses and even hoodies, for Fido and Fifi.

So, if you want a more stylish dog-head to, and

Good Luck!


Jennifer Aniston's Rx For Quitting Smoking!

                                Quit Smoking Today! 

America's sweetheart-Jennifer Aniston kept a secret from her fans for
almost 2 decades, the secret: She started smoking in her teens.
She also just announced that she quit about a yr. ago.

Well, that's great news for Ms. Aniston, but what about the millions
that are still doing it?
If you're a smoker who wants to quit, but you're afraid of weight gain, 

there's some good news. The good news:

Those who get counseling for their addiction either from a real
life counselor or going online and getting counseling that way,
you're chances of success are much greater than those who go it alone.

Not only will a counselor help you get through the addiction, cravings, etc.
they'll also advise you on how to keep your weight down as well. 

That' s It- Unfortunately, you may not have the money Ms. Aniston has, 
but even with limited resources-you can be smoke-free like her.
Give it a try.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Taylor Swift's Rx To End Anxiety!

                          Becoming Less Anxious In Hollywood! 

Taylor Swift has talked about suffering from anxiety.
Performing in front of thousands can certainly do that to you.
If you too, are suffering from anxiety-use one of the techniques
listed below, and put an end to it.
1) Rub This Way-
Asians have used acupressure for the past 1,000 yrs. so there
must be something to it. Press your palms together slide them back and forth rapidly
for 10 secs to warm them up. Next, gently press them over your eyes for 30
secs. Your eyes will absorb the heat, helping you to relax and calm down.
2) Leave a Little Early-
Running late can cause anxiety. So, next time you have an appointment,
leave 15 mins. before you normally would. This is a great way to skip all
of that stress.
3) Eat A Grain-
A piece of rye or pumpernickle is a great way to boost your brain's
levels of the relaxing hormone serotonin. And by the way, jam also
contains complex carbs.
4) Count Your Way Down-
When you're anxious, count backwards by 3's beginning with 100.
This simple trick requires all of your concentration and lowers your breathing
rate, which reduces blood pressure and helps you forget your stress and anxiety.
5) Remember What Mom Said-
Mom was right, breathing deeply when you're stressed, anxious or out-of-control
does work. In fact, deep breathing for 10 to 15 mins. first thing in the morning
or before bed can help you ward off anxious panic attacks.
6) Walk This Way-
Either walk up and down stairs,  or take a walk for 15 mins. This is a great way to
lower anxiety levels.

That's It- So, if anyone has access to Ms. Swift's e-mail account or Twitter
account-please pass this info on.

Good Luck!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ellen Degeneres' Rx For Beautiful Nails!

                     Beautiful Nail Care Tips!
Ellen Degeneres is a vegan. What's so unusual about that?
It's not that unusual in Hollywood, what is so unusual is that there's
a number of "non-food"products that are vegan.

Products like lip balm, who would've thought that a vegan lip balm
would be in high demand?
Well,  apparently it is, vegans are serious not only about their food,
but their cosmetics as well.
If you are a vegan or a unabashed meat eater, you can use the vegan
lip balm and we're not talking for your lips.
According to celebrity manucurist Patricia Yankee you can put lip balm
on and around the cuticles for stronger nails and nail growth.
No need for olive oil massages or special creams (unless you want to)
for your nails anymore. Just  a tube of lip balm.

Some tips for using lip balm for nails.
a) Use separate lip balms.
No using the same lip balm on your lips and then using
it on your nails.

b) Put the lip balm on while your nails are a little damp.
The moister the nails, the faster your nails will grow.
c) If you want to try this tip, you'll need the name of
a vegan lip balm. The vegan lip balm that's the most
popular today- Go online to
And buy a lip balm in French Vanilla or Apple Spice.
Price- $3.50.

That's It- See, if your a meat eater, you can continue to eat meat.
The vegan product is for your nails.

Good Luck!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jennifer Aniston's Rx For A Lean Body!

                   Get Lean Like Jennifer!
People are always wondering-how does Jennifer Aniston stay so lean year after year?
Is it running? Does she eat a diet of 1,000 calories a day? Or is hours in
a Pilates studio? It's none of the above.

Then what is it?

