Friday, July 31, 2015

A Young Star's Rx For A Firmer Body!

                                    Firm Up That Backside! 

A young star is talking about helping women and (men) firm up.
Nothing unusual about that.
But, she's not recommending a diet or exercise program, she says
that'll a cream will help firm up your flabby arms, thighs and backside.
The Star: 

Kylie Jenner.
And if someone knows about backsides, it's the Jenners/Kardashians. 

Now, you must be thinking, "come on-she's only 18, of course she should be
firm back there."
And you're also probably thinking- "how can a cream help firm up
your trouble spots?"
Well, there is a cream and we're not sure if it's the cream Ms. Kylie
is pushing, and it's called: Glycolic Acid.

With another month of swimsuit season (in some parts of the U.S.)
the cream provides your backside with something called- " A fanny facial"
The acids in the glycolic lotion smooths out the backside, rejuvenating
the skin's texture, smoothing out dimpling and helping backsides look more
toned and firm.

That's it- and if this is something you want to try:
Look for a product called Aqua Glycolic Hand and Body Lotion,
available online at Price- $20.00 for a tube.
Apply it nightly before heading off to bed, and then put on some sweats
or pajamas.

Good Luck! 


And one more thing:
Look for our next E-Document: The title--Youthful Hands,
The Best Foods, massage techniques, creams and cosmetic surgeries
for younger looking hands. Look for it, in about 3 to 5 days at
in the kindle store. In the meantime: Check out The Farmers' Market Rxs,
also available (right now) at kindle store.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Female Star's Soup Rx For Looking Years Younger!

                           Look Younger Like Salma! 

Salma Hayek will be 49 yrs. old in about a 5 wks. And to look at her, you would
guess she was in her early 30's.
And some of her secrets to looking yrs. younger:
* get adequate sleep
* eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
* don't overdo the exercise- walking and playing with
   her young daughter is enough.
* work hard and enjoy the work you do
 Ms. Hayek has just completed an animated film.
 A film that took 7 yrs.
And lastly, drink a type of soup (or broth)!
The same soup that an NBA player swears will help him play
an extra yr. or two more.

What is it?
It's Bone Broth.
And if you haven't heard about it, you will.
Ms. Hayek claims this is her secret weapon against aging
and Mr. Bryant claims it's helping him play a little longer.

So, are you ready to try the soup (or broth) that Ms. Hayek and
Mr. Bryant claim will end aches and pains, help you recover from a broken
bone (or bones) faster and help you look 5, 10 or even 15 yrs. younger?
Well, if you said yes, you can read up on the benefits on the soup
and get a recipe from, (type Bone Broth) in the search bar.
Or head to a site called, look underneath the photo
of the two African warriors and look for Bone Broth and click on it.
Or go to and type Bone broth Ebook in the search bar
and purchase it.

That's it-

Good Luck!

Hollywood's Green Rx For A Healthier Smoothie!

                               Drink This Not That! 

Hollywood can't take all of the credit for the current "smoothie" craze.
Smoothies have been around for about 2 decades now, but they're
much more prevalent thanks to a number of Hollywood stars.
(Especially David Beckham, who has a green smoothie almost everyday).

And if you're one who likes to have smoothies a few times a week,
you may want to take notice of this new danger in regards to the liquid
health meal.
What's the danger?
According to new research, too many smoothies (or salads) with raw kale
can cause a number of health issues.
That's right, it (kale) is considered a goitrogenic food and simply put,
this means it can enlarge your thyroid gland.
And not just kale, all cruciferous foods can cause this, foods like...

cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, watercress, arugula, 
collard, turnip and mustard greens.
Plus, having too many of these foods raw can also cause belly bloat and 

stomach discomfort.
So, do you give up all of these healthy vegetables? 

No, just have them raw every once in a while and steam or stir-fry--
 if you plan on eating or juicing them on a regular basis.

That's it- for today. 

And make sure to keep you and your loved ones  cool during these times of
unbearable and oppressive weather conditions.

Good Luck!

