Monday, August 31, 2015

A Supermodel's Rx For Lowering Blood Pressure!

                           Lower Blood Pressure Naturally! 

If you happened to catch "The Today Show" then you know they did a
segment on blood pressure, or high blood pressure to be exact.
And although high cholesterol gets all of the attention, you better watch
your blood pressure numbers like a hawk.
(A serious note: T.V. chef Rachael Ray said a number of her friends
have high blood pressure, and they (the friends) are all under 45 yrs. of age)
Taking immediate steps to get it under control can cut your risk of
a heart attack or stroke in half.
And lower odds of heart attack and stroke aren't the only benefits,
you'll also keep your mind as sharp and youthful as it was 10 or even 15 yrs. ago.

So, now that you know the importance of keeping blood pressure normal (or below normal)
you should also know how to get those numbers down.
The doctor-prescribed ways to get those numbers down are medications
from the pharmacy or a diet of low-salt, low-fat and no taste foods.
But, you being the alternative kind of gal or guy wants something different
and totally out-of-the-box and for you there's a book.

A book?
A book that was written by former Victoria Secret's model Miranda Kerr.
Yes, it's true, the former Mrs. Orlando Bloom has written a book called--
"Treasure Yourself" and it's a collection of thoughts, memories and
lessons that will put you on a path towards self improvement.
And some say that reading this book will help calm you down and
being more calm is a great way to lower blood pressure. 

In fact, reading any type of upbeat book increases your production of dopamine 
and oxytocin, calming hormones that lower blood pressure by 5 or more points.

That's it, a simple solution to help lower blood pressure numbers.
And if you want some more tips on how to lower blood pressure naturally 

and easily, head online to kindle store and see title to 
the right. Download it and learn all about the foods, beverages, meditation secrets
and massage secrets your doctor may not even be familiar with.

Good Luck!

The VMA Rxs For Better Health!

                                      A Toast To Better Health! 

Last night  the VMAs were held in California.
What are the VMAs?
The MTV music video awards. 

And although the show was fairly tame, the real partying happened
after the show. The after party. 

And don't let the stars fool you, with their spinning classes, Pilates,
green smoothies, egg white omelets, and tofu tacos, a lot of them like 

to drink. And we mean a ton. 

If you're like the stars in this regard and want some drinks that
not only taste good, but are good for you, you're in luck. 

Listed below, are 3 drinks that not only taste great, they'll also make you

Alcohol making you healthier? 
Yes, when drunk in moderate amounts- it can...
* help you build and maintain strong bones.
* prevent the wear and tear of your brain,
 less chances of getting Alzheimer's
* help you keep your weight in check
* safeguard your heart
* rev up your metabolism
* keep colds and flu at bay
* help you live an extra 10 yrs. longer
Not sure this is true?
Well, it is and to get these benefits, make sure to add a little
coconut milk, coconut water, spices and herbs,
coffee, tea and chocolate to your alcohol. 

Now, on to the drinks...
a) A Mango-Peach Surprise--
1/2 cup mango puree
8 oz. mango nectar or orange juice
2 oz. peach schnapps
Sparkling white wine or Prosecco

Puree a cup of mango before you start. Puree some mango in the blender. 
After that, place the mango, the nectar or O.J. and peach schnapps
 into a pitcher and add a few drops of grenadine. Stir well and pour the
mango-peach drink into 4 champagne flutes. And pour on a little 

sparkling wine or (prosecco) on top. Serves 4. 
The benefits:
Mangoes can ease belly bloat and help cancer cells (especially breast and colon)

Apple-Cider Zen-gria.
It's rumored that ABC newsman George Stephanopoulos eats and apple
a day, so maybe he'll enjoy this drink. 

1 bottle Pinot Noir or Rose--750 ml
2 1/2 cups apple cider*
1/2 cup triple sec
1 apple sliced and diced
1 orange
2 whole cloves*

In a tall pitcher, mix all of the ingredients and stir. 
Place in the refrigerator for 2 hrs. or overnight.
* Use apple cider, the stuff that's available in the fall and not the 

And you may want to take the 2 cloves out as someone may not 

see them and choke on them.
The benefits: 

Apples contain special compounds that'll help you stay cold and flu-free.
And the cloves, keep your upper respiratory system in tip-top shape
and keep your body free of inflammation. 

