Monday, September 30, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Buying Kids' Clothes!

                              Buying Discount Clothes For Less! 

Not all Hollywood stars buy designer clothes for their precious
babies, some are really into saving money.
And if you want to save money on clothes, head online to or for flash sales.

But, if you want to become a member of a site that
offers daily deals for children from newborns to age 9,
go online to

Good Luck!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shoes Rx To Help Prevent Breast Cancer!

                        Buy Shoes Help Prevent Breast Cancer! 

Are shoes your drug of choice?
Well, if they are, why not buy a pair and help benefit breast
cancer research. How? 

On Oct. 10th,  from 6 pm. to 9 pm. the QVC channel will feature
shoes from designers like Vera Wang and Enzo Angiolini--
at 50% off their manufacturer's retail price.
And when you purchase a pair or two, the money goes directly
to breast cancer research and education.

So, if you were trying to cut down on or avoid buying another pair of
shoes, perhaps this post will help change your mind.

Good Luck!

And lastly, if you want more info on preventing breast cancer, 

head to kindle store, and pick up a copy
of The "Superfoods" That Help You Prevent Breast Cancer. 

Download a copy to your E-reader, Ipad or Kindle Fire.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Food Rx To Meet A Star!

                     Dream Your Way To Meeting A Star! 
Are you into dream therapy? You know, keeping a dream journal
or writing down your dreams once you get up. 

Well, according to new research, there's a food you can eat to help
you dream. 

What food is that? Cheese!
Cheese gets a bad rap because of the fat content, but it can boost 

health in a number of ways, and one of those health-boosting ways
is by dreaming more and remembering those dreams.
According to the researchers- cheddar cheese helped people dream about
celebrities and blue cheese-helped people have more "far out" (wacky)

So, if you want to see yourself acting alongside Sandra Bullock
or doing a love scene with Chris Hemsworth, have a piece of cheddar
cheese an hr. before bed. Also helpful- 100 mg. of vitamin B-6.
Talk to your Dr. about the vitamin B-6 before taking it.
And lastly, Cheddar cheese is also rumored to help you develop psychic

That's it- a simple solution to help you dream more and remember those dreams.

Good Luck!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Less Wrinkles

                               Iron Out Those Wrinkles! 

A Hollywood Stylist wanted to show a young star
a new dress she'd designed. She brought the dress to the
set where the young actress was working and took it out
of the bag.
But wait, there was a problem, what was it? 

The dress was wrinkled. The stylist was getting frantic realizing
she hadn't brought along her iron, so she brainstormed and remembered
she did have a flatiron.

A flatiron?
Yes, the thing one uses for their hair would have to stand in and make like an
Long story short, the flat iron took out the wrinkles, the dress looked
incredible and the young starlet was happy.

So, if you're traveling or if you're meeting friends for dinner and a drink.
and your clothes look less than presentable, get out your flatiron.
Important tip:
The flatiron may work on a blouse or a dress, make sure not to use it for a
load of laundry.

Good Luck!

Walt Disney's Beauty Rx For Women!

                            Become A Real Sleeping Beauty! 

Are you a fan of Walt Disney? Do you have a favorite Disney movie?
Well, if your favorite Disney film is "Sleeping Beauty" give yourself
a pat on the back.

But don't just pat yourself on the back, make sure you really follow the
title. Follow the title?
Yes,  eating right and exercising are incredibly important if you want to
maintain your looks and weight, but the old adage about sleeping
to look more beautiful is actually true.

How true?
According to new research, women who get 7 to 8 hrs. of sleep
a night do look younger. They also have half as many lines and age
spots and better elasticity.
Researchers have found out that when you sleep, your skin is
repairing itself after being exposed to the Sun, pollution and that burger
and fries you had for lunch.

So, if you've been trying to get by on 4 to 6 hrs. of sleep (like Jay
Leno and Olivia Munn) increase the time by an hr. or two and you too,
can become a real life "Sleeping Beauty!"

Good Luck!