For those of you out there who want more tips on natural ways to stave
off aging, diseases and illnesses, head to kindle store
and look for our vast array of E-Documents.
Some titles to consider...
a) The Beauty Rxs From The World's Most Beautiful Women!
b) Mind Over Money- Use the power of your mind to increase your bank account
c) The Farmer's Market Guide To Better Health!
d) Natural Libido Boosters Just For Women!
e) Frozen- The Beauty Rxs To Help You Get out Of the Winter Doldrums!
f) Supermarket Sunscreen Rxs-- Foods and Beverages That Work Better Than Sunscreen!  

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Female Singers Beverage Rx For Better Summer Health!

                            Madge and Rhi-Rhi's Favorite Beverage! 

If you're wondering who Madge and Rhi-Rhi are, then you may
not be a true fan of pop culture.
And if do know they're Madonna and Rhianna, you may be too
involved in pop culture. 

Anyway, there's a beverage both women drink and  it (the beverage)
can help revitalize you this Summer, the Fall and the Winter as well.
The beverage:
Coconut water.
Rhianna is rumored to drink it a few times a week, especially after a concert
and Madonna not only drinks it, she's invested a lot of money in
a company that produces the revitalizing beverage.
And if you drink it or plan on drinking it, here are 3 things this
special beverage can do for you.
a) Boost Thyroid Health-
One of the most important glands in the body and if you notice
weight gain (or loss) thinning eyebrows or constant fatigue,
it may be your thyroid. And one way to keep it (thyroid)
in tip-top shape is with coconut water.
The water contains manganese, a vital mineral that stimulates
the thyroid's production of the metabolism-revving hormone called
Important tip: If you suspect a problem with your  thyroid, please have it 

checked out by a professional.
b) Increase Hormones-
Especially the "happy" hormones. Both vitamin B6 and B12 are found in
coconut water and they help increase the output of happy hormones
called serotonin and dopamine.
Plus, you'll do better on cognitive tests and be less depressed.
c) Less Bloat-
A problem for lots of women (and some men) a bloated stomach.
And to flush out some of that fat- drink more coconut water.
Thanks to the electrolytes in the water, the cells in your body become
balanced, prompting the release of excess water.
Another benefit:
Give some coconut water to your kids, especially if they're athletes.
They'll replace the electrolytes they lost and they won't have to reach
for a sugary beverage or energy drink.

That's it- One of the reasons why Madonna and Rhianna are able to
work and play hard.

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Supermodel's Mom Rx For Looking Younger!

                         Drink This Look Younger! 

Miranda Kerr has been called 'one of the most beautiful woman in the World"
for over a decade.
And if you're truly a fan of the ex Mrs. Orlando Bloom then you know she also 

likes to share her secrets as to how she stays looking so beautiful with her fans.
But this post isn't about her or her diet and exercise secrets, it's
really about her mom. 

Her mom?
Yes, we're not sure if she raised Miranda on leafy greens, probiotic-rich
yogurts and whole grains, but we are sure that she Mrs. Kerr wants
in on some of the notoriety.

What notoriety? 

Instagram and Twitter notoriety.
Mom is sharing secrets as to how to keep yourself fit and youthful using only
natural methods.
You see, Mrs. Kerr is now posting her meals, beverage and exercise
secrets (online) to the masses as well.
And one of her secrets comes from the homeland of Charlize Theron
and it's been called "botox in a cup."
What is it?
It's Rooibos tea.

We may have mentioned Rooibos tea in a post (or two) in the past,
but it's needs to be brought up again, if staying youthful is on your agenda.
The red tea from South Africa keeps skin young thanks to its many antioxidants,
and anti-aging compounds, which slow down skin damage and aging.
Plus, the tea can protect against UV damage, pollution and free radical damage.
And there's more- it also fights dryness and improves your skin's texture,
which helped earn it the "botox in a cup" title.
And lastly, if you're skin is still youthful and firm, drink the tea to prevent
(and relieve) headaches and keep joints (knees, elbows, wrists) pain-free.