Drink no. 3-
A Bloody Maria-
What's the no. 1 drink ordered at brunch?
If you said a bloody Mary, give yourself a hand. 

A few sprigs of basil 
3 oz. of golden tequila*
24 oz. Bloody Mary mix
Chipotle hot pepper sauce

In a pitcher, muddle the basil with the tequila.
Muddle means to mash it with a wooden spoon to release
the oils from the basil. Add the bloody Mary mix and 10 drops of
hot sauce and stir well. Pour into 3 ice-filled glasses.
The benefits; 

Basil helps reduce aches and pain, erase acne and other blemishes
and taking in the scent--will help you calm down and lower stress levels.
* Tequila- Help struggling actor George Clooney, how?
By buying some of his tequila. He and Cindy Crawford's husband-
Rande Gerber are in business together, the name of their tequila--Casamigos!
Look for it.

So, that's it, and if you thought only bad things happened as a result of drinking,
you're wrong, it's overdoing it that causes the fights, the drunk driving arrests, the promiscuity, the health problems and sometimes early and painful deaths.
But drink it  in moderation and you can become younger,
smarter and healthier.
And one last tip- for more great recipes like the ones listed above--head on over to kindle store and download a copy of--see title to the right.
Do it today and have dozens of healthy alcoholic recipes at your fingertips.
Remember, a percentage of the profits goes to struggling actor--
George Clooney!

Good Luck!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Talk Show Host's Rx For More Energy!

                             Drink This Water!
According to a recent poll, one female star, has been named as one of the
fittest on T.V. or in the movies. Another clue, she's on T.V. and she shares
the stage with a still-fit, former athlete.
Give up? 

It's Kelly Ripa.

And even though Ms. Ripa doesn't give out particulars as to what she
eats, the type of exercises she does, etc., we were able to find out 

one of her secrets.
What is that secret?
She drinks a specific type of water, what kind of water?
It's called Essentia Water. 

And what's so special about this water? 

It's goes through a special process to to make it alkaline.
And drinking it helps balance the body's pH 

levels to optimize the function of fat-burning glands.

So, the next time you see Ms. Ripa hosting "Live with Kelly
and Michael" and you're wondering how does Kelly stay so 

slim and trim, now you know... one of her secrets--It's alkaline water.

Look for Essentia water at supermarkets, Walmart or health-food stores.
$2.00 for a 20 oz. bottle.

Good Luck!

And available right now online at kindle store,
see title to the right, 

Get a head start on the body parts that age the fastest,
the back of your hands and your neck.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Morning Show's Rx For Better Woman's Health!

                                      Eat Good Fats! 

Hey, if you were up this morning and caught Fox's morning show- "Fox and Friends" 

weekend edition, then you're well aware they cooked steak.
And while cooking the steak the chef added butter. 

Butter to a fat piece of meat? Won't that only add calories, cholesterol? 
And with the extra fat, won't you get heart disease, diabetes, a big waistline,
high blood pressure, etc?
The answer to both of these questions is a big fat No. 

Adding some fat to a salad, a meat dish, a stew, a cup of coffee
or a smoothie will not increase your risk of illness or death.
In fact, adding some fat like olive oil, butter, nuts, or coconut oil to a dish
will actually help steady hormones, (reduce the ups and downs of your hormones)
boost your moods, libido, energy levels, (especially during menopause) and
sharpen your memory, that's right, do away with fat and watch your memory
problems worsen, and trim belly fat, how? When you eat more "good fat" you become 

fuller faster, helping you eat less.
And finally, eating more fat will keep your hands, neck, face, and the rest of your
body looking a good 5, 10 or 15 yrs. younger. 

