Sunday, June 30, 2013

Food Rx For Women Over 40!

                           Turn Back The Clock On Your Hands!

Women who are over 40 in Hollywood seem to be doing very well these days.
Women like Sarah Jessica Parker, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts
and Jennifer Aniston, yet this wasn't always the case. 

In fact, if you were a woman and over 40, the roles were few
and far between.

The change happened for a few reasons...some movies starring women 

earn just as well as movies starring men, (The Blind Side, Bridesmaids)
more women have important roles like directors and producers and perhaps
the biggest change- women take better care of themselves and that helps
them when they have to play a character who's 10 to 15 yrs younger.
But, no matter how good they look for their age, there's one part of aging
that a lot of women can't escape, what is it?
Brown Spots.

And stars like Madonna, Sarah J. Parker and Courtney Cox have said that
they eat right and exercise and yet the unsightly spots have affected them.
If you a regular woman out there is also bothered by age spots and don't want or
can't afford the pricey treatments available out there,
head to your supermarket and pick up the dairy product
that can help those age spots fade away naturally.

What dairy product?
That's right- the stuff mom or grandmom used to give biscuits or pancakes
a little extra zing, can now help you turn back the clock...on your hands, 

back or face.

Buttermilk contains mild acids that safely and gently slough away the top layers
of skin and help reduce the brown spots as effectively as a drug store remedy
or the laser equipment in a cosmetic surgeon's office.
To use: On your day off or when you have a few moments to yourself,
dab some buttermilk on the tops of your hands, leave on for 10 mins.
and then rinse off. Repeat a few times a week.
Also effective- Chamomile tea, (brew and then cool) and place on your hands
like the buttermilk. Or mash up some chickpeas, and add some buttermilk or
cham. tea or lemon juice to them and place the mixture on your hands
for 10 to 12 mins.

That's it- a simple remedy to help your hands, back and face look as good 

and youthful as the rest of you.

Good Luck!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Food Network's Food Tip To Lower Disease Risk!

                                    Lower Diabetes Risk! 

It hasn't been a good week for the Food Network star- Paula Deen.
With all of the criticism and the sponsors dropping her like a hot
rock. it's not looking to good for Ms. Deen right now.
One thing Ms. Deen should feel good about... her diet and the recent 40 lb.
weight loss. And one of the foods that Ms. Deen used to help her get down about
40 lbs. is now being hailed as a food that'll help prevent one of the diseases that's
running wild in the U.S.

First the food- It's the sweet potato. And Ms. Deen said she used them in place
of her beloved white potatoes.
And secondly, the disease- Diabetes! Although it's too late for Ms. Deen,
new reasearch says that foods like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin,
carrots and cantaloupe can turn off the genes that get the diabetes ball rolling.

So, if you have a history of diabetes in your family and want to lower your 

chances of ever getting it, do like Paula Deen and stock up on Sweet potatoes.
And lastly, remember you still have to get some exercise, eat more fruits and
vegetables, get 6 to 8 hrs. of sleep and watch the number of carbs you eat.
Oh, one more thing, if you're thinking- more sweet potato and pumpkin
pie, stop thinking it- extra sugar in your diet-not only increases your risk
of diabetes, but cancer, more colds, bad skin, weight gain and heart disease
as well.

Good Luck!

Want some food tips on how to turn off the breast cancer genes?
Head to kindle store and order the E-document...
The Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer!
Download the info on your E-reader. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Softer Summer Skin!

                                 Smooth Summer Skin! 

Applying all of that sunscreen to your skin each Summer isn't
something a lot of us want to do, but we must.
The concern a lot of people have is- what about moisturizer?
Should we apply it before the sunscreen? After the Sunscreen?
Ah, the choices we have to make, but hold on, someone out there has
created a moisturizer that's ideal for the Summer.

The product:
Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer. Price- $6,00.
Available at most drug stores.
This product is a quick-mist moisturizer that's non-greasy and
made for the hot and humid temperatures.          

Good Luck!

Don't forget to order your copy of The Superfoods That
Prevent Breast Cancer! Available at kindle store.
Download it to your E-reader.  See title above right.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Beating Sweet Cravings!

                    Overcoming Sugar Cravings! 

