Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Natural Remedy For a Male Star!

                                        Natural Rx For Back Pain! 

If you're a fan of the hit ABC show "Dancing With The Stars" then you may 

have watched as dancer Mark Ballas went down with a back injury.
He may have pulled something or slipped a disc and if you too, are going through
similar problems, you may want to try something organic and natural. 

Word of caution to those who are suffering from back pain...
It's still best to talk it over with your doctor, but let's not dismiss the medicine our
ancestors used for hundred of yrs. 

And the type of natural medicine we're prescribing is reflexology.
You know, massaging certain pressure points on your hands and feet to bring blessed relief.

To get started on your path toward ending back pain- take a comfortable chair or sit
on the floor, bring one foot over to the opposite leg, and starting at the heel, use your
thumb and massage all the way up to the big toe. Do not rush it, stay on each part
of the foot for a good 15 to 20 seconds, as you move upwards.
Stay on the inner most part of the foot for a few minutes.
Do both feet for a few minutes at a time and see if this helps put an end to the
unbearable back pain.
One man (A long distance truck driver) found this alternative method of healing
and did it for less than a week, and was able to say no thanks to back surgery
that was scheduled. 

Some other tips:
* If you're unable to maneuver your feet to the opposite side, ask a loved one to do the

massage. (Go gently, too much pressure may cause further damage). 
No one around to help and your also inflexible? Massage the hands, same spots, 
start at the base of the thumb, and move right up to the top of the first finger.
Or do a combination of the two--hands and feet.
Another tip for hands: take all 4 fingers of the opposite hand and dig into the innermost
spot of the other hand and dig in. Do this for 30 to 45 secs.
* Want more info on reflexology? Go to and type curing back 

problems with reflexology in the search bar.
* Also while you're at, type in Ellen DeGeneres/back pain/Supermarket
Rxs! click on it and read the post.
(Ellen has occasional flareups) 
it too. has a number of things other than self massage
you can do alleviate your back pain--like changing your thoughts, 
(positive, not negative) and diet changes, (say no to the white stuff-- flour and sugar)

So, if you're a regular guy or gal or a top dancing star, this ancient medicine
(about 500 yrs. old) may be of some help to you. (or a loved one)
Hey, it's a worth a try and it's certainly cheaper and safer than a scalpel.

Good Luck! 


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hollywood's Love Affair With Chocolate!

                   Eat More Chocolate! 

A lot of Hollywood stars may look like they never indulge in habits many 

"normal folks" have, and that's simply not true. 

Many stars enjoy red meat, pasta, wine and chocolate. 
Plenty of chocolate.
And now that Easter is over, make sure to hold onto that chocolate. 

Two oz. a day can do more than boost moods and satisfy a sweet tooth. 

How much more?
Continue reading to find out...

a) Ease stress levels
b) Alleviate PMS symptoms 

c) Strengthen Your Heart
d) Build a Better Brain-
 Plus, help you focus, and improve problem-solving abilities.
e) End Blue Moods-
It also keeps your moods elevated and upbeat.
f) Prevent Cavities-

Come on, cavities? Yes, good quality dark choc. contains two nutrients that 
protect the enamel on your teeth.
g) Become More Passionate-
Wine may work, but it's still alcohol, so go with the safer and sweeter treat 

to boost lust levels.
h) A Longer Life--
More happiness, a stronger heart, clearer arteries and less stress, so of course it 

can help you live longer.

That's it- and if you still have doubts about the benefits of dark chocolate,
head on over to kindle store and type The Easter Bunny Rxs
For Women's Health in the search bar.
 Download it and learn some more things that small piece of dark choc.
can do for your health and well-being.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Hair Color Secrets Pt. 2!

                            Changing Ones Hair Color! 

If you read yesterday's post- then you know it was all about hair color 

and personality and today- it's all about changing ones hair color. 
That's right- If you want to become a redhead or a blonde there are tips
you should follow and these tips come from some of the World's top stylists.