Need proof of this?
Look at French women, Star Catherine Deneuve, or Italian star Sophia Loren,
or American stars--Jennifer Coolidge, Valerie Bertinelli, Raquel Welch,
Christie Brinkley and Kirstie Alley.
So, if you been adding a tsp. of butter or olive oil to a salad or a stir-fry, 

it's time to stop this and add more fat and get all of the benefits listed above.
Also important: A number of people say- eat low-cal and low-fat for better health,
and if you follow that logic, you'll struggle with cravings and maintaining or

 controlling your weight. 

And if this info isn't enough and you want more, check out
the site of the American who brought bullet-proof coffee to the states.
He and his family now follow a diet of more meat and a lot of fat.
(he says his kids are well-behaved and don't have temper tantrums).
Also go to the site and learn how more fat is
helping a number of people with weight loss, mood swings,
negative thoughts and unending cravings. 

And lastly, if you want to keep your neck and hands (the back of your hands)
youthful and supple, go to kindle store and download, 

see title to the right.

Good Luck!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Young Hollywood's Rx For Youthful Skin!

                      Keep Skin Youthful Like Selena and Eden!

No, that title isn't a misprint. Young Hollywood stars and their secrets for 
youthful skin.
As stars who are in the public eye, keeping one's looks healthy, youthful and
vibrant is vitally important.
And the 2 stars who embody this do it with food. Well, one food to be exact,
and the young stars: Eden Sher of the T.V. show "The Middle" and
actress, singer and bestie of Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez. 

You're probably thinking, they're only in their early 20's, what 

do they have to worry about?
A lot, if they plan on working in front of the camera for years and years.
And one of the ways these 2 are doing it, is with a certain fruit. 

What fruit is that?

Yes, it's a fruit because of the pit, and both women have pledged their
allegiance and love to this fruit.
Ms. Sher likes to eat it as it, a few slices, plain at lunch time or
break time, and as for Ms. Gomez, she likes it when it's made into her
favorite snack food: Guacamole.
And if you like it plain or mixed into a bowl with olive oil, spices
and chopped tomatoes, continue to enjoy it and postpone
aging for 5, 10 or even more yrs.

That's right-
Folks who eat this fruit on a regular basis have fewer wrinkles (or no wrinkles)
and a reduced risk of sagging, (the cheeks, jawline and neck) .
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats that relieve inflammation, while strengthening,
and healing muscles--the elastin and other structures that support the skin

and  keep your skin smooth, supple and wrinkle-free.

So, if you want to be more like Eden and Selena, make sure to eat more
of them and for those who aren't fans, wear them.
Yes, mash em up, add an egg yolk, a dash of olive oil and honey, 

mix well and apply this to your clean face, neck, and the back of your hands. 
After 15 mins. rinse the mask off with warm water and a mild soap.
More tips...
Buy them in bulk at places like Costo, B.J.s, Walmart or Aldi. 

Let them ripen, remove the peel and freeze them. 
And if you need some great recipes, go to or Pinterest
and type avocado-choc. smoothies or avocado salads, or low-cal guacamole dishes
in the search bar.

Good Luck! 

And if you want to know how older stars like Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren,
Salma Hayek, Tyra Banks, Valerie Bertinelli, Kirstie Alley and Diane Sawyer have
managed to look younger than their actual age, head online to kindle store
and type..see title to the right.
Learn how these stars keep the body parts that age the fastest, the hands and the neck,
youthful, tight and silky smooth. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Hollywood Exercise To Reduce Appetites!

                                   Exercise Your Way To A Reduced Appetite! 

An out-of-control appetite is a problem for millions of Americans,
and if you ever hope to get weight under control (or maintain your weight)
then you must do something about it.
And thanks to new research, that something may come in the form
of a yoga class.
But not just any yoga class, "hot yoga" or Bikram yoga to be exact.

What is it?
Performing yoga in a room that's over 90 degrees.
And if you need some proof that this works, you can look to 

stars like Kaley Cuocco, Jennifer Aniston, Jenny McCarthy,
David Beckham, Lady GaGa, Anna Paquin, Madonna
and Demi Moore.  

Ms. Aniston has been doing this type of yoga for over
10 yrs. and credits it with helping her get both her mind 

and body right after a very public divorce. (Brangelina).
So, if you've been through Weight Watcher's, Jenny Craig,
prayer sessions, hypnosis and starvation in the hopes that it would
control your appetite, then maybe it's time for some yoga, Hot yoga. 

