Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kim Kardashian's Rx For Avoiding Colds

                               The Soles Of Kim Kardashian!
With the holiday season in full swing, we still have to remember it's cold season.
And that's the point of this post. To remind you take special care and not get sick.

The old ways to avoid colds...Wash your hands a few times a day, eat some plain
yogurt (probiotics) sing out loud each day or add some garlic to your daily menus
are great tips, but there's one more...
The tip: Watch your shoes, more specifically-the soles.

That's right- Kim Kardashian who not only loves to buy them, but sell them
as well, can help keep you cold-free this Winter. How?
The soles of your shoes can harbor over a hundred thousand germs, germs that
can put your health at serious risk.

So, how do avoid this?
Kick off your shoes at the door, especially if you have rugs,
and wash the bottom of your shoes with a disinfecting agent
or some bleach and water, once a week.

And one more tip: Keep slippers at the door, (for all family members)
and really reduce your risk of infections.

That's it- a tip to stay cold and flu-free. And feel free to pass this tip onto
Kim Kardashian, but with her recent problems, (marital issues)
she may not be too concerned about the soles of her shoes.

Good Luck!

Sheryl Crow's Rx For Thinning Hair!

                                    Sheryl Crow and Thinning Hair!
Sheryl Crow, grammy award winning singer and songwriter
was faced with a problem that's happening to a lot of women today,
the problem: Thinning Hair!

Why does it happen?
Exposure to the Sun, free radicals and pollution
break down the collagen and elastin in the skin on the scalp.
This ages and shrinks hair follicles, so hair comes in thinner and thinner.
And don't forget that other female problem: Hormones.
This can cause women to lose about 10% of their hair every few years.
This results in droopy and thinning locks which can make you
look a little older than your actual age.
And don't forget, Ms. Crow fought a battle with breast cancer, and
that also contributes to thinning hair.

So, if you're fighting the thinning hair battle, perhaps a change
in conditioners is all you need to remedy it.
Try a conditioner that has a "negative charge."

Why this type of conditioner?
Hair is made up of negative ions, and most of the conditioners
are infused with positive ions so the product is attracted to the
strands- but a conditioner with too many positive ions
can weigh hair down. But products labeled "volumizing"
are formulated with negative ions that repel from strands,
leaving a lighter coating, so you hair appears bouncier and

A conditioner to make the hair look fuller:
Nexxus Sublime Volume Conditioner- 13.5 oz, price- $15,
and find it online at-Drugstore.com.

One more fun fact: Rain also contains negative ions,
so if live in city where it rains a lot, (Seattle and Portland)
walk around without a head covering or an umbrella,
once in a while.

Good Luck!

J Lo's Rx For Younger Looking Hair!

                             Get J Lo's Hair Color!
Jennifer Lopez is like most women... she really cares about her hair.
With a new boyfriend who's some 18 yrs younger than she is,
Ms. Lopez wants her hair to match her face, body and attitude.
And one way to do that: Keep your hair in tip-top shape.
Ms. Lopez,  was concerned about the gray hair
that seemed to appear overnight.

Why does it (gray hair) happen?
Hair follicles produce enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide
molecules that naturally occur in the skin. But getting older, hormones and
stress, these enzymes slowly decrease. allowing hydrogen peroxide
to build up and strip the hair of it's natural color.

As a result- the hair gets gray, dry and wiry.
Yes, we know- gray hair is a sign of aging and we should "just live
with it." But, who wants to look older, when you're face and body
still look good?

So, to get younger looking hair, to go with your face and body,
do the following...

Pick up a paintbrush with 1and 1/2"-wide nylon bristles (about $2)
The point of using a brush--The bristles ruffle up the grays's compact cuticle
so the color pigments can be better absorbed.
To do this...Pour the dye of your choice into a bowl and use a brush
to apply the color to the roots. Then gently scrub the brush back
and forth across the strands.

That's it- Your Rx to looking younger, we can't guarantee you'll look like
J Lo or snag a younger man, but it'll make you look younger and feel better
about yourself.

Good Luck!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jennifer Aniston's Yoga Rx For Holiday Stress!

