Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hollywood's Travel Rxs For Skin and Hair!

                         Improve Your Looks Like A Star! 

With the awards season in full effect, many stars are doing their best to look 

their best.
How are they doing it?
By eating right, training, (Pilates, yoga and spinning) juicing, massages, surgery,
and a host of beauty products and after the awards season are over, many
stars will travel to find more secrets to enhance their youth and beauty. 

Yes, that's right, many stars now combine traveling and beauty enhancement.
Unfortunately, the rest of us, (regular folks) aren't able to do that,
but wait, there's a way to get some of the beauty treatments without busting our bank
accounts, how?
By bringing home some of the products that stars pay thousands of dollars for,
an example...say a star is really into Seas, you know, the Dead sea, the Mediterranean
sea, the Adriatic sea or the Black sea, and in many of these visits, the stars
will also learn how to get waves in their hair, clear up age spots and smooth out
the cellulite on their legs, how?
By visiting top spas located in or around these special places, and learning about a cream, 

a hair gel or oil, and for you, (regular folks) who can't afford to visit one
of these top destinations, you can visit your local drugstore, supermarket 

or health-food store and get the same things for a whole lot less. 

So, are you ready to learn more about "under the sea" beauty products?
Good for you, then let's get started... first up, Cellulite.
a) Cellulite- 

The bane of many woman's existence, the unsightly skin on the back 
of one's legs can be smoothed out with kelp. 
A kelp and sea salt-infused scrub will make those troublesome
spots firmer and smoother. Kelp is a sea vegetable that contains vital nutrients
that help mobilize fat cells, eliminate excess fluids and toxins in your blood, 

improving the circulation.
To do this treatment at home: Mix 1 Tbs. powdered kelp (at health-food stores)
with 2 cups of sea salt (at supermarkets) and 1/3 cup of apple juice in a bowl.
Step into the shower, dampen your legs and start massaging the salt, kelp 

and A.J. juice into your legs using circular motions. Leave the mixture on
your legs for a few minutes and then rinse it off. 

Do this a few times a week until you get the results you want.
b) Sea Wavy Hair- 

Who doesn't love those beautiful looking waves in one's hair?
Well, to get that look use salt.
Yes, the stuff many of us are told to stay away from can actually do great things
for our hair. And why salt? Salt expands hair cuticles giving hair more texture 

and volume.
T do at home: Pour 1 1/2 cups of hot (not boiling) water into a bowl, add 3 Tbs. of sea salt , 1 tsp. of coconut oil and 1 tsp. hair gel. Mix very well and pour into a spray bottle.
Spray on dry hair and allow it to air dry. And for extra volume, use a curling iron.
Or avoid this and look for a product already made- it's called John Frieda Sea Waves,
available at drugstores. 

That's it- 2 beauty treatments that come to us from the Dead, the Mediterranean 

and Odessa seas.
And lastly, if you want more beauty treatments from Under the Sea,
head to kindle store and type--see title above in the search bar.
Once you download it, learn how this type of  green can stop sagging (of your skin)
or seaweed can help erase those unsightly age spots and keep your skin
moisturized or mud (yes, Dead sea mud) can help keep skin acne-free and 


Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Hollywood's Rx For Keeping Your Resolutions!

                           Keep Your Weight Loss Resolutions! 

Was weight loss a resolution you had for the new yr?
If it was and you're failing at it here are some tips
from some top celebrity trainers to help you stay on course.

The tips:
a) Skip the Soda-
Diet soda to be exact. Yea, you think it helps, it doesn't, 

it (the soda) only creates more cravings.
Blame it on the artificial sweeteners used to make the soda. 

b) Indulge- 
On weekends. Stick to a low-fat or vegan or hi-protein 
diet during the week and on the weekend--have a slice of cake
or a few slices of pizza.
Important tip: Some pizza or a slice of cake is okay and may help you 

stick to the diet, but don't go overboard. Doing so, might result in weight gain
and a sick, overstuffed feeling come Monday.
c) Keep The Fruit Out- 

As in on the kitchen table or the dining room table. 
Leaving fruit out where you can see it, reminds you that you have to eat things
that are good for you.
d) Go Small or ---
As in plates and utensils. You may remember the smaller plates phenomenon
about 10 yrs. ago. Well today, pairing  those smaller dishes with smaller forks 

and spoons will really help you lose weight.
Or use chopsticks.
e) Soups' On-
Have some soup 30 to 60 mins. before you eat your main meal and really watch the
pounds disappear. Make it broth-based soup, (not meat and noodle types of soup).
Or have a glass (or 2) of water or an apple,  (a green apple). 