And one last word of advice:
If you haven't exercised in awhile, if you're really out of shape,
if you smoke or if you have some type of health problem,
(high or low blood pressure, heart condition) you may want to skip the
hot yoga. Talk it over with your personal physician or healthcare provider
and find the exercise program that best suits you.

Good Luck! 


Coming soon to kindle store, The Complete Guide To
Keeping your Hands and Neck Youthful. 

That's right, wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and cheeks may start
in your late 30's or early 40's, but the back of your hands and neck
may go a lot sooner. Look for the E-book.

Former Model's Rx For Younger Eyes!

                            Shape Your Brows! 
Soon to be former model,  Cara Delevingne, (yes former, she said she's 

finished with modeling) has eyebrows that remind you of a young Brooke Shields,
and unlike a lot of women, Ms. Delevingne isn't hiding them or embarrassed by 

her thick brows.

You see, most women with brows this thick pluck or run to a stylist to do something 

about them, but not Cara, she's proud of them and plans on keeping them. 
And if you have brows that look Brooke's or Cara's you may want to hold onto
them as well. 

Eyes look youthful when there's a full brow above them. Not only your eyes,
but your face will look youthful as well. And as we age brows start to thin,
making your eyes and face look older. 

So, to keep your eyes looking a few yrs. younger, do the following...
Use a brow pencil, or a brow pomade, and make small strokes at a 45 degree
angle. to fill patchy spots or even create an entire arch.
This look is only temporary, so do it and see if you like it, and if you do,
use the 2nd makeup tip for something more permanent.
The products to use: Maybelline Define-A-Brow Pencil and Salon Perfect
Brow Pomade. find the pencil and pomade at drugstores. 

The 2nd tip:
To boost growth and fullness try gliding on a brow-enhancing serum
fortified with amino acids before bed. The amino acids in the serum nourish
the hair follicles to help brows grow.
The product to use for this treatment is called Rapid Lash Eyelash & Eyebrow
Enhancing Serum. price--$ 30.00. Look for it at drugstores.

That's it- your guide to enhancing your eyes by working on your brows.

Good Luck!

Coming August 21st,  the E-book for your hands and neck. 

That's right, prevent and overcome wrinkled hands, turkey necks
and sagging necks. Available at kindle store.
See title to the right... 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Newly Married Star's Rx For Great Health!

                        Eat Like Jennifer! 

Actress Jennifer Aniston is married, finally. Congrats, Mrs. Theroux!
And let's thank God it finally happened, why?
We don't have to watch Ms. Aniston being asked (for the 1,000 time)
by T.V. hosts, "so when are you getting married?"
And if Ms. Aniston and her new hubby want to live a long and healthy 

life, they should do something Ms. Aniston has done since her "Friends"
What is that, you ask? 

Eat salad.

That's right, cast and crew who worked on the show, say Ms. Aniston
had a salad (for lunch) the whole time she did the series, and if you want to enjoy
 good health 
and longevity, you too, might want to adopt this habit. 

A salad a few times a wk. or everyday can boost your health in a number of ways
* Build bone health. Make sure to include, dark greens, onions and mustard.
All 3 foods help your bones stay strong and healthy. 

* Reduce Body Odor-
Some say a diet loaded with meats and carbs produces a lot of body odor. 

And going vegetarian helps reduce body odor. Just make sure  your 
salad doesn't have boiled eggs and cold cuts in it.
* Beautiful Skin-
Want to look like Ms. Aniston when you're 46? Eat more greens, especially
kale, carrots, and romaine lettuce.
* A healthier heart-
Concerned about heart disease or having a heart attack as you get older?

Put those fears aside by eating more green vegetables. (like chicory)
So, that's 4 great health tips that will occur as a result of eating Jennifer Aniston's favorite lunch: Salad.
And if you're really a salad lover and want some more info on how salad can bolster
your health, head online to kindle store and ...see title to the right,
download it and enjoy boundless energy and decades-younger good looks, like Rachel, or  Ms. Aniston.