It's Yoga!
That's right, after testing and trying a number of exercise disciplines, Ms. Aniston
settled on Yoga.
And after doing it for a few weeks, Ms. Aniston noticed her legs getting leaner, her arms
getting stronger and finding that calming inner peace that's as relaxing as deep sleep
or a deep tissue massage.
If you want strong arms and leaner legs, by all means take up yoga,
but if you want more...look below and learn about some other benefits of

1) A Faster Metabolism-
Need a boost in metabolism? When you take up yoga, you have to breathe deeply,
and the deeper you breathe-the more oxygen you take in. And that extra oxygen is
like metabolic lighter fluid. Deep breathing a few mins. each day is equal to pedaling
an exercise bike for a few mins.
2) Lose The Middle-
Need help to reduce your midsection? The unusual body positions and constant need
for balance make it one of the few activities that effectively target your deepest
abdominal muscles. And as these hidden muscles become stronger, it creates a kind
of suction, literally pulling your stomach in.
3)More benefits...
a) Less back pain.

b) Better sleep.
c) Fewer Migraines
d) Lower blood pressure
e) Calmer and Cooler Demeanor.
So, if you want to look like Jennifer Aniston or you want to sleep better,
take up yoga. Where do you go to start? Head to and look
for the beginner's videos posted by Jennifer's trainer- Mandy Ingber!

Good Luck!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Marisa Tomei's Rx For Controlling Hunger!

                               The Exercise Rx To Control Weight!
Marisa Tomei- the still popular and atrractive star will be fifty yrs of age in less

than 3 yrs. She does it with an exercise that's not boring, monotous or that

The Exercise: Hula Hooping!
This exercise is gaining in popularity- it doesn't take special clothes,
a special mat, a trainer, a partner, or tons of money.
Just a toy that costs under $20.

Why is it so effective at controlling hunger?
It turns off cravings by making your hypothalamus, a gland in the center of
your brain, more responsive to the apetite-suppressing hormone leptin
and the hunger-regulating hormone insulin.

So, if you're not a walker or a runner, and don't have the money
for a gym, a yoga class or Pilates, then you need a Hula Hoop.
Start with 10 mins. a day and work up to 20 to 30 mins.
That's enough to turn off the cravings and thoughts of food for hours.

If it's working for 47 yr. old Marisa Tomei, it'll certainly work for you.
Oh- and one more star who's into hula hooping? Desperate Housewife-
Marcia Cross!

That's It- Get those hips moving and be ready for that bikini by
Memorial Day!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Housewives of Beverly Hills Rx For Thinning Hair!

                       Get Gorgeous Hair Like Kyle!
Kyle Richards lives a charmed life: a home in Beverly Hills,
a hot husband, an incredible social life, great kids and a
beautiful head of hair.
We can't tell you how to get a house in Beverly Hills, a hot husband or

well-behaved kids, but we can tell you how to prevent your hair from
thinning out.
The 4 Natural Rxs For Great Hair:
a) Green Tea-
That's right, the stuff that helps with belly fat and preventing certain cancers
can actually help your hair grow.
Compounds in the tea increase the production of hair follicles cells that play
a key role in growth.
The amount needed for hair growth? About 2 to 3 cups a day,
and make it regular, no decaf.
b) Biotin-
A member of the B-complex vitamin family,  biotin plays a role in the formation
of hair shafts, increasing root strength and speeding hair growth.
You may have to take biotin for a few months to see results.

Best type to take: PhytoPhaarmica Biotin Forte 3 mg. with zinc, find it at Price-$8 for 60 tablets.
c) Shampoo-
Wash your hair with a shampoo that contains hyaluronic acid.
What is hyaluronic acid? It's a natural lubricating substance
that coats and penetrates hair follicles, fortifying
the hair strands and stimulates growth by drawing in water
and nutrients. Use it for 60 days and you notice less hair shedding.
Look for the best shampoo at, the brand-Episilk
shampoo or John Masters Organics Evening Primrose Shampoo,
at Price-$16 for 8 oz.
d) Eating Too Little-
And not getting the right nutrients. You may think eating less than 1,000 calories,
is going to help you lose weight more quickly. But it's your hair that really suffers.
And cutting back on or cutting out meat entirely can severly affect your hair.
Going too low in calories can shock the hair follicles, and a low calorie

count means your hair isn't getting what it needs to grow.
Simple solution: Bump up your calorie count to a minimum 1,300 calories
a day, eat a variety of foods, and make sure your getting enough iron and zinc.
Women lose iron through menstraution and zinc by cutting back on, or cutting
out meat. So, you may need a multi-mineral vit.  with iron and zinc included.