Reality star Kim K. says that getting back to her "normal" weight
will be difficult. Why? During her pregnancy she was allowed to eat
more of the sweet treats she so loves.
And eating more of her favorite sweet treats will not only make it hard to
get back into shape, new research says that unborn babies will develop a sweet
tooth as well, they'll also have a greater chance of getting heart disease,
diabetes and some cancers.

So, to help the Kim K's and the regular moms out there, here are a few tips to
help you overcome your addiction to sugar.
a) Shake It Off-
No- not by doing exercise, but drinking an actual shake. Having a shake about
11:00 am helps cut your cravings for 3 hrs. straight.
What type of shake? Try one with coconut milk, 1/2 avocado, some whey protein
and some frozen fruit (berries). Or buy one already made--Slim-Fast or Optimum
b) Eat This For Breakfast-
Eggs with mushrooms or eggs with some salmon.
Either selection you choose and you cut your appetite considerably.
Eggs (with the yolks) ar very filling and at 70 calories each, you
can't go wrong. Skip the bagel, toast, hash browns, sweet roll and big glass
of O.J.
c) Drink This-
A darker brand of coffee. French or Italian brands of coffee also
had side effects, what were they? Fewer cravings for sweets later on in

the day. Dark roast beans are packed with compounds that help muscle
cells make better use of sugar-controlling insulin.
d) Watch The Clock-
Do you pride yourself on having a slice of toast and some coffee
in the morning and then eating about 5 or 6 pm?
Well, if this is you, you're making a big mistake. Why?
Going too long between meals causes big peaks and valleys
with your blood sugar levels and that can create cravings
for sweets and carbs well into the night. Not a fan of eating a big meal?
Have some fruit, a bowl of soup, some peanut butter (natural )on whole
grain crackers or some veggies with hummus about 11:00 am and 2:00 pm.
e) Read This-
The books by Jorge Cruise. Jorge Cruise tells you about the hidden sugars
in thousands of foods and helps you steer clear of these foods.
Go to and download his books to your E-reader.
f) Get Some Sleep-
Believe it or not, if you sleep 6 or fewer hrs. it may be the cause of your
sugar cravings. When you sleep your brain produces a surge of HGH,
a human growth hormone, and this hormone quickly improves blood sugar
control and shuts down your appetite. And for those who are able-
take a 20 min nap each day. A nap is quite beneficial for those fighting
their cravings for sweets.
g) Light Up-
No, not that, we're talking candles. A vanilla-scented candle to be exact. 

The scent is said to help you relax and cut cravings to boot.
Light one while watching T.V. and make it a soy candle.
h) Exercise-
Feel a craving coming on? Do something physical like
walk in place, some pushups, or take a walk around your neighborhood.
Also helpful: do a crossword puzzle or scrapbook. Or drink a glass of water.
Sometimes cravings can mean you're just dehydrated.

That's it- 8 great tips to help you or a loved one overcome your
addiction to the white powder, aka Sugar.

Good Luck!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Great Summer Legs!

                                 Diet Your Way To Great Legs! 

In Hollywood it seems that the body parts of stars get more attention
than their acting or singing.
For instance, Natalie Portman is known for her "button" nose,
J Lo and her derriere, Ryan Gosling for his arms, chest and abs, 

and then there's Cameron Diaz.
At 5'9" tall-she's known for her endless legs.

Getting to look like J Lo, Natalie or Ryan may take a trip to
the cosmetic surgeon, but getting legs like Cameron may only require
a trip to the Supermarket.
That's right- Listed below are some foods that will help clear up
some of the problems that prevent you from getting the legs of your
a) Fluid Retention-
A diet high in salt, or just standing or sitting to long may result
in fluid buildup, to combat it- eat foods like celery, potatoes (baked, 