                                  Jennifer Aniston's Yoga Rx!
Jennifer Aniston says she owes her still fit body to Yoga.
She says she done a number of exercises over the years,
but it's yoga that's given her the lines, the curves and
lean muscles, she's long desired.

With that said, here's a yoga pose for anyone who needs to unwind
after a long day of running errands and/or shopping.

The Yoga Pose: The Extended Puppy Pose!
To do: Get down on all fours, then walk your hands forward

and drop your forehead to the ground. Hold for a minute.

Why do this pose to unwind?
Yoga experts believe that this pose stretches the shoulders
and elongates the spine, which helps release built-up upper

body stress. Plus, the slight inversion will help calm
the nervosu system.

One more tip: Do not attempt this if you're not in good physical
shape. Stretching and twisting ones body can result
in sprains, aches or even broken bones.

That's it- And if you want to follow Ms. Aniston's lead
and get more involved in yoga, look online for a beginner's

Good Luck!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Natalie Portman's Rx For A Lean Body!

                            Get Lean Like Natalie!
Natalie Portman wowed America with her portrayal of a ballet dancer in
the movie "Black Swan." She wowed us so much, she was awarded the
Academy Award.  And impressing America with her dancing wasn't
the only thing that happened, she also started a new fitness craze.

The fitness craze: Performing ballet moves in the comfort of your own home.
The actual name is called Cardio Barre, and it's a high energy routine that combines
classic ballet moves with resistance training.

A lot of women in Hollywood are saying this workout is a fun workout and they're
seeing quick results. How quick? They're shedding up to 5% of their body fat
in less than 2 months.

So, are you ready to ditch your walking routine or step class for this?
If you are-- go online to CardioBarre.com, it comes as a DVD and it'll
set you back about $20.

And one more thing: This may be the perfect anecdote for those who
have to survive tough Winters indoors. Start today and in 6 months, you'll be
ready to show off that lean and long ballet body.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beyonce's Rx For Losing The Baby Weight!

                  Slimming Secret From Beyonce!
Beyonce just revealed that her choice of snacks isn't brownies,
a dozen oatmeal cookies or endless pieces of chocolate.
No, her favorite snack: Sugar-free Jello!

That's right, and to make it more flavorful, she uses  diet 
lemon-lime soda instead of water.
Although Ms. Knowles still has cookies and brownies,
she says the Jello helps her eat less.

How? Low sugar foods helps satify you, plus they help prevent
the blood sugar swings that can trigger cravings.

So, are you ready to adopt Ms. Knowles slimming secret?
If you are, I'd advise against drinking too much diet soda,
an occasional glass is okay, drinking it on a regular basis,
can cause bone loss, damage hearing and raise blood pressure.
Have an apple before one or two of your biggest meals,
or a salad, or a bowl of broth-based soup before a meal.
All 3 are great ways to curb appetite and aid in weight loss.

Good Luck!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tim Tebow's Rxs For A Healthier Christmas!

                                           Healthy Tips From The Bible!
Tim Tebow the enigmatic quarterback of the Denver Broncos is
quite the polarizing figure. Never has there been a sports figure
more celebrated, not just for his play on the field, but his love of God
as well.

Mr. Tebow isn't the quaterback that John Elway or Troy Aikmann were
at age 23, but his dedication to hard work, will surely win over a lot fans.
And his dedication to working hard and believing in himself, will certainly
help the people of Colorado relive the winning ways of yesteryear and
his dedication to the bible will help the fans of the other 49 states.

