Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For a Post Easter Facial Mask!

                              A Facial Mask For Spring! 

Although the holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's
day are long gone, it doesn't mean overindulging is over.

That's right- Now we have Easter and if you've been eating salty
and sweet snacks, it'll probably show up on your face. 

But don't despair, going back to meals of lean meat, fish,
fruits and vegetables will have you looking your best in no time.
And there's something else that may help, what is it?
A facial mask.

Yes, the always reliable cucumber and some plain yogurt can
help reduce the puffiness in your face.
To make: Place about 5 slices of cucumber and 2 tbs. of
plain yogurt in a blender. Blend until smooth, lie back
in a chair and apply to the face and neck.
Leave on for 15 to 20 mins. and then rinse off with warm water.
The cucumber and yogurt are cooling agents that reduce inflammation.

That's it- A simple Rx for the post-Easter Holiday.

Good Luck!

Help us, help you. Look for our new E-newsletter,
Will and Kate- A Royal Love Story, Love Rxs To Make Your
Marriage Divorce-Proof.
Go to kindle store and download a copy today.
Each copy purchased allows us to take the time and energy to
continue finding great alternative remedies for you.

Olay 4-in-1 Daily Facial Cloths - Normal - 99 ct. (Google Affiliate Ad)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hollywood Baby Names!

                                      Picking A Baby Name! 

Picking a baby's name is the same all over.
Choose something conventional, and you're criticized for being
boring, choose something unique and different and you're criticized
for being weird and wacky.
Well, if you need to choose a name in the next few wks, or in 9
months, there's a site out there that'll help.
Listed below, are 10 names that have special meanings,
a) Amanda- Lovable.                 Boys:
b) Claire- Brilliant.                    Alexander- Protector.
c) Diana- Goddess.                     Caleb- Devotion.
d) Maria- Wished for Child.       David- Beloved.
e) Sophia- Wisdom.                     Jonathon- God's gift.
                                                     Michael- He resembles God.

For more names and their special meanings, go online to site...

That's it- And if you want some great tips on making
your present marriage or your future maariage great, head to kindle store and pick up a copy of
Will and Kate- A Royal Love Story! Secrets to making your 

marriage Divorce-Proof!
Download it to your E-reader.

Good Luck!

Britax B-Agile Travel System (Google Affiliate Ad)

Simple Solutions For A Healthy Hollywood Baby!

                                Deliver a Healthy and Happy Baby! 

The baby boom in Hollywood just keeps rolling along.
The latest: Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell.
Although the following info may be too late for Dax and Kristen, 

it can certainly help the "regular women" who are now pregnant, 
or Hollywood moms like Jessica Simpson or Kim Kardashian.

Natural Rxs To Boost The Health Of Your Future Child.
a) Exercise- 

It's rumored that Kim K is making time for exercise and that's
a good thing-why? Babies with active moms tend to be more
alert and need less time soothing.
b) Brush and Floss-
Gum disease is actually associated with an increased risk of
premature birth and low birth weight. So eat foods that contain
vitamin C- oranges, grapefruit, lime, tangelos, kiwi, clementines
and kumquats.
c) Get Your Omega-3's-
Buying and eating wild fish is your best bet, but if you're still
concerned about mercury poisoning, look for a good quality
supplement. Doing this can help your baby brains develop.
Also important- listen to classical music and eat some high quality 

eggs- and that includes the yolks.
d) Sleep This Way-
What way? On your side. Doing so increases oxygen flow to the 

unborn baby. 
e) More Folic Acid-
Not pregnant yet? Talk to your Dr. about getting folic acid,
this B vitamin helps prevent birth defects.
Also helpful- sprinkling some turmeric on your salads, soups, 

egg and fish dishes. Also give some to kids when they turn about
2 yrs. old. It'll help quiet their little minds.

That's it- Some simple solutions to helping you deliver a healthy
and happy 

Good Luck!

Look for our new E-newsletter-Will and Kate-A Royal Love Story.
Love Rxs To Making Your Marriage Divorce-Proof.
Find it at kindle store. Download it to your E-reader.

Oh Baby By Motherhood Pleated Empire Dress - Maternity (Google Affiliate Ad)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Making Your Love Stronger!

                               Making Love Stronger With Numerology! 

Hollywood has always embraced the alternative lifestyle.
Whether it's diet, an exercise program or something totally
out of the ordinary like-astrology or numerology.
And since astrology is so 70's, numerology has moved to the front 

of the line-in terms of predicting the future or using it for healing.
A expert in numerology now says that knowing yours and your loved
one's special number can help you make your love as strong as a
reinforced bank vault.

So, are you interested? Want to know how to use numerology to
figure out if your marriage or relationship will last? 

Well, look below to get started...
To find your "love" numbers just add up the numbers of your wedding
date, and if you're not married-use a significant date or day you first 

said "I love you" or the time you got engaged.
For example- If you were married Sept, 15 2005, you're going to add
up each number individually. 9 (Sept, is the ninth month) + 1+5+2+0+0+5=
22. Now add up the 2+2 which is 4.
1) You like being in charge, but you'll have to let go and learn to share some 

of the responsibilities. Make sure to use we instead of me and use
the word couple and our(s) to remind yourself that you're a couple.
2) The opposite of no. 1- you have to think more like an individual.
Self-nurturing is the key if you want to remain a couple and not focus
so much on your partner. Give yourself permission to go out with girlfriends,
or restore a car with your dad and brother. (Guys) Doing this helps you
feel refreshed and you bring that excitement home.
3) Number threes have a lot of energy, and that energy comes out in
scheduling a lot of things together- bike rides, rock climbing and
hitting a number of clubs on the weekends. To slow down and enjoy each
other, schedule things that don't require a lot of energy, reading the
Sunday paper together, or having a dinner with just the 2 of you.
4) Four is all about stability, like Prince William and Kate, and this
means your in it for the long haul. And the two of you knowing that it's
meant to last, means you may take each other for granted and stop doing
the little things. Little things like...writing each other notes, making
coffee or tea for another or sending sexy text messages, so make sure
to do the little things to keep your marriage or relationship strong.
And now that you have 4 love tips to make your love everlasting and unbreakable, 

why not learn what the numbers 5 thru 9 mean, how?
By going to, and picking up a copy of Will and Kate-
A Royal Love Story, The Love Rxs  For A Divorce-Proof
Available today in the kindle store. Purchasing a copy allows us to take the time to find more great alternative remedies for your health, love life, and career.

