Thursday, July 31, 2014

Breakthrough New Research For New Moms!

                           Feeding Tip For New Moms! 

Whether you're a new mom like Megan Fox or a soon-to-be
new mom like Mila Kunis, then you need to know this
information about feeding your little one. 

What is it?
Formula-fed infants given solid foods before age 4 months of age
are 25% more likely to be overweight in childhood.
But for some reason, babies who are breastfed, won't suffer the same


Researchers aren't sure why, but say that too many moms
may leave the bottles with formula (in the cribs or playpens)
and when coupled with solid food, you may be overstuffing your little one.
So, if you're a new mom or soon-to-be new mom, this is some
food for thought. (No pun intended).

Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hollywood's Hottest Anti-Aging Cream!

                         The Hot New Star In Town! 

Hollywood like Paris, New York and Milan are always on the
lookout for the latest in fashion, music, diet, makeup and anti-aging.

Well, according to those who are looking for the "next big thing"
it's an anti-aging cream and it's made with the stuff that's been popular
in Betty White's and Uma Thurman's home countries for years. 

What is it?
It's a cream made with Probiotics.

And although we don't if the people from Uma's and Betty's
home country of Denmark discovered probiotics,
we do know, a lot of people are singing this creams' praises.
Probiotics are hot right now, and they're just healthy bacteria, you'll
find in yogurt, sauerkraut, or pickles.

And the cream: It's called Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Night Cream,
find it online at
Be prepared to spend, it cost $18 for a small jar. 

The cream reportedly smooths and plumps up your skin,
plus increases the collagen in your skin, Apply it right before you turn in
for the night.

And lastly, if $18 is a bit steep for a small jar of cream, head to kindle store and download The Nordic Secrets To
Perfect Health, for about 1/8 of the price of this cream, you can
learn the diet and exercise secrets that keep the women from Iceland, 

Norway, Denmark (Betty and Uma) Finland and Sweden so young 
and beautiful.

Good Luck!

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Today Rx For Beautiful Lashes and Eyebrows!

                              Breakfast Cereal To Look More Beautiful! 

If you caught the "Today Show" this morning, then you saw the
segment on saving big at the Supermarket.
One of their suggestions for saving, buy foods in the biggest size
possible. For instance, you eat breakfast cereal, then why not buy in 

And speaking of breakfast cereal, are you aware that some now include

That's right, and women, much more so than men are usually deficient
in Iron. Why is that? Menstruation and diets that cut out certain things 

like meat, eggs and breakfast cereals (gluten).
Well, if you're not afraid of breakfast cereals and want longer lashes, 

fuller and thicker hair and eyebrows, then you need to eat more meat,
poultry, fish and cereal.

What types of cereal?
Cheerios and Total!
Both contain ample amounts of iron and the cereals can help the 1 in 4
women who are iron-deficient.
And if you're still hellbent on not eating meat or gluten, then
you can eat lentils a few times a week or
look for a good multivitamin, one that contains iron.

And lastly, do not, go to your drugstore and buy iron supplements. 

Just like too little iron can harm your health, too much can harm you
just as well. 

Talk to your Dr. and ask for a test to see if you're iron deficient.

That's it, and at a later date, we'll tell you how Cheerios may be able
to end the back pain many of you are dealing with (Ellen DeGeneres).

For more great info like this, check out our healing page at
the kindle store. Type The Get Skinny Rxs From Around The World!
You'll learn the secrets that hel keep your Brazilian, German, Italian,
Colombian (Sofia Vergara), Danish (Uma Thurman), Indian,
Moroccan, Australian, (Iggy Azalea) and French sisters at their ideal weights. 

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hollywood Star's Rx For Cleaning Sensitive Skin!

                  Get Skin Like Angelina! 

She's always at the top of list when it comes to beautiful
women and today, we have one of her secrets for helping her get
that way.
Who are we talking about?
Angelina Jolie!

That's right, one of her flaws when it comes to her own skin...