That's It- Hope these tips help, some people who changed their diets
to lean meats, (grass-fed and range-free),fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts,
seeds, whole grains and monounsaturated fats (olive and coconut Oils)
say- "not only have we changed our bodies, but our hair has gotten
thicker and more luxurious."

Good Luck!


P.S. If you're following a diet as of the New Year
and you're suffering from
Sudden Hair Loss
Lagging Libido
Low Energy
A Fuzzy Memory
Frequent Trips To The Bathroom
Itching In Embarrassing Places
Body Odor and Bad Breath
If this sounds like you, look for the answers in
a newsletter- "Dietary Shortfalls"
find it at--

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jennifer' Aniston's Rx For Great Abs!

                    Get Jennifer Aniston's Abs!
Jennifer Aniston was just filmed in a bikini. What's so special about that?
She just turned 43 a week ago, and her abs look like a 20 yr olds/
Yea, it may be liposuction, or eating only soup and salad or it may be
a pricey trainer who lives in her guest house.

Or it could be the "superfood" and  "superfruit/"
What is the "superfood" and "superfruit?"
That's right- according to researchers at the Univ. of Michigan,
eating a low-fat diet with a bowl or two of blueberries, as a snack-
will help you lose abdominal fat quickly and effortlessly.

Why are blueberries so effective?
The antioxidants in blueberries alter how the body processes
sugar, the sugar that causes fat in the abdominal area.

So, if you're a fan of blueberies, head to your local supermarket,
or a big discount store (Costco or B.J's) and stock up on frozen
blueberries. Combine them with a low-fat diet and you too,
can have abs like Ms. Aniston.

Good Luck!

Attention All Dieters!
Are you on a diet? Are you on a low-carb diet, or a high-protein diet?
Are you eating fish a few times a week or are you eating just fruit and vegetables?
If you're eating a certain type of food-or on a certain diet
you may be getting sick as a result.
Look for our latest newsletter and learn the secrets to avoid getting sick.
What secrets?
a)  Diet causing sudden hair loss.
b) Diet causing a lagging libido
c) Diet causing  low energy
d) Diet causing a fuzzy memory
e) Diet causing  frequent bathroom breaks
f) Diet  causing the inability to concentrate
g) Diet causing  body odor and bad breath
h) Diet causing underarm and groin itching.
Plus, much more- Where is this newsletter?
Head online to

Claire Danes' Rx For A Low Cost Pedicure!

                               Smooth and Silky Feet Like Claire!
Claire Danes who bursted onto the scene with the T.V. series-"My So Called Life"
is now all grown up and the star of the hit T.V. show "Homeland!"

In addition to her acting work-she's getting a lot of attention for her feet.
People with foot fetishes have  deemed her feet to be the "prettiest" in Hollywood.
Vanessa Hudgens and Jenny McCarthy may have something to say about that.

How popular are Ms. Danes feet? There are web sites that are
devoted to her feet and her feet only.
Well, if you think you have feet that can put Ms. Danes' to shame
and want to keep them that way- use this simple and inexpensive
solution to keep them silky smooth and callus-free.

The Pretty Feet Rx:
Crush some aspirin- (buy inexpensive aspirin) mix the aspirin with a
small amount of water- and make a paste.
Apply this paste to the callused areas, wrap your feet (the whole foot)
in a damp towel. Prop your feet up on a stool or automann.  Leave the towels on
for 10 mins. After 10 mins. remove the towels and wipe your feet down with a damp
washcloth and marvel at the results.

Why aspirin?
The salicylic acid in acid helps loosen the dead, hardened skin on heels and toes
so the calluses flake right off. Make sure you don't have any cuts on your feet,
or the aspirin might sting.
Also important: A daily Aspirin may be recommended to ward off heart disease,
but taking it for days, months and yrs. may cause internal bleeding and other
health problems. Using them (aspirin) on your feet shouldn't cause any
such problems.

That's It- A money saving alternative to a pricey pedicure, and if you willing-
Google Claire Danes Feet and see if your feet stack up against hers.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Good Luck!

Another tip: My partner (and cousin) and I are back as contributors to the
blog- SupermarketRxs@typepad/com. So, take a look at some of our recent
postings. Thanks!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jessica Biel's Snack Rx For A Flatter Belly!