See title to the right.

Good Luck!

eGames 14505500 Tides of Fortu (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hollywood's Rxs For Losing Winter Weight!

                          Lose Weight Like A Star! 

On the T.V. show Extra- they did a story on ways to lose weight. 

One of their tips was juicing. It's all the rage right now,
and if you fell it'll help, by all means do it.
Another tip not from the show, but  from diet counselors
or a weight loss guru like Jillian Michaels.

The tip: Remove processed food, white foods like bread, 

crackers, pastries, spaghetti and rice. They also suggest
reading labels and looking for foods that say trans-fats
or glucose, sucrose or fructose. make sure to avoid these types
of foods as well. But there are some other foods, "diet busters"

that weight loss counselors forget to mention, what foods are they?
a) Dried Fruit-
1 cup of raisins has 460 calories and a cup of grapes has 60.
And fruit juice like orange has the equivalent of 12 tsps. of sugar.
And one whole orange is about 80 calories.
b) Granola-
Yes, we know it's favorite for a lot of people, but
1 cup has 600 calories and about 30 grams of fat.
Eat a bowl of Cheerios instead.
c) Yogurt-
Do you like sweetened yogurt? Well, it has 3 tsps. of sugar.
Opt for a cup of plain yogurt and add 1/2 banana or 1/2 apple
or an orange.

That's it- Some other diet-busting foods that are often overlooked.

And if you're a fan of Prince William and Kate-
Then you know they'll be married for 2 yrs. at the end of April.
If you want some of their tips on how to make your marriage
successful, head to kindle store and pick
up a copy of Will and Kate- A Royal Love Story-
The Insider Secrets To Making Your Marriage Divorce-Proof!

Good Luck!

Jillian Michaels: Fitness Adventure For Xbox 360 (Google Affiliate Ad)

Jessica Alba's Rx For Helping Rappers!

                                Cleaning Gold Naturally! 

As we mentioned in the past, Jessica Alba has gone green.
We're not talking about separating cans from bottles on thrash
day, but totally green. She's now developing products that protect
your health and the environment.
If Jessica Alba was going to advise a rapper or anyone who loves 

wearing gold on natural ways to clean it, she'd tell them to...
Get out a large bowl, mix 1 part dish detergent, (Try Dawn) 

and 5 parts warm water. Put your gold in the bowl, leave it for 
2 to 3 hrs. and then scrub it with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
Rinse the gold off and then dry with a clean towel.
And to finish up the cleaning process-polish it with a jewelry
That's it- Although this tip isn't really from Ms. Alba,
we're sure this is the same advice she'd give all you
owners of gold jewelry.

Good  Luck! 


And please look for our new E-newsletter, Will and Kate-
A Royal Love Story- The Love Rxs For A Divorce-Proof Marriage! 

Title below...

Seventh Generation Natural Wood Cleaner, Lemon Chamomile Scent, 18 (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bruno Mars' Rx For Removing Makeup!

                          Remove Makeup Easily and Effortlessly. 

Bruno Mars, the hot singer is back with a new CD.
He also revealed that one of the perks he always has to have 

on tour is a pack of Baby wipes.
Unlike most stars who ask for bottles of champagne, bottled        
water set a certain temperature or a special thread count in sheets,
(J Lo) but not Mr. Mars.

All he wants is some water, a few snacks set out for the crew
and baby wipes.
You may be wondering why Bruno would ask for baby wipes
and not a vegan chef or massage therapists since he is a big star.

But Mr. Mars may have made a discovery and not even be aware of it, 

the discovery: You can use baby wipes to remove makeup.
Baby wipes are packed with non-irritating cleansers that are gentle
on the eyes, but strong enough to loosen and remove even waterproof 


That's it- And don't forget to thank Bruno Mars for this tip.

Look for our new E-doc, Will and Kate at kindle store.
See title above.

Good Luck!

Croft & Barrow 525-Thread Count Sheet Set (Google Affiliate Ad)

The Royal Couple's Rxs For A Happier Marriage!

                                Find  Love Like Will and Kate! 

It'll be 2 yrs. since Prince William and Duchess Kate were married. 

Not a lifetime, but it is a milestone. If you're just married, want
to get married or are celebrating 20 yrs. here are some 

things that'll help you make it to 50 yrs. of marriage.
a) Cuddle More-
Cuddling is a dirty word to some guys, but tell him about the 

benefits: It can reduce blue moods and depression , reduce heart
disease risks and improve a guy's memory.
b) A Glass of Wine-
Wine is loaded with compounds that mop up free radicals before they
can damage brain cells and the heart. It may also be the secret
as to why the French make love more than their American brothers 

and sisters.
c) Make Love Not War-
Rather argue than make love? Big mistake-believe it or not lovemaking
can help you fend off cold and flu viruses, plus it can reduce stress and
make your heart stronger.
d) Perform Small Acts of Kindness-
This may be the secret to a long-lasting marriage. Doing small favors
for your spouse without being asked. Things like leaving love notes,
cleaning out the garage or bringing home flowers for no reason.
e) Argue This Way-
Do you face your spouse or partner and scream? Wrong approach.
According to some therapists- the best way to discuss a problem child or
the sky high credit cards...Sit side by side and calmly discuss what's on your
f) Use Technology-
Do you send texts to remind him or her of a chore? Well, use technology
to send a message of kindness or your love for him or her.
A message during the day will do wonders for your marriage.

We're not sure if Kate and Will are using these tips, but
if you want a stronger marriage-perhaps you might want to. 

And if you want more tips like these-plus...
how to get hubby to help around the house 
the insider secrets that  help the Obamas stay married.
the Hawaiian Secrets to a stronger marriage,
how to affair-proof your marriage.
how to stay out of divorce court.
why you should pick someone like William and not Harry for marriage.
the Viagra solutions for women
the Hollywood movies that'll help your marriage.
Plus, much, much more.
But where can you find this information?
Head on over to kindle store and pick
up a copy of our newly finished E-newsletter. Download it to your E-reader.