Good Luck!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Low-Cost Healthcare For Everyone!

          Low Cost Healthcare For Everyone! 

The stars are certainly different from you and me. How so?
Get sick, sprain an ankle or see some type of rash on your arm or leg

and you can schedule an appointment and wait for your doctor to see you
in a reasonably good time (a few days) or head to the emergency room.
But stars--
They call their personal physician and they have an appointment
in less than an hour (or two). 

And if this is something you worry about on a daily basis, 
let us, the contributors here at RedCarpetRxs put some of those
fears to rest. How?
We decided to take our talents to 

You know the site that allows anyone and everyone with a creative side to
become a fashion designer, write get well cards or create just about anything
funny or creative and place it on a mug, bag, or lunchbox.
And if the thought of healthcare is keeping you up at night, take a look at
product we have listed below.
It was designed for a teenage girl, but if you're a mom, dad, boy or grandma

you can benefit as well. Click on the link below. 

And in the coming weeks and months we plan on doing a whole line like the 

one featured below. 
Need more? Say, you want to head to the supermarket or Farmer's market to 
buy berries. Before doing so, head to our store and see if we have a tote
bag, T-shirt or placemat with all of the information you need about those
blueberries,  strawberries or blackberries. 

prevent memory loss
burn belly fat
improve vision  (especially night vision)
slow down aging
erase varicose veins
end mindless snacking.

That's it, So see-- there's no need to worry about healthcare, we'll help you live
to a healthy and ripe old age, one T-shirt at a time.

Good Luck! 

The Office Temperature Wars!

                           Brrrr, It's Cold In Here! 

Have you been following the news?
You know, the news about the temperature in most of the offices
in the U.S.
Well, NBC, ABC and CBS news all covered it. 

And for those who don't know what's going on, 

the story simply stated that a lot of offices are kept below
60 degrees to please male workers.
And if you're truly a pop culture lover, then you may already know that
David Letterman and former newsman Peter Jennings also loved cold 

work spaces. 

And if you're a woman who's going through this and wants to put a stop
to it, perhaps the following news item may have you thinking otherwise. 

What news item?
That cold weather can benefit your health in a number of ways, like..

* help you live longer
* help you look younger
* help you reach and maintain your ideal weight
That's right- first- the living longer benefit.
People who live in colder temperatures may have better immune systems
and better immunity levels means a reduction in serious illnesses and diseases.
Think of the countries that practice- hot water, cold water bathing. 

Places like Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia and Germany.
You know, going from a hot bath/sauna and then jumping into a cold bath,
shower or lake. If you don't have a shower/lake combination, just turn down the 

temperature in your shower for the last min. or two. (as cold as you can stand)
Secondly- anti-aging. 2 Hollywood stars who washed their faces and then plunged
their faces into cold water to tighten and tone the skin. And the 2 stars were--
Joan Crawford and the macho Paul Newman.
You can do this as well, but if thinning and wrinkling has already occurred, 

skip this tip. Or after washing your face, take an ice cube and run it all over 
your face.
And lastly, weight maintenance.
Your body has two types of fat: brown and white fat. 

And the more brown fat you have, the easier time you'll have maintaining your
weight. And one way to activate brown fat is spending more time in
a colder environment, i.e. an office or house with an air condition.
And some other ways to activate more brown fat:
* pair good carbs with some protein. Some brown rice with ground turkey 

or a piece of salmon.
* Avoid smoke-your own or secondhand. The more you smoke, the more white fat
you have. (this is for actor Ben Affleck, a current smoker).
* Drink green tea.
* Ask your doctor. for the hormone- melatonin.
This sleep hormone coaxes brown fat to burn 30% more fat.
That's it- and if you work in a colder office or work space,
you may want to continue doing so, especially after reading this post. 

Good Luck!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

News Program's Rx For Winning Money & Prizes!

                    Win Big At Carnivals! 

Hey, are you a fair or carnival lover? So are we, and if you tuned into the cable news
program- "Fox and Friends" weekend edition, then you saw a segment on how you too
can win big at carnivals or fairs.