                                          Snack Like Jessica Biel!
Jessica Biel-- great looks, a great body, a career as a movie star and recently
engaged to Justin Timberlake. It doesn't seem fair, some people have all of the luck.
Well, if it's any consolation- here's Ms. Biel's snack secret for staying slim and trim.
Her snack secret: Kopali Organics treats, like Dark Chocolate Covered Goji

How is this snack so successful at slimming the belly?

The Goji berries increase metabolism by 10%--
enough to help you shed up to 6 times more belly fat
than those who avoid Goji berries.

So, are you ready to snack like Jessica?
Be prepared to pay, the snacks go for $4.00 for a 2 oz. serving.
Find the chocolate covered Goji berries at

And for those who may be suffering from the flu or for those
who want to avoid the flu- look for our newsletter. "The Flu Fighters"

Natural Rxs To Avoid and Get Over The Flu-Fast!
Find it at--

Good Luck!

Ryan Seacrest's Rx For A Fit and Trim Body!

                               Get Slim Like Julianne!
This post isn't really about Ryan Seacrest, host of American Idol, it's about
his significant other: Julianne Hough! Former dance partner on "Dancing
With The Stars," country singer and movie star- (Footloose) has
thrown her hat into the ring... concerning DVDs.

This means Ms. Hough has released a DVD with dance moves to help
you get your body ready for Summer-2012.
The video features upbeat dance moves that'll help you burn about 350 calories
in less than an hour.

So, if toned legs and flatter abs are on your agenda for the Summer,
hurry and pick up Ms. Houghs' DVD-Dance With Julianne: Just Dance!
online, price-$8.00.
Hey-Ryan Seacrest seems happy with the results.

Good Luck!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

William and Kate's Valentine's Day Rxs For A Long-Lasting Marriage!

                                    Love Like William and Kate!
Although these following "Love" tips aren't from William and Kate,
they're actually tips for the average Joes and Janes or royalty that may
need help to rekindle those feelings of love and if you're newly married
(like William and Kate) and just want a few tips on the best ways to
preserve what you already have, just look below and get started.
The Love Tips~
1) Touch More-
Couples who touch often report greater satisfaction than couples who
rarely touch, But, if you're thinking more touching may lead to other
things (okay Guys) you're half right. Couples who hold hands while
discussing something important like say-finances are least likely to get into
huge blow-out arguments. Why? Everytime you touch your partner, your brain
churns out oxytocin, the so-called "bonding" hormone. The hormone that makes
you feel happier and more in sync with your partner. So, if you're discussing
something important and feel it's getting out of hand, give your partner a hug
or hold their hand.
2) Use This Argument Technique-
What is it? Try sitting next to them next time you're having a serious discussion.
That's right, sitting opposite them and looking them in the eye may only escalate
the situation. Sitting on the couch-next to one another-means no one can get in
each other's face and may actually tamp down the situation. Try it!
3) Building Deeper Connections-
How? By kissing with your eyes open. 90% of women and 80% of men say they
close their eyes when they kiss and make love, and that's bad news for your
relationship, according to top love researchers. Why? Closing your eyes tunes
out your partner and they may take it as a sign you're less than interested.
But, opening the eyes, deepens the connection and intensifies the rush of
oxytocin, (see tip 1) you'll both feel more connected and loved.
4) Take A Nap-
This may not be possible for the millions out there that have to work,
but even a 5 to 10 min. catnap for both partners can reduce stress levels
and increase sex drive later on in the evening.
5) Head To Greece-
Again, not possible for the millions who have to work, but you don't
have to actually go to Greece, just eat like them. Greeks known for their
amorous natures may have to give credit to the diet.
Eating lean meats, (see our post on Kelly Clarkson) nuts, seeds, olives and olive oil,

fruits, veggies and Greek yogurt leaves Greek men and women primed for sex
most days and nights. And Americans with their penchants for fried foods, trans-fats,
sweets (fructose) and soda are the opposite. So, google the "Medittarean Diet"
and eat, live and love like the Greeks.
6) More Chocolate Please-
No surprise here, chocolate earns its reputation as an aphrodisiac
for good reason, it works. Those who have dark chocolate on a regualr basis-
report a higher than average libido. Why? Choc. is rich in phenylethylamine,
a natural chemical that causes the brain to release dopamine, a "love"
chemical that peaks during orgasm.
7) Laugh More-
Specifically at his jokes. He may not be Jay Leno or Jimmy Fallon, but
ladies who laugh at their guys' jokes make him feel extra proud.
And that feeling he gets from you appreciating his jokes or storytelling

