Thursday, March 29, 2012

George Clooney's Rx For A Female Health Issue!

                                       George Clooney and Night Sweats!
Okay, this post isn't really about George Clooney, it's about his main lady...
Stacy Keibler! A number of stars were asked for their no. 1 guilty pleasure (food wise)
and Ms. Keibler said Ice Cream. Some other stars and their favorites...
a) Vanessa Hudgens- Chocolate!
b) Dana Delaney- Wine!

c) Regina King- Flavored alcoholic beverages.

And Ms. Keibler's choice of Ice Cream has gotten her into hot water with her Dr.
Her Doctor told her that eating Ice Cream for yrs. and yrs. may not be good for you,
(dairy and lactose intolerant) and you may need to look into finding another snack.
Well, her response: "Nope, don't care, I'm going to continue eating it."

She may be on to something- although Ms. Keibler is only in her early 30's,
she may experience this female health problem, later on in life.
The female health problem: Night Sweats!

That's right- A past post we wrote on the benefits of Ice Cream,
cheese and milk may help infertile women, there's new research that Ice
Cream may help women suffering from night sweats.

Chocolate Ice Cream to be exact, Choc. has compounds in it that help balance hormones,
and calming minerals that help you sleep through the night.
The dairy part of the I.C. contains soothing calcium and magensium, relaxing
tryptophan, and the taste and feel of the cold cream triggers the brain to help
regulate body temperature.

So, are you or a loved one suffering from night sweats?
Are you willing to give Ice Cream a try?
Make sure it's no more than a cup a day (small cup)
And if the answer is no, I'm not willing to try it, (weight gain,
lactose intolerant, hate I.C. etc) that's okay,
Try- Ice Cream made with almond milk or goat's milk,
or learn deep breathing techniques, take up yoga or walk for 30 to 40 mins. per evening.

That's It- Another gift from George, for the betterment of all Women.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Oprah's Rx To Relieve Stress!

                       Relieve Stress With Colour Therapy!

Oprah's favorite color is green and according to new research done at the Univ.

of Georgia at Athens, whenever you feel stressed or anxious over something,
take a chair, relax, look at the color green and take a few deep breaths.
Why green? It can take the edge off stress, helping you to feel more calm and relaxed.

So, next time you're anxious, stressed or about to totally lose it-
look at a field of green grass,or hang up a green blouse or jacket
or buy some green paint and paint a large section of cardboard, and stare at it
for 30 secs. to a min. The edginess and anxiousness should disappear.
That's It- Just another reason to love Oprah.

P.S. reread our post on best friend Gayle King's favorite colour. Yellow!

Good Luck!


Dancing With The Stars' Rx For A Flatter Stomach!

                                        Get Lean Like Brooke!
Brooke Burke-Charvet, the genial, toned, beautiful, former winner and now host
of DWTS has just revealed her secret to a slim and trim physique.
Her Secret: Bottled Water!

Actually water that contains omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that improve the body's ability
to respond to insulin, by stimulating the secretion of leptin, a hormone that helps
regulate food intake, body weight and metabolism.
So, where do you purchase this "magical" water?
Look for it under the name-Omega Water, at price-$24 for 12 bottles.

That's it for your tip of the day, how to get Brooke's hot body, by drinking.
Or you if you prefer to eat your omega-3's, get them from fish, like sardines,
mackerel, or salmon, or walnuts, flaxseeds or chia seeds.

Good Luck!


Coming Soon- The Health Secrets From Faraway Places!
Learn how people from other countries make it to 80, 90 and 100,
easily and effortlessly.

Coming to the Kindle Store.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Diet Rx From The Hunger Games!

                                     Diet Games Diet Rx!
If you're one of the millions that will see the movie "The Hunger Games"
this weekend, we thought you'd be intereseted in this little bit of information,
concerning the stars and their diets.

Liam Hemsford- the tall Aussie was asked to drop 15 lbs. to give him
a hungry, out in the woods, scrounging for food look.
And Josh Hutcherson, the shorter star was asked to gain weight, (muscle weight)
The type of diet Mr. Hutcherson followed was the same one used by
Taylor Lautner of the "Twilight" movie series.

The diet: High protein, low carb.
In addition to the diet, Mr. Hutcherson also had to go through a serious
weight training regimen, to add more bulk.