That's it- So if you want to look like Miranda or her 50 something yr. old 

mom, remember to drink your tea, Rooibos tea.
(Also visit Miranda Kerr's website).
Look for this tea at specialty tea stores, health-food stores or online
And to enhance the flavor and the anti-aging benefits of the tea, add some
(cleaned) citrus peels to it.
Lemon, lime, orange and tangerine peel really fight the effects of the Sun
and help keep varicose veins away.

Good Luck!

Any fans of Farmer's markets out there?

Head online to kindle store and type The Farmer's
Market Rxs in the search bar. 

Learn how those green leafy vegetables, green beans, radishes,
corn on the cob, carrots, berries (straw, black, and rasp) watermelon and cantaloupe can help you stay young, and disease-free well into old age. See title to the right.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hollywood's Exercise Rx Just For Women!

                         The Exercise Rx Just For Women! 

Ladies, if you find that your libido has waned over the years you're
not alone. According to researchers, millions of women say the desire
for sex has definitely declined in the past 3, 5 and 10 yrs.
And with this news there's always the promise of a "female viagra"

But to date, there's no viagra for women. 
That was then, today, there is something available to women.

That's right, there is something out there that may help women and
(men) and it's been used by some women in Hollywood for 10 to 15 yrs. now.
What is it?
Yes, although not created in Hollywood, it's certainly being used by a number
of female stars to stay fit and trim.
And if you want to get long and lithe muscles or boost sex drive then you may want
to take up Pilates.
Why Pilates?
It involves doing exercises that strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which help increase
circulation, especially circulation "down there"
And improved circulation increases desire and sexual response.

And if your man has trouble getting in the mood, you can ask him to join
you  when taking that Pilates class or tell him to go for a brisk walk, or ride a
stationary bike or lie on his back, and ride an imaginary bike.
Getting things in motion "down there" seems to really boost blood flow and
improve circulation for men.

So, are you willing to try this simple and inexpensive way to boost your sex drive?
Well, save your money and go online to and look for videos.
The videos: Pilates for beginners.
And lastly, if you need more help to increase desire, head to kindle store,
and type The Natural Rxs To Boost the Female Libido.
Download it and find out the fruits, exercises and drugstore options that are available to
you right now.

Good Luck!

Friday, July 17, 2015

2 Male Stars Rxs For Boosting Your Health!

                           Get Behind Ryan and Brad! 

If you're really into pop culture and celebrity news then you may have
already heard about Brad Pitt, Ryan Gosling and Bill Maher.
And if you're not a fan of pop culture or celebrity news, you're
probably in the dark. 

What's the News?
Brad, Ryan and Bill are trying to put pressure on the discount
chain store--Costco, to treat their chickens and hens more humanely.
Well, not their own chickens, but the places where they get
their chicken and eggs. 

Recent reports have stated that Costco is buying eggs and chicken
from places that keep chickens caged for most of the day and then inject
them with antibiotics and other chemicals, hoping to sell more of them.
And yes, we support Mr. Gosling, Mr Pitt and Mr. Maher,  but we (the writers of this blog) would also like you, (the readers) to continue eating eggs. 

Why eggs?
Eggs like garlic, wine, dark chocolate, spinach, blueberries
and mushrooms can do almost a dozen things to really bolster your health.
What types of things?
* Build strong bones
Young girls who sit indoors on their Iphones and Ipads are really
at risk for brittle bones in their 30's and 40's. So, getting them to eat more eggs
(right now) can help them avoid fractures and falls later on in life. 