That's right- Just as football can help heal, so can the bible.
If you're familiar with the bible, then you're aware of the number of
times...healing with Olive oil is mentioned.
But did you also know that there are nearly 40 herbs mentioned in the
"Good Book?"
And with Christmas five weeks away, why not share the gift
of the five herbs that make up the story of the "Three Wise Men".
You remember the story of the 3 wise men bringing myrrh and
frankincense to Mary and Joseph, but have you ever wondered
what myrrh and frankincense were?
Wonder no more, you'll find the answers below...
1) Myrrh-
Ease pain with myrrh. It's a tree resin that has natural anesthetic

properties that numb pain signals in the brain. Myrrh can dampen
the perceptions of pain by a whopping 25%.
Where do you find myrrh in 2011? Look for myrrh gum capsules
at health-food stores.
Important tip: Always talk to your Dr. before trying any new
alternative treatment.
2) Hyssop-
Mentioned in both the Old and New testaments-this herb was used
as an antiseptic and disinfectant-to treat respiratory problems.
Phytochemicals in hyssop can break up congestion, loosen phelgm,
ease swelling and reduce inflammation allowing you to breathe more
easily. Look for hyssop as a tea or buy the essential oil at health-food
stores. Drink the tea or apply a few drops of essential oil to a warm
compress and apply to your chest or head.
3) Cumin-
Used as a seasoning thousands of years ago, it was also used as currency.
Cumin has 2 uses: To soothe an upset stomach and to boost energy.
It contains more than 100 chemicals that work on gas and bloating,
as well as boosting oxygen levels to help you become more energized.
Find cumin at Supermarkets in the Spice aisle, or get it in capsule
or tea form at your health-food store.

Sprinkle on soups. salads, or chillis. Or add a tsp. to a cup of hot water,
let it sit for a few mins. stir and drink as a tea.
4) Frankincense-

Concerned about all of the running around you'll have to do this
holiday season? Reduce the fears and quell anxiety with frankincense.
It activates "feel-good" receptors in your brain, easing anxiety and
mild depression. Look for frankincense as an incense or candles at
health-food stores. Light them up whenever you feel stressed or tense.
5) Saffron-
Need to beat depression this coming holiday season? A little stronger
than frankincense, this herb is said to be the safer and cheaper-Prozac.
And another benefit of Saffron--Women who suffer from irregular
periods, can regulate them and return them to normal with Saffron.
Find saffron at health-food stores, take it as a tea or as dried extract. 

So, whether you like or dislike Tim Tebow, you can't dispute
the valuable health information we can learn from the Bible.

Good Luck!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jessica Simpson's Rx For Choosing The Baby's Gender!

               Jessica Simpson's Boy or Girl!

Jessica Simpson revealed last week that she was pregnant.
No sh##t Sherlock! The way her stomach protuded, most Americans
knew it wasn't her love of Texas barbecue that was causing the round belly.
Now that she's revealed the pregnancy, she's now claiming that she doesn't know 
the sex of her baby. She may be telling the truth, or she's trying to tell the public
to "mind your own business!"
Well, she has that right, but according to folklore, there are some
physical signs that a pregnant woman goes through that can tell you
(friend, relative, coworker or just an observer) if it's a boy or girl.
Listed below are those signs...
1) If it's a Boy:
a) Your baby's heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute.
b) You're carrying the extra weight out front.
c) Your belly looks like a basketball.
d) Your areolas are getting dark.
e) You're carrying low.
f) You're craving salty or sour foods.
g) You're also craving protein (meat and cheese)
h) Your feet are colder than normal.
i) Your hands are getting drier.
j) Your urine is a bright yellow.
k) Your nose is getting bigger.
l) No morning sickness-early in the pregnancy.
m) Hang your wedding or engagement ring over your belly...it should move in circles.
n) Add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived,
the number should be even.

2) If it's a Girl:
a) Your baby's heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute.
b) You're carrying the weight in your hips and rear end.
c) Your stomach looks like a watermelon.
d) Your left breast is larger than your right breast.
e) You're carrying high.
f) You're craving sweets and carbs.
g) You're also craving fruit and orange juice.
h) You refuse to eat the heel of the bread.
i) Your urine is a dull yellow.
j) You're becoming more moody.
k) Your breasts are becoming perky.
l) You're experiencing early morning sickness.
m) Hang your wedding or engagement over your stomach...it should move
side to side.
n) Add your age at the time of conception, and the number for the month
you conceived, the number should be odd.
That's it- again these are wivestales and not based on scientific data, but if you
or someone close to you is pregnant. Why not test a few or all of the signs
and learn the sex of your baby on your own.
And if you're close to Jessica Simpson, ask her a few questions about
her morning sickness, cravings or breast size, then you can find out the
sex of her child on your own.