That's it- 5 tips from some celebrity trainers to help you stay
on your diet this new year. 

And lastly, if you want more great tips to help you stay on course
(the weight loss course) head on over to kindle store,
and type The Thin Girl's Guide To Preventing Winter Weight Gain. 

Download it and have your body bikini-ready by Memorial Day.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Benefits of Exercise While Pregnant.

Exercise During Pregnancy!

Still unsure about exercising while pregnant?
Read this article and put all of those fears out of your mind. 

To read the article, click on the link below.

Good Luck!

How Pregnant Women Who Exercise May Give Their Babies THIS Surprising Advantage - Exercise might be the best thing you can do for your baby

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Simple Tip For Beautiful Nails!

                                 Be Kind To Your Cuticles! 

Want stronger nails?
Well, when in the shower or after taking a shower--gently push back your

Doing this simple exercise on a regular basis helps keep them (your nails)
pliable and strong.

That's it for this Sunday evening.

Good Luck! 


Hollywood's Latest Rx For A Silky Smooth Complexion!

                                  Secrets To a New Face! 

Award season is in full bloom and you know what that means:
Stars doing everything in their (and their team of handlers) powers to 

look their absolute best and one way they (the stars) are doing that...
is the facial. 

No, not your run-of-the mill avocado or pumpkin facial,
this type of facial requires you to use a sheet.
What type of sheet?
A paper face mask sheet. 

Yes, sheet masks are all the rage in Hollywood and if you want a product
that penetrates deeply into your skin and then leaves it dewy, soft and glowing, 

look for a product called Grapefruit Paper Masks at the drugstore,
$16 for 5,  (which is much cheaper than what the stars pay)
Apply one before you go out for the evening,
That's it....

Good Luck!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Instant Powerful Anti-Aging Drink!

                 Drink Your To Youthful Good Looks!
Eating well and exercising are very important, but what if you don't have
the time or energy to do either one of these things?

Well, for you, there's a  drink, no-not that kind of drink, more like a smoothie.
A smoothie made with fruit and seeds and to learn how to make this
incredible drink, just click on the link below.

Good Luck!

Instant Powerful Anti-Aging Drink Which Will Make You Young and Beautiful: Equip yourself with a few healthy foods and in a minute you can prepare a powerful anti-aging drink, which you can safely

One last reminder....
For those of you who want to trim fat from their waistlines, head on over to kindle store and type Smoothies for a Flat Stomach in
the search bar. Download it and get dozens of recipes for great tasting smoothies. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Herbal Medicine To Beat Cancer!

                                   Healing With Herbs! 

Yes, some celebrities love to boast about their love for the herb known as marijuana, 

(Seth Rogen, Snoop Dogg, and Willie Nelson), but what about the other herbs? 

You know, like rosemary, cilantro and parsley. 
Well, click on the link below and learn all about healing a certain type of 
breast cancer with the herb-Rosemary.

Good Luck!

Rosemary helps heal estrogen-dominant breast cancer

Friday, January 15, 2016

Soap Star's Rx For A Slimming Treat!

                       A Sweet Treat For Laura! 

You may not be old enough to remember the days of "Luke and Laura."
They were the big stars of General Hospital and were played by Anthony
Geary and Genie Francis. 

They were so popular, they had 10 times the coverage the Kardashians have
today and with all of that coverage came stress and anxiety, especially for
Ms. Francis.
Yes, the endless coverage and the pressure to stay slim really affected
Genie Francis. 

Well, fast forward 35 yrs. later and Ms. Francis has become a spokeswoman 

for Nutrisystem and one of the products they (Nutrisystem) sell helps
Ms. Francis stay in shape. 

What product is that? 
A shake. More specifically a chocolate shake that delivers 13 grams of protein, 
a type of protein that shuts down hunger pangs and revs up metabolism
and the chocolate allows you to satisfy your sweet tooth.

So, are you ready to take after Ms. Francis and finally put those extra pounds behind you? 

If you are, look for the product called...
NutriCrush Chocolate Shake Mix, available at Walmart 

stores and the price-- $9 for 5 shakes.

That's it for today...

Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Vegan Dishes For The New Year!

Plan on becoming vegan this yr?
Or do you want to continue eating meat and eat vegan part of the time?
Well, whatever category you choose, here are 17 recipes to help  you get started.

Good Luck!

17 Vegan One-Pot Recipes to Save You From All Those Dishes: Forget doing dishes—all these meals can be made with just one pot.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Stars' Food Rxs To Get back On Track!

                               Getting Back On Track!