not fried) bananas and dried apricots. All are rich in potassium,
the mineral you need to alleviate fluid retention.
b) Extra Jiggle-
You may want jiggle, but not in your legs, to fix this problem-
eat more protein-rich foods like...eggs, turkey, chicken, lean beef,
and Greek yogurt. Protein boosts collagen and the more collagen the
firmer your skin.
c) Varicose Veins-
A problem for a lot of women past the age of 40 and the cure may be
as simple as getting more C, vitamin C. Eat oranges, kiwis, red peppers,
grapefruit and guava. Also important- watch the amount of junk food
you eat, too much and it makes it hard for blood to flow. And lastly,
some are having success, by adding a good quality vitamin E to their daily
regimen. Talk to your Dr. before taking it.
d) Leg Cramps-
Another problem that affects young and old and it may happen due to
shortfalls of magnesium and calcium. Foods that contain these minerals
are soy, wheat germ and yogurt. And if they happen at night-
drink a glass of tonic water about an hr. before bed.
e) Cellulite-
Women everywhere complain about it and if you're one of the
millions with it, you may to reduce it by eating for foods like
blueberries, strawberries, papaya, cherries  (Summer fruits)
and drinking green tea.
Also helpful- going on a diet that doesn't contain any processed
foods, try the "Eat Clean Diet" by Tosca Reno, the book is
available at
Or do like Megan Fox and Scarlett Johannsen and give up dairy.
Both women have said "no dairy" has done wonders for their legs.

That's it- And since today marks the first day of Summer, this info may
not be helpful for you this yr. but start now and by Summer 2014, you
can legs that will put any Hollywood star to shame.

Good Luck!

Suit Yourself! Slender Thighs Swimdress - Women'S Plus (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Safety Tip For New Hollywood Moms!

                   The Car Seat Rx! 

This tip is for new moms in the Midwest or Hollywood.
It's a tip a lot of moms need and it concerns the car seats.
What about the car seat?

Well, now that you asked, the question should be-
where does one put an infant in the car?
If you're child is younger than 3, safety experts say the
best seat in the car is the center of the back seat, fastened down.
And the worse spots: On either side of the center seats.
Seat your child here and they'll be 45% less likely to be injured
in an accident.

That's it- And lets hope that Kim K. Jessica Simpson, Beyonce,
Fergie, January Jones and Jenna Dewan-Tatum will see this.

Good Luck!

Britax Boulevard 70 G3 Convertible Car Seat - Onyx (Google Affiliate Ad)

Katy Perry's Rx For Women!

                Get Healthy Like Katy! 

Katy Perry is on a health kick. She's really taking an interest in her
well being and longevity. And that's great- and if Ms. Perry is really
serious about her health, she'll really be happy with the recent news
that'll help protect her best asset.
If you're thinking her voice- you'd be wrong, we're talking about
assets and they might be her breasts. (more specifically breast cancer)

That's right- Ms. Perry loves that she has natural breasts in a town 

filled with silicone and to keep them healthy, Ms. Perry may want 
to start eating a food that can them healthy for yrs. to come.
The Food: Flaxseed!
According to German research- the little brown seeds can
stop tumors from ever developing, and if there are tumors present,
flaxseed can stop them from spreading and make the tumors less

So, if you're concerned about the cancer that has a lot of women
worried, start adding flaxseed to smoothies, hot cereal and
your bran muffin mix and keep your breasts healthy for life.

For more info on flaxseed- head to our regular blog... and read some more great info.

Good Luck!

Katy Perry Purr Eau De Parfum Spray (Google Affiliate Ad)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Will and Kate's Rx For A Happier Marriage!

                                  One Trick For A Happier Marriage! 

As far as celebrity marriages go, Will and Kate's might actually last.
How so, you ask?
They did a number of things right, things like...
a) Becoming friends first. They were roommates while attending college.
b) Laughing at each other's jokes.
c) Kind and Affectionate towards one another.
d) Get Involved- Will needed someone who would support
the causes his mom supported and Duchess Kate fits that bill.

If you're planning on getting married or just newly married,
use the secrets Will and Kate use and stay happily married
for yrs. and yrs.
Now it's on to the couples that aren't that happily married and
if you look to Hollywood, you have hundreds of examples.

One complaint from women that will derail a marriage quickly...
"He won't help out at home."
If you're a woman and this is your number 1 complaint, 

there is something you can do about it, that something...
Say--" Feel free to say no!"
Whether you ask him to clean the garage or run to the supermarket,
remember to say--"Feel  free to say no." 