P.S. If you have trouble sleeping and don't want to take the 

prescription pill route, head online to kindle store
and order a copy of "The 99 Best Natural Remedies To Beat Insomnia"
Download it to your E-reader or Nook and get started on looking yrs. younger.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For That Wool Sweater!

                                      Wearing Wool This Fall!

With the colder temperatures coming that means hot cocoa, beautiful leaves,
shopping for gifts and food and wearing Wool sweaters.
If you love a wool sweater this time of yr. make it fluffier with a tip
from a top Hollywood stylist.

Her tip:
If you're wool sweater is machine-washable, soften it up with some
white vinegar.
When your sweater is on the final rinse cycle, drop in a cupful or (two)
of white vinegar, this will get rid of the soapy residue and make that
sweater softer and less itchy.

Good Luck!

Read the post on Donating old clothes to the poor.
Thank You! 

Hollywood's Rx For Helping The Needy!

                   Donating To The Less Fortunate! 

You may think most Hollywood stars are self-absorbed jerks who
only think about themselves. There are a few few who are concerned
about the less fortunate among us. Stars like...George Clooney,
Jessica Alba, Marl Thomas, Nancy Odell, Jon Bon Jovi, Jamie Gertz and Bono.
If you want to do your part, help some poor boy or girl by donating your old clothing.

Old clothing?
Yes, cleaning out your closets can do more than make the clutter go away,
it can help those in need.
Have an old prom or bridesmaid dress? Go online to
for the instructions on how to donate that old dress in your closet.
And if you're a fan of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, donate old clothes
to They'll send you pre-paid packages and you just
ship your old clothing to them. When they receive it, they'll sell it and all of
the money goes to St. Jude Children's Hospital.

That's it- Doing some good work in these times of uncertainty.
And don't forget to help us out by continuing to tell friends and
family members about this Blog.
Also read
Thank You!

Good Luck!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The View's Rx For Younger Looking Skin!

                           Turn Back The Clock! 

If you've been tuning into the T.V. show--"The View" then you're
well aware that Jenny McCarthy is now a regular panelist.
This morning, they had Dr. Phil on and they talked about Botox
for crow's feet. You may know about Botox being used for the region
between the eyes, but crow's feet?
Injecting anything to close to the eyes, could mean disaster down the road.
As the ladies talked, Whoopi asked "why do it"? And Barbara replied
"black doesn't crack" which means black skin lasts longer and then
Jenny mentioned she's had some work done. At 41, Ms. McCarthy may
seem too young, but if she's of European descent, then it means her skin is

If you're of European descent, or under 40 or you just want to keep your
skin looking it's best, use the following food Rx. 

What is it?
Apples and milk.

We may have posted on this 2 food combo in the past, but it needs to be repeated.
A woman traveling overseas (to India)  noticed that a group of women, some in
their 20's, 30's 40's 50's and 60's all had beautiful skin, so she asked about their secrets
and was told- that they eat 1 to 5 apples everyday.
Apples for beautiful skin, she asked?
She came home, did some research and found out that it was true.
But she knew women in the U.S. weren't going to eat 3 to 5 apples a day.
So she researched and researched and came up with a mask that would work
just as well, and the best part: you don't have to eat any apples.

Her Apple Mask For Beautiful Skin.
Peel an apple, rinse it off and cut the apple into slices about 1/4 thick,
place the slices into a small saucepan and add 1/4 cup of milk.
Heat the apple and milk for about 3 mins. (do not let it boil) and then
remove from the heat. Let cool for a few mins.
Take the apple slices, find a comfortable chair and then place the
slices on your face (around the eyes as well) and neck and
back of hands (if you have extra).

Stay put for 15 to 20 mins. and then remove the apple slices,
Rinse off or wash your face and then add moisturizer.
Do this a few times a wk. and then once a week for maintenance.
And as the female traveler said, "if you start in your 20's you should
remain wrinkle-free for life."