* A Beauty Spa in The Refrigerator- 
Ever hear of a egg shampoo for your hair? Or a egg white facial mask? 
Both parts of the eggs can do more for your beauty, more than expensive
products you find at the drugstore can do.
For skin that's tight as a drum, use the egg yolk on your face, neck and
hands (tops of hands). Leave on for 15 minutes and then wash off with a
mild soap. As for fine lines- use the egg whites. It's the beauty regimen
Deborah Norville (of Inside Edition) has been using for 10 yrs.
Her age: 2 yrs. from 60.
* More Brainpower-
Ever hear of the term "egghead?"
There's a reason for this term, it's true.
Eggs contain all types of nutrients that improve memory,
focus and concentration. And something even more
impressive- Women who are pregnant should eat more
of them if they want to start their little ones on a path to Harvard
or Oxford. Also feed eggs to youngsters when they start eating solid
food, especially the yolks, (it contains the majority of brain-enhancing
* Superman Vision-
Another concern as one gets older: Vision loss.
Keep eyes in tip-top shape by eating more eggs. And again,
make sure it's the yolks. Eat eggs with other eye-enhancing
foods like green beans, plums, green squash, sunflower seeds,
salmon and collard greens. And pass on the sausage, breakfast biscuits,
 hash browns, Orange juice, coffee (with 2 tsps. of sugar) and danish.
These types of foods will cause your eyesight to fade away sooner,
much sooner. 

So, if you weren't a fan of eggs, (the taste, religious beliefs, concerns
about the treatment of chickens) perhaps this post will help you change your
And if you want some more benefits on eggs and your health and looks,
head on over to kindle store and type--The Easter Bunny
Rxs- Download it and find out more health-enhancing secrets you can get
from a $3.00 dozen of eggs.

Good Luck!

Farmers' Market Superfoods also available at kindle store. 

Knotsberry Farm secrets for incredible health. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Royal's Rx For Wearing Heels!

               Wear Those Heels Comfortably! 

Have you seen the Duchess of Cambridge (Princess Kate) wearing heels?
Ever wonder how she walks around so comfortably?
Well, you're not the only one out there wondering that very same thing,
a number of people in England and in the U.S. want to know how she
does it.
Her secret:
She wear a combination of sheepskin and leather insoles.

The insoles were developed by a top English designer
who created them.
And if you enjoy wearing heels and want to wear them comfortably,
go online to, once you're on that site-just type Duchess

Kate and heels in the search box.
Princess Kate should be the first story you see.
Read the story to find out how you too, can order your own pair of insoles.

Good Luck!

And if you're a fan of Farmers' Markets, you're not alone,
so are a lot of stars. Stars like J-Lo, Jennifer Garner,
Bruce Miller and Miranda Kerr.
And if you enjoying fruit and vegetables from your local 

F.M's, it's time you also know what those fruits and
vegetables can do for you.
Do for you? Yes, if you buy corn, carrots,
blueberries and strawberries learn how these fruit and vegetables
improve eyesight

Improve night vision
Build bones
prevent fractures
Protect skin from the Sun's harmful rays. Natural sunscreen
build lean muscles
help with male and female infertility
increase a woman's odds of having twins 

make labor easier
Plus, much much more. 

To find out the answers to all of the above questions--
head to kindle store and download-see title to the right.

Natural Remedies To Prevent The Presidential Disease!

                                          Prevent This Very Serious Disease! 

You may have heard our 41st president has fallen and broken a bone
in his neck. The 41st president: George H.W. Bush!
This fall is the latest in a series of medical problems that have happened 

to the former president. 

One serious medical issue the president has and it's been kept under wraps is a
problem a lot of people are going through, what is it?
Parkinson's disease. 

Every yr. 50, 000 Americans are diagnosed with this very debilitating
disease--a disease that affects the nervous system that makes things like
getting the mail, washing dishes, putting on your socks and even talking
extremely difficult.
And 2 other celebrities that are afflicted with Parkinson's like former Pres. Bush are--
Michael J. Fox and boxer Muhammad Ali.
And if you're doing things to prevent diabetes or Alzheimer's, you may as well
do some things to prevent Parkinson's as well and those things are...
a) Fish and Sun.
More specifically- get more vitamin D (The Sunshine vitamin) and eat more
fish. Both vitamin D and fatty fish activate hundreds of protective enzymes
 inside your brain.
What types of fish should you eat? Fatty fish like--salmon, sardines,
tuna, mackerel and trout. Important tip: make sure to bake, broil or grill
fish, deep frying it in a lot of oil, increases your odds of having a stroke.
And try and get outside for 20 to 25 minutes without sunscreen to soak up 

some vitamin D.
And for those who hate fish, there are fish oil capsules and for those who 

can't or are unable to get outdoors, get vit. D in capsule from.
Talk to someone well versed in alternative medicine for the right amounts. 

b) Eat More Fruit-
Another benefit of getting more fruit into your system: Lower rates of
Parkinson's disease.
c) Go Nuts-
Not as in become mentally unstable, but eat peanuts. 