It's very sensitive, so that means no harsh soaps or body washes.
So, what does one of the most beautiful women in the World
use to keep her skin glowing and youthful?
Soap made from goat's milk.

The soap has lower pH levels, meaning it won't damage
delicate skin.
The specific type of soap Ms. Jolie uses is called...
Dionis Unscented Body Wash, and the price--we're warning you first,
a bottle of it goes for $10.00.
Find it online at

Good Luck!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fruit Rx For The Hollywood Birthday Girl!

                      Eat and Drink This To Look and Feel Younger! 

It's official, as of two days ago, Ms. Jennifer Lopez is now 5 yrs.
away from the big 5-0. And if rumors are correct, Ms. Lopez
is doing everything in her powers to stave off the aging process.
Things like--giving up soda, giving up dairy and gluten and dancing
for 2 to 3 hrs. each day.

But wait, there's one more thing Ms. Lopez can do, and it's not only
something that's very popular in a lot of South and Central American
countries, but Thailand as well, what is it?
Eat more limes.

Yes, although lemons get all of the attention, limes only get recognized
as a way to garnish a drink or make a certain type of pie, (Key Lime)
but folks in Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Thailand know that the lowly 

lime can do a number of things to help you look and feel younger.
The scent alone can increase focus and attention levels, helping you to make
fewer mistakes at work or school. And as for your looks. it (the lime)
contains ample amounts of vitamin C, and it's a vitamin that you need
to keep skin smooth and supple.

And there's more--lime juice is also said to help keep your heart in tip-top
shape (low rates of heart disease in Thailand, Chile, and Ecuador) the juice
relaxes arteries and prevents the buildup of dangerous plaque.
And one more tip: Since Hollywood is a place that loves to
recycle, make sure to use some of the peel (clean it thoroughly) and grate
it into oatmeal, a smoothie, stir-fried veggies or a margarita
and you'll...

* Reduce or prevent the varicose veins on your legs
* Lower cholesterol levels 

* Lower blood pressure
* Protect your skin from the powerful rays of the Sun
* Prevent and even stop small strokes (Frankie Muniz, the
young star from "Malcolm in the Middle" suffered a few already)
* Stop constant dizziness
* Lower certain cancers like breast and prostate (men)
So, if you've been avoiding, ignoring or only using lime in your
cocktails, it 's time to change that and start using them on a regular

Hey it's working for a lot of Spanish and Thai people.
And if you want more tips on how the stars delay or postpone
aging, head to kindle store and download,
see title below.
Your looks and longevity can't wait and learn
how Cameron Diaz is fighting the aging process.

Good Luck!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Morning Show Rx Your Eyes!

                  The "Today Show" and Aging Eyes! 

If you watched The "Today Show" this morning, then you saw the segment
on aging. More specifically, aging too quickly.
One part of the body that will tell you you're aging too
quickly, are your eyes.  That's right, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, says
eyes that are dry and itchy, are one way to tell if you're
aging too quickly.

Dry eyes may not just be a sign of aging, they may also
be a sign you're sitting behind a computer for long stretches.
To fix it, have your eyes checked when you go for your next
physical and if the doctor doesn't see anything serious (glaucoma
or cataracts) then you can try the natural methods, what are they?
Eat more tuna, salmon and walnuts.
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids provide your eyes with the necessary
lubrication you need especially as you age.
Important tip: If you prefer tuna over salmon, make sure to prepare
it in a way that benefits your eyes. No white bread or mayo, and make sure
to skip the chips and the sweet treats (soda, energy drinks, Twinkies
and Snicker bars).
All of these things will cause your eyes to breakdown rapidly.
Use plain yogurt or avocado as a bread spread.

And lastly, take time each day and blink.
Turn away from your computer and blink, this is also a great
way to keep eyes lubricated. Blink every 15 mins. 10 to 15 reps.

That's it, and if you want some more great tips on how to
avoid aging and live to 100, head to kindle store,
and type The 101 Best Ways To Make It To 100.
Learn how Frank Sinatra made it to age 85, despite a lifetime 

of drinking, smoking, staying up till all hours and womanizing. 
See title to the right.