The hair-coloring tips: 

1) Redheads-
If you have a rosy complexion becoming a redhead may work for yo. 

a) Plan on doing it home--
Finding the right shade of red can be tricky. Stay away from bright-sounding shades
like "fire-engine red" and if you have light hair opt for strawberry- blond and 

if your hair is darker-go with the auburn. 
b) Plan on going to a salon--
Ask the stylist to show you a few shades of red colored hair. 
Doing this allows you to see which hair color is perfect for your head and
c) A Makeup Trick-
To enhance your hair color-stick to warm shades of beige, taupe and mossy
green on your eyes--they all make red hair stand out.
d) Keep the color vibrant-
If you should decide on going red, use a color glaze which deposits just a touch of
color on the surface of your hair, creating subtle tints to boost color and shine in
between treatments.
2) Brunettes-
a) Plan on doing it at home-
Most women look best in warm medium brown shades like golden brown or chestnut.
More good news: Almost anyone can look great as a brunette, no matter the skin tone.

And becoming a brunette works especially well for those with gray hair. 
b) Plan on doing it at a salon-
Go to someone qualified and make sure you have a specific shade in mind.
Also helpful- make sure the dye matches up to your skin tone.
c) Keep the hair color vibrant-
Use a color-enhancing shampoo to add trace amounts of color to prevent fading
and dullness.
d) A Makeup Trick-
The makeup trick that'll make your new locks really stand out...
Use Shimmery bronzers on your face.
3) Blondes-
a) Plan on doing it at home-
Only do it at home if your hair is light. 

Going blonde works best if you were blonde as a child and if you have
a light to medium complexion.
b) Plan on having it done at a salon-
Ask the stylist to use different shades of blonde dye, doing so gives you more
dimensions and makes it (your hair) look more natural.
c) Enhance the Color-
By deep conditioning your hair once or twice a week and no more.
d) A Makeup Tip--
To keep your blonde locks looking spectacular-use a coral blush. 

That's it- some great tips for those who want to have Hollywood style 
locks on a limited budget. 

And for those who love trivia and obscure facts, here are some concerning
hair and color....
a) Changing Hair Colors-
More than 50% of American women over the age of 16 color their hair. 

b) Marilyn Monroe- 
Ms. Monroe starred in a movie called "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"
and she was actually a brunette. 

c) The King-
The King of Rock n Roll- Elvis Presley was the opposite of Ms. Monroe
and was a blonde. Hollywood brass and makeup artists said black hair would look
better with his skin tone.
d) Naturally Red-
Only 3% of the population has naturally red hair. 

e) Most Common-
If you've ever wondered about the most natural hair colors for women- 

wonder no more, they are dark brown 40%, light brown 24% and dark blond

One last tip: 

If you enjoyed this and want more info about getting curls, or darkening hair
or hair care secrets to look younger or ten pounds lighter, head on
over to kindle store and type The Hollywood Beauty Rxs,

Celebrity Stylists Share Their Best Kept Secrets in the search bar.
Download it today and  it may help you put your expensive stylist out of work. 

Good Luck! 


Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Stylist Reveals All About Hair Color!

                           Personality and Hair Color! 

Let's face it, people form an impression of you within seconds of meeting you-
and one of those impressions comes from hair color.
So, if you really aren't sure about brunettes or think blondes are
ditzy and unintelligent, here are some insights about hair color from
a top Hollywood stylist.
a) Black Hair-
If you're thinking brains and wit, you're right.
They're also perceived as mysterious, artistic and alluring.
b) Brunettes-
When one thinks of someone who is strong, trustworthy and can take
charge, what hair color comes to mind? Brunettes. And get this-
the stylist says Americans are more likely to vote someone into office who is 

a brunette. Can someone say Hillary Clinton?
c) Redheads-
Don't say it--mean, quick-tempered and moody. Not so, redheads are daring vixens, 

have men think redheads have better love lives (better than brunettes and blondes)
and lastly--a number of women polled said  if they could change their hair color
for a day-they'd become redheads.
d) Blondes-

Okay- stop thinking about Suzanne Somers, (Chrissy Snow) or Marilyn Monroe
or Kaley Cuoco, (Penny) No- the true personality of a blonde woman is --
someone who's relaxed, fun-loving, open to trying new things and laid-back.

That's it- some interesting tidbits concerning women and hair color. 

One last tip:
If you need some information about the real health benefits 

of eggs, (think Easter and all of those leftover boiled eggs)
head on over to kindle store and type
The Easter Egg Hunt, Eat Leftover EasterEggs For Better Health 

in the search bar. Download it and  learn how eggs can  greatly improve 
your health and looks.

Good Luck!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Singer's Food Rx To Slow Down Aging!