can result in his being more romantic towards you.
8) Something For The Ladies-
Guys- does your lady have higher than average stress levels?
Well, help them reduce it with a warm bath. That's right- a warm
bath and some deep breathing while in the tub, may mean a reduction
in stress so great-it translates to a more active love life. Researchers
have found that when sit in hot water and do a few deep breathing exercises-
they become more aroused later on. So, guys- next time your lady asks you
"to run a bath" do so willingly and gladly, you'll reap the benefits later on.
9) The Telly-
Taking the name from the Brits for Television, any way you pronounce it,

if it's in the bedroom- just count the days when you're sex life is officially over.
Seeing news (especially violent crimes) leaves some men and a lot of women
too shaken for sex. As for porn, new reserch say men who are viewing it on a

regular basis-are now having problems maintaining erections. Why? Men may want
to live up to on screen counteraprts- but can't and this may result in feelings of
inadequacy. So, leave the T.V. in the living room or den.
That's it- Great tips for a happier Valentine's day and happier marriage
overall, and if you know the e-mail address of Prince William and Kate,
feel free to pass it along.

And one more tip: remember it's still cold season, if you want to protect your family
and avoid or get over the cold and flu- look for a newsletter-written by some of the
best 'alternative" specialists out there. The newsletter is online at-

Good Luck!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Simple Parenting Rx For Beyonce!

                            Simple Tip For Secure and Happy Kids!
Have you seen the pictures of Beyonce's and Jay-Z's kid-Blue Ivy?
Absolutely adorable.
Now, the hard part of raising her to kind, happy and secure.

One psychologist's suggestion: Give your kid plenty of hugs and kisses
while they're young, make eye contact with them and read aloud to them
on a daily basis. The psychologist says you can tell if it's working-when you

or your spouse (partner) walks into the room they're in or when you
talk to him or her-they should light up or
show enjoyment that you're present.

Another sign it's working- they don't always cry when you leave the room.

And one more thing: If you're reluctant to give boys plenty of hugs, don't
be- the more hugs and kindness you show them while they're young,
the less trouble they'll be and the less trouble they'll get into as adults.

That's it- a tip for celebrity parents like Beyonce and Jay-Z or the
regular Joes and Janes out there.

Good Luck!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Howie Mandel's Rx To Stay Cold and Flu-Free!

                            Avoid Colds Like Howie!
Comedian Howie Mandel the germaphobe must not be too happy this time of

year, why? It's cold and flu season. Some other famous germaphobes:
Matt Lauer and Donald Trump.

If any of these gentlemen wants to slash their risks of catching a cold-
they must avoid the "germ hotspots" what are the germ hotspots?
Places you may think are okay, but are actually hidden dens of sickness.

Spots like...
1) Supermarkets-
No, not the shopping cart handle, but take precaution anyway.

It's the tote bags, packing chicken and meat in tote bags week after
week without washing them put you and your family at risk.
So, make sure to wash the bags in very hot water, allow the bags
to dry and when you're ready to use them-place a plastic bag inside.
2) Cellphones-
I'm not sure if Mr. Mandel allows friends and family members to use his
cell phone, if he does-he'd better stop now. Why? Allowing other family members
to use your phone puts your health at risk. It's the unwashed hands that
are the culprit. Wipe down your phone a few times a week, and don't
allow family members and friends to use it.

3) Salt and Pepper-
Not actually salt and pepper, but the shakers they come in.

Again, too many hands touching the shakers raises cold and flu risks.
Wash them down a few times a week. And if you go to a restaurant-ask the
waitress to wash them down, or ask her to put new shakers on the table.
4) Freshly Washed Laundry-
Yup, you're reading it right, thanks to those who want to conserve energy,
a lot of washers and dryers are smaller, and they aren't doing the jobs they once
did. They're leaving too many clothes unwashed, especially undergarments.
Simple solution: Wash kids and grownups underwear separately and not with
towels, washcloths and shirts. And when you do wash the undergarments- make sure
to use hot, hot water.

If you want more tips on the other "germ hotspots" like make-up counters and
escalators,look for our newsletter, and we'll reveal even more tips on
how to stay cold and flu-free this and every other Winter thereafter.