You may not be a star and that's okay, but you may have something in common with
your favorite star and what is that?
Going overboard or losing control at a party, a buffet table, a friend's wedding, etc.
and if you're one who does tend to eat and drink too much, use some of the
foods listed below to get back on track. 

a) Water-
A glass of H2O will help flush out some of the toxins you take in from
cupcakes and alcohol, fills you up, and it (water)
helps cure the dry skin associated with the Winter season.
b) Fennel- 

You may have heard all about this herb from the lovely Rachael Ray,
And if cravings for comfort foods, (Mac & cheese, biscuits, beef stew)
are getting the best of you, add more fennel to your meals or drink it as
a tea.

Not sure how to buy or prepare it? Go online to and type
how to use and prepare fennel. Or get the seeds and make a tea.
One last tip concerning fennel-- a top nutritionist recommends fennel
to her patients that are pregnant, why? It stops the endless cravings.
(Hear that Kim K?)
c) Berries-
Without a crust or whipped cream, just plain berries also help to curb Winter
comfort food cravings. 

Another tip: Eat them with some vinegar, (balsamic or apple cider) and
reduce your risk of becoming a diabetic.
d) Fatty Fish-
Depressed, blue, always moody? Eat more fatty fish, it (fish) contains
blues-busting omega-3 fatty acids, the types of acids needed to help you
get through the winter months (mentally and physically) 
 in one piece. 
Plus, fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, trout, herring and mackerel) 
is way cheaper than Prozac and other drugs and there are no side effects. 
e) Eat Fat-
To lose fat.
 You may be craving more comfort foods because you're eating the 

wrong kinds of fats, (cake frosting, sweets, danish, etc) instead, eat avocados, 
nuts, olive, walnut, macadamia and coconut oil and butter. (Yes, butter)
Put some in your coffee to help control appetite later in the day.
f) Eggs-

Yes, they get a bad rap and that's too bad, but eat some in the morning with
a green (or two) and some mushrooms and watch cravings disappear and appetites
shut down.
g) A Broth-
More specifically- bone broth soup, featured on today's edition of "Good
Morning America" this type of soup, will help cure hangovers, (drinking and overeating
hangovers), shut down hunger, and replace the minerals you lost due to a night of
drinking or overeating. Not sure where to find or how to make it?
Head to and type bone broth soup in the search bar. 

That's it- some helpful food tips some of your favorite stars use to get back on track.
And for more great info, head to kindle store and type
The Thin Girl's Guide To Prevent Winter Weight Gain in the search bar.
Download it- it only costs the price of one nutritionally-deficient doughnut.

That's it for today.

Good Luck! 


Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Food Rxs For Looking Red Carpet Ready!

                                   Let Food be Your Cosmetic Surgery! 

The award season is in full swing, and that means from now until the end of March, 

you'll be seeing a lot of celebrities and a lot of red carpets. 
With that being the case, a lot of celebrities will eating salads
and drinking green smoothies to get into their tight ball gowns and fitted
tuxes, but it doesn't have to be like that.

What are we saying?
We're saying, whether you're a celebrity earning millions or a stay-at-home
mom in Kansas, you can look slimmer and more youthful just by heading to 

your local supermarket. 
Yes, just look below and learn which foods and beverages can help you
appear "Red Carpet" ready in a matter of weeks or months.
First up, the fruity "Superfood" 

* Apples- 
We've mentioned it a number of times, but it bears repeating, apples 
can help your skin look younger and keep your figure from
becoming saggy and flabby.
Need proof? Reread our past posts on "Good Morning America's" 

anchor George Stephanopoulos. Mr. Stephanopoulos - eats an 
apple a day and will be 60 yrs. of age in less than 5 yrs.
Apples (green apples with the peel) contain unsolic acid, a natural
chemical that blocks a trouble-making protein that prods muscle tissue
to wear away.
Choose organic apples if your budget allows and egg whites and green tomatoes also 

contain the same natural chemicals that prevent muscles from
sagging, just watch the flour and oil when preparing them.
* Cinnamon-
Do you want Kylie Jenner lips without paying for them?
Mix 1/4 tsp. cinnamon with 1/4 tsp. coconut or olive oil and
apply to clean, dry lips. Leave your lips alone for 5 mins. and then,
if you want--apply your favorite lips color.
* Argan Oil-
Another beauty tip from the Kardashians, apply Argan oil to your hair.
It's Kims' favorite and if you want thicker hair, look for a product
called--Pure Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo.
Another alternative-Coconut oil.
* Beer-
Don't be fooled, a lot of celebrities like to drink after award shows
and it's not just Champagne. Beer-whether drunk or worn can help
you look yrs. younger.
The barley in beer can keep skin firm and hair thick.
And get this- beer applied to age spots can make them disappear.
Not a drinker, but still want firmer skin?
Eat Miso soup, a favorite of "Clueless" star Alicia Silverstone.