Some more tips:
*Now that the apple season is here, stock up.
* If you're already wrinkled, it probably won't work.
* Avocados may work even better, but they're more expensive
   and a lot messier.
*And yes, eating them will also work, especially the peel,
  just make sure to wash them well.
* If you have buttermilk, use it, buttermilk helps remove age spots.
* Buy some apple cider this Fall, it helps prevents certain female cancers
    by 70%. Read more about it

Good Luck!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Buying Fall Shoes!

                     Buying High Heels For The Fall! 

Ladies, do you need a new pair of high heels for the Fall or Winter?
Well, make sure you buy the right type and not the type that looks
good, but kill your feet.

What type is the "right" type?
According to a top Hollywood stylist--Look for a pair with a rounded
toe box. This type of shoe is made for the Fall and it allows your toes
to lie flat and spread out naturally as you walk. 

Plus, the rounded toe box takes some of the pressure off your feet,
which results in less joint pain in your ankles, knees, hips and back.

That's it- Ladies, here's to buying a great pair of shoes for the Fall
and Winter.

Good Luck!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Carrie Underwood's Rx For Great Looking Legs!

                           Eat This Vegetable For Great Legs! 

Ladies, do you know who sings the new song on Sunday night football?
If you said Faith Hill, you're wrong, she did it last yr.
But if your choice was Carrie Underwood, give yourself a hand.
And choosing Ms. Underwood as the new face of Sunday night
football is absolutely brilliant.
Not only is football in the Fall season, but the vegetable tip you're
about to learn is considered a Fall vegetable.
If you were already fan of Carries'  then you already know about
her diet, she's a vegetarian and being from meat-loving Oklahoma
must have been hard on Ms. Underwood.

But not anymore, she's a veteran going on 10 yrs. now, and being
a vegetarian helps you a number of ways like...
maintaining weight
beautiful skin and hair
calmer demeanor
lean and sexy legs
Lean and sexy legs?
Yup, according to research, eating more green vegetables helps
keep legs varicose vein-free. And there's one vegetable
that really delivers the most important vitamin for sexy legs.
What veggie is that?
Brussels sprouts.

Yes, we know, a lot of people hate it, but this Fall food is a powerhouse
in delivering the all too important vitamin K to your system,
and the more vitamin K you have, the sexier your legs will be.
So, if you notice veins starting to develop, or if you want to keep
your gams free of those unsightly blue and red veins, head to
the Supermarket or Farmer's market and pick up some Brussels sprouts.

Good Luck!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hollywood's Rx For Helping Babies Grow!

                 Help Your Kids Reach Their Full Potential! 

There's a baby boom going on in Hollywood, Kim K,
Busy Philips, Fergie, and Jessica Simpson, unfortunately the news
we at Red Carpet Rxs just received may not help them (or it may if they have
another kid) the news: Drinking this food while pregnant may help kids grow
in intellectual ability and height.
What food is that? Milk! 

Milk is a no-no for a lot of women, especially those who are for
animal rights and those who say they can't tolerate the stomach aches,
cellulite, stuffy noses and other health problems.
In fact, Megan Fox and Scarlett Johannsen said giving up milk helps
keep their legs free of cellulite.
But the problem may not be the milk itself, but poor quality milk being sold
in a lot of supermarkets today.

So, if you're planning on getting pregnant, or know someone who
plans on a pregnancy, hold onto this post or pass it along to a future mom.
Another benefit of dairy: Drinking full fat milk and eating full-fat
cheese and ice cream may help women suffering from infertility.

And lastly, we covered this subject, height and kids, here on this blog and
our sister blog The Post- Michael Phelps Rxs
for Growing Tall. We talk about feeding kids a good quality yogurt while they're 

young, feel free to go back and take a look at it.
That's it- Bringing you the best and latest news concerning your health and the health
of your loved ones.

Good Luck!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Miley Cyrus's Rx For A Strong Heart!

                     Get Heart Strong Like Miley! 

Miley Cyrus has been the main topic of discussion for the past 2 weeks.
Say what you want about her scandalous dance in her barely there outfit,
there's one thing you can't say about her, what is that?
She doesn't like Animals. Nope- don't let it come out of your mouth,
Ms. Cyrus has 5 rescue dogs and she's looking for a place that's big
 enough to accommodate more.