Title: Will and Kate- A Royal Love Story- The Love Rxs To
Making Your Marriage Divorce-Proof.

Good Luck!

Sterling Silver Pippa Inspired Earrings by Lenox (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Figuring Out Love Rxs From A Hollywood Movie!

                               Hollywood Movies That'll Help You! 

What's your favorite type of movie?
Action? Comedies? Animated movies? Or are you a fan of
romantic movies?
If you're a fan of romantic movies, then that must mean
you have a favorite couple. The movie couple you like best
can help you figure some things out about your own life. 

So, look below and get started on finding out more about your
own life, thanks to Hollywood.
a) Twilight-
If Edward and Bella are your favorite couple, it means you're
an imaginative artiste. Watching Edward and Bella trek through
a World of danger and the unknown, means you might crave that
as well. It also means you're supercreative and drawn toward things
that are mysterious.
b) The Proposal-
This is the Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds movie. And if their your
favorite movie couple, it means you're capable of a wide range
of emotions, and you're hard to figure out. It also means you'll
go to extremes to find that special someone.
c) When Harry Met Sally-
A fan favorite and if Sally and Harry are your favorite couple- 

you're down to Earth. It also means you'll stumble, trip or fall
your way to love. Don't waste time like Harry or Sally, just the
person you're interested in, you like them.
d) Gone With The Wind-
You may not remember this movie, but if Scarlett and Rhett are favorites-
you're one to look at the glass as half full. There's always tomorrow
and you believe anything is possible and you'll never give up.
One tip: Don't take this literally, you don't want to be charged with
e) Titanic-
One of the top 5 grossing films of all time, if you love Jack and Rose,
you're a dynamic romantic. Simply put- it means you're a romantic
in the best, most classical sense, preferring intense- but short-lived
romances. You prefer the short, fire-fueled romances instead of the 

long drawn out romances. Think Spring Break!
f) The Notebook-
A favorite for a lot of people, and if your favorite couple is Noah and Allie,
your someone who's loyal and willing to do whatever it takes to
get the person of your dreams. Even though Allie's disease of Alzheimer's
threatened their relationship, they decided nothing would keep them apart.
Moving Heaven and Earth to be with the love of your life, makes you
the real life versions of Allie and Noah.

That's it- The Movie Couple's Guide To Figuring Out
Your Own Love Life. If you want more tips like these,
look for our next newsletter- Will and Kate- The Royal Rxs
For A Stronger and Happier Marriage. Coming to
the kindle store, Wed. or Thrus. Download it to your E-reader.

Good Luck!

The Twilight Saga - Eclipse - (Google Affiliate Ad)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Jessica Alba's Rx For Reducing Spring Allergies!

                           Use Natural Cleaning Products Like Jessica! 

Jessica Alba is becoming one of the leading advocates for safer and
all natural cleaning products. Unlike a lot of stars who only lend their
names to certain projects, Ms. Alba is definitely hands on. 

She helps creates a lot of the cleaning products she sells on her

And with the Spring season here, the subject of mold will certainly come
up, With warmer weather, comes mold and allergies.
If you or a loved is bothered by mold and allergies-come Spring or Fall,
get rid of it like Ms. Alba would, how's that?
With Vinegar!

Fill a spray bottle with undiluted white vinegar and spray in
the areas where mold might sneak in, like window sills,
door frames or any other area you can think of, let the
vinegar sit for an hour and then wipe down with a
clean, damp rag. Do this once a week and don't worry,
the scent of vinegar only lasts for a an hour or two-tops.

That's it- A natural solution to a serious problem. 

And if you need more tips on cleaning naturally or
if you're interested in buying natural and safer cleaning
products, check out Jessica Alba's website.

Good Luck!

Coming soon- the E-newsletter for keeping your marriage strong. 

Title- Will and Kate- The Royal Love Rxs For a Stronger, Healthier 
And Happier Marriage. Available at the kindle store.
Tues. Or Wed. 

simple green Clean Building Cleaner Concentrate (Google Affiliate Ad)

Modern Family's Rx For Your Eyes!

                       Get Bigger Eyes Like Sarah! 

Are you a fan of the hit show-"Modern Family?"
Well, the young lady who plays the eldest daughter
known as Haley Dunphy gets a lot of attention thanks
to her big beautiful eyes.

The actress playing Haley- is Sarah Hyland and she's
becoming almost as well known for her eyes as Sofia Vergara is
for her curvy body.
If you feel your eyes are too small and want a natural way to
make them look bigger, do the following...
Try only applying eye liner along the upper lash line.
Don't encircle your eyes with liner, this closes them off,
making them look smaller.

That's it- and we won't guarantee your eyes will look as beautiful
as Sarahs', but they will look bigger.

Good Luck! 


Elle Cosmetics Eyeliner (Google Affiliate Ad)

Hollywood's Rx For A Spring Manicure!

                          Get The Perfect Spring Manicure! 

Spring is here, and for a lot of women that means more manicures
and pedicures. If you're into doing your own manicures, here's
a few tips to make it look like it was done at the salon. 

The Perfect Manicure: 
If your manicure looks streaky, you may be using too much or too
little polish. If you're using polish that's  sheer or opaque, after you've
dipped the brush into the enamel, sweep off one side of the brush
against the rim of the bottle. If the polish is frosty or glittery, keep the
brush fully loaded.
Manicure Secret Pt. 2-
Bubble-Proof Your Manicure-
Do you shake your bottle of polish before doing your nails?
Stop it, use the tip from professional stylists...
Roll the bottle between your palms. Doing so gently mixes the color
without pushing air into the polish, and you won't end up with
bubbles in the polish.
That's it- 2 tips for getting a perfect manicure. 

Good Luck!

Coming soon- Will and Kate-The Royal Rxs For Making Your Marriage Last.
Available Tues. or Wed. at in the kindle store.
Download a copy and live the marriage of your dreams.

Essie Plums Nail Polish - Wicked (Google Affiliate Ad)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Finding Spring-Time Love!

                      He's Just Not That Into You! 