Eat the red-skinned kind. Peanuts strengthen the brain's defenses against
environmental toxins that try and enter your system.
Not a fan of nuts?
Eat more dark colored grapes or have a glass (1 glass) of dark colored wine.
d) Go Sugar-Free-
As in gum and candy. Look for the ingredient mannitol in sugar-free gum and 

candy, it helps block protein clumping on the brain, an early sign
of Parkinson's.
e) Coffee, Tea or Painkillers-
Believe it or not coffee and tea contain caffeine and it (caffeine)
prevents the nerve damage brain inflammation that leads to Parkinson's.
And for some odd reason, painkillers do the same thing.
But you don't want to get hooked on painkillers to lower your odds of getting 

Parkinson's, so just stick with the coffee (2 cups a day) and tea, (3 cups a day).
Also important: Avoid the 2, 3 or 4 tsps. in each cup of coffee or tea and
skip the danishes, doughnuts, scones and cronuts. Too much sugar
certainly isn't good if you want to avoid Parkinson's. 

And one last reminder- if you want to know more about the benefits of
fruit in helping you sleep, lose weight, conceive, go through an easier
labor, or in preventing certain illnesses and diseases (Parkinson's) 

head on over to kindle store and type---
see title to the right. Download it and learn why farmers stay so healthy and live such long lives.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hollywood's Rx For Family Fun!

                      Have Fun Like a Hollywood Star! 

If you think most stars are jet-setting around the World on a private jet or
travelling to top spas, they're not.  Well most of them aren't.
Yes, some do take advantage of their good fortune, but most really find
joy in their local Farmer's market. 

A Farmer's market?

Yes, It's been reported that Bruce Willis and supermodel Miranda Kerr
were spotted at Farmer's markets a few wks. ago.
And if you're not familiar with them, maybe it's time you become acquainted. 

Farmer's markets are places where farmers sell their wares... fruit, vegetables,
dairy products, eggs and sometimes baked goods.
And now is the time to stock up.
On fruit, vegetables and other goodies?

And if you do stock up on fruit, perhaps you should know a little about
the fruit you're buying.
What types of things? 

How about keeping bones strong and preventing fractures with plums.
Or create your own sunscreen with plums, watermelon and tomatoes (yes
tomatoes are fruit).
Or putting an end to insomnia with watermelon or tart cherries.
Or looking 5 to 10 yrs. younger with peaches and apricots.
Or living an extra 10 to 15 yrs. longer with blueberries.
Or something for pregnant women, or women who want to become
pregnant,  like preventing miscarriages, or avoiding hours of labor
or even increasing your odds of having twins.
Wait, we're out of time, if you want to find out what fruit will help the pregnant
mom or the future mom, head to kindle store and download...

see title to the right.

Each copy sold helps us. We're able to rent office space and
keep our laptops in tip-top shape.

Good Luck!


Friday, July 10, 2015

Simple Tip To Remove Makeup!

                     Remove Makeup Like A Pro! 

AAH, removing makeup. Most of us hate it, but it's something we have to do.
And if you're often wondering, what's the best technique or product to remove it,
wonder no more.
According to top makeup artist- Amanda Beczner, the no. 1 way to remove makeup
is with microscopic balls of moisturizing cleansing molecules. 

Called micellar water, it clings to oil, dirt and makeup, sweeping it all away
without drying your skin.
Look for a product called Boots Botanics All Bright Micellar Solution.
Available at Walgreens stores.

To do the process: Soak a cotton pad in the water for a few secs. and then
glide it across your face, making sure to get every spot that contains makeup.
And something even better, there's no need to rinse after doing this. 

