Lower Blood Pressure Naturally!
If you happened to catch "The Today Show" then you know they did a
segment on blood pressure, or high blood pressure to be exact.
And although high cholesterol gets all of the attention, you better watch
your blood pressure numbers like a hawk.
(A serious note: T.V. chef Rachael Ray said a number of her friends
have high blood pressure, and they (the friends) are all under 45 yrs. of age)
Taking immediate steps to get it under control can cut your risk of
a heart attack or stroke in half.
And lower odds of heart attack and stroke aren't the only benefits,
you'll also keep your mind as sharp and youthful as it was 10 or even 15 yrs. ago.
So, now that you know the importance of keeping blood pressure normal (or below normal)
you should also know how to get those numbers down.
The doctor-prescribed ways to get those numbers down are medications
from the pharmacy or a diet of low-salt, low-fat and no taste foods.
But, you being the alternative kind of gal or guy wants something different
and totally out-of-the-box and for you there's a book.
A book?
A book that was written by former Victoria Secret's model Miranda Kerr.
Yes, it's true, the former Mrs. Orlando Bloom has written a book called--
"Treasure Yourself" and it's a collection of thoughts, memories and
lessons that will put you on a path towards self improvement.
And some say that reading this book will help calm you down and
being more calm is a great way to lower blood pressure.
In fact, reading any type of upbeat book increases your production of dopamine
and oxytocin, calming hormones that lower blood pressure by 5 or more points.
That's it, a simple solution to help lower blood pressure numbers.
And if you want some more tips on how to lower blood pressure naturally
and easily, head online to Amazon.com/the kindle store and see title to
the right. Download it and learn all about the foods, beverages, meditation secrets
and massage secrets your doctor may not even be familiar with.
Good Luck!
If you happened to catch "The Today Show" then you know they did a
segment on blood pressure, or high blood pressure to be exact.
And although high cholesterol gets all of the attention, you better watch
your blood pressure numbers like a hawk.
(A serious note: T.V. chef Rachael Ray said a number of her friends
have high blood pressure, and they (the friends) are all under 45 yrs. of age)
Taking immediate steps to get it under control can cut your risk of
a heart attack or stroke in half.
And lower odds of heart attack and stroke aren't the only benefits,
you'll also keep your mind as sharp and youthful as it was 10 or even 15 yrs. ago.
So, now that you know the importance of keeping blood pressure normal (or below normal)
you should also know how to get those numbers down.
The doctor-prescribed ways to get those numbers down are medications
from the pharmacy or a diet of low-salt, low-fat and no taste foods.
But, you being the alternative kind of gal or guy wants something different
and totally out-of-the-box and for you there's a book.
A book?
A book that was written by former Victoria Secret's model Miranda Kerr.
Yes, it's true, the former Mrs. Orlando Bloom has written a book called--
"Treasure Yourself" and it's a collection of thoughts, memories and
lessons that will put you on a path towards self improvement.
And some say that reading this book will help calm you down and
being more calm is a great way to lower blood pressure.
In fact, reading any type of upbeat book increases your production of dopamine

That's it, a simple solution to help lower blood pressure numbers.
And if you want some more tips on how to lower blood pressure naturally
and easily, head online to Amazon.com/the kindle store and see title to
the right. Download it and learn all about the foods, beverages, meditation secrets
and massage secrets your doctor may not even be familiar with.
Good Luck!