                       A Moroccan Dish To Slow Down Aging! 

 If you're really into pop culture, more specifically Mariah Carey news--
then you know her twins are named Monroe and Moroccan, and 
if you love good food, especially Moroccan food, then you'll love this dish.

The dish: 
Moroccan Beef and Sweet Potato Stew!
And what's so special about this dish?
It'll help you turn back the clock ( on aging) and reduce your odds of getting 

heart disease, some cancers and diabetes. 
That's right, a beef dish that'll help live longer and look younger?\
Yes, beef can be a dirty word in health-conscious California, 
but it's simply not true.
The beef, spices and herbs in this dish cut down on AGEs in your system, 
and what are AGEs? 

AGEs form when excess sugars bind to --and damage--proteins in your system
and keeping AGEs at minimal levels helps keep skin firm and smooth, while also 
lowering your odds of getting serious illnesses and diseases. 

So, are you hungry? Ready to look and feel younger?
Okay then, here's the recipe....
Moroccan Beef and Sweet Potato Stew! 

3 Tbs. all-purpose flour
2 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. salt 

1/2 tsp. cayenne 
1/2 cup raisins
3 lbs. beef stew meat, cut into 1' to 1 1/2" pieces
3 sweet potatoes peeled and cut into 1" cubes
1 can of tomatoes, diced, about 15 or 16 oz.
Couscous or rice, cooked about 2 cups, placed on a platter
toasted almonds and chopped parsley, 2 to 3 Tbs. 

salt- 1/2 tsp.
Combine the first 3 ingredients and place into a slow cooker-
a 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 Qt,  add the raisins, beef, and sweet potatoes,
stir to coat evenly,. Throw in the tomatoes, cover and let the slow cooker go
for 8 to 9 hrs. After the 8 or 9 hrs. are up, check to make sure the potatoes
and beef are fork tender, add extra salt if necessary
 allow the food to sit for 10 to 15 minutes and then ladle the beef, potatoes and 

tomatoes over the Hot cooked rice or couscous.
And if you want this dish to look decorative, add the almond slivers and 

chopped parsley.
That's it's and if you're wondering- can this dish be made in a regular
soup or stock pot, it can, but cooking beef at low temperatures help 

lower the AGEs. 
Also helpful: eat more spices, herbs, All-Bran and Fiber One (cereal alternatives
for those that don't eat meat) and fruits 
with the peels. Why? 
They too, like beef can decrease the number of AGEs in your system.

And one last tip: You can stir-fry foods as that only requires 1 to 5 minutes
of fast cooking, certainly not a lot of time for AGEs to develop.

That's it- another great dish for those who want to look and feel younger,
without having to spend the money (like stars) to do so. 

Good Luck!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The New Diet For Great Legs!

                                            The Diet For Beautiful Legs! 

If better looking legs are on your agenda, then take note- you may
be able to get such legs. How? By eating certain foods. 

Yes, we know, you've always been told there's nothing you can do to get 

legs like Cameron Diaz or Jennifer Aniston or Sharon Stone, but hold on,
that's all in the past.
That's right, A French woman, who moved to California- was deeply concerned
about the health of her father.
Her father was a chef in France and  being surrounded by all of that food, his health was
deteriorating... fast. 

So, the daughter and father worked together to find foods that would help
lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight.
Luckily, they found those foods  and more.
The more: The diet improved the appearance of the daughter's legs.
The young Frenchwoman was carrying about 20 extra pounds on her small
frame and struggled with unsightly legs.
You know, the dimples, the blue veins and cellulite.

And today, some 10 yrs. later, she wants to help those who need to lower their blood 

pressure,  their big bellies and their unsightly legs and that help comes 
in the form of a book.

The book: 

LeBootCamp Diet,
The author: Valerie Orsoni.
Order the book online at kindle store
or go to a physical store like Barnes and Noble. 

Order it today and learn the right mix of fiber-rich carbs, proteins
and fats that'll have your legs looking "movie star-ready" in record time.

Good Luck! 


Monday, March 14, 2016

T.V. Host's Favorite Slimming Beverage!

                         Drink Up, Like Maria! 

Maria Menounos, is the attractive and popular host of E News.
What you may not about the 37 yr. old T.V. host is that at one time
Ms. Menounos was about 40 pounds heavier. 