If you want to copy Mr. Hutcherson and put on a few lbs. of muscles,
remember high protein  foods, like...eggs, salads, fish, chicken, lean beef
and no-starchy vegetables. And water, plenty of water.
Nutritionists now say that people who follow the low-carb, high-protein
aren't getting enough water and that could put your health at risk.
How? By making you dehydrated, leaving you feeling dizzy, headachy
and causing pain in the kidneys.

So, if you want to drop a few pounds around your middle and
get buffed as well, remember to drink up.
Some more tips: Don't follow this diet for too long.
3, 5 or 7 days is plenty. The frequent bathroom breaks and the bad breath
are too much for a lot of people, so a wk. or less is enough.

And along with the water, have some peppermint
tea, it's great for keeping you headache-free.
That's it- Looking like a star with the help of a diet and
some water.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you or relative has just received news about your too-high blood pressure,
like Coco from the E channel, look for some "all-natural" solutions on our blog,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Coco's Rx To Prevent Cold Feet!

                                            Coco's Rx To Heat Things Up!

Any fans of "Ice Loves Coco" out there? Well, the E channel needs another
reality hit since the Kardashians and Kendra are losing their luster.
On a recent show, Coco and Ice were in bed and Ice commented on
"her cold feet" to which Coco replied-"my feet are always cold."

Women and cold feet seems to be the norm for a lot of women.
Some say it may happen because of blood loss during periods, or thinner
arteries and blood vessels, or diet (not enough fats or too little meat)
not enough iron, on and on.
Well, if you or a loved one like Mom, sister, co-worker,
aunt or grandmother is "always cold" then there
might be a cure in your kitchen cabinet.

The Cure: Ginger!
Ginger used in Asian cooking contains compounds that
help open up blood vessels and opening those blood
vessels helps gets more warmth to your fingers, feet
and toes.

So, head to your supermarket and buy some fresh or dried ginger.
Use it on stir-fries, soups, oatmeal or hot tea.
And when you have the urge to snack, look for ginger candy
at supermarkets or health-food stores. If you're dieting,
skip it, due to the sugar content.

Good Luck!
P.S. Coco also announced on her reality show that she has high blood
pressure, she's taking the meds that were prescribed to her.
Well, if you are in the same predicament, and don't want to go the
prescribed meds route, take a look at our
for some natural solutions (at your Supermarket) that'll help you lower it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hollywood Rx To Help Makeup Last All Day!

                                         Hollywood Makeup Secret!
Ladies, tired of having to touch up your make-up every few hrs?
Well, here's a tip to keep your face looking great all day long.
The tip is from a top Hollywood stylist...

If your makeup is departing by noon blame it on your natural oils.
Natural oils are great while you're young, but they do a number on
To combat the problem of disappearing makeup-
Trace powder eye
shadow over your eyeliner and translucent
powder over cream blush. It creates a drier finish that prevents
creamy makeup from sliding off your face.

That's it- your tip for all-day makeup!
We wonder if Kim K knows about this tip?

Good Luck!

And if you missed Dr. Oz yesterday and his suggestion on
cold temps to rev up metabolism, look at our regular blog...  and get all of the answers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ellen Degeneres' Rx For Youthful Skin!

                                          Food Rx To Prevent Wrinkles!
It's rumored Ellen Degeneres owns a ranch, a ranch that has a number
of Avocado trees. If this info is true, Ms. Degeneres may be sitting on
another gold mine. Her first gold mine: Her talk show which pays hers
millions of dollars a year. And the second: An avocado ranch.
Why are they so valuable?

Avocados can benefit your health in a number of ways,
one being lowering cholesterol, and the other being youthful skin.
That's right- along with apples and kiwi, avocados rank right up there
as one of the best fruits that'll  give you skin that looks
a decade or two younger.

Why is it so beneficial?
Give credit to their ample supply of vitamin E, a proven wrinkle-eraser,
as well as glutathione, an anti-aging antioxidant. Avocados also
boosts collagen and smooth fine lines.