Good Luck!

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Hollywood Star's Rx For Living Longer!

                Live Long Like Cameron! 

Most stars are concerned with their diet and exercise programs, but
one is really concerned about aging.
More specifically- slowing down or even preventing getting older.
The Star: Cameron Diaz.

Ms. Diaz isn't just taking a little interest in it for the time being, 

she's devoted a tremendous amount of time and money to it.
In fact, she's written a book on the subject, the title: The Body Book.

When one talks about anti-aging you usually get the same advice...
eat right, eat more vegetables, exercise, sleep more and have
a glass of wine or beer each night.
But, Ms. Diaz already knows this, she's slowing down the aging
process by keeping her cells healthy.
Her cells?
Yes, your cells are packed with mitochondria, and mitochondria are
"tiny engines" that produce 95% of the energy we need to get through
the day. And when your cells lose mitochondria, you start to age.

To keep your cells healthy, you can do the usual...

exercise, eat organic greens, (watercress, kale, swiss chard and
broccoli), eat more mushrooms, sleep and take supplements.
The supplements: Look for the supplements in the
E-Document- The 101 Best Ways To Make It To 100.
available at kindle store.
see title at right.

Download it today and get started on your own anti-aging
program. Just like Cameron Diaz.

Good Luck!

Good Morning America's Rx For Great Health!

                      An Apple A Day! 

Did you see "Good Morning America" this morning?
Co-host Lara Spencer reported on apples.
What's so unusual about that?
Ms. Spencer reported that women who eat an apple or two
a day, can improve their sex lives.

Researchers say that apples may improve arousal,  lubrication, 
and orgasms.
In fact, that may be true, but if women really want their
own version of Viagra, they should eat  all types of fruit.
That's right, a top "sexpert" says that men and women can
improve their sex lives by adding some watermelon, plums,
cantaloupe, kiwi, strawberries and apples to their daily diets.
And there's more, if you really want to know more about
improving your sex life, head to kindle store
and type All Natural Rxs To Boost The Female Libido in
the search bar. Download it you'll learn which specific fruits boost the
female sex drive, you'll also learn the vitamins, the minerals
and the exercises to really turbocharge your sex drive-naturally
and without any side effects.

Now, back to "GMA" and the apples.
As Ms. Spencer was telling her story (about apples and female libido)
Robin Roberts revealed that her other co-host, George Stephanopoulos, 

eats an apple everyday.
That's right, Mr. Stephanopoulos eats one everyday without fail,
and if you should copy George, and do the same, then you
should also know about some of the benefits you'll receive, 

benefits like...
a) Reduction in Appetite-
Apples are considered "nature's best, safest and cheapest diet pills.
Eat one before your lunch or dinner and it'll help you eat less of
that lasagna or fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy.
Hey, it must be be working, Mr. Stephanopoulis weighs exactly the same
as he did in college.
b) Lower Cholesterol-
Is your Dr. trying to push the " you must take statin drugs to reduce
your cholesterol" at you? Tell him or her, you'd like to try
an apple or two a day, first.
c) Lung Cancer-
Ladies, think breast cancer is the cancer you should only be
concerned about? Not so, lung cancer is affecting more women
than men today. Why? Smaller lungs, and it doesn't matter if you've
never smoked. Apples help lower your odds of ever getting it.
Make sure you eat the peel, that's what really helps you to 

prevent lung cancer.
d) Youthful Skin-
A woman heard about the benefits of apples to help prevent wrinkles.
Well, she not only ate them, she wore them as well. Wearing apples?
Yes, as in a mask. She peeled and sliced one apple, placed the 

slices in a small saucepan and added some milk. (1/4 cup)
She let the milk and apple simmer for a few mins. turned off
the stove, let the apples sit for a few mins. removed the
milk and then placed the apple slices into a bowl.
She then sat in her recliner, leaned back a bit and placed the
apple slices on her face, neck and hands (on top of her hands)
stayed there for 15 mins. and finished up by removing the apples, 

and rinsing her face with warm water.
She started doing this at age 32 and today, at 65, she's wrinkle-free.
She also did other things, like eat right and exercise.