With the weather warming up, it's said that a lot of people
hope to fall in love. If you're a women and a fan of the movie...
"He's Just Not That Into You" you may find it refreshing that
you can actually tell if a man is or isn't into you.

How? Look at his hands, his eyes or his hair and pick up
some signals. Look below, and learn how to pick up on those
signals and save yourself from a life of unhappiness and heartache.
a) His Hands-
Reveal his temperament. If he touches your the side of your 

arm, that's a friendly gesture. If he touches your elbow, he may be
trying to manipulate you, and touching your shoulder can be a sign
of dominance.
b) His Smile-
Reveal his motives. If his mouth turns up on both sides, it's sincere.
If the lips go straight out, that's called fake facing and there's a chance
it may not be sincere. Look for different smiles and get an idea of what
kind of person he is.
c) His Hair-
Reveals his personality!
Look at his hair and if the part is on the left, he's logical and assertive.
And those who part their hair on the right is a creative noncomformist.

and parting it right down the middle- means he's balanced and good at
making sure the relationship works.
d) His  Chin-
Reveals if he's sincere.
It's not about how the chin looks, but how he touches it.
If he taps his chin with his fingers, he's a good listener.
But if he puts a finger on his chin and mouth-he's either skeptical
of you-or he could be telling you a lot of white lies.
e) His Feet-
Reveal if he's ready to commit.
The direction a person's feet are facing signal which way they'd
like to run. If his feet are facing away from you, he may not be listening
to a word you're saying. But if they're pointing right at you, that's
a subconscious sign he is ready follow you in the direction you want
to take him.
f) His Eyes-
Reveal his interest in you.
yes, they're (the eyes) are called the "windows of the soul" for a reason,
and that reason-he may really be into you. Look at his pupils-
if they're getting bigger, it means he's listening and wants to hear
what you have to say.
And lastly, if he turns away and doesn't hold eye contact, don't be alarm,
people only make eye contact about 20% of the time.

So ladies,  if you're ready to look for your Bradley Cooper this Spring,
remember to bring these tips along with you.
And one more tip: ladies increase your odds of finding someone special, 

by wearing pink when dancing, dining out, etc.
And leave the red alone, that's for couples who are already in
a committed relationship.

Good Luck!

And for those who are already married and want to stay happily married, 

look for our E-newsletter- Will and Kate, A Royal Love Story! The Love Rxs
To Making Your Marriage "Divorce-Proof!"
Download the newsletter from kindle store and you'll 

Why Will and Kate have a good chance of celebrating 50 yrs. of marriage.
How Barack and Michelle Keep The Flames of Passion Burning.
10 minute tricks to making your marriage a success.
Want to go to Hawaii but can't afford it? Learn the Hawaiian secrets
to keeping your marriage strong.
How Numerology can help you stay happily married.
The Hollywood movie Rxs for a long and successful marriage.
Learn how food, exercise and scents can help put you in the mood. 

Ladies, do you need your own form of Viagra? Order the E-newsletter
and find out how certain supplements can help.
So, if you're married or plan on getting married, then you need this
E-newsletter, the team here at RedCarpetRxs researched and wrote
the E-newsletter.
Head to kindle store and order a copy today. 

N01-0138127 Hes Just Not That (Google Affiliate Ad)

Low Cost Beauty Secrets From Hollywood Stars!

                             Beauty On A Budget! 

We always hear about stars getting botox or chemical peels.
These procedures are costly, come with risks and they're not
affordable for the average woman or man.
Well, not every star is willing to part with her hard earned money 

and pay thousands for cosmetic surgery or pay hundreds on 
small jars of moisturizers.

That's right- some stars out there are willing to use things that
are available from the supermarket. Look below and find out
which stars want to postpone aging and save their money.
a) Miranda Kerr-
Supermodel and wife of actor Orlando Bloom uses lip gloss.
Not on her lips, but to give her eyes a shimmery look.
Experts say this might work, but make sure to use a good
quality lip gloss. A cheaper brand may cause pores to clog.
b) Jennifer Love Hewitt-
Her beauty secret- Toothpaste to get rid of pimples.
Some people say this tip is successful, and there are others
who say it doesn't work. Use a plain white toothpaste, leave
on for 15 to 20 mins. and then wash the toothpaste off.
A better option: Eat some baked or broiled fish and vegetables
for a day or two. Stay away from processed foods like, baked goods,
(white foods) candy bars and sugary drinks.
c) Denise Richards-
The former Mrs. Charlie Sheen keeps her luscious locks looking good
with avocados. Mash them up, apply to the hair, keep it in place with
a shower cap and rinse out after 20 to 30 mins.
This has been used for some time now, and beauty experts say add a tbs.
of olive or coconut oil to the avocado. Your hair will really shine.
d) Snooki-
No, it doesn't involve a tanning bed, Snooki uses Kitty litter as a
mask to erase the yrs. Snooki is in her early twenties, so it's
mystery why she needs this. Experts say it's messy and the kitty litter
may cause tears in the skin, especially skin on the face. Use something
gentler like a little baking soda, brown sugar and some oil -olive or canola.
Gently massage into a slightly moistened face (avoid the eye area)
and then splash some warm water over your face. Do this on your
time off- it may cause a little redness.
e) Teri Hatcher-
Ms. Hatcher will be 50 in a few yrs. her secret to looking younger...
Wine. Yes, drinking it, but also pouring a little in her bath water
and soaking away the stress and the yrs. Experts say-if you have
a cut or two on your body-you'll feel the burn and you may not
want to throw away money. Other options- save your orange, 

tangerine or lime peels and throw them in or if your supermarket
sells milk cheaply, buy some extra and throw in a cup or two.

That's it- some low-cost ways to look yrs. younger
and if you want the full list, go to, stay on the first page
and when you see Snooki-click on the link. Learn the beauty secrets from
Lady Gaga, Siena Miller, Lisa Rinna (full lips)  and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

And look for our next E-neweletter- Kate and Will, The Royal Rxs
To A Long and Happier Marriage. Coming this week to
Also read our post- Rachael Ray's Rx For Stronger Legs, over at

Good Luck!

Olay Active Hydrating Beauty Fluid, Sensitive Skin - 6 oz. bottles - (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Nicole Richie's Rx For A Low-Cost Bag!