So, if you're looking for youthful skin and don't want to go the
Botox route, then bring on the avocados.
One recipe that'll help you look younger...
Peel an avocado, rinse it with some water, slice it up
and place the slices in a small saucepan,
add 1/4 cup of milk, heat for a couple mins.
Remove from the heat, let cool,
take a chair, (preferrably a reclining chair)
and place the slices on your face, neck and hands (backs of hands)
sit back and relax for 10 to 15 mins. remove the avocados
and rinse your face with lukewarm water.
Some say if you start this in your 20's, you'll never have to go under
the knife, or botox needle.
Important tip: Although this tip is about Avocados, apples and milk also work,
and the apples are easier to handle and they're cheaper. And yes, eating avocados
also works, just watch the foods you eat them with (Chips).

So, if you have Ellen's email address, pass this info on,
selling her avocados to help America become more youthful.
Hey- she always helping the less fortunate, perhaps she can sell
avocados and donate the profits to charity. It's a thought.

Good Luck!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Jessica Alba's Cheapskate Rx For Smoother Skin!

                                              Jessica Alba's Favorite Moisturizer!
Jessica Alba is getting a lot of complements on her skin lately.
Maybe it's her diet, or the birth of 2 kids or now that she's
30 yrs. old.
Or maybe it's her moisturizer.

Is it a moisturizer from France, that costs an arm and a leg?
Or is it a moisturizer that uses obscure ingredients from exotic animals?
It's none of the above, it's actually less than $3 for a small bottle.
Can't guess- Okay, it's Johnson's Baby Oil!
It's not just the baby oil that's creating her beautiful new look,
Ms. Alba uses it with her regular mositurizer to create a shimmery look.

Her secret:
Ms. Alba uses a pea-sized amount of the oil and mixes with
her usual moisturizer to create a subtle shimmer.

And if you plan on using this tip-here's a tip from a pro stylist...
Instead of giving your whole body a glow, which can be too much,
just highlight your favorite body part- a sweep up your shin bone, decolletage,
or your arms.

So, if you've been wondering how Ms. Alba is getting that smooth shimmering
look, wonder no more. Now you know,  she mixes baby oil with her regular moisturizer,
that's her secret.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Desperate Housewive's Rx For a Beautiful Hairstyle!

                      Get A Hairstyle Like Evas'!
Are you a fan of "Desperate Housewives?" How about Eva Longoria?
Well, the show will be gone in about 7 wks, so make sure you watch.
if you're a fan of Ms. Longoria and her hair, here's  a secret from
a woman that used to work on her hair.
Ms. Longoria likes extra body waves.

So, if you like Eva and want her hairstyle, here's how to get it...
Your must-have product: Heat Protector.
Step 1- Use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner.
Step 2- Blot excess water, and then apply heat-protector throughout hair.
Step 3- Rough-dry hair with fingers and blow dryer until 80% dry.
Step 4- Pin up most of your hair. Take a 1 1/2 section of hair and wrap
around round brush with metal core. Turn the brush vertically and twirl
downward, release hair once it's dry. Repeat throughout.
Step 5- Gently finger-comb and style waves.
Ms. Longoria former stylist used a moisturizing heat protector before blowing
it out, this way the hair always looks soft and healthy.

Some products to try and get the "Eva" look...
a) Dove Heat Defense Therapy Spray- $5 find it at drugstores.
b) Keratase Nectar Thermique-$35
find it at Keratase-USA,com

Good Luck~

And if you or a loved one is suffering from early allergies-

overcome them with natural Rxs. Go to the blog...  for all of the answers.

Dancing With The Stars Rx For A Makeup Remover!

                              Dancing With The Star Makeup Tip!
If you've been reading this blog for awhile then you may remember the post
about Dancing star-Karina Smirnoff's tip on maintaining weight.
She takes a tsp. of olive oil first thing in the morning,
waits and hour and then eats. Olive oil creates a feeling of fullness

and fills your stomach, helping you to resist those cravings
for burgers, fries and cinnabuns later in the day.
It must be working, Ms. Smirnoff will be 35 yrs. old in a yr. or two.

Well, according to some, olive oil isn't just for killing
hunger and boosting metabolism.
Some makeup artists say that olive oil mixed with a little water
is a great way to remove makeup.  Not only is it gentler than
some makeup removers, it's cheaper and moisturizing as well.
Another benefit: If you or a loved one loves to work on cars,
olive oil is better than a lot of soaps-removing the grime & dirt.

That's it- And don't forget to watch the new season of "Dancing With The Stars"
starting March 19th.
And another thing: If you or a loved one is suffering from sneezing,
eyes watering, red eyes and headaches due to early allergy season,
read some natural ways to overcome it. Go to the blog...