Why say that?
Some marriage counselors think that adding a phrase like that
doubles the chance that a person will say yes.
This phrase or something similar tells hubby or boyfriend that
you respect their freedom to choose and that may get them to
really want to help you out.

So, if you're newly married or newly engaged,
remember this phrase when you want him to 

help you out with something.
And if you want to make your marriage last for yrs.
and yrs. head to kindle store and look
for the E-book--Will and Kate-The Love Rxs For
A Happier, Healthier and Divorce-Proof Marriage.
See title below!

Good Luck!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Jennifer Hudson's Rx For That Muffin Top!

                             Delicious Sweets For A DreamGirl! 

Jennifer Hudson- mom, singer, actress and spokeswoman has lost
a ton of weight and seems to be successful at keeping it off.
Ms. Hudson is no different than most when she says that the cravings
for her favorite foods are still there and those cravings aren't for
a big steak or cheeseburger, but something sweet and chocolaty.

Yup, Ms, Hudson loves a piece of choc. cake or ice cream with
choc. syrup, but she knows going back to her old ways isn't the

So, what's her solution?
Ms. Hudson has found a low-cal chocolaty treat, more specifically
a  low-cal muffin top and that muffin has quite the online following.

The Muffin: Vitalicious Deep Chocolate VitaTops.
Find them online at
And some more great news- these muffin tops not only taste great,
but they also have 9 grams of fiber and 4 grams of metabolism-boosting

That's it- A simple solution to satisfy your sweet tooth, thanks to 

Jennifer Hudson.
Good Luck!

Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Chocolate, 12 Bars, 3.5 oz Bars (Google Affiliate Ad)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Choosing The Right Handbag!

               Choosing a Handbag That Lasts! 

Choosing a handbag is totally different if you're a regular
working gal from Sandusky Ohio, than if you were a young star
who's making millions modeling, recording hit songs or starring in
blockbuster movies.

 How so? The star can buy a bag, lose it,
give it away or spill coffee on in and run right out and buy
another one, regular girl from Ohio, she may have to
save and save or get a discount bag from Target or Walmart. 

So, that's why when purchasing a bag, especially an expensive one,
you have to make it last. And luckily, there are 2 things to look for
when buying that bag.
What are they?
a) Look for one in either heavy synthetic leather, calfskin,
     or cowhide.
b) Choose a dark neutral color like black, chocolate, brown or deep

That's it Ladies, remember these 2 tips and you can make your
bag last and last and the money you save--you can buy something
more important than- A Bag. 

Good Luck!

Gucci Medium Pebbled Trim Fabric Hobo (Google Affiliate Ad)

Eye Care Rx For Hollywood Moms!

                         Protect Your Child's Eyes! 

With the baby boom going on in Hollywood, that usually means
we (the average men and women) will be hearing about
designer diaper bags, high-end baby carriages
and wardrobes that cost about the same as luxury cars.
But there's something Hollywood moms and regular moms
should buy and not be concerned about the cost, what is it?

Sunglasses for babies? That's right- The Sun doesn't know
or care about age and leaving your baby eyes unprotected can
be disastrous, especially as they get older.
So, do the right thing and make sure when buying your
pair of shades, remember to buy a pair for your precious
baby as well.

Not sure where to find baby glasses?
There are 3 websites that cater just to babies and kids eyewear. 

The sites:


Good Luck!

Julbo Looping 3 Kids Sunglasses - Blue (Google Affiliate Ad)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Clothing Rx To Help Women Look Slim and Trim!

                       Dress Your Way To Slimness! 

Ladies, you're probably aware that Hollywood is obsessed with
thinness. A lot of stars are either on some type of diet, or
involved in some type of exercise program. Or they do both.
If you're not a fan of dieting or exercising for hrs. each day,
then you may want to dress your way slim. 

Dressing to look slim?
Yes, more specifically- wearing a certain type of skirt
can help you achieve it.

The skirt- A long column skirt.
Make it a long column skirt that's a darker solid color,
and skims over your hips and doesn't have a lot of flounce
or ruffles.
And to get more of a slimming effect- wear your skirt
with a pair of heels or wedgies.

So, if you're not into dieting or exercising,
but want to look slimmer...remember- a long column skirt
can make it possible. And if you need a place to find that
perfect column skirt- go online to, or,
And to find that perfect wedge- Look for slingback wedges online

Good Luck!