                                       A Designer Bag For Less! 

Nicole Richie is back for another season of her hit show- "Fashion Star."
You may have noticed her bag, a designer bag called Balenciaga's.
The price of the bag is about $1600.00, and that's too rich for most

But wait, there's an online store called and they'll
sell you a look-a-like for about $50.00.
Type in Style# 11326.

Good Luck!

Jessica Simpson Lady Chic Tote (Google Affiliate Ad)

Rachael Ray's Rx For Better Sleep!

                             Sleep Like Rachael Ray! 

On today's Rachael Ray show-She talked about flat stomachs.
The author told Rachael about some foods to eat, some exercises
to do and the importance of good sleep to get the stomach of your dreams.

Ms. Ray talked about watching  TCM , (Turner Classic Movies)
right before bed and the author told Ms. Ray to stop doing it.
Why would someone tell you not to watch T.V. before bed?
Well, there are a number of reasons, like...
a) If it's a horror movie, it may keep you up and interfere with sleep.
b) If it's the news and you watch a violent crime or a fire that's
left a family homeless can also cause you to stay awake.
c) The light from the T.V. stimulates the part of the brain that
keeps you awake.
d) The light also prevents the melatonin (the sleep hormone)
from working at it's optimal best.
e) And a  T.V. in the room may work against you sexually.
How so? See tip b, seeing gory and unpleasant images,
is not conducive to a healthy sex life.

So, are you convinced? Ready to turn off the T.V. in favor of
a good night's sleep? 

Well, if you do adopt a "no T.V." rule, remember you can still watch,
but make it a comedy like Golden Girls or Seinfeld, and make it at least
an hour before bed.

That's it- A good comedy for a good night's sleep.
And if you want more tips like these- head to kindle store
and download a copy of -The 99 Best Natural Remedies To Beat Insomnia.

And if you're married or planning to get married, look for our next E-newsletter...

Will and Kate- The Royal's Rxs To Making Your Marriage Divorce-Proof!

Good Luck!

Ultrafresh 4-Pk. Standard Pillows (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Goldie Hawn's Rxs For Taming Stress!

                                 Use Scent Like Goldie! 

Goldie Hawn-mom to Kate Hudson and a star of dozens of films,
is now on a new crusade.
The new crusade: To help Americans overcome stress, anxiety, 

irritability and brain fog naturally.
That's right- Ms. Hawn was on the Katie Couric show and explained 

how aromatherapy has helped her deal with some very serious health
What is aromatherapy?
Inhaling a scent to bring about healing, and if you need healing for
something like brain fog or anxiety, look below and get an answer
for what's ailing you.
a) Headaches-
Inhale the scent of sage. It calms pain nerves and relaxes neck and
scalp muscles.
b) Brain Fog-
This happens to Chelsea Handler quite a bit and the scent to fix it is...

Rosemary. It increases alertness, focus and mental stamina.
c) Stomach Aches-
Inhale the scent of Peppermint. It calms the nerves that control
your intestines. Should get relief in about a week.
d) Get Calm-
With the citrusy scent of tangerines. They taste great and inhaling the
Scent can help shut down an anxiety attack.
2 stars bothered by anxiety attacks, Amanda Seyfried and Taylor Swift.
Tangerine scent calms down a part of the brain responsible for anxiety.
e) End Irritability-
Bothered by a co-worker who talks a lot? Or do you have kids that fight
and cause you to be irritable? Well, end it with the scent of Geranium.
Yes, the scent of this flower increases the production of alpha brain
waves, relieving crankiness in a few minutes.
f) Cravings-
Use the scent mentioned in our post about Jennifer Love-Hewitt.
The scent- Vanilla. It helps control the part of the brain that craves
That's it- and if you want to order any of these scents, go to
And type in pure essential oils. Pour a little geranium or sage oil on a cotton
ball and take 3 deep sniffs, and you may have to do it 2 or 3 times a day.

Good Luck!

Don't forget to look for our New E-newsletter,
Will and Kate- The Royal Rxs To Making Your Marriage A Success!
Available at the kindle store. Fri. Or Sat.
Download it to your E-reader.

Aromatherapy Massage Oil Variety Pack - 4 pk. (Google Affiliate Ad)

Heidi Klum's Rx For a Healthy Snack!

                       Snack Like Heidi! 

If you're like the millions of others out there that love to snack,
don't feel bad, you're not alone. Count "Supermodel" Heidi Klum
among those that love a good snack. Ms. Klum like a lot of us,
loves the salty, crunchy taste of chips.
And although Ms. Klum loves to snack, she chooses her snacks 

wisely. Her choice of a good snack: Popchips!

You may have heard of them- they're air-popped chips that have
1/2 the fat and calories of potato chips.
They also have fiber, which can boost metabolism and
help you feel satisfied-with just a small serving.

So, if your cravings for salty and crunchy chips are getting the
best of you, do like Heidi Klum and grab some Pop chips.
Look for them at supermarkets, or health-food stores,
Whole Foods or Walmart.

Good Luck!

Coming soon to a near you.
The Will and Kate Rxs For a Long-Lasting
and Happier Marriage. Look for in the kindle store.

Popchips 5370004 0.8Oz Potato (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Rx For Wearing Low Necklines!

                                    Wear That Low Neckline Proudly!

Jennifer Love Hewitt makes no secret of her best assets.
What are they? Her breasts.
And if you have a bust you're also proud of, feel free to wear
things that show it off. 

One thing many women want to wear, but are sometimes
afraid to, is a low neckline blouse, dress or sweater. 

But that was in the past, today- wear anything with a low neckline,

Try a fake camisole that attaches right to your bra.
And if you're not sure where to get a camisole, go online to..., get the Cami Secret, price-$17 for 6 or try- and get a Cleava, price- $20 to $25.

That's it- no need to wear an extra layer underneath, just purchase
a camisole. And please reread our post- Jennifer Love Hewitt's
Rxs For Protecting Your Assets.

Good Luck!

And look for our next e-book, Will and Kate, The Royal Rxs
For Keeping Your Marriage Strong and Unbreakable.
Available at the kindle store. Look for it this Friday!