Good Luck!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Once Upon A Time's Rx For New Moms!

                          Once Upon A Time's Veggie Rx!
The new show on ABC called "Once Upon A Time"
is a hit. One of the reasons for the show's success:
Actress Jennifer Morrison!

Ms. Morrison was on the Ellen Degeneres show today,
She told Ellen the shows films in Canada, and due to the weather in
Canada, she's had to deal with colds and sore throats that last for
a week, sometimes.
Ms. Morrison-then went on to explain, that in her desperation to
get healed, she took advice from a costar.
His advice: Wrap a cabbage leaf (green cabbage) around your
throat, secure it tightly and leave it there until it wilts.
Well, Ms. Degeneres said she's heard a lot of alternative remedies,
but never cabbage.
Ms. Morrison went on to tell Ellen, she did feel better.

Well Ellen- you may not have heard about cabbage as a sore throat
soother, but have you heard about its abilities to help new Moms?
That's right- Wrapping a cabbage leaf around breasts can be a godsend for new Moms.
Yes, a cabbage leaf wrapped around painful breasts and breasts that may leak
milk has been a natural remedy that's been around for yrs.
Painful breasts can be happening for a number of reasons like...
a) poor diet
b) stress
c) New medication- antihistamines, antidepressants or birth control pills
And milk leaking from breasts is a problem a lot of new moms have to
contend with.

So Ellen, just because you've never heard of it, doesn't mean it can't work.
That's it- With St. Patrick's Day almost here, this a great way to get rid of
leftover cabbage, (the cabbage has to be raw) And if you know Jessica
Simpson's email address, please pass this tip on, she'll need it in a matter
of wks.

And for those who need help identifying and curing their sore throat,
head online to and download the E-newsletter-"The Flu Fighters"
on your Kindle. Once there, you're questions will be answered.

Good Luck!

Movie Snack Favorite For More Energy!

                                                   Popcorn For More Energy!
Are you one of those people who seems to lack the energy of your
co-workers or schoolmates? Are you a coffee drinker?
Well, according to new research- If you drink in the hopes that it'll give more
energy, you're sadly mistaken. The coffee will give you a boost  for awhile,
but that's wears off in about 30 to 40 mins.
Another way to gain energy and continue drinking coffee is to pair it
with a movie snack.
The movie snack: Popcorn!
That's right- Popcorn is a healthy, low-cal, good for you carb and when you
pair a good carb like popcorn with caffeine, you get a boost in energy.
How does the duo work? Pairing popcorn with coffee boost your energy levels
in two ways.
1) Caffeine blocks the buildup of adenosine-a chemical that causes muscle
to tire out as you use them.
2) Carbs supply your muscle cells with glucose-the primary source of fuel.
So, if lack of energy is something you're suffering with, and you've been
trying to fix it with coffee and a candy bar or coffee and a danish,
then you need to add some popcorn (air-popped) to the equation.

That's It- Popcorn and Coffee- what a funky combination.

Good Luck!

P.S. if you or a loved one is suffering from a late cold or flu.
a sore throat, helping kids to overcome sore throats and colds,
beware of over-the-counter cold remedies
or sinus problems and you own a Kindle.
Look for a newsletter written by me and some other
alternative health writers. The newsletter: The Flu Fighters-

The Best Natural Rxs To Overcome and Prevent Colds and Flu!
Find it

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jennifer Aniston's Rx For A Healtheir Lunch!

                                                          Eat Like Jennifer!
If you're a "real fan" of Jennifer Aniston's then you must know what she
had for lunch everyday while acting on the series Friends.
If you said a Cobb salad, give yourself a hand.

Cobb salad can be your diet friend or your worse diet enemy.
Depending on what types of foods you include in the salad,
you'll enhance or destroy your health.

So, if you like to eat out and want to order like your favorite actress-Jennifer
Aniston, go to the restaurant Panera! Why Panera's?
It has a cobb salad that's just 2 grams of sugar. It also has good proteins like
chicken breast and eggs that'll also help you slim down your belly, trim your legs
and improve your looks.

There you have it, Jennifer Aniston's Rx For A Slimming And Filling Lunch!

Good Luck!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Rx For A Great Body!

                           Look Great Like Jennifer Love Hewitt!