Christian Louboutin By Loubout (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hot In Cleveland Stars' Rx For Living Longer!

                                 Live Long Like Betty! 

You may have heard that the oldest man in the World just died.
He lived in Japan, and his age was reported to be 116 yrs. old. 

How did he accomplish it? By following a diet of mostly vegetables,
tea, broths  and some rice.
No 8 oz. steaks or 3 patty cheeseburgers for this gentlemen.

Now we move on to a lady that's about 26 yrs. younger, works on
T.V. and lives in Hollywood. The lady: Betty White!
And can you guess what type of diet Ms. White follows?
If you're thinking fruits, vegetables, some chicken breast, salmon
and olive oil, you'd better think again.
Oh no- the still vibrant Ms. White won't have any of that, her favorite
foods: Red Vines, potato chips, French fries, blueberry pie and hot dogs.
It's a diet the average American teenager follows.
And that's not the most shocking part, Ms. White says that she
eats hot dogs almost every day of the week.

So, what gives? Is it good genes, a cast iron constitution or
doing what you love and surrounding yourself with younger and more
active people?
The last part may be the truth, new research shows that physical activity
can undo some of the damage from hot dogs to your internal organs.
A bike ride, a long walk or dancing can keep blood pressure from
rising after dining on salty foods like chips and hot dogs.
The researchers also say that the more you exercise, the less your 

blood pressure will rise after a salty meal. Exercise naturally lowers
your body's overall level of salt through sweating and helps blood
vessels relax, and that allows for better blood flow.

Ms. White also said that owning a 2 story house and a short
memory make for a lot of trips up and down the stairs.
So, are you like Ms. White- eating hot dogs, red vines and
blueberry pie or are you like Jennifer Aniston-eating salads
most of the week and having a burger or a slice of pizza on the
Well, whatever your diet choices, make sure you do something
to sweat afterwards.

Good Luck!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Julia Robert's Fruit Rx For Great Skin!

                           Eat Your Way To Better Skin! 

Although this tip isn't really from Julia Roberts, it does come
from the state where she grew up.
That's right- Julia Roberts is a proud lady from Georgia and
if you want skin like hers or Kim Basinger (another proud
Georgian) then you have to eat the fruit that's recognized
as the state's fruit. 

Can you guess it? It's a peach! A Georgia peach.
And according to new research, eating peaches a few times
a week, and you can "age-proof" your skin.
Peaches are rich in beta-carotene, which helps
block the breakdown of collagen, keeps the elasticity
in your skin and gives you a youthful, cherubic look.
And that's not all- Peaches are also able to protect
your skin from the Sun's harmful UV rays, and don't
forget that too much Sun causes wrinkles.

So, now that Summer is here, become more like Julia
and Kim, and eat your peaches.

Important tip: The skin of fruits and vegetables are good
for you, unfortunately many growers use pesticides
to protect the fruit. And those pesticides attach to the skins,
and when you eat those fruits-you eat the pesticides.
To counter this- you can buy organic or save your money and
really clean the outside of the fruit.

Want more info on foods that'll protect your skin from the
Sun's harmful rays? Head on over to kindle store
and order a copy of The Superfoods That Help You Prevent Breast
Cancer and Skin Cancer. Download it for the price of 2 pounds of
Fresh peaches.

Good Luck!

Santa Cruz Organic 23452 Org C (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ladies And Their Cell Phones!

                                 The Dangers Of Cellphones! 

Ladies, did you happen to catch tonight's "Inside Edition"?
You know,  the show that mixes entertainment news with
serious news.
Well, they did a story about a young lady (21 at the time)
who carried her cellphone in her bra.

What's so unusual about that you ask?
Her doctor thinks she may have gotten breast cancer as a result.
And if you were one of the lucky ones and ordered a copy of
our E-newsletter--The Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer,
then you already knew about the dangers of cellphones. (Chapter 11)

Here was a young lady who didn't have a family history, so her doctor
is convinced it was carrying her cellphone in her bra for 6 yrs.
Cellphones emit radiation and that small amount of radiation
(6 yrs. worth) caused her healthy cells to become cancerous.