And if you weren't able to watch the program, you're still in luck, how?
A former friend of ours has a digital book out now on this very subject.
And we're not just talking about winning carnival or amusement park prizes,
we're talking--radio contests, poetry contests,  barbecue contests, game shows
("Family Feud") bingo games, cars and much, much more.

So, if you're one who loves to play games, order the E-book
listed to the right.
Head to kindle store and download a copy today.

Good Luck!

Male Star's Beverage Rx For Living Longer!

                            Drink Coffee Like Eddie! 

Stars have their addictions, no not bad addictions.
We're talking addictions to clean living, Pilates, yoga, green juices
(David Beckham) and coffee.
And the star who loves his coffee, is...Eddie Murphy.
Rain or sleet, sunshine or dark clouds, Mr. Murphy is
at his favorite Starbucks getting his caffeine fix. 

And if you too, are addicted like Eddie, don't feel too bad,
because today, Aug. 8th, 2015, researchers say it (coffee)
is good for us.
Hey, it must be working for The Brazilians, the Greeks and the Italians.
They live well into their 80's and 90's without any of the health problems that are
so prevalent in the U.S. 

One last tip: 

If you do enjoy a cup or three of java, make sure to have it with a tiny bit 
of sugar and low-fat milk, and skip the danish (or scone, or donut, or cronut,
or Cinnabun) all of these things contribute to a shorter and disease-filled life. 

Good Luck!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Dark Chocolate For A Longer Life!

                      Eat Eat More Chocolate!
Still undecided as to whether or not you should eat more chocolate?
Click on the link below and put those doubts aside.
Plus, you can help us out by purchasing this decorative tote bag.
Each purchase allows up to continue renting office space (a small office)
keep our laptops in tip-top shape (no crashes) and bring you more
information that'll help you live longer and better.
Thanks! .

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Favorite Sweet Treat!

                             Eat More Dark Chocolate!
Don't let Hollywood fool you, it's not all tofu, green smoothies and egg whites.
A number of stars, male and female love their sweets, and one sweet treat they
really love: Dark Chocolate. 

And if you're like them and love a small square of chocolate a few times
a week, then you must click on the link below.
Why? It'll tell you specifically why it's so good for you and why you
must eat more of it.
Thank You!

Good Luck! 


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wear Your Healthcare!

                     Low-Cost Healthcare!

Hey, Hollywood stars are always setting trends in terms of fashion,
music, popular culture, etc.
Well, that's about to change, how so?
A few members of this blog have decided to branch out and
start their own fashion line.

That's right- and the fashion line is called--Rx Tees.
A combination of fashion of and healthcare.
You don't mind wearing T-shirts with irreverent or sarcastic
phrases across the front, and some of you love an animal print.
Well, about wearing a T-shirt that teaches you about your beloved kale,
or plums, or cauliflower?
Click on the link below for a sneak peek and if you like it,
head to and order 1 or 5 for you and your friends or family members.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Presidential Rx For Flawless Skin!

                       Look Like Ivanka! 

If you're a not a fan of Donald but are a fan of his tall and attractive
daughter Ivanka, you're in luck.
How so?
Ivanka just revealed the secrets to her peaches and cream complexion.

That's right, the 33 yr. old fashioner designer, author and mom says
that she eats a mostly plant-based diet, that not only has her feeling 

her best, but looking her best as well. 
Ms. Trump decided to hire a nutritionist after delivering her 1st child 
and one of the side effects from following such a diet was a flawless complexion.

So, if you envy Ivanka's beautiful complexion and want the same for your face,
eat the 6 foods Ms. Trump swears will turn any complexion into satin. 