The newsletter: The Flu Fighters- Natural Rxs To Prevent and Overcome Colds
and The Flu, online at-www.

Good Luck!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kelly Clarkson's Food Rx For Better Health!

                               Eat Greek Like Kelly!
Did you see Kelly Clarkson at last night's Superbowl?
She performed the national anthem and did it superbly.
Unfortunately, all of the attention is going to Gisele Bundchen,
Madonna and M.I.A.
Hey- that's how the American media works.

Now back to the subject at hand...
Ms. Clarkson, Jennifer Aniston, Maria Menounous
and Melina Kanakaredes are all Greek.
What's so special about that?
Well, a food popular with Greeks is lamb. and eating it can benefit
your health.
1) Breathe Easier-
Are you or a family member afflicted with Asthma?
Lamb is rich in selenium, a mineral that can help you or your loved
one breathe easier.
Word of Warning: Don't overdo the lamb. too much selenium is just
as harmful as not enough. And don't add mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls
and a piece of pie or the breathing difficulties will continue.
2) Thicker Hair-
No doubts about this one, all of the ladies mentioned above have
great heads of hair, and lamb may be the reason.
Rich in iron, a mineral important for growing and keeping
a head full of hair.
3) Prevent Cancer-
Pancreatic cancer to be exact. Again, rich in selenium and a deficiency of
selenium may lead to pancreatic cancer. New research says that Steve Jobs'
vegan diet was deficient in selenium.
So, if you're a burger, chicken or fish-loving person, perhaps it's time to add some

lamb to the menu.
It's working for Kelly, Melina, Maria and Jennifer.

Good Luck!

Jennifer Aniston's Rx To Maintain Weight!

                        Steal Jen's Secret For Good Health!
Jennifer Aniston has a birthday coming up this Saturday.
How old will she be? 43!

And how does she still look incredible for a middle-aged woman?
Yes, it's the million dollar salary and the amenities she can afford
with those millions, like... spa treatments, facials, workout trainers
and special meals delivered to her front door.

But, Ms. Aniston did something during her yrs. on the T.V. show
"Friends" that allows her to look and feel incredible.
What's the special thing she did while on "Friends?"
She ate a salad everyday for lunch.

That's right- 3 or more vegetables  a day, can boost your health in a
number of ways like...
1) Cancer Prevention-
Protect you from certain cancers. Especially breast cancer, if
you add broccoli, rosemary, turmeric and black pepper.
2) Slows Down The Aging Process-
Ms. Aniston must've heard about this long ago, because it's working.
Why is salad so beneficial to anti-aging? All of the antioxidants in
carrots, green peppers, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, olive oil and apple
cider vinegar protect your skin from the ravages of time.
3) Eye Protection-
Concerned about your eyes failing you in the future?
A salad made with peppers, boiled eggs (especially the yolks)
grape tomatoes, green squash and some salmon thrown in, can
keep your eyesight sharp for yrs. and yrs.
4) Weight Control-
Eating a salad a day has done wonders for Ms. Aniston weight.
Why a salad? The low-cal veggies, the antioxidants and filling you
up so you don't pig out on huge sandwiches and a platter of fries,
is reason enough to eat salad a few times a wk.

A word of warning: Don't add cheeses, ham, croutons, fatty dresssings
and bacon bits to your salad. These foods will not only cause weight gain,
but may cause other health problems as well. Stick to vegetables, eggs,
olive oil and apple cider or balsamic vinegar.

That's It- Jennifer Aniston's gift to you. Use it wisely!

Good Luck!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Drew Barrymore's Rx For A Slimming Soup Recipe!

                                   Get Slim Like Drew!
If you read yesterday's post about Drew Barrymore's interest in cooking
and eating soup, then you might be interested in this recipe for a soup

that's not only good to eat, but healthy for you as well.