And if you're a guy, don't think it won't happen to you-

carry a cellphone in your front pocket and then try and have
a baby. Just as it affects a women's breasts, it can affect your
sperm counts.

So, what's the lesson here? If you must have your cellphone
at all times, get a case that protects you from radiation exposure or keep it in your purse.
And if you want more tips like this- order a copy of The Superfoods
That Prevent Breast Cancer!
Chapter 11 also tells you how vanilla extract can keep you breast cancer-free.
Plus you'll also learn--Avoiding certain laundry detergents to stay
breast cancer-free. And how a leisurely stroll and meditation can also
stave off breast cancer.

Head on over to kindle store and become of the
lucky ladies who never has to hear, "that lump I felt is cancer"
from your Doctor.

Good Luck!

Summer Movie Rxs For Better Health!

                   Blockbuster Your Way To Better Health! 

Summer is the time when the big studios roll out their big budget movies.
You may think "here we go again, another big budget shoot-em up"
and you'd be partially right.
Yes, it's a time for the big action movie, but new research says
those big budgets movies can actually improve your health.
a) Boosting Energy-
Iron Man 3 or the new Superman movie activates areas of the brain 

responsible for alertness. Plus, they get your heart pumping by
prompting the release of adrenaline.
b) More Relaxation-
Are you a fan of the romantic movie (chick flicks)? These types of
movies raise progesterone -a hormone that relaxes you.
And something even better- you'll feel more relaxed a few hrs. after
the movie.
c) Mood Boosters-
Feeling down? Upset about something?
Take in a comedy. Humorous movies release hormones known as
endorphins, and those endorphins can help you take your mind
off of what's troubling you.
Need a Suggestion for a funny Summer movie?
Try Seth Rogen's "This Is The End!"

So, if you were reluctant to go to a movie now that Summer is
here, don't waste time debating it, just remember the tips

listed above.

Good Luck! 


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Buying Baby Clothes!

                  Dressing Your Baby For Less! 

With a baby boom going on in Hollywood, (Halle Berry, Fergie, Jennifer
Love Hewitt and Jenna Dewan) that means there will be a lot of baby
clothes purchased. 

If you're like any other of the stars above- expecting a baby or if you given
birthand you need some baby clothes, go to the online stores that cater
to your needs.

The online stores:
a) It's a new store that just launched and they
sell printed onesies, accesories and bags.
b) Jessica Simpson- Yes, that Jessica Simpson. She's teamed up with
some designers and offers a new line of adorable booties.
So, if you're buying for yourself, a friend, a co-worker or a relative,
do it from the comfort of your own home.

Good Luck!

Don't forget- The new e-newsletter is still available at
in the kindle store. The newsletter--The Superfoods That Prevent Breast
Learn how to combine foods like...
Blueberries and ...

Mustard and ....
Black Pepper...
Lettuce and ...
Doing this really lowers your chances of getting B.C.
Learn how the women of Fiji, South Korea, Jamaica,
France, Greece and Italy keep breast cancer rates low.
Learn how to avoid these no-no's and keep breast cancer rates low. 

One no-no- drink this rarely or not at all.
Learn the spices and herbs that keep breast cancer rates low.
Learn the Superfoods that make it hard for harmful  cancer cells
to take hold inside your body.
Hint: you may eat this food at parties or get togethers and it may
help prevent breast cancer even if your mom or grandmom had it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Tonight's Show Rx To Stopping The Male Cancer!

                           Stopping Prostate Cancer! 

Guys, prostate cancer is to men as breast cancer is to women.
Guys are frightened of it for a lot of reasons: inability to perform
sexually, dependence on medication, the operation. the cost of the
operation, the after effects, and on and on. 

And according to new research, there's a new culprit that may
increase your chances of getting it, what is it? Insomnia.
That's right- the thing Jay Leno so proudly brags about,
may be the thing that derails his good health.
We're not talking about getting up a few nights to go to the
bathroom or tend to a newborn.