That's it, and if you want more tips on how to improve your looks using
simple makeup tips, head online to kindle store and type...
The Hollywood Makeup Rxs in the search bar. Download it and have
a few dozen makeup tips at your disposal.

Good Luck!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Unusual Healing Tip For A Female Rocker!

                    Eat This Not That For Improved Health! 

If you're a fan of "Good Morning America" then you may have watched the
heartbreaking interview with Canadian rocker Avril Lavigne.
Why was it heartbreaking?
She admitted to having Lyme disease and the devastating effect it has
had on both her body and mind. 

It's also the same disease that's affecting "Real Housewife of Beverly Hills"
star--Yolanda Foster, also the mom of up-and-coming model: GiGi Hadid.

And now, back to Ms. Lavigne. 

Ms. Lavigne has been known to eat a very strict vegan diet, but it (the diet) doesn't
seem to be helping her overcome this very serious inflammatory disease.
So, what might help?
A diet that's been around for about 100 yrs. and used by some African
tribes and Eskimos.
And even though we won't reveal the details of the diet, we will give you (the readers)
some info as to how to find the diet, so you can determine if this diet can help you 

or someone close to you. 

And lastly, this diet also helped a young mom overcome infertility.
(Side-note) It's rumored a number of stars have to use fertility treatments or use surrogates
to help them conceive. 

The mom was taking Dr. prescribed treatments for infertility to no avail, so she searched 
and searched and found this diet.
Long story short, she's now the mom of not one, but 2 healthy kids.

Okay then, if you're open-minded and willing to try something totally out-of-the box,
go to, look under the picture of the 2 African tribesmen and look for
Testimonials, click on it and then scroll down and look for the name Alison Lyons.
Read her whole story and learn how this diet was the only thing that helped
her get over  the rashes, the headaches and joint pain.
And if you or someone close to you is suffering from infertility, follow the
same steps listed above, but click on Interviews, (not testimonials) and
look for the name Kelly Williams Hogan. Read how this diet put an end to
yrs. of infertility.

That's it, hopes this info helps someone out there.

Good Luck!

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Perfect Fruit For A Great Summer!

                               Fresh Melon This Summer! 

The warm weather means a lot of things to different people. 

Some people enjoy the Sun and warmer temperatures, and some
like that families  get together and cookout and then
there are those who really like that juicy and  fruit
is plentiful and affordable.
And if you're in the last category, affordable and juicy fruit, then you may
want to find out why one nutritionist says that if you only have 1 fruit to choose
this Summer, make it this fruit.

What fruit is that?
Well, it's not the fruit that keeps the doctor away and is the favorite of morning show
host- George Stephanopoulos. What is it?  The apple.
And it isn't the fruit that's low-glycemic, helps tame the appetite and is
the favorite of rapper Rick (the Boss) Ross. What is it?  The pear.
No, this fruit is a melon and it takes a backseat to the most popular Summer melon, 

yr. after yr.
Can you guess?
If you said Cantaloupe, give yourself a hand.

And why is the top Summer fruit according to a leading nutritionist?
The lowly cantaloupe can...
* calm nerves and anxiety levels. Say goodbye to Dr. prescribed pills (Valium)
* Keep heartbeats in the normal range. Due to high temperatures and high heat, 

 the heartbeat can go out whack. Keep your heart beating normally with the orange melon.
* Supervision- Want Clark Kent (Superman woman) vision? Eat more cantaloupe. 

  It keeps cataracts from ever developing.
* Relax muscles and fewer cramps- Another downfall of the Summer season: Cramps
 Prevent them with cantaloupe
* Detox- Detoxes are always popular after overdoing it during Christmas or Barbecue
 season. Save your money on special juices and pills and invest in Cantaloupe.
* Reduce Bloating- A problem millions of women deal with on a daily basis, and
 one way to rid your body of excess sodium is to eat more cantaloupe.
* Youthful Skin- The nutritionist says expensive creams, laser treatments, shots
  and surgery may do you more harm to your skin. And one inexpensive and tasty way to
 keep skin youthful is by eating cantaloupe. Also eat other foods that contain Vitamin A,
 like...sweet potatoes, apricots, butternut and acorn squash, pumpkin and carrots.
(notice these foods are also Orange).
That's it, so if you're still undecided as to what fruit to eat this Summer,
perhaps reading this post will help you make the right decision.