Jennifer Love Hewitt is getting better at age 33. How? With Pole Dancing!
That's right- Ms. Love Hewitt will be starring in a new Lifetime series
called -"The Client List" where she's  play a stripper. And to get in tip-top shape,
Ms. Love Hewitt didn't starve herself or spend hrs. in the gym.
No- her Rx for getting in shape: Pole Dancing.

So, if you're a regular gal who wants to get in shape and
wants to avoid the gym, perhaps it's time to sign up for a pole dancing

That's it- If it worked for J.L.H. it just might work for you.
Go online and look for a pole dancing class in your area or order
a DVD and do it in the privacy of your own home.

Good Luck!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hairspray Rxs Of The Stars!

                                      Get a Hairstyle Like A Star!
Ever wonder what the stars do to get such beautiful hair?
It's not all related to good genes or diet.
No, they get help, help from a spraycan.

Listed below, are some of the best hairsprays-according to top
stylists who work in New York, Paris and California.
1) Heat Damage-
Want a hairspray that'll stand up to the upcoming heat of July and August?
The  spray- White Sands Infinity Finish Spray is the spray you want.
Not only will it stand up to the hot damage from the Sun,  it'll also stand up
against hot curling irons as well.
Find it at Price-$17.
2) The Frizzies-
Ah the frizzies? The bane of women everywhere, how do you tame them?
With Pantene Beautiful Lengths Anti-Humidity Hairspray.
Celebrity stylist Tippi Shorter recommends it because it delivers hold,
but still leaves your hair soft and smooth even in the most humid conditions.
Another benefit: It has vitamins and minerals that help prevent breakage and
split ends. Look for it at Price-$5.
3) Baby Fine Hair-
If you're one of the women with baby-fine hair, then look for the product called
Sebastian Professional Re-Shaper. This hairspray contains Copolymer, which helps
your hair keep its shape and hold by preventing it from absorbing moisture.
Find this hairspray at Price $20.
4) More Volume Please-
Need a little more volume? Look for the hairspray called-Paul Mitchell
Volumizing Spray. Celebrity Stylist calls this hairspray a "miracle in a can"
because of its verstality. Use it as a finishing spray while you're blow-drying
and voila-an instant lift and incredible volume.
Find it at Price-$11.
5) Prevent Buildup-
Afraid of hair that feels and looks stiff? Use L'Oreal Elnett Satin Hairspray.
This spray is great for the hair that has to go through a lot,
and still comes out look soft and manageable. Another plus-
The scent is so pleasant, many women use it as a perfume.
Find it at Price- $16.

That's it- your guide to looking like a star, even though you don't have a
million dollar budget.

Good Luck!

Monday, March 5, 2012

American Idol's Rx For Quick Weight Loss!

                                 J Lo's Rx For Speedy Weight Loss!
Want to know how American Idol host J Lo loses a few pounds quickly?
She goes on a body cleanse called East West Optimal Cleanse.
What is it? It's a rice protein-based drink that's packed with amino
acids and antioxidants that enhance the liver's ability to get rid of fat.
Some who have used the drink, have reported losing 5 lbs. in
5 to 7 days.
If you need to lose weight in a hurry like J Lo,
order the rice protein-based drink and watch the weight
disappear. Order online at

And for those who would rather eat to lose weight, and get rid
of harmful toxins- read our blog- The blog-

Good Luck!

Nick Lachey's Rx For A Cheaper Handbag!

                         Nick Lachey's Rx For Handbags!
Nick Lachey cohosted " Live With Kelly" show- today,
he's also married to Vanessa Minnillo, the new host of
the ABC nighttime game show-"Wipeout."

Ms. Vanessa was seen about town with a handbag
that caused quite a buzz.
What was so special about the handbag? It's called a hobo handbag
and they're all the rage. Her handbag is actually a Treesie Renegade
hobo handbag and  it costs around $600.

If you "regular Jane," would like a bag similar to Mrs. Lachey's,
go to and order the Madison New York, style name
"Lillian" in mushroom.

That's it- a handbag that'll help you look and feel like a star,
as for getting someone like Nick Lachey- you're on your own.

And if you want to "Spring Clean" your body with fruit and veggies,
look at our blog for all of the answers. The

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mad Men's Rx For Longer Lashes!

                               Get Longer Lashes Today!

re you  a fan of the show set in the Sixties-known as "Mad Men?"
 If you are a fan, is it the clothes, the storylines or the actors and actresses?