So, if you heard the saying "an apple a day" and weren't sure
what it meant or what were the benefits, now you know.
And as for George Stephanopoulos, continue doing it,
you could be Donald Trump, it's rumored he has a cheeseburger
every single day.

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Today Show's Rx For Beautiful Summer Skin!

                          End Dry Scaly Skin! 

The "Today Show" cohost Savannah Guthrie hails from Arizona,
and although we're not sure she uses this product from her home
state it can help a lot of women out there.
The product: Prickly Pear.

The Prickly pear cactus plant is abundant in Arizona, (thanks to
yr. round sunshine) and it's being used to make juices (to help end
hangovers) and in beauty products.
And the subject of today's post is moisturizing Summer skin,
whether you live in Arizona or Kansas.
Prickly pear is rich in essential amino acids and water-binding
polysaccharides that hydrate and protect skin from harsh environmental
damage caused by the Sun.

To get the benefits and help your skin this Summer, head to
a health-food store (like Whole Foods) pick up a prickly pear
in the produce section, bring it home, peel it and mash it up in
a bowl. After mashing it, add a 1/4 of brown or white sugar,
head to the shower and scrub your problem areas. 

The shoulders, your cheeks, (both sets) your forehead,
your thighs and your stomach. After scrubbing, turn on the water (warm)
rinse off, leave the shower and apply your moisturizer. (Olive, canola or Coconut oil). 

Do this once or twice a week
and you'll keep skin smooth and youthful.
And one woman even mixes a little prickly pear with olive oil
and conditions her scalp, her hands and her nails.
One last tip, do the body scrubbing on the weekend, or on
your day off, why? It may cause some redness, you may want to
see how much redness will occur.

That's it, and for those out there concerned about Skin damage to 

yourself or your kids. head to kindle store and
download a copy of The Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin.Don't become a victim of the Sun, let food be your Sunscreen. See title to the right.

Good Luck!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Star's International Rxs For Better Health!

                          International Remedies For Better Health! 
Are you aware that singing sensation Shakira is now the most popular
person on Facebook. That's right, according to the latest news- Shakira 

now has 100 million likes on her facebook page.

Some of it is due to her singing at the opening ceremony of the
"World Cup" and then there are her ties to her boyfriend...
a soccer player.
If you're a fan of Shakira or some other stars who come from or have
family that comes from "far-away" places, then you should know,
you can lose weight or maintain weight, just knowing a little something about
their backgrounds. 

Not sure what that means?
Well, Shakira and Sofia Vergara are from Colombia
and growing coffee and drinking coffee are big there
and if you want to lose weight, drink a cup or two of good
coffee each day. Put some soy milk in it and leave out the sugar.
Why soy milk? It helps boost metabolism.

Next up, Olivia Munn-
Popular star of screen and T.V. and current G.F. of hot quarterback
Aaron Rodgers is part Japanese and if you want to slim down
like a Japanese woman, have some soup before a meal
and only eat 80% of your food.
The Japanese eat a broth-based soup which fills them up and then
they leave a little of their entree on the plate.
A fun fact, it's considered rude to eat everything on your plate in some
parts of Asia.

Next we go to Lucy Liu-
The star of the CBS hit "Elementary" is Chinese-American
and if she still lived there, it would be rice most days of the week.
And not just rice, the Chinese serve their rice with vegetables
and not gravy, corn, peas, fried chicken (or roast beef) sweet tea
and biscuits like it's served here in the U.S.
Make it healthier by switching to brown rice, it's better for your heart.

Next we go to Kim K, a lot of people aren't aware that her ancestors
hail from Armenia, which is located between the Black and Caspian seas.
And the foods that keep them slim and trim are eggplant,
lamb and yogurt. A good quality yogurt can help curb cravings and
reduce belly fat. This also goes for John Stamos- A Greek American. 