Good Luck!

Important tip: If you want to know how to increase your chances
of having twins, go to the blog-SupermarketRxs@typepad.com
for the answers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

J Lo's Rx For Low-Cost Nail Polish!

                    Get J Lo's Nails!
J Lo loves to look her best, she spends a deal of time on her hair,
makeup, clothes and even her nail polish.
Recently, it was revealed that J Lo's favorite nail polish is
Dior "Black Sequins!"

Her fans found out and tried to locate it.
Locating the polish was a bit difficult, but something
also difficult for her fans, was the price of the polish.

The Price!
That's right- buying a bottle of Dior's black sequins will
set you back about $20. That's $20 for a small bottle of
nail polish. That's the price of a half a tank of gas, the price
of a 10 lb. turkey or four cups of $5 coffee at Starbucks.
Even if we (Americans) weren't going through tough economic
times, it would be hard to justify $20 nail polish.

But wait, don't despair, there's an alternative for all of you
cash-strapped folks out there.
The alternative: Try a brand called Orly's Goth!
It's a super trendy nail polish and it'll make only a small
dent in your budget. The price: $4.OO!
Find it online at Orlybeauty.com!
That's less than the $5 sub at Subway!

So, go ahead and splurge on that black nail polish,
you deserve it, in these tough economic times.

Good Luck!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anne Hathaway's Favorite Bag For A Steal!

                               Anne Hathaway's HandBag!
Anne Hathaway- the young and popular star is often seen carrying a red handbag.
It's get a lot of attention, not only for it's size, but its unique color as well.
It's a cherry red bag called a Ferragamo hobo and costs a budget-busting $1,800.
Are you still interested? Well, if you are,  get one for a budget-saving $37.
Find the bag online at NYandCompany.com.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lady Gaga's Rx For Good Health!

                         Sing Like Lady Gaga and Become Healthier!
Do you sing in the shower? How about singing in your car?
Or are you hoping to use your chops to go on American Idol?
Well, whichever way you prefer to sing, just do it on a regular basis.

Why? New research says singing reduces blood pressure, stress levels,
improve breathing capacity and keeps your immune system in tip-top
shape, helping you to prevent colds and flu.

Singing in the shower is a great because the hot water and steam loosens
phlegm lodged inside your lungs and nasal passages, which help your breathing.
And singing with friends and family at Karaokee boost your health
just because you're doing something you enjoy and you're socializing.

So, are you convinced? Remember, you don't have to be Lady Gaga,
but you can enjoy good (or even better) health just like her.
And another point: Mick Jagger, Paul McCartney and Steven Tyler will
all be 70 yrs. of age in less than 8 yrs. Think about it!

Good Luck!

For more great tips, head to our blog--SupermarketRxs@typepad.com

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hollywood Stars Low-Cost Beauty Rxs!

                    The Beauty Secrets Of Hollywood Stars!

Do you think that all Hollywood Stars spend thousands on Botox,
special moisturizers or cosmetic surgeries?
Well, if you said yes, you're wrong.
In fact, many stars use products that you may have in your cabinets
or refrigerators. Continue reading and find out their secrets...

1) Jennifer Love Hewitt-
Do you love the color of Ms. Hewitt's hair?
Her secret:  Coffee! Ms. Hewitt loves the way coffee gives
her hair a deeper and enriched brunette color.
Coffee also brings out the the cool tones.
To do- Just apply cooled coffee to shampooed and towel-dried hair.
Place a shower cap over your hair and leave the coffee in for 20 mins.
After 20 mins. just rinse out.

2) Catherine Zeta-Jones-
No expensive teeth-whitening for Mrs. Douglas.

Her secret: Strawberries!
Just mash a strawberry or two with a little baking soda and rub

the mixture on your teeth, with your toothbrush.
Strawberries contain malic acid, which can lighten stains and remove
This secret is also rumored to be used by Jessica Simpson!