No, we're talking about sleeping a few hours a night (like Jay Leno)
or waking up and then staying up for the rest of the night.
So, if you've been bothered by frequent trips to the bathroom,
or waking up at 2:00 am and then staying up for the rest of the night,
it's best to talk to your doctor or maybe a sleep specialist and get
the 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep you need.
Or look for our E-newsletter on the subject: The 99 Best Natural
Remedies To Stop Insomnia. Available at in the kindle store.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

HBO's Rx To Stop The Recently Talked About Cancer!

                           Stop Throat Cancer! 

HBO just aired the Liberace story and if you forgot what a fine
actor Michael Douglas is this movie will remind you. 

Unfortunately, no one wants to talk about the movie,
they want to talk about his recent admission as to how
he contracted throat cancer.

Mr. Douglas told the interviewer that his doctor told him about
oral sex as a cause, but Mr. Douglas insisted to the interviewer
a life of cigarettes and booze more than likely caused his cancer.
But the ravenous and irresponsible press didn't want to hear that, 

it went with the more graphic story anyway.
And there's another celebrity who's also been affected by throat
cancer, the celebrity: Gwyneth Paltrow. Her dad Bruce P. died
of it. And if you're wondering- no, we don't know how he
contracted it.

So, if you've only been concerned about breast, colon, cervical 

and skin cancer, then you may have to rethink that and
put some thought into throat cancer as well.
Listed below are some symptoms and some ways to prevent it.
a) Chronic Heartburn-
An occasional flareup may happen to the even the healthiest
of us, but chronic heartburn and it could be a sign there's something
more serious going on, like throat cancer.
b) Weight-
Maintaining weight is important not only if you want to prevent
breast or colon cancer, now-researchers are saying being
overweight increases your odds of getting throat cancer too.
c) Wine-
Don't go crazy like Michael Douglas, but a glass a few nights a week
seems to help keep the throat in tip-top shape. And surprisingly, a doctor
now says avoid all alcohol to avoid breast cancer. And for those who
don't want or don't like wine, drink grape juice (Preferably Concord).
d) Don't Smoke-
This is a no brainer, and if you are smoking, you may want to
look for ways to quit.
e) Check The Temperature-
Of your beverages. Do you like your tea, coffee, hot apple cider
and hot choc. hot, hot and more hot? Drinking beverages like this
day in and day out and you increase your odds of getting throat cancer
by a lot.

There you have it, some things to look out for and some things you should
do, to never end up like Michael Douglas.
And if you want more tips on preventing breast, cervical, colon,
thyroid, stomach with foods available at your Supermarket,
head to the kindle store and order
a copy of The "Superfoods" That Prevent Breast Cancer!
See title at right.

Good Luck!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Hoff's Rx For Better Health!

                         Do Like The Hoff! 

If you're a fan of television in the 70's, 80's and 90's then you
should know who the Hoff is. 

Don't know? It's David Hasselhoff.
Maybe he's trying to undo some of the damage he inflicted
on himself with the booze and cheeseburgers, but he swears
he's a new man. How? 

With a  new diet and exercise plan.
Oh- he's also doing something we only associate with babies.
What's that? He takes a nap for 20 mins. everyday.
Although most of us working folks can't stop what we're doing and 

take a 20 min. nap. But if you're schedule allows, do it, you'll benefit 
in a number of ways-- like...
a) Reduce heart attack risk.
b) Reduce stroke risk.
c) Get More Creative.
d) Control Appetite Better. (you'll resist those snacks that call your name).
e) Improve Moods (be less cranky)
f) Save Money- You won't need to spend money on energy drinks.
    A 20 min. nap will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the rest
   of the day.
g) Prevent Burnout.
h) Improve learning and boost memory.
i) Increase Alertness
And if you're a man and think it's "unmanly" to nap,
remember these famous men who napped...
Winston Churchill
Napoleon Bonaparte
Stonewall Jackson
Thomas Edison
Ronald Reagan
Lyndon Johnson
Salvador Dali
John F. Kennedy
and today, you can add David Hasselhoff to that list of 

great men.

And if you want more info on the Hoff's new diet program,
go to and type David Hasselhoff's diet in the search bar.

Good Luck!

Home Classics Extra-Firm Pillow (Google Affiliate Ad)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The E Channel's Rx To Stopping The Breast Cancer Myths!

                                       Learn The Truth About Breast Cancer! 