And if you want more info on Breasts, how to prevent breast cancer, the
best foods that'll help you prevent it, and the embarrassing things
associated with breasts. Things like...
why is one breast larger?
What is that green discharge from my nipples?
why do my breasts hurt?
Why are my areola changing color?
And much, much more-head to a site called and check
out The Breast Rxs...The Best Ways To Beat Breast Cancer.
 It's a newsletter, we here at RedCarpetRxs wrote
about 2 yrs. ago.

Candie'S Beaded Camisole - Juniors (Google Affiliate Ad)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Amanda Seyfried's Rx To Stop Anxiety!

                                 Help Stop The Constant Worrying! 

Amanda Seyfried, the blond beauty and star of Les Miserables- is
a champion worrier. Another star who's like Amanda: Taylor Swift.
Ms. Seyfried-says she may have become overly anxious to the demands
of her job and the paparazi.

Her solution for getting her anxiety under control- visiting a therapist
who helps her talk things out, shows her ways to breathe and gives her
some other exercises to calm her anxious mind.

So, if you're like Ms. Swift or Ms. Seyfried and find yourself worrying about
bills, the economy, the future of health care or who'll win Dancing With The Stars,
and you don't want to go the Rx pill route, (Xanan, Ativan or Valium), try this
natural remedy...

Get a few pieces of paper, a fairly big jar, (clean) and a pen.
Now, write down all of the things that are bothering you, things like...

worried about paying for school, my car isn't dependable, my stomach
isn't as flat as I like, or I wish my mom or dad were in better health.
Next, you want to cut up the pieces of paper, (by hand or with scissors)
and toss them into the jar.
Why is this so effective?
The brain handles thoughts as though they're objects, so ripping up your
troubles coaxes your brain to throw out the anxious thoughts and move on to
happier thoughts and feelings.
And lastly, doing this certainly won't make bills go away or improve an
aging parents' health, it will help tamp down some of the anxiety,
for a little while at least.

That's it- and if you need more tips on dealing with anxiety
naturally- head to and look for "The Natural
Alternatives To Xanax. Available in the Kindle store.
Download it to your E-reader.

Good Luck!

Like a Fish in Water: Yoga for Children by Koch, Isabelle [Paperback] (Google Affiliate Ad)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Carrie Underwood's Rx For Saving Money!

                                     Save Money Like Carrie! 

Carrie Underwood has just been named as one of the most frugal stars
working today. Another star who hates to spend money: Jay Leno!
Jay and Carrie can afford to by the best of everything, but they choose not to, 

unfortunately, the rest of us working folks don't have such a  choice. 
We have to look for bargains, spend wisely. look for coupons and save.
And if you're the type that loves to buy beauty products, but hate spending
too much-there's some good news for you. 

There's a website called, and it allows you to get a number
of brand name beauty products for a lot less.

The Catch:
Answer some questions about your skin, eyes and hair, and their panel of
experts will recommend a selection of 100 products from high-end brands
like Murad, Perricone and Jane Iredale.
The site will then send you a number of the products you selected for a fraction
of the price. And more good news: No shipping fees.

So, if you've been spending a ton of money on beauty products,
make like Carrie or Jay and save your money and head to

Good Luck!

The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet Personal Journal: A Simple 3-Part Plan (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Feeding Finicky Kids!

                             Feed Your Finicky Kids! 

Getting kids to eat vegetables is a problem all over the
World and the wealthy and famous moms in Hollywood
are no exception. In fact, actress Jessica Alba told Katie
Couric that she cooks a few foods and places it on the
table and if the kids don't want to eat the foods, too bad.
That may seem a little harsh, but a lot of moms don't want to
spend hrs. in the kitchen cooking a lot of different dishes.

If you're having this problem, use this tip...
Come up with an appealing adjective to describe that bowl
of carrots. Say something like, eat your "X-ray" carrots,
they'll help you see better than Superman.
The more  special and interesting a food sounds
to your kids, the more likely they'll eat it.
So, are you ready to try this?

If so, here are a few foods to get you started.
Instead of
Broccoli- Call em Mighty Brocco-Trees
Hard-boiled eggs- Call em  Dinosaur eggs
Peas- Call em  Princess Peas
Cherry Tomatoes-Call em Tomato Bursts
Asparagus-Call em  Unicorn Horns
Chopped Romaine Lettuce or Kale- Call em Make you strong green drops

That's it- Helping your kids to eat their vegetables.

Good Luck!

The First Years Babypro All-In-One Meal Maker (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Rx For Protecting Your Assets!

                                 Protect Yourself  Like Jennifer! 

If you've been watching the news the past few days, then you're aware of
the news surrounding actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.
What's the news?
Ms. Hewitt was asked if she'd ever insure her breasts.
She played along with the question and said "yes she would"
for about $5 million, that's $2.5 million per breast. 

Whether she's serious or not, Ms. Hewitt may want to do more than
insure her best assets.

What is it? Start adding some foods that'll keep breast cancer at bay.
The Foods:
a) Vanilla-
Yes, the stuff that's quite popular during the Holidays, is a food that's
a potent cell-protecting powerhouse. Vanilla can stop healthy breast cells
from turning cancerous by protecting their DNA from carcinogens, plus it
can block the growth and spread of abnormal cells.
Add some vanilla extract to your smoothie, plain yogurt, steel cut oatmeal, 

tea, and fruit salad. And one more thing: make sure it's the best quality
vanilla extract out there, not the $1.29 bottle. Hey, it's for your well being. 

Some other foods that work like Vanilla Extract...
Not the fruit, but the juice. Or buy whole tangerines and run them through a juicer.
Make sure to include some of the white part, that's the part that protects your 

*Herbs and Spices-
Thyme, parsley, ginger and oregano all help prevent breast cancer.
Add them to soups, mugs of broth, salads and stews.
* Salads-
The benefits of salad are enormous, make them breast cancer-fighting
powerhouses by adding some white beans, black pepper and
celery. All three can help reduce your rates of B. cancer by 35%.

That's it- Food Rxs To Lower Your Chances Of Getting Breast Cancer.

Good Luck!

Wonderbra Wonderboost Add-A-Size Underwire Bra (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snooki's Rx For A Gluten-Free Dessert!