Next it's Betty White-
Part Danish, (like Uma Thurman) Ms. White still eats like an
18 yr. old American teen, according to her costars, but if you
want to know what the Danes eat to keep 90% of the population
at their ideal weight, look no farther that the bread.
Not a white, nutritionally-deficient bread you'll find in the U.S.
No- the people of Denmark eat a top quality Rye bread.
And Rye bread is filled with fiber and that fiber can help you 

lose 10 pounds in one year. 

So, next time you see your favorite star, recording artist or reality
T.V. star,  say to yourself, " I wonder where or she is from, and
what are some of the foods that are popular there?"
And if you want more tips on how the people from "far-away" places
manage to stay slim and trim throughout their lives and avoid
the dieting rollercoaster, unlike their American sisters, head on over
to kindle store and download a copy of, see title to the
right...and all of your questions will be answered.

Good Luck!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hollywood's Latest Rx To Fight Cancer!

                                   Prevent Cancer Naturally! 

A lot of stars may be able to avoid the hardships that many "normal "
people face everyday. Hardships like college loans, car loans,
hospital bills, foreclosures, etc.
But there are hardships all of us face no matter the income level,
what are they? Issues related to our health.

That's right, whether you're a top pop, reality or movie star
or a stay-at-home mom or an insurance executive, you still have to
worry about heart disease, blood pressure, Alzheimer's or cancer.
And speaking of cancer, you see it doesn't care who you are, ask
Samantha Harris, Sofia Vergara, Robin Roberts, Amy Roebuck,
Cristina Applegate and on and on.
And if you're a "normal" mom or a mom from Hollywood,
you may spend a lot of time thinking, "how can I stay cancer-free?"
Well, stop wasting your time, no one knows how it develops,
was it the sugary treats I ate in my teens, was it caused by the telephone
wires above my first house, was it caused by that $1.99 deodorant,
or was it my frequent use of household cleaners like...PineSol ,
Turtlewax, Murphy's oil soap, lemon pledge, or turpentine?
Again, don't waste time beating yourself up, if you are diagnosed
with it (cancer) you don't want to make things worse thinking about
how it happened.

And thanks to new research, if you're one of the lucky ones who hasn't
been diagnosed, you may be able to keep yourself cancer-free for years
and years or maybe even the rest of your life. 

The new research: Keep the bad estrogen levels in your system low
and you may never hear the words..."you have  breast, ovarian,
lung, thyroid, colon or any other kind of cancer.

Estrogen levels?
Yes, we all have "good" and "bad" estrogen and the good estrogen
(female hormones) benefit your heart, brain, skin and other
organs and tissues, while the bad can do serious damage to those same
organs and tissues.
And thanks to some recent discoveries, keeping your good estrogen
in tiptop shape and getting rid of the bad estrogen can be done
with food, beverages and exercise.
* The foods:
Flaxseed and broccoli. Broccoli, along with cabbage, kale, Brussels
sprouts, watercress and cauliflower convert harmful estrogen into
less troublemaking estrogen. And to make these foods even more
powerful, add some cooked tomatoes to your steamed cauliflower,
cabbage or kale. After cooking some broccoli and tomatoes,
toss on a tbs. or two of flaxseeds. This also works for men, concerned
about prostate cancer.
* The beverage:
Coffee. Give another high-five to Starbucks, the dark colored elixir
is now being hailed as a hero that raises the amount of good estrogen in
your system. Compounds in the brew activate the enzymes that fuel
the production of healthy estrogens. Drink 2 cups per day, decaf or regular.
Skip the 2 to 3 tsps. of sugar or you'll raise the "bad" estrogen.
* The Exercises:
Doesn't matter, two hrs. of exercise, (running, walking, dancing,
gardening, or yoga) slash your risk of developing hormone-triggered
cancers as much as 30%. Engaging in regular exercise signals fat cells
to decrease their production of these risky type of estrogen.
* The Bad Stuff:
Simply put, eat it on rare occasions or never again, what is it?
Processed foods, foods with trans fats, dyes, hormones, MSG,
high fructose corn syrup and foods that have more than 4 ingredients
on the label. These types of foods only raise the levels of bad
estrogen in your system.
* The Test:
Really want to know if you have enough "good" estrogen,
or too much "bad" estrogen? Ask your doctor for the test,
what test? The Estrogen Metabolism Assessment.
This test is especially important for women with a family
history of breast, thyroid, colon, ovarian, or lung cancer.