Also helpful news: Buy cantaloupe that's firm, bring it home, leave it
on the counter, allow to soften a bit and then eat it. 

And it's best eaten on an empty stomach, early in the morning.
And lastly, if you're a fan of all melons and want to know about the benefits
of each, head on over to store and type--
Melon Power, The benefits of Melons in the search bar.
Download a copy and see which melon will help you put an end
to insomnia and the melon that works like "natural" sunscreen.

Hollywood's Alternative To The Meat Burger!

                           Eat Less Meat This Holiday Season! 

If you're living in Odessa Texas, Pittsburgh Pa.  or Kansas City Missouri then you'll most 

likely be having beef burgers tomorrow, but if you're living in Hollywood, it's highly likely 
veggie burgers will be on the menu.

A lot of stars have given up meat for a number of reasons: too fattening, concern 

about the way the animals are treated, hormones and other chemicals, and on and on.
And if you, that mom, dad or teenager in Kansas, Penn. or Texas wants to follow suit
and do like the stars, use the vegetables that have been named as the best choices
to make such burgers.
And the best vegetables are...
a) Lentils
b) Chick Peas and Black-Eyed Peas
c) Beets
d) Broccoli
e) Eggplant
f) Brown Rice
g) Beans - black, kidney and red
h) Zucchini
i) Pumpkin
j) Potatoes (sweet potatoes)
k) Mushrooms
l) Sunflower Seeds-
And lastly, if you need some ideas as to how to make a pumpkin or beet
burger, head online to for some recipes. 

That's it- and  make it a safe and spectacular 4th of July weekend.

Good Luck!

One last request: As of July 1st, Amazoncom/the kindle store allows you
(the member) to read chapters of E-books without buying them.
And this one gesture will definitely help us, how?
2 members who send us tips, recipes and remedies have a number of E-books listed
and if you, (the readers of this blog) go there and read a page or two,
will pay them. In addition to looking for alternative ways to live longer and better,
they're also parents, full-time workers and caretakers (for their elderly parents).
Some titles to look for:
* Beauty Rxs From The World's Hottest Women
* Natural Solutions To Beat Spring Allergies
* The Thin Girl's Guide To Preventing Winter Weight Gain
* Natural Libido Boosters Just For Women
* The 101 Best Ways To Make It To 100 Yrs. of Age
  (read how Cameron Diaz plans on living till 100)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Oscar Nominee's Rx For Youthful Skin!

                            Hanging With Mr. Cooper! 

If you've ever spent time wondering how Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper
keeps his skin toned and taut, wonder no more.
His secret for youthful skin has just been revealed and it involves
hanging upside down. 

Yes, to be more specific, Mr. Cooper uses an Inversion table and he's not alone.
It's also been revealed that the future Mrs. Ryan Gosling also uses it,
and her name: Eva Mendes. 

Mr. Cooper uses the inversion table to help overcome some of the physical
challenges he has to endure playing the tough and demanding stage character
"The Elephant Man."
And during the yr. he's been using the Inversion table, he's noticed some
other positive side effects like...
* Improved balance
* Less back and neck pain
* Improved Moods
* Better circulation which leads to a more youthful complexion
* Thicker and shinier hair (again the improved circulation)
* Faster recovery from a high-intensity workout or a demanding
  stage role.
Plus, many more benefits.

And if you want to take after Eva Mendes, Bradley Cooper,
Ozzie Osbourne or Rosie O'Donnell and invest in an Inversion
table, please talk it over with your healthcare provider first.

Good Luck!

One last thing...
Ladies, need your own version of Viagra.
Well, don't rely on something from that may cost a small fortune or have
unpleasant side effects, head online to kindle store and type
The Natural Libido Boosters Just For Women in the search bar. 

Download a copy and learn how certain fruits, a yoga position,
and a breathing exercise can work as well or even better than something
your Dr. may want to prescribe.