Listed below are the recipe and the ingredients...
The Ingredients:
2 tsps. olive oil
1 1/4 lbs. of ground beef, or turkey, or chicken
1 onion-chopped
2 cloves of garlic
1 bell pepper/ seeds removed and chopped up
8 oz. mushrooms- chopped
1 can of crushed tomatoes - 14 or 15 oz.
1 bottle of reduced sodium tomato or vegetable juice
1 tbs. lemon juice
1 can of beans (red, pinto, kidney or black beans) 15 oz.
rinsed and drained
1 tsp. of ground cumin
1/8 cayenne pepper
1/4 cup of parsley (fresh) or 2 tbs. dried-chopped
2 tsp. of cilantro or 1/8 cup fresh-chopped

In a large stockpot, heat up the olive oil over medium-high heat.
Saute the meat and/or chicken until it's no longer pink.
Remove the meat and set aside, leave some of the liquid in the pot.
Saute the onions, garlic, mushrooms and peppers until soft, about
2 to 3 mins. Stir in remaining ingredients, except the fresh cilantro and
parsley. If you're using dried parsley and cilantro-throw them in as well.
Cover the pot and simmer for 20 mins. Stir in the fresh parsley and cilantro.
Cover again, and cook for another 8 to 10 mins. Serve it up
with a good pumpernickle or rye bread. Any soup that's leftover,
should be stored in the refrigerator. Or allow to cool completely, and
then freeze in a tupperware container.

This soup isn't from Drew Barrymore, but from a noted nutritionist
and she says it (the soup) has the abiltiy to flush fat from "hard to lose"

And that's not all- the soup will lower cholesterol and protect
you from heart disease.
That's It- Why not a make a pot for Superbowl Sunday?

Good Luck!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Drew Barrymore's Soup Rx For Weight Loss!

                        Get Slim Like Drew!
Drew Barrymore revealed her love of cooking to T.V. host Jay Leno.

Her specialty: Soups!
And that's a good thing-why?
Eating more soup, especially before one or two meals can
be the answer to your weight loss prayers.

Some other benefits of soup:

a) It destroys fat-
If you make it with tomatoes, vegetables and spices and herbs-
it (soup) can help you drop 200% more weight.
b) Rev Up Metabolism-
Make the soup with protein and really jumpstart your metabolism.
c) Beats Bloat and Removes Toxins-
Make the soup with some specific herbs and spices and lose more
weight. Removing toxins from your body and the bloat will follow.
d) Shut Down Hunger-
A problem for many, but as stated earlier, eating a bowl of soup
before lunch or dinner and it can help you shut down hunger pangs,
especially hunger pangs that may come later in the day.
That's it- If you're having trouble losing weight in the
new year, try a bowl of soup 15 to 30 mins. before eating
and see if it helps.
Tomorrow's post: A soup recipe that'll help you lose weight-
easily and effortlessly.

Good Luck!

Take a look at our main

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Madonna's Rxs For Female Sexuality!

                             Boosting The Female Sex Drive!
Madonna has been a star for almost 30 yrs.  and at 53 yrs young-she's showing no
signs of slowing down. And we're not just talking about her singing career.
On the T.V. show Nightline- Madonna revealed that her latest lover is some
30 yrs her junior. And like a lot of people, you probably want to know how is it

Some will say it's her money, or is it her diet, or does she have access
to alternative and natural remedies that keep her sexually charged up?
Well, it's probably a combination of all three. And if you want to know
how you too, can keep the "fires" burning at 40, 50 or even 60, then

you must continue reading.

The Female Viagra Rxs:
1) Help For  The"Too Tired"-
With the chores, commutes, cooking, the cleaning, and the 9 to 5,
doing too much can drain fit 20 yrs. olds, but there's something that
may help you overcome it. That something: Mushrooms!
More specifically- Cordyceps! An Asian mushroom supplement,

that gained notoriety for helping Chinese athletes in sporting events.
Well today, it can be used to help women overcome fatigue. Fatigue
that leaves them unable to participate in "nighttime" games.
Find Cordycep Mushroom extract at health-food stores.
2) Not Interested-
Has your desire left you completely? It may be an issue with blood
flow. No blood flow to the pelvis makes it hard to get aroused,
the natural Rx that may work: Damiana! Damiana can help
you get  your interest back and boost arousal levels.
Find it at health-food stores. 900 to 1,500 mg daily.
3) Down In The Dumps-
Are blue moods the reason for your lack of interest in Sex?
Try St.-John's wort. St.-John's wort can correct shortfalls
of serotonin, the brain's most powerful antidepressant hormone.
Serotonin not only works on moods, but sexual desire as well.
Some other ways to boost serotonin...
Eat more fatty fish.
Eat a good piece of dark choc. in the morning. (2oz.)
Get more Sun.
Limit poor white carbs.
Take more vit. D.
Ask your Dr. before taking St.- John's wort.
4) Too Much Pain-
Pain in the pelvic region can happen for a lot of reasons,
one being- yrs. of birth control pills that thin out the vaginal walls.
It's best to talk to your regular Dr. about this. But, a natural way to
end the pain is the food that Indians and the people of Bali swear by,