That's it, some new strategies to fight an old, ongoing war, 

known as cancer.

And one more tip:
If you're struggling with that last 5 or 10 pounds, new research
says, that too, may be caused by too much "bad" estrogen.
And the foods mentioned above, broccoli, cabbage, etc. can help
even the most stubborn 5 or 10 pounds disappear.
To read more about this, head on over to kindle store
and download, see title to the right, read the Korea/Poland chapter
and get rid of that belly paunch, pooch, pocketbook, for good. 

Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hollywood's Rx For Summer Hair!

               Protect Your Hair This Summer! 

Do you think, it's warm outside, I really don't have to worry
about my hair?
Well, think again, because of that extra warmth, you should
really take special care of your hair.
And according to a former Hollywood hair stylist,
there are 4 things you should do to make sure your 

hair stays full, vibrant, shiny, thick and "Hollywood

The 4 things...
a) Massage-
Although it feels better when someone else massages
your scalp, self massage works just as well. Pour some 

olive or coconut oil into a small bowl, dip your fingers
in and massage your scalp. Massage for a few minutes
and do this 2 to 3 times a week. This helps hair become fuller.
b) Condition Your Hair-
As we age or just exposing your hair to the elements
causes it to lose natural oils, so make sure to massage
some moisturizer into your scalp as well.
A good choice: Olive or coconut oil.
c) Take This Supplement-
You may have heard about Biotin. It's a member of the B vitamin 

family and it both strengthens and speeds hair growth.
Look for biotin supplements at your drugstore and make sure 

to talk to your Dr. before taking it.
Or just eat more eggs, (especially the yolks) biotin is present in 

egg yolks.
d) Be Choosy-
About the kinds of styling products you buy.
If you see alcohol as an ingredient, avoid it. Alcohol 

dries hair out leading to brittleness and breakage.
Instead, look for products that contain nourishing oils on the 


That's it- 4 tips to keep hair in tiptop shape this Summer
and Summers in the future.

Also head on over to the kindle store and download a copy of The Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin! Eat your sunscreen. See title to the right.
Don't make the mistake of taking
care of your hair and then neglect your skin.

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hollywood Special Effects Rx For Women!

                         Lower The Volume! 

Ladies, you may be concerned about breast cancer, thyroid problems
or weight gain, and you should, but don't forget heart disease.
That's right, heart disease is right up there with breast cancer, 

lung cancer, stroke and diabetes as the health concerns women
should also be worried about.
And to lower your risk of ever getting heart disease, make sure to
protect your ears.
Your Ears?

Yes, if you like your movies loud and thunderous, you may be
increasing your odds of getting heart disease. 

That's right, exposing yourself to loud movies and music increases
your levels of heart-damaging stress hormones. And all of that stress
takes a toll on your heart.

So, what do you do?
Avoid your favorite action movies like Transformers and The X-Men?
Or do head to your local drugstore and pick up some earplugs? 

Choose the latter, and you can continue to go to the movies and listen 
to heavy metal music.
Another tip:
Wear the earplugs when vacuuming, mowing the lawn or heading to a Nascar event.
Some more tips to lower heart disease risks...
a) Floss! Cleaner teeth and gums helps block inflammation that
may travel to your bloodstream.
b) Adopt A Pet-
Or play with pets. If you can't adopt a pet, going to an animal shelter and playing with pets help lower your odds of getting heart disease.

That's it- Some tips to help you live a little longer.