The 6 Foods: 
a) Avocadoes-
No surprise here, the good for you fats in them, keeps skin plump and
hydrated and clears away blemishes. 
Fun fact, stars Eden Sher (of the T.V. show-"The Middle"
and Selena Gomez, also say this is their favorite food as well.
b) Hemp Seed or Oil.
And no, it's not the type of hemp you're thinking of, head to
Whole Foods or any health-food store and pick some up.
c) Pumpkin Seeds-
Great for keep complexions acne-free, thanks to the high amounts
of zinc in them. Great for teens who may be struggling with acne.
d) Radishes-
It's most likely the water content of this food that helps complexions. 
Also rumored to help you develop psychic powers.
e) Leafy Green Vegetables-
You knew greens had to be on this list somewhere. 
f) Melons-
Cantaloupe, watermelons, and honeydew melons help keep 
skin hydrated and wrinkle-free.
Head to kindle store and type Melon Power
and see the number of health benefits you get by eating some 
each day.
Important tip: These foods will not work if you eat them along with burgers, 
fries, cannolis, scones, pizza and sugary beverages (regular and diet)
You must clean up the rest of your diet as well.

Good Luck! 

Bag Your Way To Better Health!

                       The Healthy Tote Bag! 
Stars love their bags, whether their clutches, change purses,
a big bulky bag or one that costs thousands, a bag is always within reach.
And if you're a fan of recycling and shopping, why not a third dimension to
this equation.
What is it?
Improving your health.

That's right, our latest venture, placing all of our knowledge of everything
alternative, organic and good for you on a canvas tote bag.
So, when you're ready to shop for say- fruits, bring along your 

tote bag or (bags) and find out how that bag of plums, container
of cherries or tomatoes can really make you healthy.
Just click on the link you see below.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Fruit Rxs For Youthful Good Looks!

                          Eat Your Summer Fruits! 
There's always some new type of cosmetic procedure, expensive 
cream, stringent diet or strenuous  exercise program to help you turn back
the clock.
And the problem with these creams, hard-to-follow diets and cosmetic 

procedures is they're way too expensive for regular folks like you
and me. 

But wait, there's an alternative, what is it?
A Farmer's market or regular supermarket.
That's right, before spending good money on something 

that may not work or may  make you look worse, 
try the Summer fruits that are so plentiful right now. 

The Fruits:
a) Watermelon-
Concerned about the sun bearing down on your skin this Summer?
Eat a few slices of watermelon each week. Watermelon (and other red fruits
contain lycopene) an antioxidant that acts like natural Sunscreen.
b) Blueberries-
If your stomach isn't as flat as you'd like, eat more blueberries.
Blueberries tame your appetite and activate genes that burn fat,
especially belly fat.
c) Dark Berries-
Like blackberries, dark raspberries and blueberries keep your legs in 

tiptop shape. What type of shape? As in varicose vein free shape.
Berries fortify the veins and capillaries, helping you prevent spider and
varicose veins.
d) Tomatoes-
Yes, they're fruit. And if you want to keep skin cancer free, sleep
more deeply, (mainly cherry tomatoes) and live an extra 5 or more yrs.
then you must eat your tomatoes. And cooked tomatoes work
better than uncooked tomatoes.
e) Cucumbers-
Again they're considered a fruit, (because of the seeds) and if you want to 

keep skin dewy and moisturized, beat belly bloat and keep hair from
thinning, eat more cucumbers.
f) Peaches- 

To go along with your youthful skin and hair, make sure to keep your eyes
in top form. And to do that, you'll need to eat more peaches.
Peaches help you prevent Cataracts.
One last tip: Make sure to really wash the skin of the peach, (great source of fiber)
and avoid having too many dishes like Peach cobbler. Sugar is a top enemy of great
That's it- and if you want more great info like this, head to kindle store
and type The Farmer's market Rxs in the search bar.

And lastly, we've launched a new store at
The store: Holistically.
If you're a shopper who uses tote bags and you're concerned with your
health, head to our new shop.
We'll be combining all 3. Say what?
Shopping, healthcare and bags.
Buy one of our tote bags, read the front of it and learn
how that container of cherries, plums or peaches can bolster
your health. Just click on the link below and get a head start
on your path to better health and longevity.
Thank You!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Male Star's Rx To Fight Aging!

                                   The Mission Is Possible! 

Whenever there's talk about a star not looking his age, Tom Cruise
is always at the top of the list.
Yes, there's Rob Lowe (age 51), Mario Lopez, (age 41) Sylvester Stallone, (68)
and Geraldo Rivera, (age 72) but Tom Cruise is still fighting, driving and running
like he's 22.
How is this possible? 