That's right, the Greek American host says she loves foods and indulged
to her heart's content, especially donuts, (Dunkin Donuts) to be exact.
So,  how did Ms. Menounos lose the weight and keep it off for 15 plus yrs. 

Eating sensibly, (lean meats, fruits and vegetables) eating smaller meals, 
having a cheat day and drinking a certain beverage. 

A certain beverage? 

Yes, Ocean Spray PACt Cranberry Extract Water.
This type of beverage is loaded with special antioxidants,
antioxidants that cuts inflammation and curbs your appetite. 

Look for this special beverage at larger supermarkets.
Price--$2 for 16 oz.

That's it for today.

Good Luck!

A Star's Rx To Boost Moods!

                             Eat Like Kristin! 

If you're a fan of Kristin Chenoweth, then you already know about her incredible 

voice, acting and dancing ability, what you may not know is that Ms. Chenoweth,
the Oklahoma native, loves beef. 

What's so unusual about that?
Nothing, but in Veggie loving N.Y. and California, she's a rarity. 

And if you too, like beef, continue to indulge, why? 
It (beef) can keep you from getting down, blue or depressed. 
That's right, fatty fish always got the credit for being one of the best 
non-medicinal ways to beat bad moods, but today, beef is also being 
recognized for it's ability to help you prevent or overcome down and dark 

Thanks to research done in Britain,  the researchers discovered that beef
is a top source of an amino acid (L-tyrosine) and this amino acid prompts
the brain to produce the happiness-boosting neurotransmitter called  dopamine.
Plus, beef contains fatty acids that slow the absorption of carbohydrates,
and this cuts your risk of post-meal blood sugar swings- along with the fatigue
and grumpiness that they trigger---in half.

So, if you're like Kristin and love your beef, continue to enjoy it, 

and if you do have it (beef) to combat blue moods, remember-
have it (beef) with vegetables and unprocessed grains.
Eating beef with white bread (buns) fries, white rice and other
processed foods will only keep you depressed and beefy ( overweight).

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hollywood's Secret Weapon For Red Carpet Skin!

                                         Get a Glowing Complexion! 
If you thought the "Oscars" was the last award show for the year, think again.
Oh no- there's the "Kid's Choice Awards" The "Tony's" and  the
"MTV movie awards, " and with the yearly, non-stop award shows-
many stars have to be at their best, their youthful-looking best.

And how do they maintain this unending array of youthfulness?
With cosmetic surgery? Maybe. Endless hrs. walking and doing yoga? Perhaps.
Or is it a strict diet of fish, greens and low-sugar fruits?
Yes, this is the secret for some and for other stars--their secret is a smoothie.

That's right, stars like David Beckham, Vanessa Hudgens, Miranda Kerr and Blake Lively,
all prefer to drink their way to youthfulness and beauty, and if you want to copy
their way of fighting the aging process, just look below for a youth-enhancing 


The smoothie recipe for a youthful and glowing complexion....
1 cup of pineapple- cubed, frozen or fresh.
1/2 cup of carrots, slightly cooked.*
2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
1 Tbs. goji berries
1 cup of Boston lettuce
5 to 6 ice cubes.
Place all of the ingredients into a juicer or blender and blend until smooth.
* Cooked carrots are better for you and have way more nutrients.
That's it, and feel free to add some other "good for your complexion" 

fruits and vegetables like...cucumbers, kiwi, apples, cantaloupe,
sweet potatoes, (cook until it's soft) and kale.
Also important: It's important to make sure the rest of your diet is
up to par and will complement your complexion. You can't
have a smoothie in the morning and then binge on fried chicken, 

pizza, snicker bars, Ben and Jerry's and margaritas and expect to look your 
stunning best. 

And one last tip-- If weight is an issue and you want some recipes for smoothies
(that personally target belly fat) head on over to kindle store
and type The Smoothies, Shakes, Coffee and Tea Rxs For A Flatter Belly
 in the search bar. 

Download it and get started on a new body that will be ready to
be unveiled Memorial Day 2016.

Good Luck! 


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Simple Rx To Help Women Save Money!

                         Ladies, Hold Onto Your Money! 

There are a lot of stars who don't like wasting money,
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Garner are two of those stars
and if you fit into that same category, there's some good news for you.

What type of news?
Women can save on a number of products, but there's a catch,
the catch:  You'll  have to buy men's products to get the savings. 