That's it for now, and if you want more great tips like these,
head on over to and type The Thin Girl's Guide To
Preventing Winter Weight Gain in the search bar.
Or type- Slimming secrets from around the World.
Or type- Youthful Hands and Necks, Secrets to preventing the
aging of your hands and neck.

Good Luck!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Hottest Colors For 2016!

                       Colors For The New Year! 

Are you wondering what the hot colors will be for 2016?
Wonder no more, the colors you should be wearing are Rose Quartz, a whisper-soft
pastel pink and Serenity, a soothing shade of sky blue. 

Wear these colors with everything from basic black to well-worn blue jeans
and for those who don't want to wear clothing that's pink or sky blue,
wear the colors on your nails.
Your nails?
Yes, as in a  trendy pastel manicure. 

What you'll need...

Sky blue nail polish, find this color online at
and Pastel pink nail polish. Look for Maybelline Color Show 

Nail Lacquer in Pink Embrace-online at
Clear or glitter top coat.
To do: Paint the nails of your ring and pinkie fingers
on both hands with 2 coats of sky blue--let dry.
Using the pink polish, paint 2 coats on the remaining nail of each hand and let dry.
And to finish your nails--put on a top coat and for extra oomph, try a glittery or shimmery

That's it- your color guide for looking oh so fabulous this New Year.

Good Luck!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Natural Rx To Fight Cancer!

Fight Cancer Naturally! 
Hollywood stars are the same as you and me, as they too, also have to worry 

about getting the "big C" Cancer, and if you're concerned about putting "unnatural 

things" in your body, use the 2 ingredient natural cancer-fighter listed below..

Good Luck! 


Turmeric and Black Pepper - Anti-cancer Combination

Sunday, January 3, 2016

A New Year, A New Liver!

14 Foods that Cleanse the Liver - Global Healing Center
Hey, if you overdid it this past week, or the past few months and want to get back
on track, here's a list of 14 foods that'll cleanse the liver.

Good Luck!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Comic's Rx For Turning Back The Clock!

                          Turning Back The Clock On Your Hands! 

Comedian Eddie Murphy is being called "the King of Starbucks" why?
You can find him or his girlfriend there almost everyday getting their
daily fix.
And the way soccer star David Beckham has to have a smoothie everyday,
the same can be said about Mr. Murphy and coffee. 

Luckily, for Mr. Murphy a lot of good things can happen as a result of drinking more
coffee, things like... better heart health, lower risk of developing dementia (mental
decline) and Parkinson's and today's new finding: fewer (or even no) age spots.
That's right, you may think that facial wrinkles and love handles scare a lot 

of stars, but thinning skin on the hands and age spots are also something a lot 
of stars worry about. 
But according to new research, the antioxidants in a cup (or 2 or 3) of Joe 
helps ward off the overproduction of pigment in the skin, resulting
in fewer or (no) age spots. 

So, are you concerned about the unsightly brown spots?
Are you willing to drink more coffee to help ward them off?
Alright then, just make sure you have your coffee straight,
or with a little honey and milk and avoid too much sugar
(too much sugar damages the connective tissues and collagen
in the skin) and that also goes for the pastry or danish you
like with your cup of coffee. 

And a few more tips concerning age spots--
If you're not a coffee drinker and already have age spots,
look for a moisturizer that contains kojic acid plus alpha-lipoic 

acid. This product helps them (age spots disappear faster)
product to look for...Dr. Michelle Copeland, AHA Face Cream,
available at
Or look for natural cures like carrot juice or canned pumpkin
(apply it right on the skin and leave it on for 15 to 20 mins)
Or head to, and look for an E-book, called
Youthful Hands and Neck, Turning back the hands of time on your 

hands and neck. Learn dozens of ways to exfoliate, eat, massage
and moisturize the delicate skin on your hands and neck.
Available in the kindle store, and the price- 1/2 of  what it costs to buy 1 cup of
coffee at Starbucks.

Good Luck!

A Model's Smoothie Rx For The New Year!

                                A Smoothie For Improved Health! 

Supermodel Christie Brinkley has been all over the news the past few yrs.
telling any and everyone how she manages to look so good for someone
over the age of 60. 

She told us about her diet, (a vegetarian diet) her exercise regime, (yoga
and walking on the beach) her hair extensions, and how she exfoliates, 

(to keep her skin youthful). 
Well now, there's more, Ms. Brinkley has revealed her remedy for all-day
energy and to control appetite. 

What's her secret?
It's a smoothie. 