                               Eat Dessert Like Snooki

Nicole Polizzi, aka Snooki, just revealed her secret for losing
40 lbs. of post baby weight, her secrets: She lost some breastfeeding,
and the rest by following the hot new diet... The Gluten-free diet.
That's right, Ms. Polizzi, has ditched white bread, pasta, rice and all the
other foods that contain gluten.
Snooki also gave up dairy and hired a trainer.
If you're thinking of going gluten-free, remember to research it thoroughly
and look for recipes that are nutritious and are good tasting.
One such example: The following dessert loaf, was discovered by a member of
our research 
team and its quickly become a favorite. 
The cake is a banana-chocolate nut loaf and it's totally gluten-free.

The Ingredients:
2  cups of almond flour
3/4 cup xylitol
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/4 cup garbanzo-bean flour

2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda 

1/3 cup coconut oil (melted)
3 ripe bananas (mashed)
3 large eggs (separated)
3/4 cup chopped chocolate dark choc. divided
Important tip: Garbanzo bean flour and xylitol may not be
available at your local supermarket, so go online and search or
head to your local health-food store.

The Directions:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine first 7 ingredients and 1.4 tsp salt.
Stir in coconut oil, bananas, egg yolks, and 1/2 cup 

of chocolate.

Next, Using a mixer, beat egg whites for 2 mins. or until stiff peaks
form, and then gently fold into the batter.

And finish up by pouring the batter into a lined 9 inch x 5 inch pan
lightly coated with cooking spray. Bake at for about 40 to 45 mins.
(stick a knife in the center, to test if it's done)
Remove from the oven, let cool for 10 mins, and then remove it
from the pan. Melt the remaining chocolate in the microwave,
and then drizzle it over the loaf and garnish with the walnuts.

That's it- a scrumptious and totally gluten-free dessert.
And remember- gluten-free doesn't mean calorie-free,
you still have to practice moderation.

Good Luck!

The Gluten-Free Gourmet Makes Dessert: More Than 200 Wheat-Free Recipe (Google Affiliate Ad)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jessica Alba's Rx For Youthful Skin!

                    Look Younger Like Jessica! 

Jessica Alba has dedicated her life to the "Green" movement, 

you know, stop waste, recycling, avoid harmful chemicals 
in food and cleaning products and now her latest venture: 
Using fruits and veggies on your face and body,
instead of pricey and potentially harmful beauty products.

On Ellen today, Ms. Alba took over where fan favorite Kym Douglas
left off. She's using the fruits and vegetables available to look younger.
Although we missed it, here's a tip for those who want to
exfoliate the dead Winter skin and unveil a bright rosy complexion
in time for Spring.

Head to the store and pick up a Guava, some plain yogurt and dark
honey. Let the guava ripen, peel it, cut it up and then place in a bowl,
add 2 tbs. of plain yogurt and a little honey. Mix it up well,
take a comfortable chair and place the mixture on your face and neck.
Lie back and relax for about 15 to 20 mins. And then just rinse off  the mask
with some warm water. 

Do this tip on your day off, just to make sure it doesn't cause redness.

That's it- Guava is one of the best foods out there to help you look younger.
And one more thing- if you can't find a guava, use Orange Juice, about
 2 tbsps. It has vitamin C, exactly like the Guava.  Do this tip about once a week.

Good Luck! 


Kate Somerville - ExfoliKate Gentle Exfoliating Treatment (Google Affiliate Ad)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Brangelina's Rx For Recycling Wine Bottles!

                                    Recycle Like Brad And Angelina! 

Yesterday's post on Brangelina was all about living longer by drinking 

wine, and today-the subject is still about wine, more specifically,
what to do with those empty wine bottles.
You may be aware of the campaign in Hollywood to recycle, and that
includes wine btls. If you're a wine lover and aren't sure what to do with
the btls. look below for a hint or two.
1) Serve Water-
Ever been to an upscale restaurant and noticed the water pitcher
or carafe? Well, make your own with that empty btl.
Peel off the label (use nail polish to remove a stubborn label),
wash and fill with water or tea, Use the water btl. when guests
come over and impress the heck out of them. 

2) A Jewelry Organizer- 
Have a number of bracelets? Use the empty wine btl. to hold all
of those bracelets.
3) Make A Pizza-
Don't have or can't find your rolling pin? No problem, use
the empty wine bottle. Make sure to clean it first.
4) Plant Therapy-
Are you ready to start your Spring garden?
Fill and empty wine btl. with water and drill a hole in the center of the cork, 

Push the cork back into the btl. invert it and stick it into the dirt. The hole in
the cork will allow water to drip slowly into your thirsty plants.
5) Olive Oil Dispenser-
Buy the big container of olive oil and then place some in your clean, empty
wine btl. Also some dried herbs and spices in there and then insert
a pour spout onto the btl. and get the feel of your very own Italian restaurant.
6) Clean It Properly-
Here's a suggestion on how to clean that bottle... Pour some vinegar, water
and a little rice into the btl. Plug it up securely, then shake it for a few seconds.
To will remove all debris and finsih it up by rinsing it out with warm water.

That's it- Some simple tips to help save our environment, courtesy of Brad
and Angelina.

Good Luck!

Classic Glass 1L Carafe - Stainless (Google Affiliate Ad)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stylists' Rx For Wearing Your Hair Short!

                                           The Anne Hathaway Look! 

Want a short haircut like Anne Hathaway?
Well, before you do, a top Hollywood stylist says it's
best you test drive it first.

Test drive a haircut?
That's right- and all you have to do is...Pull all your hair back
into a bun in the back of your head. Gently pull some of the hair
toward your ears. Then look straight into a mirror.
If you're digging the way your hair looks, the Anne Hathaway
look is for you.

Good Luck!

Andis Easy Cut 20-Pc. Home Haircutting Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)

Brangelina's Rx For A Longer Life!

                          Drink Wine Like Brad and Angelina! 

If you were busy last week and didn't hear the good news,
here it is: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have decided to
sell their own wine.
Well, there's more good news: the first shipment that was

put online, has sold out.

The good news is twofold, Brad and Angelina will get richer, and
the people who buy their wine or any wine will live a few extra yrs.
That's right- the news about the health benefits of wine, just keeps
getting better and better.