Say what?
Well ladies, you may (or may not) know that women do pay more for
certain products.
It's funny-- women earn less, but somehow have to pay more for
shampoo, gels, razors, and some other beauty products.

But not anymore- starting today ladies, you're going to comparison

Yup, head to Target, CVS or Walgreen's and look at the price of razors
for men and women or look at the price of body washes (the woman's
brand and the men's brand).
Do this from now on and keep more of your money in your pocket,
50% more.

Good Luck! 


One last reminder--
Summer's almost here and for many--that means days spent outdoors
in the sunlight. And if you're worried about overexposure to the Sun,
(15 mins. is enough, slightly more for darker skin types)
make sure to get your sunscreen. 

No- not from a bottle, but from foods and beverages.
Still not convinced? 

Head on over to kindle store and download--
see title to the right--
Download it and learn how certain foods at any supermarket, can
protect your skin better than anything that comes from a bottle.
Plus, food is safer for you, (and your skin) .

Simple Rx To Get Your Own Beauty Consultant!

                                          Your Own Personal Beauty Consultant! 

Have you ever dreamed of getting your own beauty consultant?
Well, what's holding you back?
Lack of finances is no longer an excuse, say what? 

That's right, hiring a beauty consultant (or two) was only 

something a star or someone with deep pockets could afford.
But not anymore, thanks to Target. 

Yes, that Target- they've started a beauty consultant program,
that allows you (average Jane) to meet with a professional beauty consultant
in some (not all) of their stores. 

You walk into a select Target store, tell the beauty consultant
your skin care concerns, favorite makeup shades and hair
care needs and voila--he or she will guide you to the best choices
for your skin and hair type.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in- sign up at

That's it- for this above average Saturday, (weather-wise)

Good Luck!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Supermodel's Rxs For Fast and Simple Meals!

                      Eat Like Chrissy! 

If you're a fan of the model Chrissy Teigen, then you may be pleasantly surprised
by the gift she's offering to all of us (her fans). 

What gift is that? 

Well, it's not the baby she's having, no-this gift comes in the form of a 
book, a cookbook, and according to a writer for the magazine-"Marie Clare"
she rates this cookbook as one of her new favorites and she says that
if you (fans and non-fans of Chrissys') pick up a copy it too, will also become one of
your favorite cookbooks as well. 

Why such high praise? 

The Marie Clare writer says the recipes are simple, easy to follow, along  with
inexpensive and accessible ingredients, and after cooking a number of
the recipes, she was surprised, the dishes tasted great.
But hold on, the praise doesn't stop there, the author feared after preparing and eating
a number of the dishes, that her weight would increase, but it didn't-in fact, the opposite
happened, she lost 3 pounds in about 10 days. 

So, if you're a fan of cookbooks or Ms. Teigen, then you must treat yourself to this 
culinary gift  and head on over to the kindle store and pick up a copy or two.

And one last tip--
If you want to read the review (from the Marie Clare writer) head to and scroll down until you see "How Chrissy Teigen Changed My Life!"

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Cable Show's Rx For More Beautiful Hair!

                               The Girls' Secret To Beautiful Hair! 

If you're a fan of HBO's hit show "Girls" then you're well aware of
the luxurious locks being sported by Hannah and Marnie.
And if you also want to know how they manage to have such
luxurious locks, want no more- you're in luck.

The stylists who do work on the actresses who play Marnie and
Hannah are spilling their secrets and even though we don't have
the time to 
reveal all of their secrets, here's one, a Big one...
The Secret:
Switch your hairspray.
That's right, a lot of hairsprays contain alcohol and all of that alcohol
can make your hair stiff and sticky.
So, what do you do to combat this?
Switch to alcohol-free hairsprays.
Look for them at drugstores and beauty supply stores.
The name of one such product:
Pantene Air Spray, it gives your hair hold without drying it out.

And if you want more great tips from the set of "Girls"
head on over to the popular tabloid magazine

Once there, just scroll down until you see the story
about haircare tips from the Set of "Girls"

Also helpful- for those who want beautiful hair
without paying small fortunes, head on over to kindle store, and type The Hollywood Beauty Rxs,
for a small price you can have hundreds of beauty tips from some
of the best stylists who work in Hollywood today. 

