All-Natural Cleaning Tips!
Thanks to the arrival of Spring, a lot of us will be cleaning
out garages, basements, attics and closets.
And if you want to stay healthy and avoid some of the problems
associated with Spring cleaning, do like some stars and use
only natural products.
Stars like Jamie Lee Curtis, Ed Begley Jr. and Jessica
Alba (of course) use products that won't harm one's health.
In fact, Ms. Alba was so concerned about the toxicity in
a lot of cleaning products, she started her own company,
the company: Honest!
As in we'll be honest in letting you (the public) know what's
in our products.
And to get you started on your Spring cleaning quest,
here's a tip to help get odors and stains out of your rugs.
The tip:
Pour vinegar (saturate the rug) and baking soda over a rug (s) that has stains
and odors on them, leave the vinegar and baking soda alone
for a few hrs. or even overnight.
And in the morning, pull out the vacuum cleaner and clean up the
vinegar and baking soda.
Another tip--if your rug is only funky, just use baking soda.
That's it- a Spring cleaning tip that won't damage your health.
And if you're one who suffers from Spring allergies,
learn some Spring cleaning tips that won't cause you to wheeze,
sneeze, get red and watery eyes and a scratchy throat.
What types of tips?
*where you should really store your clothes to avoid Spring allergies.
* how cleaning the attic, basement and garage in the same day,
can give you a cold that lasts more than a week.
* This type of clothing can raise your odds of getting allergies
by a wide margin, learn what type of clothing and how to store it.
* Lawn care- Are you into that bright green lawn?
It may be putting your health and the health of your loved ones at risk,
go online and look for this type of lawn service.
* Use your Dishwasher to do some of the Spring cleaning (dusting)
* Laundry- Do you store your hamper in the bedroom?
If you are storing it in the bedroom, you may be inviting
more allergies, breathing problems and sleeplessness
into your life.
And Do not put wet clothes in the hamper and leave
them for a wk. or two.
*Vacuum more- and make sure you change the bag when it's
3/4's full, why?
Head to kindle store and download,
see title to the bottom right...
and all of these questions will be answered.
Plus, you'll learn how
eating right, exercise, drinking tea, massage, acupuncture
and self-hypnosis can help you avoid the shots,
the pills, the corticosteroids and other doctor-prescribed
meds that are so prevalent this time of yr. Allergy season.
Good Luck!
Thanks to the arrival of Spring, a lot of us will be cleaning
out garages, basements, attics and closets.
And if you want to stay healthy and avoid some of the problems
associated with Spring cleaning, do like some stars and use
only natural products.
Stars like Jamie Lee Curtis, Ed Begley Jr. and Jessica
Alba (of course) use products that won't harm one's health.
In fact, Ms. Alba was so concerned about the toxicity in
a lot of cleaning products, she started her own company,
the company: Honest!
As in we'll be honest in letting you (the public) know what's
in our products.
And to get you started on your Spring cleaning quest,
here's a tip to help get odors and stains out of your rugs.
The tip:
Pour vinegar (saturate the rug) and baking soda over a rug (s) that has stains
and odors on them, leave the vinegar and baking soda alone
for a few hrs. or even overnight.
And in the morning, pull out the vacuum cleaner and clean up the
vinegar and baking soda.
Another tip--if your rug is only funky, just use baking soda.
That's it- a Spring cleaning tip that won't damage your health.
And if you're one who suffers from Spring allergies,
learn some Spring cleaning tips that won't cause you to wheeze,
sneeze, get red and watery eyes and a scratchy throat.
What types of tips?
*where you should really store your clothes to avoid Spring allergies.
* how cleaning the attic, basement and garage in the same day,
can give you a cold that lasts more than a week.
* This type of clothing can raise your odds of getting allergies
by a wide margin, learn what type of clothing and how to store it.
* Lawn care- Are you into that bright green lawn?
It may be putting your health and the health of your loved ones at risk,
go online and look for this type of lawn service.
* Use your Dishwasher to do some of the Spring cleaning (dusting)
* Laundry- Do you store your hamper in the bedroom?
If you are storing it in the bedroom, you may be inviting
more allergies, breathing problems and sleeplessness
into your life.
And Do not put wet clothes in the hamper and leave
them for a wk. or two.
*Vacuum more- and make sure you change the bag when it's
3/4's full, why?
Head to kindle store and download,
see title to the bottom right...
and all of these questions will be answered.
Plus, you'll learn how
eating right, exercise, drinking tea, massage, acupuncture
and self-hypnosis can help you avoid the shots,
the pills, the corticosteroids and other doctor-prescribed
meds that are so prevalent this time of yr. Allergy season.
Good Luck!