Yes, the same thing soccer star and sexiest man alive David Beckham 

swears by, and if you want to take after Ms. Brinkley and have a smoothie 
2, 4 or even 7 days a week, the recipe is listed below. 
The Christie Brinkley Green Energy Drink....
Put 1 cup of kale (cleaned and chopped) into a juicer or blender
along with 1/4 cup of avocado, the juice from 1 orange, the juice from 1/2 lime, 

6 ice cubes and 1/2 cup of coconut water.
Blend until smooth and drink up.
Antioxidants in the kale and citrus juices provide you with fast fuel for
your tired out cells and the coconut water and the fat from an avocado
prod your body to burn fat which also boosts energy levels. 

And lastly, Ms. Brinkley also says this smoothie helps get rid of
belly fat and love handles.
So, if you're not that into breakfast in the morning or you want to pass
on the burger, chips and candy during the afternoon hours, have this 

green smoothie instead and hopefully, you too, can look and feel as youthful as 
Ms. Brinkley. 

And if you want more great tips from Christie Brinkley on health and longevity,
head to your supermarket or local pharmacy and pick up a copy of this month's
"First For Women" It should be on newsstands for another week.

Good Luck!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hollywood's Rxs To Fight Hangovers!

                                 End That Hangover! 

If you had one too many (drinks) last night, then you may need to end the throbbing head
pain,  nausea and dizziness that results from all of that drinking, and there's no 

better place to go for a simple hangover remedy than Hollywood.

Yes, you'd think with the money some stars are raking in they have someone 

take the head and stomach pains for them.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, you drink to excess, then you're going to
end up in pain and hungover, no matter who you are.
And that's why we did some research and found that a number of stars have
some very specific things to do after that night of New Year's eve or Oscars drinking and 

those things are...
* Eat-
Some stars prefer  a messy and greasy meal of eggs, hash browns,
toast, bacon and coffee.
And some wait till later and have a burger, (preferably from In and Out)
fries and a soda.
* Drink-
Some stars have Gatorade or pickle juice, why?
They say it helps replace the electrolytes lost when over-indulging. 

And then some prefer drinking water throughout the day.
And for the real daring types, some swear by a bloody Mary. 

Just make sure to drink it slowly.
Or avoid this alcohol tip as it may actually prolong the hangover.
* Workout-
A few stars, (who shall remain nameless) say a nice long walk,
or a yoga session or some weightlifting ends the agony of hangovers.
* A Piece of Fruit-
And that fruit is a banana or two. Another tip: Take part of the peel
and place it on your forehead and secure with a big rubber band.
And then take the other part of the peel and lay it across the back of your neck. 

Bananas are loaded with potassium and it's the mineral that helps end head pain.
Sit down or lie on your stomach  for 20 minutes and then remove the peel.
* Massage-
Okay, almost everyone loves a massage, but making sure to massage the
scalp, feet and hands will really help end that pain. And if you're not lucky
enough (or rich enough) to have someone massage you, do-it-yourself.
* A Shower- 

Preferably long and hot.
Important tip: If you're in California, remember to conserve water.
Make it a short and hot shower.
* A Five Step Program-
One star has ending hangover pain down to a science, a five-step science.
His advice:
Drink water as soon as you get up. 

Pop a pill- An Ibuprofen pill.
Eat a small breakfast, an egg and a slice of dry toast.
Go back to bed. For 20 to 30 mins.
And finally- exercise. A good 10 to 20 min. walk can lower blood
alcohol levels and increase blood flow to your liver and kidneys. 

That's it, some hangover cures from some of your favorite stars. 

And in the future, you can avoid all of this (nausea, headaches and dizziness)
by following some of these tips.
Drink Juice-
Drink some prickly pear juice the night before or a few hours before
your big event to avoid a hangover.
Look for this juice at health-food stores or supermarkets.
Eat asparagus. Eat asparagus before heading out, it too, like prickly pear
juice contains certain vitamins and minerals that block tissue inflammation
caused by alcohol. 

Eat a meal- the old saying "never drink on an empty stomach" is true.
Drink milk- Yes, we know, a lot of people hate dairy, but milk helps coats
the stomach, so you won't absorb all of that alcohol. More water also works.
Have a fake drink. Simply put, have the bartender or host of the event fill your 2nd, 

3rd or 4th drink with water or plain tea. This will get people off your back (who pressure
you to drink). 

And lastly, the best way to avoid hangovers- is Not to drink.

Good Luck and a Happy 2016.

On sale at, in the kindle store,
learn how the Christmas tree, 

(or the pine tree) can improve and safeguard your health.
See title to the right.