A lot of stars rescue pets, so what's so special about Miley?
If you take after Ms. Cyrus,  you'll not only be doing the animals
a favor, you'll be doing yourself and your family members some good.
Heart good to be exact.
Petting a furry friend after a long day at work or school, soothes your nervous
system, lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and even lowers levels of
the major stress hormone known as cortisol.

Want more good news?
Taking care of a pet lowers your risk of a heart attack or stroke by
a whopping 40%.
So, if you and your kids are still angry at Ms. Cyrus because of the
MTV awards, cut her some slack, she is doing some good in her life.

Good Luck!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hollywood's Latest Rx For Saving Money

                        Save Money Shopping!

Getting a great deal and saving money are now more important to a lot
of people, and that includes a lot of stars.
If you've been shopping online or going out to shop with reckless abandon,
and now want tostop (or slow down) and look for bargains, there's some help for you.

What type of help?
Online help! There's a new site out there and it's called ""
The good folks at allows you to pick items you may want to purchase,
and when those items are on sale at say- Bloomingdales or J Crew, they'll send
you notices telling you when that purse or blouse you want  is on sale.
Another site to look into-, it's an app that you download and
you get to store loyalty points, gift cards and store credits in one easy-to-navigate

There you have it, there's no need to worry about not having piles of money
readily available, someone out there has answered your prayers on how
to save money in this very tough economy.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Bling Rx For Looking Younger!

                   Look Younger With Jewelry! 

Some people look younger thanks to genes, or their diets,
or through cosmetic surgery. But have you heard about
wearing jewelry to look younger?

Well, it's true, and we're not talking
about 6 gold chains around your neck
or rings on every finger,
no- what you need is one necklace. 

That's right- A Crystal-Studded Bib Necklace.
Make sure it rests just under your collarbone
and it will help reflect the light and add a youthful glow
to your face.

Good Luck!

Justin Timberlake's Rx For A Cheaper Handbag!

                       Buying Designer Hangbags! 

Even though Justin Timberlake may be worth millions,
it doesn't mean he wants to spend it all right now.
There's a new canvas tote-bag out there and it
goes for about $30 and it's quickly becoming
a favorite of stars like Mrs. Justin Timberlake
aka Jessica Biel and Katie Holmes.

What's so special about these handbags?
They're printed with caricatures of designer
handbags like Louis Vuitton and Chanel 2.55.

So, if you're like Justin, Jessica or Katie
and you want to hold onto more of your money...

go online to and pick up a
Faux designer canvas tote.

And some other sites to visit for inexpensive
designer handbags.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Broadway Show Rx To Beat Salt Cravings!

                        Satisfy Cravings Like Kristin! 

Are you a fan of the ultra-talented Kristin Chenoweth?
She's had a quite a career, Broadway, television (Glee) and film,
but her role in the Broadway show, "Wicked" is the one that
will most likely be remembered by her legion of fans.

Ms. Chenoweth may be blessed with a splendid voice
and acting ability, but she still has a flaw a lot of women and
men have, what is it?
Salt Cravings.

That's right- Ms. Chenoweth struggles like a lot of us, and to deal with
her cravings for salty things, Ms. Chenoweth gives in.
But not to a bag of pretzels or potato chips, her guilty pleasure snack
is something called "Pirate's Booty"
What is that? It's an all-natural baked rice and corn puff snack treat,
that has  50% less fat than pretzels or potato chips.
Plus, they also contain protein-which provides a small calorie

So, if you're like Kristin and fighting an uphill salt battle,
give in to it, and pick up a few bags of Pirate's Booty,
available at Supermarkets or Whole Food stores.
Price--$1.50 for a one ounce bag.
And lastly, a one ounce bag may not seem like it'll
do the job of shutting down those salt cravings, you must
stop at one. Overdoing it, may result in another problem:
Weight Gain! So pllease, practice self-control.

Good Luck!