A leading anti-aging thinks he knows the secret, what is it?
It's exercise.

That's right, not a strict monk like diet, but good old-fashioned
And get this, it doesn't have to be for hours and hours each day.
In fact, the researcher says that spending too many hours in the gym may
actually do you more harm to your health. (especially to your heart)

That's right, the researcher has studied the same group of people for almost
20 yrs. now and says that those who get a mix of aerobic and non-aerobic
exercise 3 to 5 times a week do much better in their golden yrs.
And yes, diet is important, his suggestion: The Mediterranean diet
is best. And if you must, have a slice of pizza, or a few cookies or
some birthday cake once a week or once every 2 weeks.

So, if think that the only way to stop or slow down the clock (the aging clock) is with
organic foods, distilled water, wild salmon, personal trainers, massage therapists
and spa visits, you're wrong.
A 30 minute walk, (do interval type walking, walk fast for 30 secs. and then walk
normally),  jump on a rebounder, dance,  or work in your small garden and then
head indoors and lift 2 bleach bottles filled with water (for 15 minutes) a few times
a week, is all the anti-aging medicine you need.

And lastly, Geraldo Rivera interviewed exercise guru Jack Lalanne
about 33 yrs. ago and asked the number one thing he should do to remain 

youthful, and Mr. Lalanne replied --"Exercise"
It must be working, Geraldo turned 72 on the 4th of July, is married
to someone 32 yrs. younger and has a 10 yr. daughter with her.

Good Luck!

A Movie Star's Healing Rx For A T.V. Star!

                                 Heal Faster With Broth! 

If you're a regular viewer of this blog- then you may remember a post
on Salma Hayek. More specifically- how she stays a decade (or more)
younger than her actual age.
One of her biggest secrets: Bone Broth!
You know, a broth made with different types of bones (ox tails, pork, 

chicken, beef bones and turkey carcasses) and simmered for 1 or 2 days.
And Ms. Hayek isn't the only star who's indulging in bone broth,
L. A. Kobe Bryant is also a big fan.

Well, since bringing this story to you a few days ago, it's now been reported
that television host Kelly Ripa has broken a few bones in her left foot.
And there's some good news surrounding this type of injury,
the good news: It won't require surgery, and the bad news:
She'll need crutches for about 6 wks.

Ms. Ripa may want to turn to Salma Hayek and
Kobe Bryant for help in recovering faster.
Why these two?
Because the bone broth they consume may be all of the medicine that Ms. Ripa
That's right, it's no secret that Ms. Ripa constantly touts the virtues of her low-fat
diet and lifestyle and therein lies the problem.
By not getting essential fats from certain foods Ms. Ripa may be experiencing
broken bones, sprains, and other injuries on a regular basis, especially as she gets
older. (she's 44 now).
You see, drinking and eating more fat (from animal bones) can actually
make you healthier and stronger. 

How so?
Collagen is the most essential protein in the body. It is regarded
as the substance that holds the body together and can be found in bones, muscles,
tendons and skin. And without enough collagen in our systems, a number of things
start to go wrong, like wrinkling and easily breaking bones.
And get this: One man who broke his leg, arm and wrist after a nasty spill 

on his motorcycle was given bone broth by his fiance almost everyday he had the casts on,
and he was fully recovered after only 2 months.
His doctors told him the the casts would come off after 3 to 4 months,
but it was 2 and he (the motorcyclist) was sure it was the bone broth.

So, Ms. Ripa, if you really want to shorten that 6 week healing time frame,
perhaps you should follow Ms. Hayek and Kobe Bryant's lead and have
a bowl (or 2) of bone broth for the next few weeks.

If you want to adopt the bone broth trend like Kobe and Salma,
head online to and look for the words bone broth
on the front page or go to and type Bone Broth in the search bar.

Good Luck!

Look for our next E-Doc on hands. Hands? Yes, the part of the body that spiral downward
faster than the face, chest, legs, back and hair.
Learn how to keep your hands in tip-top shape using all natural ingredients. 

Available at in the kindle store in about 5 days.