3) Teri Hatcher-
The desperate housewife keeps her skin looking a decade younger
than most women her age.
Her secret: Red wine!
That's right, a cup or two of red wine in the tub and turn
back the clock on your skin. Red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant
that combats skin-aging free radicals. And for those who don't want to pour
it (wine) into the tub, rub some on your face, neck, and hands. Leave on for
20 mins. and then rinse off.

4) Cindy Crawford-
Supermodel Cindy Crawford will be 50 in a few yrs.
Her secret: Milk!
Like Ms. Hatcher, Cindy Crawford pours some milk into her bathwater
or she pours some milk into a spray bottle with a little water and spritzes her face.
The lactic acid in milk is a great exfoliant. Just make it low-fat or fat-free milk.

5) Fergie-
Fergie worries about keeping her stomach flat.
Her secret: Apple Cider Vinegar!
She takes 2 tbsps. of apple cider vinegar before 2 of her meals.
Vinegar slows down the rate of foods emptying from your stomach,
helping you to feel less hungry.
Another benefit of A.C.V.- smoother skin.

If you're budget allows-go for the organic apple cider vinegar.

6) Jessica Biel-
Although Ms. Biel is closing in on 30 yrs. of age, she doesn't want
to look it.
Her secrets: Sugar! Not eating it, but exfoliating with it.
Ms. Biel buys regular sugar and adds a tsp. to her body wash,
and while showering, scrubs the vulnerable spots. Her arms, tops
of her hands, her neck, knees, cheeks and feet.
Sugar is like microdermabrasion. You can use white sugar,
but brown sugar is less processed. Just add to your body wash or
mix it with a little vegetable or olive oil and rub yourself younger.
And take a look at my post on Christie Brinkley- age 57, another
star who uses exfoliation to look younger.

7) Halle Berry-
Named one the best looking stars for 2 decades now.
Her secret: Vitamin C!
The vitamin C drink powders can be used for drinking, or do
like Ms. Berry and apply them to your face.
She uses a cleanser and a toner and applies the pure vitamin C
to her face, neck and hands.
Vitamin C is vital for making new collagen, which is what gives skin that
plump, youthful appearance. Your recipe for looking younger-
just mix 1/4 package of Emergen -C or other powdered vitamin C packet
with 1 Tbs. of water and apply to the face, neck and hands. Let dry, and then rinse off.

That's it- some easy and very useful tips to help any woman look their youthful best.

Good Luck!

For more great tips- go to our main blog...SupermarketRxs@typepad.com

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Chelsea Handler's Rx For Getting Rid Of Dark Roots!

                        Get Chelsea Handlers' Hair Color!
Chelsea Handler, the outspoken, sometimes raunchy and very attractive
host of E's hit show, "Chelsea Lately" lamented about the fact that she has
to spend so much time in the makeup chair having her "roots done."
In other words- getting her dark roots to look lighter or blonder.

Well, Ms. Handler, you're prayers may have been answered thanks

to a new product.
The new product: Lightening Hair Sprays!

Just mist it over your roots and then aim your blow-dryer over
the hair spray and viola--lighter colored hair.
And if you're concerned about what type of chemicals are in the
product, put your fears away.
It contains heat sensitive polymers, citrus and chamomile extracts.

So, if you want to look like Chelsea Handler or just want lighter colored
hair, try the product called John Frieda Sheer Blonde Controlled
Lightening Spray, for $10, at most drugstores or hair care stores.
Good Luck!

Drew Barrymore's Rx For Staying Lean!

                                 Get Slim Like Drew!

The Iced Beverage: Tejava Premium Iced Team!
It's a tea that's microbrewed and made from tea leaves found
in Indonesia. The tea leaves contain metabolism-boosting caffeine
and theaflavins, plant compounds that have the incredible ability

to reduce the amount of fat absorbed by the body.

Find Tejava Premium Iced Tea at Amazon.com $6 per liter.

Word of Warning: If you're on any type of medication, it's still best
to check with your Dr. before trying any new supplement, tea or food.
Especially, if the food, beverage or supplement comes from another country.

Good Luck!
Drew Barrymore has never looked better, how does she do it?
With an Iced Beverage, that's how.