And one last tip--
If you need an idea for Sunday's  dinner and you're concerned
about a mushy middle, go to the site--NaturalRx
and look for the post from Sunday -March 6th, it'll give you a great recipe 

for a fried rice dish, that's both filling and belly-flattening. 

Good Luck! 


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Natural Makeup To Become More Beautiful!

              Learn How To Combine Herbs To Make Your Own Makeup! 

Concerned about the makeup you apply to your skin?
Are you worried it may affect you in 3, 5 or even 10 yrs.
If this is a concern, then make sure to click on the link below
and read how to combine certain herbs to make your own "all-natural"


Good Luck!

Herbs and Cosmetics

Friday, March 4, 2016

Hollywood's Yoga Rx For More Energy!

                               Boost Energy Naturally! 

If you've been following the news this past week, then you're well aware of the
warnings about energy drinks.
You know, the same warnings they (researchers and nutritionists) have been
telling us the past 5 yrs. and those warnings: energy drinks increase your risk
of a heart attack, raise blood pressure,  make you jittery, etc.

So, what do you do to boost energy levels? 

Drink lots of coffee
Eat sugary snacks
Take a nap
or do a few minutes of Yoga? 

Yes, the form of exercise many stars prefer,  (Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Kaley Cuoco,
and Gwyneth Paltrow) and if you find yourself lacking the energy to
make it all the way through an afternoon, take after your favorite stars
and do yoga as well.
What type of yoga?
A simple 30 second session from a chair. 

30 seconds?
Yes, and all you have to do is...
Grab a chair, sit on the edge of that chair, put your hands behind you, reach all
to the back of the chair and push your chest out and tilt your head back. 

Now, all you have to do is-inhale deeply, hold for a count of five and exhale slowly. 
Repeat this 3 or 4 more times. 

How does this help?
This yoga move stimulates the nervous system and boosts oxygen flow, giving
you an increase in energy to get through the rest of your school or workday, 

all without extra caffeine, sugar or sleep.

Good Luck!

One last tip: New research says that the best and most effective way to look
10 to 20 yrs. younger is by avoiding the Sun.
Yes, 10 to 15 minutes is ideal for getting your RDA of vitamin D, but anymore 

and you run the risk of looking 10 or more yrs. older.
So, do you go outside for 10 minutes and then run back in?
Or do you slather on tons of sunscreen?
Well, both options offer some protection, but staying indoors
for the rest of your life is unrealistic and constantly applying sunscreen
may do you more harm.
So, what else is there, you ask?
How about eating your way to better protection (from the Sun)
By heading to kindle store and typing see title down below...
 in the search bar. 
Learn how watermelon, tomatoes, guava and the peels from oranges, tangerines 
and limes can do a way better job than any sunscreen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Stars Who Use Drugstore Beauty Products!

                                     The Drugstore Beauty Products! 

If you think all of the stars are spending hundreds on 2 oz. of moisturizing
creams or thousands on risky types of cosmetic surgeries, you're right and

Yes, some stars will spare no expense to remain looking 10 or 20 yrs. younger, 
and then there are the stars that will not spend more than $20 on beauty
treatments and products. 

And who are these penny-pinching stars? 
Sarah Michelle Geller
Olivia Wilde
Jennifer Garner
Martha Stewart
Reba McEntire
Kristin Chenoweth. 

And if you're not convinced that these stars are telling the truth, here's the proof. 

a) Martha Stewart-
At 70 something, Ms. Stewart uses the decades old staple known as Johnson's
Baby Oil to remove her makeup. It (the oil) cleanses the skin and leaves it baby-soft
without clogging the pores. The oil can also be used all over one's body after a
bath or shower. 

b) Reba-
The down to Earth country star uses an age-erasing foundation. 

The foundation, L'Oreal Paris True Match Super Blendable Makeup,
at This foundation has vitamins in it and they (the vitamins)
smooth wrinkles, reduce inflammation and brighten up the skin. 

c) Kristin Chenoweth-
The youthful looking Ms. Chenoweth makes sure her lips always look pouty and
kissable. Her favorite product: Nivea- A Kiss Of Shimmer Lip.
Find it online at The lip product contains
shea butter and jojoba oil, which work to hydrate and heal Winter-battered lips.
And the shimmer finish masks dry patches instantly. 

That's it for now, and we'll continue to report on stars who hate spending
money on beauty products as it (the information) becomes available.

Good Luck!