The latest news: A glass of red wine a day means you're 45% less 

likely to develop heart disease and 40% less likely to develop other
serious ailments like diabetes, obesity, certain cancers and Alzheimer's. 

Give credit to the resveratrol and polyphenols, 2 compounds that increase
good cholesterol, reduce blood clots, prevent damage to blood vessels
and keep your weight from going up.

So, if you're still not a believer in the benefits of a glass of wine a day,
perhaps this new info will change your mind.
And one more thing...if you're wondering does it make a difference
about the type of wine you drink.
Yes it does, according to researchers- Pinot Noir has the most
healthful benefits.

Good Luck!

P.S. any married folks out there? Look for our next E-document, 

Kate and Will, the "Love Secrets For Everyone!"
Available Tues. or Wed. at the Kindle store.

Superfruits by Gross, Paul [Paperback] (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Kardashian's Rx For Preventing Facial Breakouts!

                                           Keep Skin Free Of Blemishes! 

The Kardashian women- Kim, Kris, Kourtney and Khloe seem to live 

on their cellphones.
What wrong with that? Frequent talking on a cellphone can cause
breakouts near the jawline.

A lot of adult women are experiencing it and don't know why.
Using the phone and then placing it on a desk, bed or in your purse
leaves the phones teeming with germs and oils, and those germs and 

oils cause breakouts.

To keep skin from breaking out-regularly wipe down your phones with
a clean cloth or paper towel that's been soaked in a little rubbing alcohol.
Doing this one thing, helps kill the bacteria and prevent the breakouts near
your jawline.

Good Luck!

P.S. Look for the next E-document written by the people who bring
you SupermarketRxs and Red CarpetRxs!
The E-Doc--Will and Kate- The Secrets To Making Your Marriage
Divorce-Proof. Find it at the kindle store- Tues. Or Wed.

Neutrogena U-BB-1194 Oil Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Facial Cleanse (Google Affiliate

Hollywood's Jewelry Rx To Look Slimmer!

                          Look Thinner With Jewelry! 

Two months have passed since the new year began, how's
your New Year's resolution to lose weight going?
That's okay- stick with it-bikini season is still 3 to 4 months away.
But in the meantime, a top Hollywood stylist says that you can look 

a little slimmer with a piece of jewelry.

A piece of jewelry? Yes, specifically a necklace.
Wear a dramatic necklace that falls in a V-shape.
For the most flattering look, choose one that hits just above your
bustline, which will not only draw the eye up toward your face but
will also help make your torso look thinner.

That's it and if you want to make some celebrities richer,
look into the jewelry lines from Kim K, Justin Bieber or Jessica
Simpson. Or save your money and get a much cheaper necklace
at Costco's, Walmart or Kohl's.

Good Luck! 

Any margarita fans out there?
Look for our post "The Biggest Loser's Recipe
For a Low-cal Blueberry margarita. Find it at

Sterling Silver Dyed Freshwater Cultured Pearl Convertible Necklace (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Saving On Beauty Products!

                            Don't Waste Money On Beauty Products! 

Stars may be able to spend obscene amounts of money on
beauty products, and then there are some stars who hate to waste money.

And if you're in the "hate to waste money camp" when
 buying  beauty products, make sure you're getting your money's
worth. Do not throw out that shampoo, lip gloss or styling gel when it's 

nearly empty.

That's right- there's more product in that plastic tube and to get the last bit
out, just snip off the end of the bottle with scissors and use a cotton swab
to get that last bit of lip gloss or styling gel out.
Saving money is important to some stars and the normal folks out there,
so make sure to get every drop in that bottle.

Good Luck!

Fekkai Coiff Extra Control Styling Gel (Google Affiliate Ad)

The View's Rx For Safer Nail Polish!

                              Applying Safer Nail Polish! 

Elisabeth Hasselbeck of the T.V. show-"The View" revealed
that she loves getting manicures with gel nail polish.
Unfortunately, there's a problem with these types of manicures,
what is it? You need to hold your fingers under special UV lights,
and doing it for months or even yrs, raises your risk of skin cancer.

Yes, it's the same as lying on a tanning bed, but it's not your body
that's exposed, it's your hands.
And if you're a fan --like Ms. Hasselbeck, there's a safer alternative.

Head to a beauty supply store or drugstore and pick up the new
UV-free gel polish. It delivers the same smudge-resistant results at
home in half the time. With the at-home kit, you apply a coat of
"activator" before the gel, then let the two meet and mingle
and this creates a rock-hard finish that rivals any professional
Brand to try: Nutra Nail Gel Perfect, price $12.00.

Good Luck!

IBD Just Gel Nail Polish (Google Affiliate Ad)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hollywood's Latest Craze-The Cocktail Ring!

                                            Picking A Cocktail Ring! 

Hollywood is always ahead of the curve. If Hollywood stars are wearing a
certain item or rocking a piece of jewelry, chances are the rest of World
will soon be following. 

And the latest craze is no different. What is it? Cocktail Rings!
Watch the latest Jennifer Aniston commercial and you'll see her
wearing one. And if you decide on getting your own cocktail ring,
make sure to get one that flatters your hand.
That's right- if your hands are big, you'll need this type or if your
fingers are long, choose this type of ring.

So, look below and see which ring is best for you. 

a) Long Fingers... Choose an Oval ring.
The rounded shape of an oblong stone visually balances long fingers,
helping to make them look more in proportion to the hand. 

And where do you wear the ring? On your ring finger, where it anchors
attention near the center of the hand and enhances the widening effect.
b) Big Hands... Look for an Irregular cocktail ring.
A chunky asymmetrical stone with rough, "craggy" edges helps
large, baseball mitts sized hands look more feminine and smaller.
c) Wide Hands...Choose a Square ring.
This ring has the straight lines of a classic princess-cut and draws the eye
vertically to make the hand look slimmer. Wear it front and center on the
index finger.
That's it, Hollywood's latest fashion craze. And if you're not sure where to
pick up a cocktail ring, go online to...

Good Luck!

Black Diamond Cocktail Ring 1.0 Carat (ctw) in Sterling Silver, Size 6.5 (Google Affiliate Ad)