And if you want to keep yourself and your kids skin cancer-free, head on over to kindle store and download see title to the right, order today and learn how shrimp salad can help you lie out in the Sun for a few extra minutes.

Good Luck!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hollywood's Rx For Sun-Proofing Your Kids!

                 Protect Your Kids This Summer! 

Hollywood kids are no different from kids in Salinas Kansas when it comes to
protecting them. Protecting them from what? 

The Sun's harmful rays.
With 80% of all Sun damage happening before age 18, they'll need more
than sunscreen to protect them.
And according to a top dermatologist based in Beverly Hills, Cal.
if you do to the 5 things listed below, you can help them from ever becoming
victims of skin cancer. The 5 things...

a) Give Them Shades-
You already provide shelter, so make sure you provide shades as well, as
in sunglasses. Yes, they may look a little silly, but shades can help block 

out almost 100% of the Sun's powerful rays. Look for wraparound styles
that have labels indicating how much UV protection to expect.
b) Cover Them Up-
As in hats, tunics and sarongs.
They may not like the idea of looking like someone from Saudi Arabia,
but it's for their own good. Look for a hat that protects the ears, face and
neck. And clothing...look for dark-colored sundresses, wraps, etc. 

Dark clothing provides better protection from the Sun. Yellow and white
clothes, not so much.
c) Check This Online-
What is it? The forecast in your area. It'll tell you when the sun is at it's
hottest. And you can go online to
type in your zip code and get the ratings from 1 (low) to 11+ (high)
Along with an explanation and tips on protecting your kids.
d) Be Diligent About Applying Sunscreen.
Apply some 30 mins. before you head out the door. Start with a cream,
and after they swim or run around, use a spray. Sprays are easier
for kids, so they can reapply them on their own.
e) Watch The Clock-
The Sun is strongest at 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. so take extra precaution
to really keep an eye on your kids.
Teach your kids this trick..If your shadow is shorter than you, it's time to
look for the shade.
f) Look For This-
What is this? More tips and suggestions on keeping not
only your kids, but you (the adults) safe from the Sun's
harmful rays as well.
Where can you find this valuable information?
Head on over to kindle store, and download...
Supermarket Rxs To Sun-Proof Your Skin!
Eat and Drink Your Sunscreen!

Order today, and you'll learn...
* the 30 best foods and beverages
to prevent skin cancer.
* Learn the one ingredient to look for when buying
sunscreen for your kid.
* The Medications and Drugs That Make Sensitivity
  to the Sun worse. (birth control pills)
* How to tell if that mole on your face, back, etc.. is really
* The beauty treatments that may help prevent
 skin cancer and sun damage.
Plus, much, much more, but you must head on over to kindle store for your copy today.
See title to the right...

Good Luck! 


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance Secret For A Sweet Treat!

                        Sweet Treat For Weight Loss! 

Mary Murphy, the popular, loud and upbeat host of the Fox
show-"So You Think You Can Dance" makes no secret of her
struggles with weight.
One of her downfalls: Candy. 

The sweet stuff is a problem for a lot of people, not just Ms. Murphy,
and the way she deals with it: She's found a substitute.

Instead of eating Starbursts (her favorites) she now eats "Lovey
Candy Co. Fruit Chews. This candy doesn't have high-fructose corn syrup,
and avoiding it can helps Ms. Murphy keep her stomach slim and trim.

So, if you have a candy addiction like Mary Murphy and want to
avoid the weight gain that comes from that addiction, look for
some Lovey Fruit Chews at a candy store or a supermarket. 

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hollywood's Rx For The Best Sunscreen!

                 Choose The Right Sunscreen! 

Using sunscreen is something a lot of people will be doing 

for the next 3 months, and if you're undecided, look for
the one that's taking Hollywood by storm. 

What sunscreen is that?
It's Suntegrity's. 

And what so special about this sunscreen?
It's all natural, vegan and cruelty-free and it's getting
top marks for it's safety and efficacy.
To purchase some for youself and your family, go
online, with the code-WWMAG.

Good Luck! 