Well, if you only watch because of the cool, collected and quite attractive January Jones,
then you may want to steal her secret for longer lashes, her secret: Two different
colors of mascaras

That's right-Ms. Jones applies black mascara
on her top lashes for dimension, and purple mascara on her bottom lashes to
brighten her eyes.

So, if you were wondering about Ms. January's lashes, wonder no more,
the secret is out.

Good Luck!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Khloe Kardashian's Rx For A Happiy Marriage!

                                        Khloe and Lamar Marriage Tip!
Although we're not fans, we are aware that the marriage of Khloe and Lamar
may be in trouble. Why? Different sleep schedules.
Believe it or not, different sleep schedules can break up a marriage
just like different sex appetites or different philosophies on how to
spend and budget money.

On the next episode of Khloe and Lamar, Khloe is seen trying everything in her power,
to get Lamar to go to bed the same time she's goes.
But, hold on Mrs. Odom, who says that couples have to go to bed at the same time?
Or even sleep in the same room?
Well, look below and find out what an unconventional therapist thinks
of the "same bed, same room" philosophy.
According to relationship expert- Louanne Cole Weston,
"Sleeping in the same bed and even in the same room, can cause major
problems." Problems like disturbed sleep, too little sleep, irritabilty
and next day fatigue.

So, what does the expert suggest to fix it?
Separate bedrooms, that's right, if you and your spouse or significant other
are fighting over the light, the T.V. or the covers, then you may be a good
candidate for separate bedrooms.

And that's not all- The relationship expert also says that in about 20 yrs.
most homes will come with 2 separate master bedrooms.

So, if you and spouse are going through this like Khloe and Lamar,
set aside some "Wink-wink family time" cuddle or talk for a few mins.
and then send the man or the woman off to their own bedroom.
Hey, maybe this is the tip that may have helped Khloe's big sister-Kim!
Umm, maybe not!

Good Luck!

P.S. Don't forget-Just because it's March, it's still cold season,
if you or your loved one are in the throes of a cold  or the flu and
want to get over it fast. Head to and download to your Kindle.

our newsletter- The Flu Fighters- The natural Rxs to get over a cold or the flu fast!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Good Morning America's Rx To Beat Cellulite!

                                       Great Looking Legs!

George Stephanopoulos, one of the cohosts of the popular morning show-
"Good Morning America" is married to Ali Wentworth.
Who is she? She's a comedienne, actress and new author
-(the book-Adventures in Aliland!) and if you were watching Television way
back when, then you may remember her as oneof the players on the
hit show-"In Living Color."

Yes, she was the white female on the show and Jim Carrey was the white male.
In her new book, Ms. Wentworth talks about marriage to the political newsman.
She talks about being total opposites and making it work, how opposite?
1) She's a few inches taller.
2) She wasn't that into politics.
3) She was a smoker.
And before marrying Mr. Stephanopoulos, she warned him- "I smoke,
my breath isn't the freshest in the morning and I have cellulite."
Well, it didn't seem to matter to George, they're still married after 10 yrs.

Okay- ladies, if you see yourself in Ms. Wentworth, and are hoping to get
engaged and then married, you may want to do something about your "bad habits."
If you're a smoker, new research says that going online and getting support
from a Internet community may help (think of Spark people for smokers),
the bad breath...a) brushing your tongue, (with a scraper) b) eating more plain yogurt,
c) Going to the dentist. Make sure there aren't tears in your gumlines or holes in your teeth,
as for the cellulite...Look below.

New research says grapefruit may help, no not the round grapefruit in the produce section,
but grapefruit essential oil. Use the following recipe...
Combine 1/2 cup seas salt, 1/2 cup sunflower oil and 8 to 12 drops grapefruit essential oil,
After stirring this mixture, step into the shower and massage this mixture over clean,
damp legs. (back of legs) After massaging for a few mins. rinse off in the shower.
The grapefruit essential oil can be purchased online at-, the product:
Aura Cacia Grapefruit Essential Oil, price- $7.50.
Another helpful tip: Limit or totally cut out all processed food. Eating fresh foods without
a number of chemicals has helped a lot of women get rid of the Scourge known as Cellulite.

That's It- Secrets for snagging the man of your dreams or snagging a pair of beautiful legs,
the decision is all yours.

Good Luck!