that food: Coconut oil!
Dryness due to low estrogen levels can be helped with Coconut oil being
usedas the lubricant. It not only helps the dryness, but improves elasticity
as well. You may want to swap out all oils- peanut, vegetable
and canola oil and only use C.O. to eat and use "down there."
C.O. also keeps the Thyroid in tip-top shape.
Other tips: Take pomegranate supplements.
Or increase the amount of vegetables in your diet.
Important tip: If you use C.O. with condoms, the condoms may
5) Help For Menopausal Women-
If you're older and less interested in sex, look into taking
black cohosh. It stimulates the brain to smooth out estrogen
production and increase desire again.
6) More Testosterone Please-
Yes, women need testosterone like men. Too little can
dampen your ability to respond to candlelight, roses,
a beautiful dinner, etc. How to correct it: With Zinc.
Women, especially vegetarians who give up red meat
may lower testosterone levels, get a lot of colds and fianlly
lose all interest in Sex. So, eat a good cut of lean grass-fed
beef, a few nights a week. Or if you still don't want
no part of red meat-look for zinc in other foods like mushrooms,
pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Or take a good zinc supplement.

Make it zinc picolinate or glutonate.
7) Ask Your Dr.-
About DHEA! It's a basic building block important of sex hormones.

Very important tip: This is one "natural" Rx that requires a doctor's
supervision. It does have side effects if not taken properly.
8) A Bowl Of-
Fruit please! A researcher in Sweden, trying to determine if
fruit would affect the blood sugar levels of diabetics, got a
surprising side effect. The side effect: People said their
sex drives were improving. Fruit like vegetables improve
blood flow and that blood flow can go to the genital regions,
thus improving sex drives. What types of fruit?
Watermelon, peaches, strawberries, black and blueberries,
kiwi, pineapple, cherries, and apples. This many types of fruit
may get expensive, but is a new and improved sex drive worth it?
And no whipped cream on the fruit, on the body okay!
That's It- Make sure to check with your Dr. before adding
Cordyceps or St.-John's wort.
And finally- If these tips are too late for this Valentine's Day,
save this list for Valentine's Day- 2013.  Oh- and thank Madonna!

For more tips: Go to our main blog- and
look for the article- Aprodisiacs From Around The World!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eva Mendes' Rx For Permanent Weight Loss!

                              Get Thin Like Eva!
Eva Mendes the talented star of a number of films-had a problem that plagues
a lot of women and men. The problem: Extra weight around the middle.

And how did Ms. Mendes conquer her mushy middle?
She gave up white bread and switched to an organic variety.

The organic variety: Ezekiel 4:9!
It's a bread that contains about 80 calories per slice, is rich
in slow-burning sprouted grains, legumes and seeds.
This combo prevents blood sugar spikes-and  ends the runaway
cravings that affect so many.

So, if cravings and a mushy middle are the 2 roadblocks keeping
you from attaining a beautiful body, be like Eva and eat
Ezekiel bread. Find the bread at supermarkets.

And another thing:
It costs a lot more than white bread. About $3 a loaf.

Good Luck!

Jersey Shore's Rx For The Perfect Tan!

                         Erase Self-Tanning Mistakes!
The Jersey Shore-MTV's most popular show is back.
Also back, the stress, the sleeping around, the drama.

the drinking and of course-the Tanning.

We're not regular viewers of the show, but we do know
the cast members are fanatical about their tans.
If you're a member of "the I always need to look tan"

set, then you must use the tip listed below.
The tip will help those who use self-tanning lotions
or sprays,  but it won't help if you use a tanning bed.
The tip: If your self-tanner makes you look streaky,
coat a washcloth with nail-polish remover and lightly
swipe the streaky areas. Why nail polish remover?

The ethyl acetate in the polish is an organic solvent that
quickly and easily dissolves excess tanner.
And in just a few minutes, your skin will have the golden
goddess or (god) looks you desire.

Important tip: If you have a cut or gash on your arms, thighs,
stomach, back etc. you may want to avoid putting
nail polish on these areas as it may cause stinging.

That's it- If you have the email address of Jersey Shore,

or Mike, or Snooki or Pauly D, you may want to forward this
tip to them.

Good Luck!