Kourtney Kardashian of "The Kardashians" is the one sister who really 

seems interested in her health. And with such concerns there are some
things that aren't true. One of those things: Kourtney stopped wearing 

roll-on deodorant fearing it would cause breast cancer rates to go up.

Well, if you must know there are some other things that are said about
getting breast cancer that may or may not be true, look below 

and find out for yourself.
a) Deodorant-
Since deodorant stops sweating, they block the release of cancer-causing
toxins from the underarms, allowing them to build up in the breasts.
Well, it's not true and doctors say that if that were the case, wouldn't
more Men get it as well. So, continue to use that deodorant, the numbers are
the same for women who use a roll-on deodorant and for those who go
au naturel and don't use anything.
b) Birth Control Pills-
Women feared they would cause breast cancer rates to go up, but they don't.
Yes, they release estrogen and too much estrogen is a contributor to breast cancer, 

but the new pills have such low levels it really doesn't make that much of a difference.
c) Burgers-
Hollywood loves vegetarianism, veganism, all fruit diets, juice fasts you name it.
And there are a few stars who still love a juicy burger. An occasional burger is okay,
have one everyday and you will increase your rates of getting breast cancer.
The fat in a burger irritates breast tissue and over time that causes inflammation
and B.C. Also important: avoid the cooked over the high flames burgers,
juices that drip into the fire and then increase that smoky atmosphere
will also increase B.C. rates to go up.
d) Lumps and Bumps-
Over time breasts may develop bumps and lumps, it doesn't mean it's B.C.
What does? Look for nipple changes,
changes in the shape and a breast that looks dimpled (like cellulite).
e) Pain in The Breasts-
Again, pain may not mean B.C. It may mean your new medicine, antibiotic,
diet change or a lot of coffee is causing that breast pain
If the pain really bothers you, then have it checked out.

That's it- and if you need more of this info, like... what's the best mammogram,
hormonal therapy, how makeup may be causing B.C. why potatoes made like this
may be causing B.C. levels to rise, and the importance
of self examinations- go to kindle store
and download a copy of The Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer!
It's not only reveals the foods that shut down B.C. you'll also
learn how to prevent...
a) The Cancer That Was Known As The "LadyKiller"
b) The Cancer That Took Actor Christopher Reeves' Wife
c) Stopping The "Celebrity" Cancer
d) Preventing The Cancer That Took Katy Couric's Husband
e) Keep Skin Cancer-Proof For Life With These Foods and Supplements
f) Preventing the Cancer That Took Gwyneth Paltrow's Dad.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Kim K's Rx For Beautiful Skin!

                               Clear Up Skin Naturally! 

If you're a fan of the hit reality show--"The Kardashians"
then you're well aware that Kim has had an ongoing battle 

with Psoriasis. It's a skin condition that causes the skin to break 
out, look irritated, scaly and red.

Some say it's caused by stress- (sex tapes, running a business empire, 

man troubles -Kanye, Reggie and Ray J) and some say it's diet...
white carbs, sugary carbs, and not enough healthy fruits and vegetables.
Well, what ever the cause, a man who suffered from it for over a decade-

was able to get rid of it in less than 3 months. How?

He used liquid milk thistle!
After trying a host of other products, he read that milk thistle helps
the liver remove toxins and impurities, especially ones that show on the
skin and decided to try it. Long story short, after 12 yrs. he finally has the
skin he's been dreaming about for yrs.
So, if you're like Kim K. and suffer from Psoriasis, have a talk with your
doctor or healthcare provider and ask if liquid milk thistle will be okay 

to take.

That's it- and for those who only want to use natural products to heal, 

look for our New E-book, The Superfoods That Prevent Breast Cancer!
At in the kindle store.
We reveal how combining foods make it almost impossible for cancer cells
to take up residence inside your body. 

Mix fish with...
Mix Berries with...

Mix Lettuce with...
Mix black pepper with....

Plus, you'll also learn why the women of Fiji, South Korea,
The Himalayans, Greece, Morocco and Italy don't have anywhere near the
numbers of breast cancer cases as their American sisters.
So hurry and order your copy today, and one more thing...
a dime from each copy goes to the American Red Cross, to help the folks 

suffering from Tornadoes.
Thank You!

Good Luck!